Monday, January 31, 2011

Find the anchor of the Universe

I’m back…

The journey of the Tao Te Ching continues with the 37th verse:

The Tao does nothing, but leaves nothing undone.

If powerful men could centre themselves in it, the whole world would be transformed by itself, in its natural rhythms.

When life is simple, pretences fall away; our essential natures shine through.

By not wanting, there is calm, and the world will straighten itself. When there is silence, one finds the anchor of the universe within oneself.

Interestingly, I’ve decided to re-enter the realm of the Tao when the Moon and Saturn are up for a clash. The cosmic fall out may have us feeling left out in the cold. I would like to offer a little sunshine to defrost the chill in the air with this alignment.

It’s difficult to feel the winter winds while your current world is blasting a 40 degree heat. That is our current climate here in Australia. The northern hemisphere is rugging up with scarves and boots and we are dressing in our fine, light layers – just enough to keep us decent. Oh what a funny world we live in?

A number seven day opens the conversation with “but what if?” We are given the numerological opportunity to reflect on our lives and seek out the necessary changes required prior to the New Moon on Thursday 3 February. What do you wish to change about your life? How can you change someone else’s life? What positive changes can your offer for humanity? How can you be a universal advocate for peace? These are some of the relevant questions we can begin with on a number seven day.

The Moon and Sun are in Aquarius and this is a reminder of the importance of social networking and friendships. Be kind and loving to one another. We are all connected, we are all the same.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, January 15, 2011

I seek out obscurity

I seek out obscurity by suppressing any desires for attention or recognition.

Should you want to contain something, you must deliberately let it expand. Should you want to weaken something, you must deliberately let it grow strong. Should you want to eliminate something, you must deliberately allow it to flourish. Should you want to take something away, you must deliberately grant it access.

The lesson here is called the wisdom of obscurity. The gentle outlasts the strong. The obscure outlasts the obvious.

Fish cannot leave deep waters, and a country’s weapons should not be displayed.

The Moon is still in the curious sign of Gemini. I can relate to this position as it my natal sign so it feels comfortable. I adore having a Gemini Moon as it offers a light balance to the deep penetrating Sun in Scorpio. Anyhow, our lunar Goddess is in her witty and humorous phase. So get out there and connect and have a chat-fest.

Speaking of the Moon, we have a lovely Cancerian full Moon on Wednesday. This is a perfect stage in her lunation to bring closure or resolution to the outworn or unnecessary aspects of your life. Cancer is her natal house so it is even cosier. With the Sun in Capricorn (work and ambition) and the Full Moon in Cancer (home and family) there will a need to look at your work/life balance.

It is a number three day which is perfect for short jaunts and communication (yes more talking!). I am taking a short jaunt interstate this afternoon. This is a highly beneficial trek as I will be collecting important data for a project I am managing. I have back to back meetings and lots of visits outside of work hour’s schedule. Sure it will be hectic but extremely beneficial.

With the frenzied potential of this trip I will seek out obscurity – at least for a few days. It will be difficult to keep in touch. However, we will reconnect on the 20th for more of our cosmic esoteric chat.

If you want to prepare for the Full Moon here is my column:

Until the Full Moon, keep it safe and love one another.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, January 14, 2011

It cannot be exhausted – you can but IT can’t!

All men will come to him who keeps to the one. They flock to him and receive no harm, for in him they find peace, security, and happiness.

Music and dining are passing pleasures, yet they cause people to stop. How bland and insipid are the things of this world when one compares them to the Tao!

When you look for it, there is nothing to see. When you list for it, there is nothing to hear. When you use it, it cannot be exhausted.

Talk about exhausting – the Moon moves into her most fav. Social networking sign of Gemini today. There will be a lot of talk on the agenda. People are inclined to move about and connect with friends and siblings. This will probably be done face to face – although the web could get a good thrashing as well.

Our status on the numerological cycle is a Master number 11/2. This stage is an opportune time for learning and collaboration.

I love these days especially when the Moon is in Gemini as it takes us out of the naval gazing into the desire to engage the higher mind.

Enjoy the journey!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, January 13, 2011

I achieve greatness

By not claiming greatness, I achieve greatness.

The Great Way is universal’ it can apply to the left or the right. All beings depend on it for life; even so, it does not take possession of them.

It accomplishes its purpose, but makes no claim for itself. It covers all creatures like the sky, but does not dominate them.

All things return to it as to their home, but it does not lord it over them; thus, it may be called, “great”.

The sage imitates this conduct: By not claiming greatness, the sage achieves greatness.

This morning I didn’t feel like achieving anything. I felt lazy. I felt like sleeping in. In the mist of sleepiness I moaned. I should get up. I should do what’s right. And I dragged myself out of bed to start the day. If I had to make an excuse it would be that the Taurus Moon had a significant influence over me.

There is a lovely link between Mercury and Jupiter which supports our lovely cyber-dialogue this morning. Don’t think that there is too much opportunity to loll about for the day. This alignment supports us as we move our projects to a new level.

It’s a 10/1 day – perfect for ending our disempowering dialogue. Or it will assist us to begin a new turn of phrase. No more excuses – get out of bed and fulfil your dreams.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Live forever

I am replacing my desire for power over others with my efforts to understand and master myself in any and all situation. The things I love... I have to learn to leave alone.

One who understands others had knowledge; one who understands himself has wisdom. Mastering others requires force; mastering the self needs strength.

If you realise that you have enough, you are truly rich.

One how gives himself to his position surely lives long. One who gives himself to the Tao surely lives forever.

The cosmos offers a solid footing for progression today with both the Sun and Moon in earth signs. The fiery blast from the Aries Moon has turned into a slow burn. This alignment is good for practical steps forward and stepping back into reality.

The current numerological cycle will end tomorrow with the 10/1 signpost. For now though we are in a space to consider our lessons learned from the past ten days. I have relished this cycle and all of the opportunities I’ve plucked from low hanging branches. The lessons have come thick and fast but they are sweet to the taste and pleasant to the touch.

Aligning me and my journey to the teachings of the Tao has been invaluable through the harvesting process of these lessons. I hope they’ve been palatable for you too.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I trust in the perfect goodness of the Tao

I trust in the perfect goodness of the Tao to guide and direct me wherever it will. I allow my thoughts and ideas to be carried by the great wave of the Tao.

The eternal Tao has no name. Although simple and subtle, no one in the world can master it.

If kings and lord could harness them, the 10,000 things would naturally obey. Heaven and earth would rejoice with the dripping of sweet dew. Everyone would live in harmony, not by official decree, but by their own goodness.

Once the whole is divided, the parts need names. There are already enough names; know when to stop. Know when reason sets limits to avoid peril.

Rivers and streams are born of the ocean, and all creation is born of the Tao. Just as all water flows back to become the ocean, all creation flows back to become the Tao.

A grey overcast and miserable day greets me this morning and yet I feel immediately blessed. I am fortunate to be snug and warm in my own home and waking up in my own bed. My gratitude extends to the fact that I am able to get to and from my workplace. Yes I am one of the lucky Australians this Wednesday morning 12 Jan. 11.

My not so fortunate fellow Australians are being swept out of their homes with the raging floods. If they are lucky they will be found clinging to the rooves of their houses. They are facing an inland tsunami and while driving from home to work they are being washed off roads and bridges.

These current real life tragedies remind me of the story I wrote ( about a branch of my family tree that was nearly washed away by a historic flood.

Three family members were the only survivors. They were found clinging to a gum tree like drowned cockatoos. Their rescuer, a neighbour collected them in a dug out tree trunk – heroic acts by ordinary people.

Yes I am fortunate and massively grateful to be here – alive, safe and warm. Even so, my heart and soul goes out to those who have lost their lives, their homes and those whose lives have changed dramatically at this time.

The Aries Moon today is a fiery go-getter phase. You have the emotional energy to pick yourself up and get moving. It’s time to face the holiday bulge or move your projects forward with vim and vigour.

A number eight day moves us into the expedition of peace and harmony. Eight has a business focus as well so try not to lock you away and wallow in the ambience of the peaceful bliss. There is work to be done!

The Moon in Aries and the number eight day will provide the power to move mountains – so let’s shake, rattle and roll peeps.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, January 10, 2011

Replace hatred with love

Weapons are the tools of violence; all decent men detest them. Therefore, followers of the Tao never use them.

Arms serve evil. They are the tools of those who oppose wise rule. Use them only as a last resort. For peace and quiet are dearest to the decent man’s heart, and to him even a victory is no cause for rejoicing.

He who thinks triumph beautiful is one with will to kill, and one with a will to kill shall never prevail upon the world.

It is a good sign when man’s higher nature comes forward. A bad sign is when his lower nature comes forward.

With the slaughter of the multitudes, we have grief and sorrow. Every victory is a funeral; when you win a war, you celebrate by mourning.

The Moon moves into Aries today and as we pass the Neptunian fog reality emerges. It is time to become aware of what tasks must be done.

Aries is dynamic and a highly motivated sign. So we will all feel the thrust of hyper speed as we put the pedal to the metal.

Our numerological twins a little more subdued and the energy of a number seven day is more contemplative rather than reactive.

I am doing a Yoga class at lunchtime today. This is a perfect balance for the Moon energy and the number seven inner journeys influence.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, January 9, 2011

The line of least resistance

One who would guide a leader of men in the uses of life will warn him against the use of arms for conquest. Weapons often turn upon the wielder.

Where armies settle, nature offers nothing but briars and thorns. After a great battle has been fought, the land is cursed, the crops fail, and the earth lies stripped of its Motherhood.

After you have attained your purpose, you must not parade your success, you must not boast of your ability, you must not feel proud; you must rather regret that you had not been able to prevent the war.

You must never think of conquering others by force; whatever strains with force will soon decay. It is not attuned to the Way. Not being attuned to the Way its end comes all too soon.

In some respects I think that humans are such fragile beings and thus find it difficult to resist the urge to be a counter-force or to stand up for our “rights”.

I have been guilty of reacting to situations in the past – that’s for sure. I have taken offence at slights or negative comments. I have felt the pain of rejection or persecution. These experiences have taken me down a path of resistance – sometimes with passive-aggressive behavioural indicators. That means I have shut down or shut the person out – I’ve chosen not to talk to them or invite them into conversations.

I know that this “silent treatment” won’t change their behaviour (and I don’t want to change their behaviour. Instead I would choose to modify my reaction to their behaviour instead of the big chill

It is difficult to be a peaceful advocate and to stand back instead of rising up and defending our position. It is difficult to centre ourselves in an emotional storm. I know this. However, I believe that we must try. Although as Yoda (another wise prophet) reminds us, “there is no try; there is only do!” Just be kind to yourself – it’s all a journey of discovery.

The Pisces Moon softens the journey somewhat. There is a lovely dreamy Monday ready to pick us up in a pea-green boat and take us to never; never land. Perhaps we can enrol in the “School of Least Resistance there? Sorry – can’t let it go!

A number six day is perfect for commitment and responsibly. Take the high road and make sure you wear your protection.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, January 8, 2011

All life is movement toward perfection
Do you think you can take over the universe and improve it? I do not believe it can be done.

Everything under heaven is a sacred vessel of perfection. Just as you breathe in and breathe out, there is a time for being ahead and a time for being behind; a time for being in motion and a time for being at rest; a time for being vigorous and a time for being exhausted; a time for being safe and a time for being in danger.

To the sage all life is a movement toward perfection, so what need has he for the excessive, the extravagant, or the extreme?

This verse reveals a great deal about me and how I choose to live my life. I interpret this verse in a few basic principles. One is that we must live our lives in balance – work and rest in perfect harmony.

The second principle that stands out for me is why fix anything that is not broken. Actually I really like the line that says, “the sage views life as a movement toward perfection”. My question is what is perfection?

The Moon lingers in Pisces and as the Eagles once sang, “take it easy.” This Neptunian influence is the perfect full stop at the end of a busy week. The Moon snuggles up tight to Pluto who is in a good mood (for a change – pardon the pun). So the day presents as a lovely creative (quite possibly) romantic Sunday.

The Sun is still in Capricorn and you may feel as if your goals and tasks are looming and this is true but take some time out for you and your spirit.

A number five day cracks open the egg of opportunity and change. It’s nice to see the fresh golden yolk – scramble it as you wish.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, January 7, 2011

I live with radical humility

Know the strength of man, but keep a woman’s care. Be a valley under heaven; if you do, the constant virtue will not fade away. One will become like a child again.

Know the white, keep to the black, and be the pattern of the world. To be the pattern of the work is to move constantly in the path of virtue without erring a single step, and to return again to the infinite.

One who understands splendour while holding to humility acts in accord with eternal power, to be the fountain of the world is to live the abundant life of virtue.

When the uniformed is formed into objects, its original qualities are lost. If you preserve your original qualities, you can govern anything. Truly, the best governor governs least.

I said to my husband last night that I really appreciate working with the Tao Te Ching in my journal as it is good therapy for me.

At the end of a challenging day when I am publishing I integrate the wise teachings into my soul and fit so sweetly. I feel extremely aware and fortunate to take this journey and share it with you!

Talk about reality checks – I got on the scales this morning (first time since July last year – ouch!). I was shocked but was also accepting of my status. I created this outcome – I am responsible for every morsel of food and I enjoyed every glass of wine. Now, I am responsible for reducing the excess.

I’ve been ready my Wellbeing magazine over the past few weeks (catching up on the enjoyable reading that was left over from last year. One of the articles I became absorbed in was in regard to our relationship with food. This article had a lot of thought provoking suggestions.

In my past I have been proud to announce that I was a hedonist. I love food and I love my life. I felt nurtured by food. Now my perspective is shifting and I see myself as a minimalist. Instead of gormandising my offerings I savour each delightful morsel while expressing gratitude for the blessing of being able to enjoy these gifts from the earth.

The Moon takes a spiritual turn – exit stage left into the 12th house of Pisces. This is a dreamy segue into the weekend – relax and enjoy the romantic vibes of Neptune.

Not so fast there – it is a number four day – more formwork and a task focussed approach is required. However, after the work are done a recliner; a book and a little sunshine.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I am poised and centred

I have the ability to stay poised and cantered regardless of what goes before me.

The heavy is the root of light. The still is the master of unrest.

Realising this, the successful person is poised and centred in the midst of activities; although surrounded by opulence, he is not swayed.

Why should the lord of the country flit about like a fool? If you let yourself be blown to and fro, you loose touch with your root. To be restless is to lose one’s self-mastery.

This verse of the Tao is inspirational, don’t you think? Well they’re all quite thought provoking but this one resonates with my sensibilities. I hope you can relate to it too!

The Moves moves out of serious Capricorn into the social butterfly – Aquarius. Aquarians love to network and connect to community to spread the joy and love – so let the sunshine in your emotional and social sphere. It’s time to have some fun. The seeds you planted at the Capricorn New Moon are germinating so get out there and have a blast!

Today I am joining my local ladies gym. This contract will be put one of my top intentions for 2011 into practice. I am looking forward to the fun and connections and getting back to focusing on my health and wellbeing.

The 11/2 master number day supports this venture – this stage of the numerological cycle suggests agreements and contracts that takes us toward our higher purpose.

Whatever you decided to do with your 11/2 day I hope it is fun and inspirational.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

The Great Secret

A knower of truth travels without leaving a trace, speaks without causing arm, gives without keeping an account. The door he shuts, through having no lock, cannot be opened. The knot he ties, through using no cord, cannot be undone.

Be wise and help all beings impartially, abandoning none. Waste no opportunities. This is called following the light.

What is a good man but a bad man’s teacher? What is bad man but a good man’s job? If the teacher is not respected and the student not cared for, confusion will arise, however clever one is. This is the great secret.

There are no secrets when the Moon hits Aquarius – I sure found that out today! This sign is ruled by Uranus and this planet can create lots of surprises and certainly a lot of chaos. Why buy into it, I often ask. Some people love the drama and I guess that gives them the thrill – the adrenalin rush of, “guess what; guess what?” When I am told something shocking I am usually surprised and then, I tend to go, “well let’s not make a big deal out of it, okay!”

Venus moves her spotlight from Scorpio into Sagittarius today. Venus is generous with her gifts of love, money and beauty and this shift will take us from the deep and mysterious investigations of your inner core to a more light and philosophical part of the mountain. She shines exquisitely in every sign to be honest but when she comes to visit your sign then there is an extra special beam shone on your.

A number three day encourages communication and short journeys. We’ve had a big week with the eclipse and now are a good time to unravel the impact. Questions like, “so what does it all mean? And, how did I get here? Or what am I meant to be doing now that I’ve been side-swiped?”

These questions prepare us for the tour of the number four year. A number four year is about building foundations for the future. Just make sure you prepare your project on solid ground. I would like to suggest that you roll up the great secret and take it with you as the blueprint to guide you in erecting your framework.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I come from greatness

I come from greatness. I attract greatness. I am greatness.

The 25th verse of the Tao Te Ching suggests:

There was something formless and perfect before the universe was born. It is serene. Empty. Solitary. Unchanging. Infinite. Eternally present. It is the Mother of the Universe. For lack of a better name, I call it the Tao.

I call it great. Great is boundless; boundless is eternally flowing; ever flowing. It is constantly returning.

Therefore, the Way is great, heaven is great, earth is great, people are great.

Thus, to know humanity, understand earth. To know earth, understand heaven. To know heaven, understand the Way. To know the Way, understand the great within yourself.

When I first read this verse I thought it could be deemed as a little ego centric. As I read through the verse I realised that the Tao is telling us that we are all on the same playing field – we all belong to the same energy source. We are one. We come from and return to the source – this thought is quite gratifying really.

Today marks the end of a cycle and immediately heralds a new phase. Last night we had the new Moon Solar eclipse and this event is also a startling reminder that it is time to bring to conclusion all of the issues/behaviours that no longer serve our evolution. I hope you wrote down your wishes/goals/intentions and sent the energy back to the source. This is a very potent time for starting fresh and striving toward your highest potential.

The Sun and Moon are in Capricorn and this is an appropriate time to focus on your ambitions, goals and public personae. Don’t be afraid to put it out there – you’re entitled to have the most satisfying future imaginable.

There is a clash between Venus and Chiron today. Some people may be a little precious or they may decide to nurture their inner child with over-eating or spending beyond their means. I guess I indulged on myself yesterday with a new pair of gym shoes. I wanted to make certain that I put my best foot forward when I register at the gym on Thursday.

This alignment reminds us to be kind to one another – well, we are one after all!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, January 3, 2011

Jar of Jems January 2011

Happy New Year Jems!

Before I start this first column for 2011 I would like to acknowledge that it has been nine years of our cyber conversations. Can you believe it – this is our ninth year of sharing our lives across the World Wide Web. Of course of our connection was established a long time before that. Sometimes I feel that we have known one another for many life times. I feel that our connection has endured a myriad of struggles. In previous lifetimes I know I’ve stood shoulder to shoulder in the face of adversity.

I wanted to start this New Year off with this acknowledgement as I feel so honoured to have you as my soul-sistar. You are a shining light in my tunnel of fear; a source of inspiration so precious and dear. Thank you, again and again for your love, wisdom and kindness as we navigate the stormy seas of our emotional realm.

Jems, the Full Moon eclipse in December has created a spiritual spark in my emotional empire. It is sort of like, the empire strikes back! I have been shunted from one galaxy to another. The storm troopers marched in and said “hey you get a groove on girl and get back to the star ship enterprise.”

In 2010 I toiled really hard in my 10th house. I started out on a debilitating sour note. I felt disenchanted, undervalued and sadly disrespected. Fortunately I teleported out of there and landed in a much; much better place.

At the end of 2010 a number three year I realised the blessings of the great benefactor, Jupiter and how he swirled his cornucopia of blessings right through my life.

I worked hard I did not sit on a rock on the side of the road waiting for Lady Opportunity to tap me on the shoulder. I put myself there – taking careful, deliberate and positive strides in a new direction.

Teetering of the edge of a new year I am excited about the unknown. I want to dip my toe in the inky unknown and swirl it around. 2011 is a number four year. Uranus is the ruler of this year and he brings “the unexpected”. Jems I am excited about this unpredictable energy.

As you know I love to plan, organise and project manage my life. This year I am going to embrace the uncertainty. There will be goals of course but in between the stepping stones there will be sails billowing in the wind and a course set for unchartered waters.

So, ahoy my Hearty – see you out there on the sea of love and friendship!

Love and Peace,


Dear Jar,

Happy New Year! It is amazing to be writing the numbers 2011 – and to realize that those are the numbers that define where we are in the timeline of humankind. As a child, I remember being terrified of life after 1999 – the numbers beyond that somehow felt scary to imagine. As it turned out, my mother passed away in the year 2000, and my childhood fear became a real-life grown-up nightmare. But time marches on, and heals all wounds. (And of course, also wounds all heels!)

It’s interesting how we assign values to numbers ~ physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Mathematicians play with them, and along with scientists, juggle theories about space and time; numerologists assign to them theories of behaviours; gamblers risk their possessions and sometimes their lives on them; children sing of them; we groan over the accumulation of them at birthday time; we place them on price tags to prove the worth of something; we may fudge them when revealing our goes on and on! Yet numbers do not exist! This language of values was created to assist us with communication and order, and sometimes we allow those extrinsic values to totally overtake our lives, as we continue to search for deeper meaning.

I guess those are the themes I am enamoured with at this time: numbers, meaning, and values. I have been reviewing the past year and how my life has evolved since we sat at the computer writing the Jar of Jems at this time last year, looking ahead toward the upcoming year of 2010! At that time I was marvelling at the technology we use to communicate – and also taking note of the ‘blue moon’ eclipse we were experiencing on New Year’s night. It was conjuncting my natal Uranus at that time. I guess it was a trend that lasted the whole year through.

The chaotic and unpredictable Uranian vibe squiggled through my psyche and daily routines all year, invoking unexpected responses from and to the people in my environment. Morose Sister Saturn also skulked in the back door to join the planetary party and brought her grey cloud inside for awhile. I experienced a lot of loss and sadness, due to the particular form of employment I was involved in – working with seniors in a residential home. To add to the list, I even lost that particular job. So there was an emotional uprooting of sorts, which was, now that I look at it, tilling the field for new perspectives. I just didn’t know it at that time, since I spent so much time grieving. I was focused on reshuffling my value system, and now I can look up, deal a new hand, and play a new game.

As I observe where I am, who I am with, what I am thinking at any given time, I am struck with the surprising thought that whatever we have or love, only matters because of the value we have assigned it. In fact I have discovered that anything, all by itself, doesn’t really matter! It is the relationship/interaction between things and the value we place on them that gives us something to live for. And how we were wired will determine how and what we will strive for in this life. Unconditional love overrides all the wiring.

The other morning I was given a vision of how we are born into this world which seems so solid, so real, so concrete, and we learn to maintain and dust the encrusted attitudes and rituals that continually keep us enslaved. Yet I also saw how the light of each new soul that enters this realm offers a chance for this mass of quivering protoplasm (Earth and its inhabitants) to move in a new direction. I am looking at what light I have been given, and asking myself if I am hiding it under a bucket, or if I am using it to help others find theirs so we can all shine brightly together?

So, Dear Jar, the last time we were in a number 4 year, was when we began this Jar of Jems! Talk about delving into the unknown! And here we are, nine years later, entering yet another year of cyber-talk. We have endured many cycles together, yet so far apart! I am filled with gratitude and also a sense of awe that we can maintain this banter across the miles!
Right here I must come back to my theme – numbers, meaning and values. This is also where I must toss up some numbers –although tremendous, we can measure but not hold, just how many years we have known each other. We can also measure, but not hold, the many miles apart we live.
Yet it is our friendship that I AM able to hold, close to my heart, but cannot measure it! How can I measure something as expansive and priceless as that?

Thank you for yet another measurable year of your friendship, Jar! Happy New Year!

In love and light,

Superfluous excesses

Boasting and showing off are examples of superfluous excesses. These practices must be uprooted, thrown out and left behind forever.

If you stand on tiptoe, you cannot stand firmly. If you take long steps, you cannot walk far.

Showing off does not reveal enlightenment. Boasting will not produce accomplishment. He who is self-righteous is not respected. He who brags will not endure.

All these ways of action are odious, distasteful. They are superfluous excesses. They are like a pain in the stomach, a tumour in the body.

When walking the path of the Tao, this is the very stuff that must be uprooted, thrown out, and left behind.

(24th Verse of the Tao Te Ching)

The New Moon solar eclipse tonight is a powerful time to state your intention for 2011. As I said last night to a friend, “it’s like dynamic lifter on your field of dreams!” See:

The frustrations of 2010 have brought you to this crossroad – you can either keeping walking down this path or take a new route. Your dreams/wishes/intentions for this year can be planted tonight. In some respects this is the cosmic start to 2011.

A number nine day heralds the end of a cycle. This is a perfect interlude for taking a moment to look briefly over your shoulder. The past eight days have given you an invaluable experience. Tomorrow this cycle ends and a new one begins. Prepare to put your foot onto a new path.

Please note: you New Moon wishes/goals can be planted on behalf of others. If you already have everything you desire in your life look outside your window and spread your positive intentions with your community, your country or the global village.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, January 2, 2011

No storm lasts forever

In all of nature, no storm lasts forever

To talk little is natural: Fierce winds do not blow all morning: a downpour of rain does not last the day, which does this? Heaven and earth.

But these are exaggerated, forced effects, and that is why they cannot be sustained. If heaven and earth cannot sustain a forced action, how much less is man able to do?

Those who follow the Way become one with the Way. Those who follow goodness become one with goodness. Thos who stray from the Way and goodness become one with failure.

If you conform to the Way, its power flows through you. Your actions become those of nature, your ways those of Heaven.

Open yourself to the Tao and trust your natural responses… then everything will fall into place.

(23rd Verse of the Tao Te Ching)

Yesterday was a number seven day of spiritual journeys. To mark this stage in the numerological cycle I suggested that we take a different route home from Sydney.

It was a much longer drive. However, my point was not efficiency but rather to experience a different aspect of Australia; or to deliberately get lost in my Country.

Driving along Heathcote road and about four kilometres from the junction of the Princess Highway we came to a standstill. I could sense the frustration of other drivers feeling trapped in their car. I sent them love and patience.

I become absorbed in my music and cast my eyes to the scenery that lined the road. I was delighted to see tony groves with dancing palms, twisted trunks encapsulating the allure of the Australian bush. Eucalypts waltzing around sandstone rocks clumped together sprinkled with flecks of gold trapped in exquisite masses of stubbornness.

We continued our ocean pilgrimage winding along a newly erected stretch of highway under intimidating cliffs of sandstone. Dusty grey clouds emerged from a blanket of densely populate tree covered valleys.

Clouds collected over Scarborough and were caught in the green richness of the escarpment. I realised that I was watching a scientific experiment. Most air rising off the ocean hit the escarpment and cooled forming topographical rain as I watched in awe.

The coastal view on the left was amazing. Laughing out loud I commented that there was a cemetery perched on top of the hill. Does this mean that you have to die to gain the best coastal view in the region, I asked? I hope not!

Sun worshippers flocked to the beaches hoping to grab a few precious rays before lunch.

We pulled into a tiny rest stop to just walk for a few moments. It was a monument to Anzacs built in honour of our fallen men and women. This was spontaneous stop – just felt the need to be here. As I walked around the tiny memorial I heard the words running through my head, “If you build it they will come!” This is a phrase that has driven me throughout my creative journey and merged my soul with my writing partner. I wonder if he was thinking of me so I sent a message of love and respect to this highly talented man, TB Jackson – encouraging him to keep the dream alive in 2011.

We diverted inland to Moss vale. The temperature dropped dramatically as we began to climb the mountain edifice. Soon I realised that we were driving in the clouds – our vision was shrouded with the white heavy mist.

The storm came in unexpectedly – it teamed. The torrential downpour cleansed our car – washing away the dust and dead bugs collected on the front spoiler.

Driving through the rain was rejuvenating. We decided to postpone our afternoon tea stop and just kept driving.

I wanted to get lost; get lost on the way home. I wanted to experience the feeling of not being anywhere at any time. Our lives are dictated by clocks and calendars and my desire was to enjoy being in the moment.

Merging out on to the Hume highway I realised that we were back on track. I wasn’t sad or disappointed instead just acknowledged the time to return was here. I had nurtured the spirit of my soul and now I must get back to my life with a renewed creative surge.

It’s a Capricorn Moon and Sun day so tasks will be the focus. It is also a number eight day of achievement and there is a lot to be done.

NB: Eight days are about balance – the two circles constantly striving between work and rest so make sure you take time to do both.

So, if someone says to you, “get lost”, then do it! You’ll never know what an enjoyable experience it could be.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, January 1, 2011

I am flexible and bending

I resist any brokenness by being flexible and bending when storms appear.

The 22nd verse of the Tao Te Ching is:

The flexible are preserved unbroken. The bent become straight. The empty are filled. The exhausted become renewed. The poor are enriched. The rich are confounded.

Therefore the sage embraces the one. Because he doesn’t display himself, people can see his light. Because he has nothing to prove, people can trust his words. Because he doesn’t know who he is, people recognise themselves in him. Because he has no goal in mind, everything he does succeeds.

The old say that the flexible are preserved unbroken is surely right! If you have truly attained wholeness, everything will flock to you.

During the past week while discussing my intentions for 20111, my sister said, “Okay, you have all of these goals and intentions so, what happens if life throws you a curly one or something horrible happens?

Just between you and me, she can be a little negative at times, although she would argue that she is a realist and I live somewhere out on Fantasy Island.

Anyway, my response to her statement was that we must be flexible with our plans – I also added we must also demonstrate resilience (one of my favourite qualities).

If you plan and work toward a particular goal and the Universe sends you a lightning bolt out of the blue then see it for what it is, an opportunity to grow or to look at life from another perspective.

2011 has begun and the Sadge Moon lifts us up to the 9th house. This house opens up our mind to long distance travel, higher learning and philosophical pursuits.

One of my best girl friends is currently using this holiday to give her open field to higher learning. Each day she reports on what subject or herbs she has been studying. It is interesting – I feel that I have been on the journey with her.

Meanwhile, I’ve been visiting my fourth house of mother and family connections. This has been the focus of my holiday but today we return home. We are travelling a different route back to Canberra. Well, it is a New Year after all!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers