Friday, April 30, 2010

Inner bridges Kyanite

The Universe is working to connect me with my highest good.

Kyanite assists with building the inner bridges that are necessary for our development. Perhaps a new relationship or an opportunity to further your career is moving your way which will aid your path.

Kyanite announces that the obstacles that you see on your path will soon be overcome. New bridges will be built that will carry you over difficulty and will allow you to perceive your connection to the Divine.

Happy May Day, by the way! Can you believe it is the first day of the fifth month? I can’t believe it – just think that we are nearly half way through 2010 – and what have we done?

The 1/5/2010 date gives us another nine day – have we done this already? Yes, we have! It’s a Mercury retrograde phase so it is likely we may be going over old ground.

Revisiting old stuff/issues is good for many reasons as it ensures that we finally rid ourselves of behaviours and attitudes that don’t support us as we move forward.

Talk about revisiting old stuff – I got on the scales this morning and to my disappointment I have put on weight. I’ve been working so hard at my diet and exercise commitment and now I have put on .6kgs. I feel so betrayed by my body. I shared this disappointment with my husband who said, “Can you imagine the results if you hadn’t been good?” He’s right isn’t he?

This result has refocussed me and makes me more determined to stick with it and succeed. Loosing weight is a journey not a destination.

Yesterday I had a series of tests to check on my physical aspects of my diabetes. I am now diet controlled but the doctor wanted to make sure that I’ve not incurred any damage to my organs. I have a three monthly appointment for the usual blood, weight and blood pressure etc but in the afternoon I finished up the medical check up day with an appointment to an ophthalmologist.

My results were outstanding – there is no damage or deterioration to my eyes and both doctors said that I was a star. How nice? All of the hard work and we are on track for a healthy future. Now let’s get the weight back on track!

Judgement is a reminder that it’s time to shed – rid you of the layers that are no longer required. There is a belief in the diet-world that weight/fat is representative of protection – emotional pounds of pain. This explains quite a lot, don’t you think? If you are unhappy you eat – and usually the wrong foods like chocolate, sweets or carbs. In my experiences this short term satisfaction is in contrast to the long term gratification that we crave when we get into a size smaller clothes or back into our favourite black dress/trousers. In that view, I’ve begun to see food as medicine – is this going to heal me or hurt me – look at the composition of the food – is it going to go straight to the gut and sit there like a malevolent lump or is it going to speed on through the system and whoops out the other end? I guess creative visualisation works for me – what works for you?

Hierophant counsels that caution and prudence in our daily lives is the way to accomplish our goals and fulfil our plans. Baby steps are required – no rush – no mush. Maintain your equilibrium and manage stability in the chaos of your emotions. You will be rewarded for your patience and determination in the final thrust toward home plate.

Temperance is uplifting. She is an angel. Her presence in our reading this morning is a beacon of inspiration and hope. Life is a journey; destination – enlightenment. There are many twisting and turns in the road – don’t be discouraged when you stub your toe on a rock.

Challenges build resilience and strength. Kyanite is receptive to the foundations of inner truth and thankfulness. In conversations with a friend yesterday she reminded me that our vision can become clouded and our dreams unfulfilled. We can land the perfect situation before we realise what is happening someone is standing on our feet. It’s true! So, what do you do? Wriggle out from under their hold, rub your feet and begin to patter down the road. Your existence is not determined by the sullied opinions of others!

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Blogger Buzz: Blogger integrates with Amazon Associates

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prayer – Fulgurite

I am thankful for the blessings that are manifest in my life.

Fulgurite is speaking to you of the power of prayer to create radical and unforeseeable change in your life. Fulgurite is ready to carry your prayers and wishes to the Universe but don’t expect them to manifest in any usual way. The Universe is on the verge of supplying you with a new and totally different direction.

The old saying, “Be careful what you pray for, for you will surely get it,” is certainly true in this case. That which you have been praying for is about to be manifested; expect the lessons along with the gift, however, and give thanks for all that you are about to learn.

Today is about endings and beginnings – the 10/1 is a time to set off in a new direction after clearing the debris from you path.

The Moon in Sadge adds a light-hearted finale to an intense week. Emotions have been highlighted and tense situations have taken priority. I heard on the radio yesterday that there was a siege in a local neighbourhood. Apparently a tense debate turned nasty – sounds like a typical Scorpio Full Moon to me. I need to ask however, what can we learn from this?

Another Moon in Scorpio story came from Sandra Bullock who introduced her new baby boy to the world and in the same article announced her plans to divorce her husband – a perfect example of death and rebirth – literally!

The Sun in Taurus ensures a practical footing to all of these oceans of emotions. Consider the tide before you take a dive!

Let’s not forget our friend Mercury who is currently in retrograde motion. The trickster planet is quite capable of turning negotiations and relationships on their apex. The propensity for confusion and crossed-purposes is rife so think before you let loose.

The Magician is the first card today. Hermes loves a good laugh – he suggests that we don’t take life too seriously – especially at the moment.

The Devil snaps the lock on the chains of oppression. Now way – we proclaim! Laughter trumps sadness any day of the week so fling the binds that hold you back and laugh your way to freedom.

The Star shines brightly in the heavens today; the tiny planet Venus, sparkles, truth, love and beauty.

Count your blessings as you grab some Fulgurite and step out onto the stage of love and you won’t be disappointed.

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers
PS: Its not very pretty but it packs a mean punch on the prayer angle.

Initiation Phenacite

I dedicate myself to the path of the spiritual initiate

Phenacite is signalling you that the time of the storm is approaching. You will be tested by the elements of your life, and you may be asked to sacrifice those things that are keeping you from moving forward.

This ally signals a time of awakening to the changes. From the chrysalis to the butterfly you are under the power of metamorphosis. You can no longer claim the ignorance of the child when you answering your creations. You are being asked to take responsibility as an adult for all that you are experiencing, and in so doing, acknowledge the power to create the life you are destined for. Now is the time to invoke the energy of Phenacite in preparation for your initiation into the new role that the Universe has in store for you.

It’s the morning after the Full Moon. Has anything changed for you? Do you feel the shift from within and are you prepared to take the next step? I spoke to someone yesterday who acknowledged that their job was making them physically sick. They said that they know that they are not living their truth and were looking for a way out.

Conversations like that are rife at this Full Moon – especially when the Moon is in Scorpio. They come in the form of insights and then emotional tangibles cloaked in realisations. What about you?

It’s a number nine day of resolution – more conclusions. Funny though, it’s not over till its over – don’t’ be afraid to renegotiate and take a stand if you need too.

Strength and courage go hand in paw – tame the beast of burden and you will ensure the freedom you deserve. Don’t be afraid. Stand at the precipice of our dilemma and take a breath move toward your ideals once more. Some times fear is real and other times it’s imagined. Wrestle with the perspective and see what it reveals.

The Devil you know is represented by the comfort zone. You’ve battled long and hard and now all that remains is a shrug – whatever? Dig deep and don’t let him dominate you – rise up from the oppression and pain and you will conquer your demons once again.

Judgement insists upon shedding, relinquishing the skin; the layers of the past – its 2010 for crikey sake – step out and be counted. Take your Phenacite and become the initiate – show the world you’re Divine Light – demonstrate your determination to be reborn – it is your birth right.

Love, Peace and Miracles,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Acceptance Lepidolite

I accept miracles into my life!

There are many ways that Universe can work to create miracles in y our life. To experience those miracles, you need to recognise when you are being asked to pause and wait for a sign.

Allow the energy of Lepidolite to aid you in accepting the bounty that is being offered to you, and know that you are a child of the Universe – joyful, abundance and Divine.

The Full Moon in Scorpio is a powerful sign for transformation. The intense passion of Scorpio creates change. Look at your life – where is there discontent or discomfort and pain? Where do you feel at home and where don’t you fit it? If it doesn’t feel right or comfy then work on a strategy to make some changes to break new ground in a different direction.

The Full Moon is exactly at 10:18pm AEST and impacts on all our lives – however if you have Scorpio Sun, Moon or Ascendant then these aspects of your chart will be highlighted.

Its’ a number eight day – this is business oriented – turn the eight on the side and you have the symbol for infinity. The two circles are in constant motion seeking a balance and harmony. It’s time to come out of your dreamy inner life and make your mark on the world.

I fee that today holds the potential for and aspect of our lives to be reborn. I also feel that there will be changes for most of us. Change can be significant or minuscule – it can be the announcement of a new job or a decision to commit to a healthy life sty. What ever decision or direction you take it will surely be the priority of the moment.

The World offers abundance of fruit on the vine – all of your hard work; labour and significant diligence has created a cornucopia of experiences. Don’t disregard the effort, energy, blood, sweat and tears for they are the investment in your reward.

The Devil snarls as he pushes you out of your comfort zone. Be gone and get on with it and be quick about it – don’t linger at the pool of discontent you’ve got a date with destiny so hurry up!

The High Priestess takes the lessons of the past, records them in her journal – these trials and tribulations are documented proof of her determination to succeed and desire for survival. The temple is her home and she is quietly resolute. To return to the fires of Hades is a path she must take – but not yet. Now it is time to be quietly confident the war is over – now she can record the chunks of wisdom gained from the eons of pain.

The challenges of her life appear as a fairy tale or from a lolly wrapper – the story is borne of true grit and power struggles; instead the tawdry plot has been germinated born out of long nights filled with torment and even longer days of discontent.

Wisdom born of pain, that’s the truth. Enlightenment is captured in the glistening of an eye – the unshed tear - the final drop of your aching soul as it rolls out of the socket and trickles across an untouched cheek.

The Full Moon in Scorpio brings a culmination or conclusion to a phase. This ending does not necessarily mean heartache – how can it when the heart has been smashed to smithereens? Swig the final dose of medicine – empty the bottle if you must – the cosmic elixir promises to sooth your soul if you trust.

The Fool augurs a fresh start – a new beginning after the fury and outrage. Where to from here? Don’t know – do you? Take your Lepidolite and allow the Universe to guide you. Anywhere but here is a cop out – be careful what you wish for dear? The only trick is to be certain that you’ve included all of the essential criteria to cast the perfect scene and stage for the next exciting phase – this is your life after all!

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wholeness – Turquoise

I accept and integrate all aspects of myself.

It is time to seek unity within. Every situation and experience that arises in your life is meant to bring you closer to a sense of wholeness and unity with the Universe. Each experience leads you to a new understanding of yourself and the talents, strengths and weaknesses that you have been given to complete your lifetime here.

Turquoise asks you to find an aspect of yourself with which you are having difficulty, and to accept and integrate it into your total self.

The Chakras are: throat through to the Soul Star.

Ironically, I’ve chosen to wear turquoise today. My blouse has flashes of turquoise in it and I thought that crystal would highlight those colours via my necklace and earrings.

The Moon is in Libra today which doesn’t expect too much of us today however we are poised at the eve of the Full Moon in Scorpion. I always seem to feel the pull of the full moon over a six day period e.g. two days before, two days during and two days after the full moon.

This is my Full Moon so I intend to capitalise on it fully – it is the only one for Scorpio this year. Scorps out there who need to close chapters of the past now is a good time to consider it.

Death is ruled by Scorpio – not a literal death more like a metaphoric death. It is the end and it is the first card out today. Death is the final wake up call on something that is festering in our lives – let it go with love – cut the binds that hold you to the dysfunctional aspects that no longer serve you.

The Wheel of Fortune rolls in and pulses with excitement. Lights, camera action take the next ride out of town it’s the only way! A new phase beckons with the chimes of the wheel – but you have to close the door on the way out.

The Devil symbolises power and control. The fêted breath of the Dark Lord has been a powerful force. You’ve succumbed to the dance of seduction; to the fear-lands of yester-year. Your choice – you stay because you are frozen in terror of change. Relinquish the bonds of oppression and you will have the freedom and the exquisite taste of liberation.

Judgement crept in this morning. Saturn doesn’t miss a tick to remind us of our lessons. He is a wise old soul who will reward us for our accomplishments – sure we must dig in and take it the edge of our endurance but there is always a gift at the door when the lessons are done.

Saturn has gone back into Virgo. Virgos have another opportunity to get the lessons before he moves back into Libra. I know it’s a drudge but once you’ve got it the sense of achievement is intoxicating.

It’s a number seven day of inner journeys. Take a breath; take some time for you to reflect on your life and where the path has led you thus far. Is it a nice destination? Do you feel comfortable? Is this your dream? The dream is now – the reality exists by acknowledging the dream.

Turquoise has strong American Indian roots – it’s a brilliant and yet earthy colour. This crystal is enigmatic in the sense that it is not blue and it is not green. The veins that run through turquoise are grounding and yet uplifting. Turquoise is perfect for communication with your higher self – what do you want/need to ask? Step in the direction of that dream.

Love, Peace and Dreaming,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Action verbs

The Moon in Libra heralds a period of harmony. Astrologically it is more like the calm before the storm. Although with the Saturn-v-Uranus title fight that persists in the cosmos I see a mini revolution going on within all of us right now.

Saturn and Uranus seem to be a constant theme in the astrological round robin these days. These two planets are symbolically opposed so, with their current aspects (which will be for most of this year) the message is to shake off that crap and move on!

We all know how easy it is to talk about our woes – misery loves company and all that jazz. So, the question persists, “what does it take to do something about our pool of dissatisfaction?” Well, My Friends, it takes action verbs in our sentences. I would like to take it step further and say, it takes action.

In my view, while the skies are highlighting area of our lives that like relationships, jobs, crazy situations or behaviours that need to be changed or re-invented it offer us the opportunity to darn well something about it – this week. And can I add another firecracker into the storm – this week is the full moon in Scorpio so the Universe is literally bringing it on in spades.

Whew, I am exhausted just thinking about it! As a Scorpio I feel the change a comin’ and I am a ready! I’m standing on the platform humming – here comes the change.

It’s a number six day – a day of responsibility and commitment. Take responsibility for your own investment in any situation. You created this – you set it up and now deal with it. That’s exactly what I’ve been reviewing over the weekend; the dynamics and outcomes from my relationships and situations highlighting (with pink highlighter) the areas of responsibility. I have created this and they and now I need to own up and take responsibility for the current status of my life so far.

Now that I’ve decided to change/move the relationships will change/adapt accordingly. Neat, hey? We can’t re-write our history but we can take responsibility for our actions and make a commitment to do something about it – now – this week – no joke!

Enough with the change management lectures. Now let’s delve into the subconscious and reveal what lurks beneath.

The first card is the High Priestess. She is serene and sated after returning from Hades – she knows that the worst is over and the lessons learned are a powerful force.

The Lovers embark upon a journey of love. Love is the source of all energy and our primary reason for living. Without love we are doomed to a life of misery, isolation and annihilation. Without love we become the bug on the windscreen of life – splat!

The Star takes out the window cleaner and washes away the grime. She carefully wipes the remanets of the guts of regret and squiggies the specks of disillusionment. The crystal blue window cleaner is sprayed with confidence and optimism she stands back proudly and announces: “A new window; a new day; a new direction – today.”

Yesterday we took my Mum out for a drive. We called into my step-son’s place and had morning tea with him and his gorgeous family. Two of my grandchildren laughed and giggled throughout this special visit. We left there with new photos in the camera and took off to Watson’s Bay for lunch. We sat in Doyle’s and ate the freshest and most sumptuous seafood banquet.

Throughout our drive I thought about a book I had co-written with friend and novelist TB Jackson. The book, October Wind ( tells the story of a man, Jonathan Stanthorpe Jnr. and his dramatic life change. The power of transformation runs through his story.

Standing at the Gap I was in awe of the view. The stark beauty of the rocks carved by millions of years of wind and sea set against the clear blue ocean. I mused that we all have the ability to erode the years of pain and disappointment; we all have the power to change our lives with each breath, every thought and the clout of actions verbs.

Action verbs:

Achieved, advocated, adapted, accelerated, designed, developed, distributed, directed, performed, persuaded, and pioneered. Can you think of any more?

Love and Action,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Anzac Day 2010

Venus moves into Gemini today. Venus is the planet of love and money. The Moon is in Virgo – the sign of health and daily routines. Both Gemini and Virgo are ruled by Mercury which is currently in retrograde motion. So what does this mean? Well, good intentions may slide into grumpiness or disagreements may melt into disarray. It’s a confusing mix so please consider these aspects when you set out today.

It’s Anzac Day and the mood is sombre and respectful. The rain adds gloominess to the day of Remembrance. While this is a sad day in our calendar it is also a day to honour those who are still laying their lives on the front line defending our freedom. We thank them and we will always honour and respect them.

A number five day promises changes. Life can become uncertain. We could start out with a plan and the plan could be turned upside down. So be prepared to bounce along with the tide.

Death is the first card in our reading this morning. It is a stark reminder of the sadness and grief of leaving a part of our lives behind. We feel lost and alone and at times find it difficult to plod on.

The Lovers celebrate the union of two souls. I’m often confused by people who claim that they are frightened to love again. Who would be frightened of love? If we have an opportunity to love instead of wallowing in sadness and regret then why wouldn’t we choose love? I know its all about choice and freewill and in some cases the brave are those who are willing to dive back into the stream of love – my advice: come in the water is great!

The Fool marks the stage for a new scene – stand here; move there; you are about to enter stage left from the wings – don’t be frightened its only a part that will move you to the next act – who knows what exciting characters you’ll meet along the way? Definitely not the same script different cast!

I guess it takes courage and conviction to live a life filled with experiences that would make a best seller. Is your life a comic strip or is it a romantic novel? Are you living in the Jane Eyre genre or Indiana Jones? Perhaps it is a thriller?

For those who have played the hero in their own war story – I know you today and everyday. You are close to my heart and in my thoughts – I will remember you – thank you!

Love and Peace for all!

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, April 23, 2010

Alternate realities – Azeztulite

I perceive my reality in the light of the Divine!

Here’s a thought – let go of any and all destructive influences in your life and embrace the higher energies to move through you!

Be aware of the subtle impressions dreams, feelings or other indicators that a message is being sent to you from other levels of reality.

The Chakras are the third eye and the etheric.

What exists beyond reality? Is the truth really out there? When we are locked in the rituals of our daily lives we become focused on the now and the practical aspects of our world. Azeztulite infiltrates this cone of silence and taps us on the shoulder and asks the question –what if?

Sometimes I wish I could just slip into an alternate reality. Well, I guess in some respects I do! In meditation and certainly in my imagination there are moments and phases of being in a different space and place. Is that a bad thing? No I guess not! It’s just an escape hatch to something better or more comfortable that the reality of now.

Last night I tossed and turned for hours – I work up and 1:15 and couldn’t get back to sleep. I felt anxious, upset, annoyed and massively frustrated. There were times when I begged, “beam me up Scottie!” And yet here I am sitting up in bed ready to start my day.

Chariot hurtles in and takes us on a ride. There is a fork in the road and we have to choose which way do we go? This ride is about decisions and movement in the right direction.

Strength gives us the tenacity to hold on and be strong. The fight for survival is a perilous battle but we must engage our inner guile to keep strong for the good fight.

The Emperor promises victory – be the champion in your own world. Don’t back down and don’t give up – be prepared to fight within an inch of your life – hold on to that last breath – don’t allow it to escape over night.

It’s a number three day of short journeys and communication. The Moon is in Leo and so do it loud and proud. Be confident in your stride as you gallop down the runway of life. If you trip and sprain your ankle don’t let the grimace show on your face.

Life is far too short to let the knockers get to you; and if you feel insecure or lack lustre – grab the nearest space suit and head straight for the nearest inter-galactic escape hatch.

Love, Peace and Prosper,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Self discipline - Fluorite

My body is a reflection of my mind. My mind is a reflection of my spirit. I am a reflection of Divine Light.

Self discipline means living the life you espouse, or in other words, to “walk your talk”. If you have strayed from the path that you know you should be on, you are now being called upon to step back in line with Sprit. Open yourself to the frequency of Fluorite, and allow yourself to begin to vibrate with its energies of self discipline and action.

I have Fluorite on my desk at home and at work. The reason being is that this crystal is known as the “study crystal”. It helps you to focus and at the same time allows you gain access to the Universal influences. Attuned to your creative force you can integrate key messages into your work. I don’t have any Fluorite on my bedside table as it acts more as a stimulant than a relaxant.

It’s an 11/2 day with a public/private feel. 11 is the master number and 2 offers collaboration and contracts.

The Moon is in Leo – a fiery aspect and she meets Mars today so there could be a little tug of war. Ego-v-emotions is a likely dish on the menu today.

Athena offers a rational mind and deliberate action to your day – she is methodical as she weighs up the pros and cons of the situation. Contracts are on offer – or at least agreements – remember though that Mercury is retrograde and there is deceit in the air.

The Wheel of Fortune heralds growth and expansion. It is a time of good fortune, expansion and amazing possibilities. I never question the Sisters of Fate as I know I have my duty to the curriculum of my life.

The Sun is a powerful force. He is in Taurus right now. His focus is dramatic passionate and proud.

The Star weaves her magic throughout the fabric of our lives. She is the Goddess we all adore. She is inquisitive and naive but optimistic most of all.

Fluorite is an enigmatic energy as it blends the rational and focused with the influence of the stellar gateway. As you travel through your daily tasks remember the self discipline require for completion of your tasks and duties.

Our subconscious is the story board – the cosmic and numerological influences are the subtle breezes that blow – the players are those you encounter – look up and don’t stub your toe!

Love and Peace,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Release – Aquamarine

I release what no longer service, and accept Universal abundance.

Take an inventory of your life and possessions, and prepare to release that which no longer fits who you are. Create a give-a-way ceremony in which you release those aspects of your life; giving away the energy of control, and allowing yourself to have faith that the Universe will use the energy to create what is in your highest good.

It’s a 10/1 day which is perfectly aligned to Aquarius’ essence. It is a day to release, relinquish and embrace the new.

The Moon is still lingering in the sign of Cancer and on her trek the skies she links lovingly with Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. What a pleasant transit?

Our Major Arcana card reading reveals the star, temperance and the Magician – so read what you want into that -keeping in mind that these readings are relevant to us as individuals.

Apologies and sweet intentions are the essence of the day. Aquamarine washes away any regret that may ebb in the harbour of your emotions. Mercury retrograde in Taurus insists upon apologies and careful consideration – end the outdated and embrace the new.

Love and Peace,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Personal truth – Amazonite

I express my personal truth and step onto the path of Spiritual Warrior.

Amazonite reminds us of the importance of expressing our personal truth through words and actions. If you live your life according to your truth, you will gain a sense of trust in yourself and your own motives. Your path of growth in this world will be clearer when you case living your life to please others.

Allow the frequency of Amazonite to resonate deep within your heart and throat chakra, stimulating the words and actions that are living within you!

It’s a number nine day of empowerment and resolution. The cycle is nearly over and it is time to count your blessings.

The Sun has moved from Aries into Taurus today. So, the focus of your energy will be slightly pragmatic instead of reactionary. I have recommitted to my goal of losing or re-assigning the weight I’ve put on recently. Ever since last Christmas I’ve struggled to stay focused on my weight loss path.

The New Moon in Aries secured a resolves which is determined and focused to shed the kilos that I’ve piled back on and to reach the goal I set for myself two years ago.

The Sun in Taurus lights up our second house of “my money”. Being aware of our cash and finances will also be a priority right now.

The Moon is in Cancer – so hiding out at home will be high on the agenda. On the other side of that it is important to have solid footing on our resources platform.

An overview of the Major Arcana reading for today ensures optimism, focus and strength to maintain the commitment for our goals. Committing and being focused sounds rather boring however in my experience I’ve felt that every little victory is a rush.

For example: if I say no to an offer for sweets then that is classed as a little victory. If I re-evaluate my performance and commitment to my goals at the end of the day then I feel proud that I’ve honoured my commitment to me. I’ve also found that numbers on a scale do not and should not dictate the mood of the day. It is the final goal that I am reaching for – long term satisfaction instead of short term gratification.

The Taurus Sun will support your month in your new astrological commitment for self improvement – take Amazonite o your journey and you will be assured of following the path of truth as a Spiritual Warrior.

Love, Peace and Passion,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, April 19, 2010

Self knowledge - Lapis Lazuli

I open to Divine understanding

This ally is an indication to you that a time of spiritual learning is at hand. This is a period of initiation to the “mysteries” of life and the workings of the Infinite.

Lapis indicates that you may need to do some soul searching. Are you living the life you would choose for yourself? Are your behaviours and creations matching who you know yourself to be? Take stock of your inner gifts, beliefs and desires; then ask for the energy of Lapis to aid you in manifesting your true potential on the Earth Plane.

The Moon is in Cancer which adds a homey feel to the day. People are more emotional and sensitive. Cancer is a water sign so drinking lots of water is a good way to overcome the Cancerian need to feed. On the other hand the Moon is in her native sign and she feels quite at home.

Mercury is now going backwards in Taurus so there could be confusion or a sense you are playing it again, Sam. If you are having a déjà moment it is quite likely that you have returned to this situation to gain insight or clarity. If this is the case then consider your first response. This is your key to unlock the mystery of the repeat offender/offence.

If for some reason you keep repeating the lesson then use this Mercury retrograde phase to reflect and make some plans to navigate the lesson.

In days gone by I use to dread Mercury retrograde phase – I would be terrified to make a decision or sign a contract and then I read that Yoko Ono Lennon would deliberately sign contracts in this phase as a way of ensuring that she could get out of the deal if she wanted to in the future. Then I considered – what an amazing cosmic exit clause!

It’s a number eight day so it’s back to business. Now get out of your dreamy meditative and reflective state and into the focused business power suit. Its time to prove your worth in the working world and show them what you’ve got!

In our morning reading the high Priestess is a calm wise figure who knows about life lessons. Yes, she’s learned the hard way but she willing to share them with the world. She is honest about her mistakes and loving in her moments of reflection. We can learn a great deal from her, can’t we?

Death creeps in like a dark stranger. The atmosphere goes cold and we are acutely aware of our vulnerability. It is a time of change and contemplation. The world is changing and we are uncertain of our current path.

Judgement is a welcome relief – no seriously. We are happy to shed the layers that no longer serve us. Saturn has bounced back into Virgo as a harsh reminder that there is some unfinished business to deal with. Don’t be afraid. The truth is painful but once the boil is lanced then we can begin to heal.

Lapis holds the rivers of gold we’ve dove into when we choose the path of self knowledge. We all have our individual lessons – friends and family play their parts in our movie but we have the starring role.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Divine Connection Amethyst

I am open to Divine Guidance

Be alert for opportunities, messages or signs that may indicate the direction of your Higher Self and highest guides are preparing for you. These signs come in the form of intuition, a hunch or a gut feeling.

Amethyst tells us that we are entering a state of Divine Connection. By opening to and acting upon guidance and intuition that we receive, we are cultivating a relationship with the Higher Mind.

The Moon is in Gemini today and the Sun is still in Aries (he moves out of Aries into Taurus in a couple of days).

Mercury goes retrograde today in Taurus. So wherever Taurus is in your chart there may be some revision to consider.

Mercury is in my fifth house of romance and creativity although I have Venus in Taurus in the sixth house (daily routine and health). Already I can see the pattern emerging and a strategy will be in place over the coming weeks.

My Lunar return changes today – I have a shift in priorities in my new chart. My Moon is in the sixth house and to add a little spice to that location, Gemini is my natal Moon so there could be a little emotional confusion in store or a preference for solitude.

It’s a brilliant and sunny Sunday. There are lots of positive aspects to enjoy. It is a number seven day so reflection and mediation should be considered. Take Amethyst with you while you connect with your Higher Self.

I have an Amethyst geode in my clinic and a clump on my bedside table. Quite often I wear Amethyst jewellery as it reminds me about the power of intuition.

The Tower represents challenges out of the blue. The card is ruled by Uranus the plant of surprises. This can be portend of your values being questioned or may be put under scrutiny or it can be a motivator to move out of your comfort zone. Whatever it is take it as another lesson – it seems to be less painful that way.

Death heralds the end. There may be mourning or it may come as pure relief. Whatever it is the new chapter will be much more suitable to where you need to be.

The Wheel of Fortune is the new phase. Don’t dilly dally – once the decision is made the gateway is flung opened and its time to step up and do what needs to be done. Liberate yourself from the shackles of discontent.

There are some important indicators to be considered with Mercury retrograde. I’ve mentioned them many times before such as not buying electrical items, try not to sign contracts and make sure you re-check arrangements. It is a time to review and go back over issues that may be a little tidy up before moving on!

Enjoy the dance!

Love, Peace and Bliss,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, April 16, 2010

Insight – Azurite

I am guided to perceive the nature of reality.

Azurite guides us to utilise our insights to perceive the true nature of the situation. Sometimes our perception can be coloured by our experiences or our emotions.

In life we tend to overlook details or just skim the surface. Azurite encourages us to allow our intuition guide us. Azurite is telling us to become aware of the subtle levels of energy at work in the world. Open yourself to the guidance of this amazing crystal and follow your inner guidance on how to proceed.

Azurite acts as a spiritual flashlight – shinning its illumination and insight wherever you focus your attention.

The chakra is the fifth and I have a lovely clump of Azurite on my bed side table. Quite often I meditate with crystals at night before sleep or I have them in my clinic for healing rituals. Their energy infuses my life in so many ways and have done for most of my life.

It’s a number six day – practicalities reign along with responsibilities and commitment. It sounds rather boring doesn’t it? However the organise and focused project manager aspects of me love the number six day/month/year cycle. When you consider that after the chaotic energy of the five influences the six is calm and neutralises the frenetic energy of five.

It is nice and comforting to embroil yourself in the serenity of the six. While my Gemini Moon pushes me into a spontaneous and crazy creative space my Scorpio Sun and Saturn in Scorpio requires dedication and commitment to my goals – sort of like a structured mayhem.

I don’t know about you but I feel rejuvenated after the New Moon in Aries this week. I’ve come back from holidays (this time last week we boarded a plane from Christchurch) ready to shed the unwanted kilos and refocus on my health and well-being commitment. As well this commitment I have become the process of change to situations that are not bringing me joy.

The High Priestess counsels that moving from the dark to the light takes courage and conviction. The Lion Heart within roars in readiness of the move along the path. I am motivated to overcome the inertia of my regrets. Don’t linger and longer – it’s a waste of time and energy.

The goal is enlightenment and redemption – Temperance is the lighthouse way off in the distance. Take me higher and higher toward liberation and freedom from express and pain.

Our insight is guided by our internal compass. This compass is activated by external stimuli – crystals and intuitive insights. The subtleties of life and our environment influence our journey. The daily commitment to our goals reveal outcomes of decisions made, actions accomplished and a culmination of events that shape our tapestry. Imbue your tapestry with the rich hues of your experience and it will become the brilliant masterpiece you deserve.

Have a happy Gemini Moon day!

Love, Peace and Joy,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Prosperity – Garnet

Nice! Nice! I love the prosperity!

Affirmation: I receive abundance through all channels of the Universe.

Garnet reminds you to open your eyes to the bounty and prosperity that is being offered to you by the Universe. The Earth is a perfect vehicle for providing you with all that you need to survive and thrive in physical form.

When you accept the prosperity of the Universe, you are able to bear witness to the bounty of your birthright as a child of the Divine Creator.

It’s a number five day which offers changes. The tide is changing and the ground is shifting beneath your feet. It is a time to grab the rail and hold on or pin your ears back and head for home – or even a new direction if you are daring.

I’ve heard that we don’t receive any challenges or lessons that we can’t handle and to be honest with you – at times I’ve thought maybe I’m making more of this than I really need to? So, I’ve broken it down – stripped away the emotional and got to the core issue – what is really going on here? Life doesn’t have to be that hard!

A number five day can throw you lots of lightning bolts out of the blue. Don’t be daunted and fear not as they represent your next level of curriculum in this earth school.

The Moon rests and primps herself in this Taurean phase. Taurus is ruled by Venus and Genus adores the sensuality of life. Most Taureans are very tactile and are great healers – also they are responsive and great friends. Friday is a Venus ruled day so enjoy the sensual pleasures of the day but try not to over-indulge.

The Wheel of Fortune is the first picture of my subconscious. I know that there are changes on the horizon and these changes will seed my path. Bring them on, I say – I’m ready!

The Tower throws in the odd surprise – isn’t that worth the ride though. Life would be pretty boring if we were not challenged? Sometimes the surprises come in the form of another person’s agenda. Sure you can sit with your intuitive self and prepare although they are unexpected challenges – so try to keep your chin up and smile.

The Fool is fantastic – whatever happens he inspires us to leap forward and leave the crap behind. Take a nugget of garnet with you and wear your cosmic blinders – only see the bounty that the Universe has to offer. There is gold in there hills!

Have a blast today!

Love, Peace and Joy,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Spontaneity - Calcite

I create each moment as an expression of my deepest joy!

Now you know why I refer to these cards every day – they are such a delight and each message is invigorating.

Calcite is singing to the well spring of creativity within you. By tapping into the source of beauty within you experience moments of true creation.

When you get hung up on the daily grind Calcite reminds you of the true expression of beauty life can be.

Talking about releasing the trials of the daily grind – well, we’re having a sail installed across a small courtyard across in our backyard. This will offer shade in the summer and some protection from frosts in the winter. The sail will cover my little garden around my sleeping Buddha – which is lovely for him – means he can rest more easily.

I have calcite around my house, in places such as bookcases and shelves where there are dark spots. I also reach for calcite when I have a sore tummy or even a headache as it shifts blockages and bring little positive piezoelectric charges into the body (all very safe of course). These pulses infuse positive energy into the body.

The Moon is in Taurus today so practical solutions and pragmatic directions are the way forward. The Moon is in a stable phase and we can become quite disciplined in this earthy sign. It is a nice place to be after the erratic Arian period. Arians are great people to motivate us with their get up and go – but in the cycles of the Moon (emotions and socialisation) it is nice to take some time out to nurture ourselves in the Venusians influence.

It is a number four day where laying foundations for the future are a priority. After the thoughts and intellectual joisting of the number three energy; today is perfect for pegging out those foundations for your new framework.

The Moon offers creativity and loyalty to the creative process. I plan to read and give some feedback on a couple of scripts that was sent to me yesterday by a colleague. Even though this is not my work I am still staying true to my creative path.

The Sun is beaming through my window – new shapes and plans are in the wind. A diamond shape sail will soon adorn my little nook in the corner of my home offering shade and protection to my spiritual garden.

The Fool motivates me to get up and get moving – he has emerged from the cave all fired up and ready to make a mark on the world. Grab your calcite and feel the vibration – the electrical pulses will take you to a new facet in your life.

Love, Peace and Energy,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Journey - Sodalite

I allow my inner voice to guide me on my path.

Sodalite is signalling you to begin a journey. It’s time to take stock of where you have been, where your choices have led you, and where you want to go. Each moment, each step on the journey, we have an opportunity to create ourselves as the person we truly want to be. Choose a direction, and allow Sodalite to guide you down the proper path.

It’s all about you baby! The New Moon in Aires is highlighting the importance of your – save yourself first and then go back for the others. There will be plenty of time for self-sacrifice.

I don’t normally promote being selfish but at this moment the cosmos is ripe for planting a crop of what you want. The wishes/seeds can be as individual as you are- this is the beginning and the actual moment of the astrological calendar for 2010 so happy new year!

It’s a number three day so short journeys and communications underpin the astrological theme. Three is also representative of Gemini so that comes with a lot of chatter and analytical processing. Use your mind to full advantage. Try not to use it against you – though. That means, don’t allow thoughts and fears creep in and rob you of your right for contentment.

The Empress groans and squats – her labour pains remind us of the mistakes we have made. Hand up anyone who hasn’t made a mistake? I know that we all do – admitting that you have is one step toward liberation – the next step is to forgive yourself.

The birth is indicative of a new phase don’t allow anyone to spoil your joy today. Don’t wallow in your fears and insecurities – it’s far more painful and a genuine was of a glorious moment in your life.

The Wheel of Fortune has all the bells and whistles of the fair ground. After the work is done take a ticket and step on the ride – sit back and coast for a while – you deserve it! The excursion to somewhere new and delightful will allow the wind in your hair to whisk you into a new frontier.

Judgement comes from making decisions and weighing up the consequences. Allow your commitment and choice to be the beacon of hope. Time is of essence here as Saturn reminds us that the click is ticking – with each breath we are closer to our grand finale.

Sodalite encourages your to begin a journey. The New Moon in Aires is the fire in your belly to begin anew – start fresh. The bounty of the number three inspires communication and as you rock back and forth building your momentum – give thanks for the lessons learned and the challenges you’ve overcome. Has it been worth it? Yes of course! Would you do it again? No way!

It’s just a jump to the left and a step to the right.

Peace, Love and Joy,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Evolution – Herderite

Affirmation: I allow my physical self to align with my Higher Self

Herderite asks us to align and acknowledge our part in the total evolution of humanity. Your choices and actions serve as the ripple effect in the pool of life. Herderite heralds a time of great change. And with the Aires New Moon tomorrow my focus will be on health and wellbeing (I know you all have y our individual priorities – so go for it!).

The Chakras are the seventh and the etheric who mean your thoughts are especially powerful at this time in regard to spiritual evolution.

The Sun and moon are in Aries again today, so there is energy to burn. The up side of that is we have lots of oomph to play with and accomplish tasks; the down side is that some people may not choose to use this power wisely and there could be an emotional spill over. On days like these I like to take long power walks and explore the natural world. Tomorrow there is a New Moon so taking a step on a new path might be a unique way to consider your future direction.

It’s an 11/2 day which equates to a master number day. This number has a public and private feel to the day. The number two energy is focused on collaboration or agreement whereas the 11 energy is more persistent toward your relationship with the world.

The sojourn into the subconscious reveals and array of mysticism – beginning with the wheel of fortune. The wheel of fortune is an indicator that there is change for the better. The luck of the wheel depends upon your effort+intention. How can this Jupiterean influence benefit you and your life?

Strength portends courage required to move out of your comfort zone and fly. Don’t be held back with the fear of the unknown step forward on the edge and take a leap into the unknown – it won’t hurt a bit – promise?

The star is brilliant. Have you ever seen a dull star? Well Venus is our guiding light for love and beauty and she sparkles on high – especially for us tonight. I’m not disappointed or afraid to be vulnerable or naive – I am just immensely pleased to be me!

The crystal energy today supports change. The cosmic influences are intense and driven – the relationship with yourself is changing or being re-negotiated – take yourself out into nature and walk toward a new you! That’s what I will be doing today- so see you out there!

Love, Peace and Action,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, April 12, 2010

Manifestation – citrine

I create in harmony with the Divine Will!

Citrine is a crystal we all should carry in our wallets. It is the crystal of abundance. Some metaphysicians suggest that it is the “merchant’s stone” and that people with their own business should place citrine in the cash register.

In Feng Shui the career corner or business wall is an appropriate space to place citrine in our homes and work space (especially in your home office). This corner is the right hand back corner of the room (as you face the room from the doorway).

The chakra for citrine is the navel and solar plexus. This position makes sense when you consider that this area of the body was our original connection or source of life (the umbilicus). Citrine is yellow/orange in colour and is a native crystal for Leos.

Yellow, orange and gold must be the colour of the day as I reached for a pashmena this morning I intuitively grabbed this colour. It is very rich and definitely mirrors the colours of citrine. Citrine is primarily the crystal of creation. And after our purification yesterday it is the perfect way to start a new week.

The moon is merely a tiny slither in the sky as she prepares for the dark phase. This phase reminds me of one my fav. albums, “Dark side of the Moon,” by Pink Floyd. I wonder if they were attuned to the cycles of the Moon and realised that we are about to enter the most fertile phase? Today is a good day to think about your wish list in preparation for the New Moon on Wednesday. We will talk more about that tomorrow.

Speaking of the cycles of the Moon – she is now in her most impetus and impulsive and most definitely dynamic phase – Aries. And so we begin. The Sun is in Aries too so this has the potential to be a power-packed start to the new week.

It’s a 10/1 day so shake off that crap and move on – what else can I say? And what else needs to be ended? Come on let’s start fresh together? I’m sure that no matter what hemisphere you are in you are picking up the vibe of the season and are about to align your thoughts and behaviours with a fresh perspective.

The Major Arcana spread for the day reveals unsullied paths. Strength is the symbol of courage and taming the fears of moving forward. The Sun is growing in streams of abundance – good food – music and joyous experiences. Bring them on – I say!

The Fool is my mentor as he emerges from the cave. The shackles of outworn expectations disappear and fall by the way-side. Travel light – it’ll be alright! Open your eyes to the magic of the Universe and you will be guided by the Divine light.

Citrine suggests that we clarify what we want to manifest. Remember the lists we wrote to Santa as a child? Well, the Universe is like Santa without the red suit. So, pull out that pen and paper and scribe to your hearts content.

Allow yourself to be a channel for good – peace and harmony. As you find peace in your heart it will vibrate into your family – as you find peace in the family it will vibrate out into your neighbourhood – if you find peace in your neighbourhood it will vibrate into your city and so on the world is at peace.

So be it!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Purification – Black Tourmaline

We are going to enter a new phase of esoteric exploration. Each day I will choose a crystal and highlight the meaning and share the appropriate affirmation.

Crystals are an important part of my life (they have been for many years). Their healing energy is ever-present with jewellery and strategically placed rocks around my home and work space. I won’t go into where and why they are located (at this stage) instead offer you some insight into their healing potential for you in your life.

My source of knowledge and information is from a book and cards. I’ve had this set for many years. The set is called: The Crystal Ally Cards: The Crystal Path to Self Knowledge. The author and artist are: Naisha Ahsian. I would like to promote this set and suggest you buy your own copy for future fun and wisdom. The publisher is Heaven and Earth Publishing at East Montpelier Vermont (one of my favourite places on the planet).

The text and illustration are copyright © 1995 by Naisha so I don’t wish to disrespect her creativity and hard work but rather promote her work via my column. It is a great book and the cards are very realistic representations of the earth’s bounty. Thank you for sharing your amazing gift with the world, Naisha – I hope that you are living a loving and abundant life.

Our first card on this healing alchemy is Black Tourmaline which promotes purification. This is a very grounding crystal and assists with releasing patterns of behaviour which have outworn their usefulness. It is a grounding stone so if you’ve been out of balance or a little flighty it will encourage you to be centred and focused. I have my black tourmaline on my computer – it is good for releasing any negativity energy and transforming it into positive.

The affirmation is: my energy is free from outside influences. I am centred and clear.

It never ceases to amaze me how our subconscious is a magnet for the perfect messages coming to us at the right time. In choosing this card this morning I shuffled the cards and dove into the pack. The reason why this card is appropriate today is that I’ve just returned from a two week holiday to the south island of New Zealand (a short travel log will be published via the perspective of the Green Back Pack: in the coming weeks so watch his page.

Yesterday morning I wrote and published my column in Christchurch just prior to our departure and this morning I am back in Canberra.

Travelling and unpacking is always a frenetic experience for me – I don’t mind travelling for pleasure (actually I love it!) or sight seeing but the return home always seems to be exhausting and somewhat tiresome. You know the lining up in airline queues, the rushing about of chaotic travellers and then when you get home the unpacking, washing and then the preparation for the return to work. Is it hectic or what? So as you can see the black tourmaline which was intuitively chosen is the perfect crystal to remind me to be grounded.

It’s a number nine day – conclusions and resolutions. The return to Australia was uneventful and yet I carried a feeling of being grateful throughout the journey. I considered how fortunate we are to be able to travel so far so quickly and the view from the clouds was uplifting and inspiring.

Now let’s see what else has been lurking in my subconscious. The Sun shines optimism and offers regrowth. Strangely my focus seems to be on a tiny cherub hiding in the undergrowth of the rose garden. His face is pure and innocent and filled with anticipation – what’s in store?

From the innocence of the cherubs to the austere presence of the Devil it’s like an esoteric paradox. The Devil never concerns me with his presence in my readings. He is a Capricorn card which primarily represents career and or business. He also reminds us of the elation we feel when we are liberated from oppression.

The Wheel of Fortune is a change in destiny. The wheel is spinning and the tone is set to leave behind the irrelevant details of the past and stand refreshed and renewed for the future.

So be it!

Love, Peace and Happiness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, April 9, 2010

Trust your intuition

The Moon enters Pisces at 2:47pm AEST today. This is an impetus for us to trust our intuition; bask in a sea of spirituality and escape into our creativity. After all it is the weekend and the way I look at it is that Monday the Moon will be in Aries and it will be business as usual (at full throttle). Enjoy the relaxed energies of the Piscean phase while you can.

It is a number eight day. Did I ever tell you that eight is my favourite number? Well it is! I love eight for lots of reasons but mostly because eight represents two circles constantly striving for balance and harmony. This energy fits nicely with the theme of my life. Anyhow, today is that day to strive for peace and harmony too!

As a spiritual counselor I rely on the guidance of my intuition. Some people call it a sixth sense and others just fly by the seat of their fate. From the time I was a little girl I knew that I could see things; I could sense things and definitely know things. This aspect of my personae has been a blessed gift as well as an invasion into my sense of self and at times very frustrating.

I believe that we all have the ability to se, feel and or hear guidance. Some famous psychics receive their messages in dream state. I have dreamed events but I find that these predictions can be somewhat unreliable. In my experience dreams come into three different categories: fear dumping dreams, processing dreams and finally the prophecy dreams So unless you dream the same dream constantly and it even replays in your waking life then I normally compartmentalize the dream into processing or fear dumping.

However, I don’t think that our dreams should be ignored. I have a journal and I write the dreams down. Dreams usually come to me as symbols. If the symbols keep appearing then I categories them and if the same symbols keep appearing in my daily life then I pay particular attention and start following the esoteric breadcrumbs.

In my life I’ve been through phases where I have chosen to close off the channel as I’ve felt that it was far too invasive into my “normal life”. My mentor maintained that we still must live and function in the real world and I’ve found this to be true. I have encountered many people who have dallied far too long in metaphysics and this is a seductive path which usually ends up as a confusing round-a-bout. I am confident that this notion of balance and perspective keeps me relatively grounded and accomplishing goals and achieving my dreams.

So even though the Moon is in Pisces and this is encouraging for us to waft into dream land or down the river of metaphysical splendor we still must stay grounded in reality – don’t you agree?

Judgment is our first card of the day. Saturn suggests that shedding the fears and worn out behaviours will take you a little closer to your truth. The Moon is entering the dark and fertile phase and this will be the time to plant your seeds for future crops.

The wise hermit guide reminds us to maintain our footing in a word of expectations and reality checks.

Whereas, Temperance takes us higher toward our philosophical truths an encourages us to share our wisdom, lessons and love with the world.

So be it!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Let it be!

In this journal I constantly scribe about the importance of transformation. My anthem is mostly focused on the premise of, “Let it go!” Today under the influence of the number seven day I’ve woken up with the internal message of, “Let it be!”

I can hear Paul McCartney sing to me – it’s really nice to his voice in the stillness of the morning. Sitting at the piano, looking very soulful and singing words of wisdom – let it be.

The Aquarius moon is a mover and a shaker and of course the Aries sun is jam-packed with fire and brimstone. So let it be does not really sit with the cosmic energy of the day. You know what though, sometimes when everyone else is losing their heads it is nice to sit in the centre of the storm and just breathe.

I often think of my grandmother, Mary Elizabeth Crawford and her gentle coaxing of, “it too shall pass”. In times of stress and chaos her gentle voice filters through my consciousness and I can hear her whisper encouragement for a state of calm.

And that is how I choose to feel today – calm, resolute and allow the flow of the day wash over me.

My subconscious tells a different story however.

The Fool heralds a fresh phase of youthful exuberance and new beginnings. I guess I feel rejuvenated and relaxed. Sleep has been like being in a power coma with time out from the daily push to get things done

The high priestess is calm and confident. The worst is over and she is not concerned about going back. She knows that things will never be the same again – she is different and that is all that matters.

The hanged man encourages me to go with the flow – dream a little dream and don’t hold on to what is not important or relevant to your future. The exquisite moment of now is a gift – the future is an empty box – fill it with your desires.

The sun is filled with optimism and joy- there is a golden light within you – share it with the world and you will attract the abundance of unlimited joy.

I suppose even while we are standing still or floating aimlessly on the tree of life we are still moving in centrifugal motion.

Let it be and let love be the centre of your life!

So be it!

Love, Peace and Happiness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

If I could turn back time – why?

Pluto started his retrograde motion yesterday. This means it is time to clear the deadwood from our lives. If you know where Pluto is holding court in your transit it will give you an idea of how this regression will impact on you.

For me, he is at the top of my chart in the ninth house of philosophy, higher learning and long distance travel. Therefore it is time to revisit that part of my life and shake the tree and see what falls out.

Saturn moves back into Virgo today. This is an opportunity for us to demonstrate lessons learned. It is also a time to revisit your Saturnian aspects e.g. commitment, responsibility and here’s that word again, ‘patience’. If there are a loose ends lingering in your life then Chronos will ask you to pick up your knitting needles and knit 1; purl 1 to tidy them up.

Talk about commitment and responsibility – it is a number six day and this energy feeds nicely into the Saturn focus. The time is ripe for digging into your chores or pick up that dreaded ‘to do’ list and begin ticking off your tasks.

I read in the news today that Dawn French’s marriage has broken down. This makes me sad. Dawn is a Libra and Saturn has just left her for a short break but has asked her to revisit some of the lessons of the past. This is a sad and painful phase and will send her lots of love and healing. I’ve been there and this phase seems pretty grim. There is a light and there is love with the support of family and friends. My wish is that Dawn heals and comes back even stronger.

The Moon is in Aquarius and it is a perfect day for friends, associations and social networking. The Sun is in Aries which represents the individual and Aquarius highlights the importance of humanity. So it is a good time to review your position in the global village.

Strength is raw courage and the ability to overcome your fears. This is the perfect card for Dawn as she moves into a new phase.

Hermit is cautious and yet very determined in his stride as he moves along the rocky path of life.

Death is the end. This reality brings tears and fears. It is the end of a phase and the acknowledgement that you can never go back.

The High Priestess is poised and dignified. She knows what it is like to grieve and leave behind the remnants of her soul.

In the darkness of regret and sadness you will be reborn. Shed the layers of irrelevant circumstances and step boldly into the world as an initiate.

Peace, Love and Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Changes – again!

There is a stirring within and I can feel the changes taking place. Easter has bought about certain realizations of where I am and how that sits with whom I am; and most importantly where I want to be.

This is not a unique position for me as I’ve recognized transformation throughout my life and the subtleties of change stirring within. At this stage my intuition is piqued and I feel that there is no going back.

Serenity washes over me and the masks of ambiguity slip from my face. I tend to be a deep pool of intense passion and discernment masked in a face of compliance. I’ve been accused of not having anything of value to contribute – I silently mock their arrogance as it is apparent that they don’t really know me nor have the good manners to keep their mouths shut for ne second. Just one moment or long enough to take a breath – be quiet and allow another person the opportunity to blink and think; to add a word or a phrase so that they may validate their existence. The balance of power is shifting – the volcanic eruptions are stirring – Pele wants to come out and play.

And yet as my eyes scale the mountains and fjords I sink into nothingness and realise just how insignificant I am. I am a tiny speck – a grain of sand in the grandiose scheme of brilliance and un-scalable cliffs of mother earth.

My heart pounds and the earthly healing chants begin – the guttural war songs push the nightmares and fears from my veins and my blood pumps love, peace and harmony – I have discovered contentment in a strange and foreign land.

The tears begin to swell in my eyes and I know I am up for a surge – my heart beats loud and strong combining with the rhythmic throng – drums, painted warriors and unexplored landscapes capture my soul and twirl it into the air.

I take a step and let go – floating to the ground like an autumn leaf to the earth below. Living has just begun – existence and the masks of my fears slip from my grey stare – I am reborn in the cradle of Gaia – swaddled in the love of volcanic eruptions and warmed by the lava filled passion and desire.

It’s a number five day – the Moon is in Aquarius – share your love with humanity and you will discover the deep ravines of your soul.

Pan walks the earth creating forests and summoning up nature. The Chariot pulls me toward a new and brilliant destiny. The Hierophant has healed his tormented soul in the cave of contentment.

So be it!

Love, Peace and Happiness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, April 5, 2010

The Lakehouse

Last night I watched the move, the Lakehouse. The actors were passionate and believable however the story line a little on the fantastic side. Well, the plot was more fantasy than realistic. Despite the unrealistic plot the dreamer within was sated.

There is no room for fantasy with the Capricorn. I’m not saying that Capricorns are not visionaries but their footprints are more pragmatic than whimsical. The Sun is in Aries and adds the fire in the belly to our momentum pushing us forward past the boundaries of our beliefs.

The Empress strides in pregnant with potential for a new chapter. We are ready for the labour – we’ve been here before – the pain of fear is overcome with the realization of the sublime benefice. Take a chance on change and you’ll be rewarded. Stay where you are and you’ll keep getting what you’ve got.

The chariots toots – twice – get on board and hold on – your ticket is punched and you know where you want to go! Don’t be fooled by the detours – you’ll get to your destination in the perfect time. Okay – anywhere but here? Are you sure? That’s not good enough – where’s your map? Where is the plan? I know the goal posts keep shifting but that’s half the fun!

The Lovers meet at the Lakehouse. The glass walls reveal the beauty of their relationship – transparent and pure. They shine their love out into the world to see them is awe-inspiring and uplifting in the doom and gloom of nothingness.

They live in a fish bowl. You can witness the courage it takes to be brave in the face of adversity. It’s not all kisses and lovey-dovey it takes persistence; dedication; loyalty and resilience – did anyone mention risk? The sweetest victory lies in the lovers embrace after you’ve traversed the steepest cliff of your fears.

It’s a number three day of communication, short journeys, siblings and mental gymnastics. In our minds the magician lurks creating the encyclopedia of our existence. Life creates the curve balls but we possess the master stroke and bat.

Slog it out of the park or tap it down the gulley but don’t get lost in the roar of the crowd. Only take your greatest supporters – the rest of the flock is irrelevant – they’re merely lambs to the slaughter – prepared to follow the move down the chute.

Step out from the flock and be the brightest lamb you can be! Don’t wait until the colours of your creation fade in the sunset. Wear the colours of your soul on the outside and you will dazzle the crowd with your brilliance and daring.

Love, Peace and Happiness,
And that’s the way it should be!

Julia Ashton-Sayers