Saturday, July 30, 2011

Harlequins Haven for August 2011

Greetings Cosmic Cousins!

August shines its light on Leos. Leo is a fire sign so there will be lots of vitality and action this month. While the Sun shines in the fifth house we can expect love and romance to be the top of our agenda along with creativity, generosity, celebration, play and fun, sounds wonderful doesn’t it?

Leo Sun phase began officially on 24 July. I would like to reflect on the New Moon at the end of July before we trek into the major lunations for August

At the end of July there was a New Moon in the sign of Leo at July 31 4:39pm AEST. Leo rules the fifth house of love and creativity (so a wonderful way to finish this month – don’t you think?). Dreams of excess drive attempts to fill the more, more, more cravings within as jolly Jupiter links to this luxury-loving Leo Moon. Set high standards in all areas of your life as both quality and excellence are highlighted. There is a distinct shipping/materialistic undertone to this New Moon, so when buying now, aim for quality, lasting pieces – it’ll help justify your splurge. Venus close to Leo New Moon makes love and relationship experience dramatic.

By mid-August a Full Moon on August 14, at 4:57am, 21 degrees Aquarius reminds us of concluding or ending old outworn patterns. This Full Moon in Aquarius provides a group-focused balance point to the: me, me, me energy of the Sun in Leo. If you’ve become disconnected from the needs of those around – socially or in the wider community – now’s a great time to offer your talents to support or help others. The needs of the whole are highlighted, so try to think of those around you as much as you think of yourself. Mercury is both retrograde and in a tricky aspect to Neptune under this Full Moon, creating confusion about details, plans and facts. Double-check important documents and arrangements to avoid crossed wires.

The New Moon in Virgo on August 29, at 1:04pm, 6 degrees Virgo is a time to plant seeds in our sixth house of work, health and daily rituals. Healthy living and simple life are in focus as the New Moon in Virgo offers the change to get back to basics. If you’ve been looking for a good time to start a new eating routine or a better-balanced work schedule, this New Moon offers all the cosmic support you need. Virgo is the master analyser and drains on your time, money or emotions can be identified and dealt with now. It’s time to be as efficient as possible. The influence of Venus on the New Moon shows that teamwork, rather than going solo, is the way forward.

Focus your New Moon wishes (or statements of intention) in the areas of:

• Physical health/diet/exercise
• Work/job
• Efficient organising
• Clear discrimination
• Helpfulness
• Order
• Relaxing
• Perfectionism
• Structure routines

August is a number eight month and the vibration is all about success and is a welcome vibration of possibility at its highest. Imagine yourself in a life going to the top floor of a very important building to receive a reward, an accolade or a promotion and you’ll understand the eight vibration – love it!

The Kings of Swords in the next card on the journey of the tarot and when we meet the King of swords it is time to meet within oneself the ambivalent gift of intellectual leadership and strategy. Intellectual prowess and inspired ideas about how to develop things in the future are qualities he possesses in abundance. Sometimes this figure can appear in one’s life in the form of an individual who is striking by virtue of this mental gifts and his capacity to innovate changes in the world. But if such an individual enters one’s sphere it may be seen as a catalyst whom one can contact this dimension of oneself.

Uzume is the Goddess for August 2011. She is an ancient Japanese shaman-Goddess and is credited as being the one to entice the Sun Goddess, Amatersu Omi Kami, out of the cave where she had hidden.

Uzume begins her cosmic dance in your life to tell you it is time to nurture wholeness with laughter. Laugher causes us to relax, enables us to gain perspective, helps ease us through difficulties. Have you been taking life too seriously? When is the last time you had a good laugh? Are you able to alugh at yourself in a gentle way? Perhaps life is challenging you with such ferocity that you find it hard to see the humour in your present situation. Uzume says that wholeness is gained when you choose to laugh and see the humour in life’s challenges.

Our animal totem for August is, Mountain Lion. Mountain Lion can be a very difficult power totem for us to have, because it places us in a position to be a target for the problems of others. You could be blamed for things going wrong, or for always taking charge when others cannot. You could become the perfect justification for the insecurities of others.

Mountain Lion is a leader. This position of power reminds us of the importance of keeping the peace. However yous can never make everyone happy unless you lie to yourself or others. This is human nature. Therefore the first responsibility of leadership is to tell the truth. Know it and live it and your example will filter down to the tiniest cub in the pride. Responsibility is no more than the ability to respond to any situation. Panic is not apart of this sacred medicine.

In July I suggested that the Leo stone to embrace this month is, Topaz. Vigour and vitality are known qualities of Leo people. Sunny Topaz, with its ability to overcome limitations will help us to gain the recognition we crave. Use it to develop creative potential. Its vibrant energy stimulates your own natural generosity and assists you to be the big-hearted person you can be. This stone helps you to recognise your inner riches as well as drawing the support you need.

For August we must choose an appropriate Virgo crystal and in this case I’ve chosen, Peridot as it supports the razor sharp perception of Virgo. It assists in letting go of habits that block your growth (knew I loved this one for a good reason?), and encourages you to be kinder to yourself – an essential ingredient in overcoming your tendency toward self-criticism. Peridot powerful cleansing action releases negative patterns and “old baggage”. If you have done the necessary psychological work, Peridot rapidly moves you to a new stage of self-development and encourages you to look at your own higher energies for guidance.

Stay proud and content in the knowledge that you are incredible as you are!

Love, Peace and Harmony,


My intentions inspire me

Sunday 31 July 2011

Sun Leo
New Moon Leo

When my intentions are whole, I am inspired (in touch with spirit) and enthused (in touch with the divine intelligence). I am successful.

This is a perfect message for the new Moon in Leo ( )

What are your intentions for today and beyond? How do you want your life to look? What aspects are not working for you and how can you modify them?

In all that we are and all that we do; we continually strive toward love and freedom – those are the goals that inspire me.

A number six day cautions, “What you so; so shall you reap!” Be mindful in your planting today.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, July 29, 2011

I am free from fear no matter what the challenge

Friday 29 July 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Cancer

When I am free from fear, I can step forward in life, immune from what people think of me.

Wouldn’t this be nice if we could fully embrace this concept all of the time? Although I have met people who can quite easily demonstrate this ability most of the time without too much concern or difficulty.

Yesterday was a little intense with the cosmic alignments and today offers a transit lounge to your next phase. The Moon in Cancer is a charming and restful space to soak up the positive vibes and let it all hang out.

A number four day cautions, “don’t let it hand out for too long!” There is work to be done before the New Moon in Leo so tidy up that project – get it into a fit state and prepare your list for this new colourful and creative Leo season.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, July 28, 2011

I refrain form judging others on a moral basis

Happy birthday Geoffrey – you’re a great brother!

Thursday 28 July 2011
Sun Leo
Moon Cancer

I am aware that moral self-righteousness stands in the way of creating success and money.

Judgement of others is a dicey one, isn’t it? Well, if their behaviour impacts on us then we can be pretty prickly – well I can be – let’s own our own stuff here!

Working with others, lobbying for promotion and or competing against others can bring out traits in us that block our progress or set up difficult relationship encounters. I do hope we can be nice to one another?

The Moon in cancer can soothe the fractured emotions.

A number three day will create and atmosphere charged with intellectual gymnastics can create space for a chat fest.

It is time to air your emotional concerns and engage with the inner-counsellor to resolve past issues – there is a new Moon on the horizon and let’s not wallow in the past – ready for planting anyone?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Universe conspires to fulfil all my intentions

Wednesday 27 July 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Gemini

When all of the elements and forces of the Universe conspire to fulfil my intentions, instant manifestation is possible.

Communication is the current theme with the Moon in Gemini. We communicate in lots of different ways – it’s not only about “talking”. Non-verbal, tone, posturing, texting, email etc etc – there are lots of modalities and subtleities. These are all major influences on how we relate to one another.

A number two day offers cooperation and collaboration. Do we “get on” with each other or are we orbiting in a different Universe. I’d like to think that we can all live/work together as one big happy family – what about you?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

I approach life with full awareness and an open heart

Tuesday 26 July 2011

When I am attentive and open to life, I allow for new understanding in every moment. I attract success.

The Moon moves into Gemini. Communication and short journeys fly to the uppermost of our daily routines. There is always lots of racing about when Gemini is involved.

The Sun and Moon are compatible (whew) in with airy Gemini and fiery Leo. It’s a good day to socialise or at least open up again anything that is occupying your mind.

It’s a number one day – new beginnings – a chance to start again.

At the end of this week we will have a New Moon in Leo so consider how you would like your fifth house to look. Perhaps a little redecorating or a romantic retreat – at the very least check out your creative ventures – how are those projects going?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, July 25, 2011

I am grateful for what I have in life

Monday 25 July 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Taurus

I am instantly abundant when I show thanks for what I have.

Today is a number nine day and this number creates a space for reflection. We have been through a cycle of 8-9 lessons in this numerological cycle. Now it is time to realise that these lessons are gifts of learning – encouraging us to become more empowered as we continue to grow and learn.

Our affirmation today reminds us of our ability to see the blessings in our lives. Consider how fortunate we are – and invest our intention in manifesting the life we are constantly striving toward.

The Sun in Leo is a golden source of inspiration. We have left the fourth house (Cancer) by gently closing the door behind us. Now the door knob clicks and we are ready to enter stage left and step cautiously on to the podium in the fifth house (Leo). While we visit here in this solar return we will be encouraged to consider our creativity, romance and self expression.

What do you want to take with you into this current solar visit? Are you prepared to shine your light on your inner Leo? You are now in the spotlight of the 5th house – what do you want to achieve while you are here?

Watch this space as we take this journey together over the next month.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, July 23, 2011

I recognise true success

Sunday 24 July 2011

Sun Leo
Moon Taurus

True success is the progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to recognise and express spontaneous joy and share it with others.

Last week I took some flex days off work. It was hard at first to shift my focus from work and all of my responsibilities to me and my personal existence.

Reflecting on this gift to myself I now realise how rejuvenated I feel. Now I want to share this glow with others. Why do we allow ourselves to become some desolate of energy? Why do we keep pushing ourselves to the brink of emptiness?

Sometimes we become so engrossed in the “to do” list and focusing on outcomes that we truly overlook the importance of taking time for us to find our inner joy.

The Sun moves into Leo today – the fifth house of love and joy. It is a time to express our hearts desire.

Mercury will turn retrograde in August so be clear about your messages.

Today the moon is in Taurus so a practical approach to our emotional and social building blocks offers comfort and security.

It is a number eight day of balance and harmony – a perfect sequence to recalibrate and find your source of happiness.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, July 22, 2011

I am patient

Saturday 23 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Taurus

When I am patient, I am able to sustain an intention until it is realised.

From my perspective this is a difficult intention. I get impatient too – do you? I guess once the vision is formulated in your mind it is difficult to sit back and watch it grow. It’s like my bulbs in the garden right now. I can see the green stalks and there is a bulbous formation appearing and I know that the flowers will be magnificent – I just have to wait!

A number seven day encourages us to journey within. This is a spiritual day – a day of meditation, relaxation and rejuvenation.

The Moon in Taurus compliments the final day of our Sun in Cancer’s solar return. Taurus adds a touch of practicality to the emotional Cancerian realm. Bask in the sea of glory and you will be reborn.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My visions create my world

Friday 22 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Aries

I recognise my ability to transform the invisible into the visible, the un-manifest into the manifest.

This statement from our subconscious motivations (drawing this card intuitively from the pack) is synchronous today.

The Moon is in Aries (beginnings) and we are mid-way between the Full Moon last week and the New Moon – next week. In other words it is a turning point or can I suggest that we are standing at the turnstiles of our continuing journey.

What do you want to create in your life? How do you want your world to look and feel?

A number six day highlights the importance of commitment and responsibility. Take responsibility for your dreams and goal. Be responsible for your intentions and actions. Don’t apologise for who you are – stand strong in your beliefs and drive your life with a sense of purpose and passion.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My life has meaning and purpose

Thursday 21 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Aries

A life infused with meaning and purpose is a successful life!

Bring on the changes! With the Moon in action-packed Aries and a number five day we are heading toward a new and purposeful phase.

In our solar progression, we are in the final few days of the nurturing sign of Cancer. In a few short days we will face the fire and vibrancy of Leo Sun Phase. While this is extremely exciting I’d like to express a little caution and suggest that we live in the moment and enjoy the healing energies of the fourth house.

The Cancerian Sun phase has created a little emotional havoc with the eclipse season cracking like a thunderstorm through our domestic bliss. Please don’t underestimate the disruption that this tumultuous energy causes. At times, I am sure that you’ve felt a little unbalanced or even lost in the lunar landscape of the Moon Maiden (Cancer).

Take this opportunity to soak up the healing moments before the Leo influence whisks us away to perform on centre stage.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My money supports the web of life

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Pisces

When I use my money to nourish the web of life, I create true happiness and fulfilment. I am successful.

Money is energy. When we share this energy with others we invest in the web of life. In that view we keep shops open, planes flying, movie houses open etc. This energy is our futuristic support structure.

Today is a chatty number three day. There is a healing link between Mercury and the nodes – its time to have those authentic and respectful conversations with others. These conversations are supported by the universe today.

The Moon in Pisces adds a spiritual glow to the day. It is a good ay to dream, relax and connect with your spirit guides.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, July 18, 2011

I stand strong in my personal power

Monday 18 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Pisces

With true power that comes from within, nothing is beyond my reach.

The Moon in Pisces activates thoughts of several Pisceans I have connected with in this earth school. Pisceans have the ability to stand strong. They are a water sign. Quite often they can give the illusion that they are gentle souls who can be easily dominated. I’ve never underestimated a Piscean. For me, they can represent the goldfish or even clownfish – and if provoked they can have the potential to morph into a shark or a whale.

This Moon phase reminds us that power comes in all forms. To stand strong in your personal power can easily be interpreted as the clownfish – vulnerable and demonstrating the ability to laugh off life’s ridiculous challenges.

A number two day focuses on relationships - relationships with self and with others. How are your significant relationships? How is your relationship with your body? Are you speaking kindly to it? Are you being kind and respectful? Consider you inner dialogue and remind yourself just how incredible, strong and perfect you are!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I am free to create success in my life – it’s my choice

Sunday 17 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Aquarius

To be free is to know that I can direct my awareness where I want to, when I want to, and how I want to.

The Moon in Aquarius is the ideal support structure to liberate our awareness and freedom to choose.

Aquarians like to be the zodiac’s rebels (although I am sure that many signs possess this potential – plus we all have a little Aquarian within). So connect with this rebellious part of yourself and proclaim, “I am free at last I can create success in my life!” Or whatever works for you today.

A 10/1 day opens a new door in your journey. Don’t forget to close the behind you though.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, July 15, 2011

My outlook on life is unlimited

Saturday 16 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Aquarius

When I refuse to limit my outlook on life to what could happen, I open up to what can happen!

This is a great incantation for the Moon to move from focused Capricorn into “unlimited focused “Aquarius.

This is truly a day for an “unlimited” scope. Friends, associations, social networks and connections of all kinds are the flavour of the day. Share your dreams with a friend – express your hopes and desires with your Guides and Angels – the possibilities are endless.

A number nine day is climatic in itself. It brings realisations that all good things must come to an end – eventually.

It doesn’t matter what this cycle has communicated to you now, is the time to give thanks for the lessons and prepare to move on. A new cycle waits on the other side of the door.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, July 14, 2011

My inner dialogue reflects the power I project

Friday 15 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Full Moon Capricorn

How I present myself to the world and move about in it is a mirror of my self talk.

This is a perfect affirmation for the Full Moon in Capricorn today ( ). We have endured some pretty powerful alignments recently. There have been lots of pushing and shoving – forcing us to review our current situation as well as motivate us to connect with our inner change agent.

Personally, I have really connected to this transformative cosmic force. At times, I must admit that I have felt a little grumpy or unsettled I have purposefully connected to the offerings of the Universe. I have literally got off my butt and made things happen.

The Full Moon is a time to review and release – bring a conclusion to what is not happening for us. Give thanks for the experiences and lessons and move on. This Full Moon takes place in Capricorn so focus is on our career and public recognition.

In my natal chart, Chiron and the North Node are in Capricorn. I see these celestial influences as traffic lights. However a Full Moon rates pretty high on the change agenda for everyone.

A number eight day is good for business. This number turned on its side represents, “infinity”. For us today balance is the key theme – take time for yourself to honour this cycle and then radiate your inner dialogue to the world.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

I help others make money

Thursday 14 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Capricorn

The greatest secret to making money and being successful is helping other people make money and be successful.

Money is a priority for Capricorns. It is all about money – either focussing on not having enough or how can I make more. Or am I being validated for who I am and what I do?

The Moon moves into this ambitious goal oriented sign which influences our tenth house of career and public recognition. Anyone up for a career move?

There is a Full Moon tomorrow. And this lunar even highlights a tension point in our lives. As I said, this is about money and career. I would suggest that it is time to close the door on any situation that is not working for you and step up for a new challenge/opportunity.

A number seven day offers a secluded space to reflect on the cosmic offerings.

What do you want for you and how will this benefit or serve others? And so is the cycle of life.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I break free from present karmic conditioning

Wednesday 13 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Sadge

To be successful in my chosen career or work endeavour, I must release any present karmic conditioning that declares, “I can’t do this!” I can!

And there’s more! Another Full Moon is on its way to shake, rattle and roll us out of our comfort zone.

It’s time to get up and boogey in the direction of your dreams. This can be a fabulous opportunity to change your spots to stripes and tear off the safety harness to make room for the new, exciting and brilliant experiences to flood your life.

The Moon in Sadge and a number six day counsel caution though. Be careful what you wish for – you must just get it. Keep your intentions positive and trundle along a new path – you never know what incredible experiences you may encounter?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I refuse to allow myself to succumb to doubt

Tuesday 12 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Sagittarius

Doubt is the thought that interferes with the manifestation of desire. I do not let it be the direction of my life.

Doubt! There is no doubt? There is only do! Or something that effect?

Honestly, there is not doubt with the Sagittarian Moon phase. Instead we are encouraged to climb that mountain, swim that stream, fight that demon (do you get my drift?). Flip doubt on its axis and transform it into do!

A number five day aligns with the Sadge philosophy to explore new and fascinating territories of the mind and soul. Change one tiny aspect of your thinking and it will be the ultimate pebble in the pond of dreams.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, July 11, 2011

I recognise that I give life meaning

Monday 11 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Scorpio

It’s up to me to give life meaning – I don’t expect others to give it meaning for me. I create my own reality.

A number four “building blocks” day is the perfect time to build a new reality. Structure and purpose are the essential ingredients of the number four. Engage with this Universal energy and lay the foundations to the future.

The Moon in adventurous Sadge encourages us to leap out of our comfort zone. This fiery archer is not that compatible with the Cancerian crab. Conversely, the centaur nudges our Moon Maiden with the scent of a new adventure.

Don’t be afraid to create a new reality.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, July 9, 2011

I focus my intent

Sunday 10 Jul. 11

Sun Cancer
Moon Scorpio

When I focus my intent, I am mindful about what I bring into my life.

Recently the cosmos has provided some pretty transformative energy. This swirling mass of change can be unsettling and move us away from our path of intention.

On the other hand it can support and usher us in a new direction.

The affirmation today reminds us that we must remain “mindful” in these times of change and uncertainty.

The Scorpio Moon is very mindful. From my experience (of being a Scorpio and attracting many Scorps in this lifetime) focus and intention are pretty high up the list of effective personal traits. So connect with the passionate and deliberate energy of this power-packed Moon phase and recalibrate your intentions today.

The vibrant energies of the number three day add a zingy twist to the day.

I adore the energy of a three day as it raises the potential for lots of fun. I guess that aligns perfectly with my Gemini Moon.

Take some time to have fun and be in the moment. It is as important as breathing and smiling!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, July 7, 2011

In itself money is not the root of all evil

Happy birthday, Lachlan!

Thursday 7 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Libra

I recognise the value of money when I learn not to confuse true wealth with the symbols of wealth.

Tomorrow Jupiter and Pluto will align. So what does that mean? Can I suggest, big changes or at the very least transformation on a large scale?

Pluto is my co-ruler and over the years on this earth plane I’ve learned to step up and embrace him rather than ignore or fear him. Yes, I know he is a tiny planet out there at the edge of the solar system. And yet, I would argue that you would be foolish to underestimate the impact he has on our lives.

So consider how you would like to integrate these two powerful energies into your life.

The Moon in Libra offers balance and diplomacy. Librans have a reputation of being indecisive. I maintain that they are cautious about making the right decision.

A number nine day is all about empowerment and awareness of our end game. Tomorrow is a new beginning. What do you want to start with a clean slate? How can your life benefit with a different approach?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Today I practice true philanthropy

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Virgo

When I practice philanthropy, I can educate people; encourage them to be independent, more aware and more creative.

The Moon in Virgo (earth) compliments the Sun in Cancer (water). These two elements are compatible.

Virgo Moon time is about being cautious, considered or even careful. Now that the gregarious Leo Moon phase has passed…

The Moon in Virgo highlights work and health – focusing our attention on daily rituals.

A number eight day has a business focus – what needs to be achieved?

It’s also a great day to take stock of your accomplishments and if you are in a good place, then play it forward to be the philanthropist.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I learn to create a spiritual relationship with money

Tuesday 5 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Virgo

As I evolve spiritually (that is, expand consciousness,) I have the ability to create more money, but at the same time I am not attached to it.

This is a perfect message for a Moon in Virgo day. Virgo rules the sixth house of work and money and sometimes we can get all caught up in the treadmill of making more money.

The message that I am getting here is to realise that you can create more money by detaching from the desire. May I suggest, look after you, and be aware of your thoughts, words, actions (positive affirmations) and work smarter and more sustainable instead of harder. Lift your eyes upward toward the creative possibilities instead of breaking your back with the toil and slog.

Virgo is very healing too – so connect with the energies of this sixth house and embark on an inner journey to see the answers that are perfect for you.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, July 4, 2011

I work consistently toward my goals, taking advantage of every opportunity.

Happy birthday Mandie

Monday 4 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Leo

If I maximise the number of ways an event can take place, I increase the probability that it will, in fact, happen.

Make a commitment; it’s a number six day after all. Take advantage of every opportunity – capitalise on each important message that comes your way.

Last night while reading my Facebook home page I thought about the constant stream of positive messages. I considered how lucky we are to be able to sit in the comfort of our homes and read these motivational affirmations.

In days gone by we had to go to conferences and read piles of books (I’m not suggesting that you stoping doing that of course) what I am saying is that these positive statements feed our consciousness. We are massively fortunate to be living, learning and growing in these Uranian times.

The Moon is still in her creative and romantic fifth house. Spread your creative wings and bask in the golden glow of this glorious Leo Moon. Share your unique and sensational colours with the world.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Jar of Jems July 2011

Dearest Jem-star,

It is the morning after the July 1 eclipse. To celebrate this cosmic event I lit a candle, went into a deep meditation and wrote down my wishes/intention for the coming months. As an overview I can tell you that I have not requested or invested for a lot significant changes instead they seem more subtle, nurturing and health focused.

At this moment I feel more sensitive to other people and my surroundings. For this reason I feel confused. My former goals have lost some of their meaning. I am not concerned – I know that is only a phase.

Fortunately I crave my creative, spiritual and artistic pursuits. They seem to be invaluable while I explore more feelings. My dream life has been more active and I am in tune with my intuitive nature. Dreams have been more vivid, carrying messages into my waking life. My perceptions and goals are changing in subtle ways. I avoid making decisions that require logic and prefer to listen to my intuition. To be honest, Jems, I don’t feel as if I want to make life-changing decisions; instead explore the subtle realms of life, rather than forge ahead with definite goals.

Jems, I am the butterfly emerging from the cocoon. I am not forcing the process, but rather taking my time to enjoy the new emerging me. I am conscious that I will soon discover new depths and means that colour my life in different ways.

One of the messages I received in meditation last night was to revisit my, Statement of Intent for 2011. Even though I feel that my wings are unfolding and I am gasping for quite deep and healing breaths I wanted to see how my intentions for 2011 are tracking.

Some of the statements on this list were:

• Have fun – I am making time to laugh and be in the moment
• Follow my form – I have joined the gym and I am working on the body – eating healthy and expressing my divinity
• Travel – I have travelled nation-wide recently but have also explored my deep spiritual roots
• Connections with family and friends are deep, consistent and enduring
• Feeding my curious mind and insatiable soul – this intention has begun and has been with me for most of my life. I feel as if this is one of my soul commitments in this life and will continue as I live; I will continue to grow.
Speaking of curious, how are you my inspirational and enduring friend? Please tell me what grooves in the northern hemisphere and magical world?

Love, Peace and Harmony,


Dear JAR,

What a beautiful letter. I was moved by your discussion of the pursuit of the subtle realms, with all of its challenges and rewards. To me it seems that this is where all the ‘real stuff’ happens, and then it gets manifested and expressed in the physical world almost as an afterthought. Our bodies are simply the cabooses on the train of spirit! How lovely to look around at where we are and really and truly be happy and satisfied with that vision as we chug along on the track. I, too, have been marvelling at the brilliant scenic vision that has been presenting itself all around me. I have been ‘taking inventory’ of the elements in my life and observing what is there by my design and what it is that arrived as gifts. But that sentence is misleading – because everything in our lives is both! Even the tough, challenging times and people we encounter are there by design and it’s up to us to find the hidden gifts.

This eclipse season has been particularly interesting. On the physical realm, I have been observing firsthand the abundance of electrical turbulence in the atmosphere. Each day at work last week, the machinery acted up quite a bit. On the first day it was the copier, the next day it was the phones, on the third day it was the fax machine. It was all finally resolved, but we are still scratching our heads with unanswered questions about what actually went on.
I woke up in the middle of the night and saw some bright electrical activity in my peripheral line of vision, which at first startled me. It happened again a few times, but then subsided.
On the mental plane, I have been effervescently excited about completing my course work, and my mind feels like it is sparkling with delight as it gets fed with the ambrosia of pursued knowledge.
In the emotional realm, I have been observing everyone around me with a heightened sense of empathy, and my focus is shifting toward how I can be of greater service to the world I am in.
On the spiritual level, I feel deeply connected to my guides and inner truth.
There is an interesting inner knowing that has taken up residence in my soul ~ a permeation of deeper trust and faith in the unknown, with an understanding that everything happens in its own time. Perhaps I am simply being a witness to ’my time’ which has come. I am grateful that I’ve been granted enough awareness and have developed enough self-esteem to recognize and accept this phenomenon as it unfolds before my very eyes.

We all want to be noticed and loved for who we are, and I know that many times during my life I’ve tripped over myself trying to prove I could do something just to be loved. Perhaps all the work and tripping I’ve done served the purpose of giving myself the gift of mySelf! I find it interesting how we always attract positive acknowledgement from the Universe, which is poised and ready to affirm our beliefs about ourselves by sending us those who will assist us in criticizing and judging ourselves, if that is what we are doing. However, over the years I have increased the amount of respect I have for myself, and have let go of the attitudes that prevented me from fulfilling my evolutionary destiny. I’ve come a long way through this lifelong challenge of change and growth, and I now find myself surrounded by those who support my evolved perspective and vision of who I am.
I believe that the times when we are most uncertain of ourselves may be the time of our greatest growth. When I read that you were in a place where your former goals have lost some of their meaning, and felt confused ~ I smiled! Don’t get me wrong – even though you think it’s only a passing phase, I believe that this phase may be the greatest gift of all.
It brought to mind a saying from mythologist Joseph Campbell: “If you can see your path laid out in front of you step by step, you know it’s not your path. Your own path you make with every step you take. That’s why it’s your path.”

I consider it a precious gift to be able to share these thoughts with you, and what I consider an even more precious gift is to know that you understand.
It is my privilege to hear and share in your discoveries, challenges, joys, and sadnesses. Keep ‘em coming, my Friend!

May deep joy, peace, and breathing be yours, always!

Nothing is random or pure chance

Sunday 3 July 2011

Sun Cancer
Moon Leo

My life is full of clues that link my inner reality with the outer worlds.

As this statement suggests, we have moved on from the recent New Moon eclipse its time to become aware of the clues or messages from the Universe.

Personally, I think that eclipses are a little destabilising as we ten to operate in damage-control. In that I mean, protecting ourselves from emotional outbursts of others as well as making sure that we remain balanced or stable.

In most cases I’ve engaged with the eclipses to do a reality check. Am I on track? If not? Why not? Okay, let’s move on!

The Leo Moon gives us the ego boost to make headway toward a new path (or on less travelled perhaps?). If you’ve felt a little scattered or fractured get out the super glue and put you back together again.

A number five day encourages changes. So get on board the train is leaving the station.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Chapter 5 - final leg of our Ghan trip – Glenelg, Adelaide and home to Canberra

Its early morning and are we strolling the empty streets of Adelaide. Some might suggest that Adelaide is pretty desolate most of the time – but I wouldn’t! No! I am far more polite and open minded. We left the Motel and have decided to take a walk into the city to catch a tram.

I hear the humans chatter about their destination – Glenelg. Apparently we are travelling on a tram – fantastic! What’s a tram?

Well, a tram is like a train but it goes on the road. So it is like a car, right? Anyway we buy a ticket and hop on board.

It is kind of like a train. Well not like the Ghan. Of course not! The Ghan was amazing, historical and totally civilised. This little clunker is well very shall I say - public.

Now, I am not being snobby – but let’s face it – this mode of transport is pretty down market. It get’s along though. With a rattle and a shove we hum along the track. Is there a track? Well we sort of glide along the road on special rails – or something.

The scenery down to Glenelg is very metropolitan; nothing special but rather pleasant on a Sunday morning.

What is that smell? Oh yes, I remember – it is the ocean. Oh! My goodness – I think I am getting excited. I can feel my pockets swell with anticipation and my flaps are in awe of the tiny seaside town. I think we are going to have some fun here folks. Guess the humans knew what they were doing after all!

We stroll around the crowded streets and soak up the cosmopolitan atmosphere; coffee in this Café and more strolling. Look over there, yes there is a pod of dolphins. How awesome is that? I love those mammals – they are so cute I wish I could take one back home to Canberra with me.

We take some photos and move along to the Jetty. The smell of fish and chips tantalises the taste buds. We sit in this glass restaurant while Mistress and hubby scoff down some local seafood. They sure look sated.

Taking in the sights is easy in this exquisite part of Adelaide. I think that most of the population has moved here for the day. This is definitely a lovely finale to our Ghan experience.

We jump on the city bound tram and head back to the Motel. A cab is called and we are bound for home. There is a deflated look on all of our faces. It is obvious that none of us want to go back home - well not just yet, anyway.

Adelaide airport is quite spacious. Wandering after check in and security reality sets in and the forlorn faces reflect the disappointment of the realisation that this amazing journey is drawing to a close.

Home to Canberra – boo hoo – we board the plane and take off from the runway. Mountains, farms and valleys dot the landscape as we soar higher and higher. The flight is quiet and rather civilised. I think we are exhausted and yet extremely satisfied with this Australian encounter.

Look! Wow! There are the balloons. How beautiful? I am so impressed. Perhaps they know I am on my way home?

Looking down from my lofty vantage I see Parliament House.

It is nice to be home.

I wonder where we are going next.

Catch you next time. Watch this space - I hear that UK and Europe might be on the upcoming itinerary.

Your mate, Greenie

Friday, July 1, 2011

Harlequins Haven for July 2011

Greetings Cosmic Cousins!

July 2011 has begun with an eclipse. What a way to go! We are now officially at the end of the current eclipse season. Has anything changed in your life? Have you had your world rocked, or gently swayed in a positive direction?

Eclipses are celestial change agents. They take you down a path that you should be on – sometimes consciously and other times unconsciously. This is an affirmation, “Wherever you are right now – that is where you are meant to be!”

July is predominately a Sun in Cancer month. Of course Leo sun phase will pop its regal head in toward the end of the month. For now though the focus in on our fourth house of home and family. This can be a nurturing month as well as a month to be kind to yourself and others. Remember we are all part of the global family so, be kind to each other and love one another – this positive vibe will make us all feel pretty special.

July 1 we have a New Moon eclipse at 6:53pm, 10 degrees Cancer. Old issues, old patterns and old love dreams resurface under this eclipse, but memories serve as reminders of how much you’ve grown. Cancer is a sign that loves the past and it’s totally appropriate to look back before you leap forward now. This New Moon eclipse – influenced by Uranus, Pluto and Saturn – brings the opportunity to make a big push forward into a while new reality.

Appropriate New Moon wishes (or statements of intention) would be in the areas of:

• Home/family
• Safety
• Growing
• Intimacy/caring skills
• Feelings/moods
• Nurturing
• Releasing insecurity

The Full Moon in Capricorn is July 15 at 4:39pm. A Mars/South Node link puts actions and choices in focus. If you’re regretting missed opportunities, this Full Moon brings second chances. If you’re happy with recently made choices, congratulate yourself for consciously expressing your desires. Under this Full Moon it’s appropriate to review relationship and workplace roles to ensure you’re comfortable with the responsibilities to who you’re bound.

And just to end the month on a grand note there is another New Moon. This time the New Moon falls in the sign of Leo at July 31 4:39pm AEST. Leo rules the fifth house of love and creativity (so a wonderful way to finish this month – don’t you think?). Dreams of excess drive attempts to fill the more, more, more cravings within as jolly Jupiter links to this luxury-loving Leo Moon. Set high standards in all areas of your life as both quality and excellence are highlighted. There is a distinct shipping/materialistic undertone to this New Moon, so when buying now, aim for quality, lasting pieces – it’ll help justify your splurge. Venus close to Leo New Moon makes love and relationship experience dramatic.

July is a number seven moth. Seven is associated with inner journeys. This vibration helps you to add to your skills through study or seeking answers to long-standing questions. It is a most important rest stop before the success vibration of the eight month.

The Queens of Swords in the next card on the journey of the tarot. When the Queen of Swords appears in a spread, it is time for the individual to meet that dimension of himself or herself which clings unswaying to an immovable faith in high ideals. These ideals may be noble and lofty, and help to improve consciousness and the quality of life. But they may also reject life, and be a defence against the fear of being human and therefore vulnerable to hurt. The individual needs to see where he or she might create problems, through demanding superhuman perfection of others or oneself. If the Queen of Swords enters one’s life as a strong idealistic and aloof woman, it may be seen as a catalyst through which one discovers this aspect of oneself.

Demeter is the Goddess for July 2011. Demeter reveals the light through the dark labyrinth of feelings and emotions. She encourages us to nurture wholeness by accepting, acknowledging and expressing your feelings. Feelings are what you feel. Emotions are your creation your feelings. Feelings left unexpressed build up and can create disease for they take up space inside and keep healthy energy from flowing.

Honour your feelings and emotions in the Cancerian Sun phase. This act of self-kindness can create a sensational passage to a deeper and more wholistic representation of you.

Our animal totem for July is, Owl. Owl is powerful medicine. Owl is insightful and wise. No one can deceive you about what they are doing, no matter how they try to disguise or hide it from you. You may be a little frightening to be around, since so many people have ulterior motives which you see right through.

This is the month to use your powers of keen, silent observation to intuit some life situation. Owl is brefriending us this month and aiding us to see the total truth. Owl can bring us messages in the night through dreams and meditation. Pay attention to the signals and omens,. The truth always brings further enlightenment.

I’ve decided that we should have two crystals for this month. The first crystal for July is, Chrysoprase. This stone heals the emotional dependence, co-dependence, to which we are prone (as humans). It supports independence without losing commitment.

The Leo stone to embrace this month is, Topaz. Vigour and vitality are known qualities of Leo people. Sunny Topaz, with its ability to overcome limitations will help us to gain the recognition we crave. Use it to develop creative potential. Its vibrant energy stimulates your own natural generosity and assist you to be the big-hearted person you can be. This stone helps you to recognise your inner riches as well as drawing the support you need.

July will be wild and wonderful. Eclipses can create an unpredictable month. They are the motivators that we need to move from our comfort zone into a place where we can grow and learn.

Have an incredible month – don’t settle for less!

Love, Peace and Harmony,


I remain attentive and aware about life

Friday 1 July 2011

Sun Cancer
New Moon eclipse – Cancer

When I am aware and attentive to life, I can recognise and act upon opportunity.

At 6:53pm AEST tonight the New Moon in Cancer eclipse will occur. I’ve already mentioned the potency of this cosmic happening in previous entries. Today I would like to focus more on the sign of Cancer and how we can integrate these energies into our wish list or statement of intention.

Cancer is nurturing, emotional and intuitive (lots of other traits of course but I will just focus on these qualities today).

If you find that your life is out of balance in these three spheres now is the time to focus on your intention toward a counter balance.

For example: if you have been over emotional about something or if you’ve not been working on your intuition and or finally, if you have neglected yourself or others now is the time to write a mission statement and turn those areas around.

A number three day offers new shoots of optimism to take us into a new era.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers
I remain attentive and aware about life

Friday 1 July 2011

Sun Cancer
New Moon eclipse – Cancer

When I am aware and attentive to life, I can recognise and act upon opportunity.

At 6:53pm AEST tonight the New Moon in Cancer eclipse will occur. I’ve already mentioned the potency of this cosmic happening in previous entries. Today I would like to focus more on the sign of Cancer and how we can integrate these energies into our wish list or statement of intention.

Cancer is nurturing, emotional and intuitive (lots of other traits of course but I will just focus on these qualities today).

If you find that your life is out of balance in these three spheres now is the time to focus on your intention toward a counter balance.

For example: if you have been over emotional about something or if you’ve not been working on your intuition and or finally, if you have neglected yourself or others now is the time to write a mission statement and turn those areas around.

A number three day offers new shoots of optimism to take us into a new era.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers