Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Shaman of Sorrows

Restoration of hope, finding balance, acceptance acknowledging the place of sorrow in life, hopeful memory, resignation, mourning

Interestingly or shall I say, “Intuitively” our three major arcana cards for today mirror or support the messages of the Shaman of Sorrows. They are the Sun, The Devil, Death and Strength.

The Sun represents hope.

The Devil supports us as we transcend sorrowful thoughts.

Death represents mourning.

And finally, Strength offers the courage to continue.

So, what I am seeing is synchronicity at its best!

It’s a number six day which relates to commitment and responsibility. The unstable energy of the five day yesterday has now passed and we are required to pick up the remanets of the changing threads and weave them into a shawl of empowerment. This act requires considerable competence and dexterity.

The Moon is her practical and posed self in the sign of Taurus. I guess we tend to underestimate the Taurus moon and predominately align her as pragmatic. There is so much more to this second house ruler. Taurus is ruled by Venus the planet of love and money so balancing our cheque books or setting financial plans are predominate in this earthy phase.

The Moon opposes Neptune the planet of mystery. There could be a little bit of confusion with this alignment. Fantasy and illusion are stifled against the backdrop of practicality. It is not a day to enter into a contract. Instead wait until the fog lifts and then sign on the dotted line. I would not suggest you sign any contracts while Mercury is still retrograde. If you do however, this action could herald your exit clause or give you an opportunity to rethink your commitment.

Most of deliberately avoid sorrow well why wouldn’t we? I ask you? And yet sometimes life presents us with the choice of separating from what is not healthy or what has served its purpose in our lives.

Don’t be afraid to face the Shaman of Sorrows as his guidance will take you through the minefield of grief and disappointment. Our journey depends upon the courage to face our truths and face the dark night of the soul with strength and hope. The summit is self-actualisation – strap on your boots and hike with me!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 30, 2010

Spirit of Initiation

Awareness, strength, enlightenment, the gift of vision, the path of transcendence, access to inner wisdom, welcoming transformation

The Spirit of Initiation takes us through the various stages of change. This concept is symbolic of the numerological vibe for today. A number five day encourages change as we move toward our higher ideals.

There is an earthy feel to today – the Moon is in Taurus which links nicely with Mercury in Virgo. This alignment bodes well for practical discussions and pragmatic outcomes. Of course the Sun is in Virgo so there may be a little fussiness or at least an attention to detail. Personally, I like this earthy energy as it is very grounding for an emotional water sign like me.

Like attracts like is a common theme in esoteric circles – our subconscious icons resemble the earthy pitch for the day. The trio of cards in front of me read: Past – The Hermit; Present – The Devil and Future – The Hierophant. Each card is ruled by an earth sign.

For example; The Hermit is Virgo ruled – our sixth house occupant. The Hermit is cautious and mindful of his progress through the outcrop of our daily journey. Watch your step and don’t react or at least don’t over react – take your time and focus on the golden lantern of truth.

The Devil is Capricorn ruled – he resides in the 10th house of career and public appearances. His posses’ ambition and focused drive toward his goals and outcomes. The Devil is a great motivator if you’ve been lazy or thrown off balance by the recent hailstorm from the cosmos.

Some people fear this card instead I would suggest that there is a light and dark side to everything in the Universe. We can live in either side or embrace either side. Of course we have free will and we can choose our perspectives of each lesson here in earth school.

We are human – although some may say we are spiritual beings having a human experience – I think that depends on your individual perspective. Being human comes with a payload of emotions. Some of these emotions dwell in the base chakra and some are direct from the heart. The channel depends upon the circumstances and how we feel about situations. For example, if your family was threatened or you may be notified that you’ve just lost your job this is the base or root chakra – our primal centre and we may feel fear, anger and other dark emotions. On the other hand, when we fall in love our emotions flow from the heart and this energy is much more soft and warm.

The Hierophant is Taurean ruled and the final earth sign for the day. The Hierophant represents the wounded healer – through our emotional wounds the residue is compassion and empathy. We gain insight and begin to heal or choose to heal others. I guess you could call this, “healing from experience”.

Each situation, challenge or experience is an opportunity to heal or dare I say – not to heal – once again the choice is yours. The Spirit of Initiation lives and takes us on a journey of transformation through the corridors of self awareness and love – do you want to join me?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Dancer of Reconciliation

Balance restored, anger dissolved, restitution of wrongs, inner certainty, resolving doubt and confusion. Strengthen bonds, brings harmony, peace-making

Waking up early today is not my idea of a restful Sunday morning. Although, I did go to bed early last night so, I guess it balances out.

Yesterday was frantic. I unpacked my suitcases, washed, ironed and put clothes away – I even squeezed in a little gardening time – just to get grounded. Fortunately, my gorgeous husband had the foresight and good grace to irons his shirts and do the weekly grocery shopping.

Today the Sun is making a grand entrance through my window and around the room. I have been reflecting on some of the past three weeks and the energy I’ve consumed from listening to motivational self-development speakers and reading inspirational books. How do I condense it all? And how can I integrate this potent energy into my life? My well being and is craving the ingredients from these magical moments.

I like the key messages of the Dancer of Reconciliation, don’t you? I want to sip every word and taste the meaning – allow it to swirl around in my consciousness and close my eyes and imbue my soul with its infusion. The fact that there is a possibility of balance restored is intoxicating and I am sure that we can all appreciate the influx of harmony can’t we?

From the etchings of the cave walls we can formulate a plan and build a path to solid ground. The essence of a number four day is building the foundation required to move us toward a new a brilliant future.

Our subconscious offers the support structure with the optimism of the Sun; cooperation of the Lovers and the brute force and strength of the Devil and finally the penultimate moment of gratitude from the Empress.

This subconscious story board relays the messages and meaning for the moment. On the contrary, life is always shifting, evolving and changing directions this constant movement can be demanding. We owe it to ourselves to stop the kaleidoscope of images and seem reconciliation with the Divine. Do not doubt your Divinity – honour it –explore it and allow it to flow through you!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 27, 2010

Dancer of Life

Energy, fertility, hope, celebration, joy in all things, living in the now, entering into awareness, soul endurance respect for others, endless possibilities

Home at last! – Thank the Goddess I am home at last!

Last night I left Sydney and flew home – it was the finale to an exhausting day. I woke at 5am to ensure that I wrote in my journal and complete packing and preparing to move out of the apartment. I had arranged to meet my colleague downstairs for a 7:15am check out. It was gruelling and at the end of the day I was tired and annoyed.

Unfortunately I was booked on a late flight out of Sydney and my Qantas Customer Service agent was not very helpful – or approachable about changing my flight to an earlier one.

In the past couple of years my colleague had negotiated a Qantas Club membership and was not only greeted with a smile and a Mr. this or that but was able to negotiate an earlier flight. In the meantime he was able to smooze with other patrons in the QC lounge.

In the meantime, I met up with some of my students from the course and we gathered at plastic tables and chairs in a cafeteria setting.

At this stage I was quite miffed and tired and the divide between the haves and the have-nots was blatant. As you know inequality lurks as a demon within me and it taunts my sense of justice and fair play.

While sitting with my students I rationalised the sequence of events and while he joined us and then began to taunt us with his ticket to “special treatment” I began to deconstruct the story that had played out.

First of all – good on him – then I thought – well it is only an hour and at the end of a three week commitment what is an hour – plus I have an opportunity to get to know people just that little bit better. Finally, I reached the pinnacle with a “so what?”

At the end of the journey I shared a cab with ome of my young students and fulfilled a promise I had made with her manager to look after her and make sure that she got home safe – a great conclusion to a stressful and emotional day.

Our subconscious highlights this story with: The World – a finale to a journey or life event. Beneficial lessons have been learned and ripe fruit – “awareness” is ready to pluck from the vine.

Death herealds the ending of an adventure – a major life phase. The full stop allows us to take a breath and grieve the loss of a concept or a chapter. Allow yourself to release the emotional baggage around this loss – it is important to let it go so you don’t continue to carry the excess baggage with you from trip to trip.

The Wheel of Fortune is the bounty of experiences gained when you become the dancer of life. Move to the beat of your own song and you will be set free!

NB: Last Sunday night my husband sat with Wayne Dyer at the airport. It was in a public gallery and as they waited for their Virgin flights. Dr. Dyer was sitting in a public gallery relaxing and was totally approachable. My husband was so impressed that he spoke to him in a calm and gracious manner. He knew that Dr. Dyer had just invested a great deal of his energy in the “I can do it!” conference. Dr. Dyer was polite and friendly and not in a segregated lounge. Interesting, isn’t it?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Dancer of Friendship

Strength in unity, fellow journeys, allies, new directions, advice and trust, community, companionship, like-mindedness, honesty

The Dancer of Friendship appeared as a reminder of the friends I’ve made over the past three weeks.

From previous workplace experience I’ve not connected as strongly as I have over this intense program. I suppose we have revealed a great deal of ourselves such as: values, beliefs, likes, dislikes, laughs and frustrations. I care very deeply about these people and their individual needs and career expectations. I am mindful of their dreams and I wish them all the very best in the pursuit of their career desires.

Collaboration and consultation is evidence in a two day- the energies of the day support the dance of friendship. Yesterday we started the day with endings and beginnings and now we pick up the new thread and seek to weave it into our new section of the tapestry.

The Aries Moon is here- Aries ignites the spark to move us forward – we are out of our comfort zone and a “can do” attitude is rife. Now, let’s capitalise on this energy and channel it into our intention.

Now, let’s take a minute and discuss this “power intention” a little more closely. We’ve been walking around in a Neptunian fog since the Pisces Full Moon this week. In some respects we are still a little haze. Our eyes have been shaded with the mystical film. The Aires Moon gives us a sudden jolt and inspires us into reality. Finally, with the Sun in Virgo we can perceive this ignition from a practical perspective.

Our subconscious is up for the ride with the Chariot belting down the road the stallions pull us in two directions – whoa there horsies! We have the reigns so which direction is entirely up to us.

The Devil is the power-broker delivery a tonne of intention. Snap on your tool belt and choose carefully – will it be the sledge hammer or will it be the jigsaw cutter? Design the layout for your future by your hearts desire.

Ahh- nice – let’s finish with the Star – twinkle; twinkle – little star how I wonder what you are – apparently Mozart wrote that score when he was three years old. What an amazing and creative talent?

You do realise however that his energy is still drifting around the Universe ready for us to engage with or tap into. How will you utilise this brilliant and vibrant energy?

The Gift of Friendship is also a powerful source – where would we be without our friends? We all benefit in a friendship relationship - allow the flow of friendship drift around you and take you toward a new destination.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dancer of Joy

Delight, awareness, hope, happiness, transformation, lightness of being, inclination toward light, Divine Presence, experience pleasure, acknowledgement of Truth

This morning as I was making my morning brew Santana’s song was on the radio you know that one, “don’t forget about me” – can’t remember the title – not important anyway. Well, I started wiggling around and then started to dance and thought – oups what if someone is watching me and then I thought – so what! I am expressing my Divinity – my joy – why shouldn’t I dance, groove or delight in the moment of being alive.

After making my brew I came back to bed and drew our oracle card of the day and you guessed it – I intuitively chose, Dancer of Joy! Do I need to say more? Do I need to ask you – are you expressing your joy?

One of the fabulous, fun and highly motivational speakers from the weekend was Sonia Choquette – her website is: www. And she got us up (yes the whole audience) and encouraged is to express our Divinity. She maintains that if you start the day with the dance of joy – then you will transform your life – agree? Well, let’s see!

Yes, i know that the cosmos has been heavy – we’re had Mars and Pluto kick boxing one another and Saturn and Pluto is grunting under the pressure of a head lock – we are just coming out of an intense full moon and now Mercury is retrograde, but hey – let’s just toss that pressure aside – and get off your bootie and dance. Engage with the Dancer of Joy – it is our rite of passage to a new destination.

On the numbers side of the esoteric we are at the turnstiles of 10/1 day – so if you’ve been grumpy – don’t sit there and whine – move it; groove it, baby!

The Moon and Sun are holding hands in our subconscious – free up your soul with love, emotional well-being and creativity – open your heart to the golden energy of Apollo and allow it to infuse your soul with love, laughter and creativity.

The Tower is calling you to get out of your comfort zone and ride the erratic energy of the Uranian tsunami – snap out of and get moving. Haaa – take a breath – yes take a long deep breath – The Fool takes us on a new journey – a new adventure for your soul. Are you ready – well let’s go!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hunter of Vision

Insight, foresight, hindsight, clarity of vision, the gift of recognition, wise decision-making, choosing well, recognises deeper levels, interpreting mysteries.

This morning the Full Moon breached at 3:04am at 2 degrees Pisces. This Pisces Full Moon is the dreamiest of the year. She may prefer to lie in Fantasy Island while the Sun is lodged in practicality and details oriented, Virgo. I guess you consider this coupling as two ends of the spectrum.

Pluto and Saturn combine to facilitate profound changes to the foundations of your life. So I am logging into this cosmic power board and choosing to download the force to make significant changes in my health and daily routines (Virgo Sun – sixth house supports this free download).

Pisces is a renowned visionary. During these Neptunian phase I seem to connect spiritually and emotionally with my Piscean friends or connect on the psychic hotline with my intuitive friends. The esoteric airwaves seem to be more flamboyant and electric – love it; love it a lot!

I am down to my final three days in Sydney for this trip. On reflection it has been a blast – I’ve loved it – I have learned a massive amount of lessons; met some fab. People who have touched my life in significant ways; purchased some awesome books and cards – speaking of cards – the current deck we are working through, the Shaman’s Oracle is fantastic. If you have an affinity with American Indian culture then I encourage you to race out and buy your own set. They are truly exquisite.

Enough of the chatter – what does our subconscious tell us today? Justice – how does Athena influence your life? Is balance required? Or are you waiting to hear about an interview or waiting to sign a contract? See the best outcome and work toward that goal.

The Devil is a powerful force in our lives – he is the ruler of Capricorn and he is prominent as the centre of our reading. Ironically, Capricorns are feeling the rumble of thunder – paying their dues for past deeds (aka Tiger Woods and Mel Gibson).

Persephone is quietly confident as she has been through her recent baptism of fire and will only rewards for the hard yards – does her journey reflect your current chapter? Allow the lunar magic to protect you from the pangs of reality.

Engage with the Hunter and grab the lever for your next exciting episode.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 23, 2010

Dancer of Lies

Are you a truth seeker? Well, stay tuned!

Dancer of Lies: falsehood, opposition, dissolution of dreams, frustrated plans, darkness, being led astray, loss and sorrow, inner conflict, resolve weakened.

Deceit is one of the most powerful and harmful aspects of the human experience. A lie can destroy dreams or hopes in a moment, weaken or damage beliefs, interrupt progress, and turn us aside from the road we should follow. Only confronting truths can we conquer the liar within, and return to the path we desire to tread.

Have you confronted your truth? Do you still tell yourself lies? The Full Moon in Pisces tomorrow morning is a window of opportunity to set yourself free from the web of lies.

It is a day of balance and harmony with the number eight influence. Sure it is a good business day there is work to be done. It is a work day and we must move in the direction of our career path – we are in control – we are the master of our destiny.

The Aquarius Moon offers a thread of truth and understanding. We are all connected – our uniqueness interwoven into a blanket that stretches across the globe. Sure our individual threads are different hues and textures – but we are connected. So, it is easy – just love one another.

The Emperor takes the lead in spinning the yarn. The threads are spun onto a spindle – care and gentleness will ensure that we spin the yarn into a significant and unbroken ball of thread.

The tower is brilliant – weaving in diversity- colours, thickness, and bubbles and sleek yarn all coming together in a mish-mash of brilliance and magic. This Uranian influence shakes us up from our prissy-perfect ways – different is good – can’t you see?

Strength is required to wait and see the completed fabric. The yarn slips through our fingers and makes us bleed – the weaving takes time and we must trust in the outcome – the finished product.

Our garment is magnificent – a kaftan – a blanket of warmth and magic – we have created an invisible cloak to wrap around our shoulders and move silently past the dancer of lies toward our truth.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Dancer of Beginnings

Inspiration – starting out, new ideas, the birth of dreams, fire in the head, the pull toward the future – hopes and happiness

Transpersonal ene4rgy that bursts out of the shadows, infusing everything that surrounds it with the potential of becoming more than it is.

The Dancer of Beginnings has ushered an air of freshness into my life. Star bursts of potential create the canvas of what is possible. After an invigorating weekend of erratic fantastic energy I feel excited about my life and ready to rock – there is so much to be grateful for and so much information to process – my cup of love and passion is filled to over-flowing.

It’s a number seven day so there is time to integrate those energies and ideas into my psyche. It is the beginning; the seed has been chosen and now it is time to allow it to germinate – time and patience is required.

My subconscious prompts begin with Temperance – allow the energy to wash over you – do not rush it for it is far too manic right now. The Moon is glowing in her magnificence – she is the guiding star and today she sits proudly in her 11th house of friends and networking. There is an inordinate amount of energy buzzing throughout cyberspace with the Uranian influence.

The Hanged Man coaxes us into a Neptunian haze – bliss has arrived to take us on a mystical ride. Take your time, Dear – allow the wave of inspiration wash over your seeds – don’t rush; don’t push; don’t force the time of growth – it shall be done in the perfect time – speak softly and the seeds will emerge at the perfect time for your soul.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hunter of Conflict

Conflict though we seldom choose it willingly, s deeply embedded within our collective psyche today, possessions and ideas, and often these can lead to the destruction of values and ways of life.

The Hunter of Conflict stands beside us to seek out a path of healing, and counsels us to be peaceful – to lay aside old grievances and inner debate. In our own lives we may often feel at war with ourselves, in turmoil over decisions we must make. Letting go of such attitudes clears our mind, restoring balance and inner peace.

Today the numerological cycle clicks around to a number six day. It is a day of commitment and responsibility. We are encouraged to take the changes that appeared yesterday to a new level.

Yesterday I participated in day one of the: “I can do it!” conference. Of course I was swept up in the energy and enthusiasm of an audience who were on the peak of a tidal wave of change. Everyone was a collaborator in the transformative desire to move their lives to a new level. This vibration is quite intoxicating. Do you know how truly amazing that is? The energy swirled around me and I felt swept up by the positive force in the room – it was truly magnificent.

So, what am I going to do with that? Everything! No, seriously, I am going back for more today and integrate the relevant information into my conscious mind and move forward with the jet propulsion of alchemy. So watch this space.

The moon in Aquarius which brings our attention to peace, love and humanity this airy house of friendships and networking is perfect for meeting new friends and old soul-mats.

The Fool is ready to burst out of the cave – he is uncertain of the outcome but it doesn’t matter anyway, let’s go!

Judgement cautions against the risk of unbridle enthusiasm – harness this erratic energy is relevant and yet coated in logic – passion is required to fuel our dreams.

Persephone is reflective about the circumstances that present themselves now – it’s okay to dream the impossible dream but you still need to check your baggage at the counter – don’t hold back thought – allow the force to take you where you must go – this is your time to shine – don’t you know?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Dancer of Frustration

The Dancer: Energy and Expression

At times the Universe itself seems determined that we should fail; and the mountains of wasted energy spent in the attempt to break through that wall of frustration can drain us for longer than we realise.

The Dancer of Frustration may stand in our way, but also encourages us to look beyond the obvious and find a new path that may lead you to greater joys and richer rewards than the original path we sought to take. The moment we visualise that new path is the moment we can begin to move forward again.

And so the Shaman’s oracle continues and we have just encountered the Dancer of Frustration. Is he/her dancing in your life?

Mercury has just gone retrograde in Virgo so how is that working for you? There is a federal election here in Australia. We are voting for a new Prime Minister – well I’ve already voted earlier this week so I hope it counts and moves our country forward.

It is a Capricorn moon so it is time to get serious; serious – let’s get into serious – I am off to a two day workshops in Sydney, “I can do it!” Some of my fav. Mentors will be delivering life changing or life enhancing messages – I will pass them along to you too if you would like?

It’s a day five so the abacus is set for changes – I think that is the perfect time to be open for new concepts and suggestions. Sure the Dancer of Frustration jiggles and thrusts his way into my life but he doesn’t block my progress.

Our morning reading supports our cosmic dialogue – funny how that happens! Synchronicity, I think they call it – although I am inclined to believe that it is all orchestrated by the Universe to combat the shenanigans of the Dance of Frustration.

Anyway, Death is the first card and we all know the meaning of this card? Release, shed, purify – all of those suggestions about letting go of negative thoughts, behaviours and habits – come on we can do this together.

The Hermit steps carefully into our lives a silent visitor to remind us that the Sun is about to move into Virgo soon and our focus will turn to work and health. Good timing – I should think.

Justice is fair and reasonable – but what is that? What does that mean? Can’t we have compassionate and pampering instead?
I see the vision of the perfect life – it is right here in front of me – I am living it – how come I am so lucky? How come I am so fortunate? Strange isn’t it? The harder I work, the luckier I become – life is brilliant and evolutionary – I think we are about to embark on a journey in pursuit of a vision. Hold my hand and let’s go!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 20, 2010

Shaman of Purification

Many of us today find it difficult to understand the importance of purification and yet for our ancestors it was an essential part of life.

Purification means getting rid of stale ways of thinking that hold us back. Entering any new phase of development in our inner or outer lives requires us to re-assess what has gone before, purge ourselves of attitudes that are no longer appropriate.

The Shaman of Purification is with us whenever we embark on something new, helping us to prepare for what lies ahead by cleansing the soul and imbuing us with a fresh purpose.

The Moon moves into business and career oriented sign of Capricorn today. While the Sun and Neptune hold hands in the back stalls. They seem to be the cosmic lovers for the day and are content to be blissfully unaware of the obligations of the corporate world.

The Sea Goat has the desire to get down to business and the lovers want to play hooky – doesn’t seem fair, does it? The stage is set however for us mere mortals to meditate and communicate with our spirit guides and angels. I think it is a lovely transition into a weekend of self awareness.

It’s a building blocks day on the numerological score. Four is the number of future planning and I would suggest that the four energy is perfect for career planning or mapping – especially with the support of the galactic stars.

Hermes is adept at transitioning worlds. Is able to flit past the gate of reason and wear an appropriate cloak to infiltrate the crowd and meander purposefully toward his desire destination. He is one of our Guides today – follow him toward the path of realisation.

The Moon is the key to unlock the cosmic cupboard of unexplored secrets – allow yourself to drift and connect with your spirit guides – you never know where it will lead you!

Temperance is ahead – balance and harmony is the reward. Our soul is floating, drifting and aligning to the blissful state of contentment. Our fears have slipped away and we are at peace floating high above the grind of our daily obligations.

How light do you feel? Why not?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I am the Companion of your journeying, I set your feet on the right path between the worlds and help to steer you towards the place where truth may be found. I am both Guide and Guardian sure who making sure you don’t stray too far from your path, or visit those who may be unfriendly or unwilling to help. By remaining at my side you will find truth and guidance from the spirits. Think of me always as your friend, one who shares in your search for truth and walks at your side wherever the journey may take you.

The Companion is an important and powerful ally of the seeker. He or she acts as your spiritual guide and supporter, and will offer unconditional help whenever you may need it. This detail of the cave art shows two hands that show two hands that contain and protect the spirit of the Companion, which rises from a zigzag line of energy.

It is this energy that binds the world of Spirit and the world of humans together, and allows the door between them open. The Companion forms a bridge between these worlds, allowing the Journeyer to enter in search of help from the spirits. Shamans past and present work with helpers of this kind – beings, like the Companion, who become close friends and allies in the task of journeying between worlds.

I hope that you will enjoy this sacred journey. The 52 cards of the Shaman’s oracle that we’ll explore together will bring messages of Universal truth from ancient wisdom of the Shaman’s profound intuitive insights of the psyche that we can use to chart our personal destiny. As with the Tarot, each card of the Shaman’s oracle provides a revealing perspective on our inner reality.

Inner reality – outer expectations and external forces – there is a lot going on isn’t there? Our lives are constantly bombarded with messages and we are in a continual juggling act of work, health, family, education, relationships and play. Sometimes the act is effortless and it all comes together perfectly – other times we drop a ball and berate ourselves or even worse we label ourselves some derogatory name that we wouldn’t give to our worst enemy.

Why? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we make it so hard for ourselves? Set ourselves up for failure and the attack our self worth with
negative programming? I can’t answer that right now but perhaps we will find some answers together in the Shaman’s cave?

It is a number three day of short journeys and mental gymnastics. This is a great day to accomplish a lot of tasks. It is also a fantastic day to explore and enjoy the energy of a special and trusted companion.

The Sun, Moon, Venus and Mars are in a harmonious quadrangle. It is a positive space for love, peace and harmony. This is the perfect time to embark upon a voyage of discovery – get on board.

The Hanged man is up for the Neptunian adventure – he is happy to go with the flow. His participation is timeless and his commitment is fathomless – there is no need to fret or concern you with the tick of the clock.

The wheel of fortune brings the bells and whistles. The crass noise of the fairground heralds the beginning of the tour of a lifetime. What does it tell us though? Does it mean we are supported by our unconscious? We have been given the gift of freedom and the rite of passage to explore – what are you waiting for?

Ahhh – the Lovers – do we need to say more? Are we taking this voyage alone or is there someone who will join us – is that a knock at the door? Yes, of course, the Companion has arrived – a spirit Guide who is ever present and adored – an interpreter, a loving partner – take my hand and let’s go!

Love, Peace and harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

The Journeyer

I am the Journeyer I accompany you on every journey you take in search of answers. I fly into the realm of spirit and encounter the beings that dwell there the ancestors of all people and the guardians of wisdom and knowledge. I am the one who conducts you between the worlds, through the caves of inspiration, taking you on a journey to find guidance in all that you seek. Often I am silent, but when requested I can bring my wide knowledge of journeying to bear on your question.

Walking down the steps we fall deeper and deeper into our unconscious. Each step becomes more prominent and the images are dark, mysterious and primal. Holding a candle to the strange markings on the wall we become fascinated with their primitive style. We begin to realise that we are now in a foreign place with unfamiliar messages – we have entered the Shaman’s Cave.

The Journeyer represents you as the seeker – it is the beginning of the journey. Are you prepared to join me? I promise it will be a mystical healing tour. The past is behind us and it is time to start a new chapter.

I’ve just taken a peak at my lunar return and Sagittarius features in the fourth house - strange isn’t it? Perhaps not so strange when you consider that I am living away from home – sure I am not living overseas but it is away and a learning journey – study and new philosophies – very Sadge.

It is a number two day of companionship and collaboration. This is a joint venture and yes we will explore the cave together. I am excited at the promise of discovery but more importantly sharing this alchemy with you.

Death relates to the old life slipping away like a drab dusty robe. I know it is comfortable and it has served your well – shed it now and leave the final remanent of the past behind.

The Moon is boasting her burgeoning presence – she is delightful, glorious and a beacon of creativity. She integrates our emotions into our identity. The fragility of human emotions is captured in her delicate ridges. Her cycles fascinate us talking us from one emotional realm to another – we remain captivated by the consistent deflowering of our most fragile outer layers.

Zeus is our champion – the rocks and sledge hammer drop in unprovoked rhythms – why? Is it to wake us up from the big sleep? Or is it to drive us toward a new ridge – aspiring toward the climb to the summit.

Navigate the crevices and outcrops of dissention and disappointment. Don’t allow others to shred your self confidence or esteem. People cannot take them from you without your permission. And why would they do that anyway?

The Journeyer represents you, the seeker, when you consult the Shaman’s oracle. The Shaman’s oracle is the truth-seeker’s guide written by John Matthews and Will Kinghan. We will explore the journey together.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Messiah – Redeemer, Saviour

Light – serving humanity with humility

Shadow – exaggerated belief that you are the only means through which a cause can succeed.

Look for a long-term desire to serve people, especially in large numbers, with the possibility of self-delusion in this regard.

Over the past few weeks I’ve shared and we’ve explored the journey of the archetypes from Caroline Myss. I would like to invite you take your own expedition into this informative and insightful expedition.

As I mentioned very early our in archetype conversations I have undertake this course of self examination many times. Have shared some of my inner most secrets and confessed how the archetypes both light and shadow have played out in my life. Self awareness is integral to our growth – self-empowerment relies on intent and action. Where to from here? It’s all up to you!

The Moon in Sagittarius adds a nice glow to the Sun in Leo. These fiery couplings are compatible mates. Sadge is optimistic and philosophical where as Leo Sun is the grand master to the greatest show on earth – your life!

It is a 10/1 day so endings and or changes of direction are support by this numerological usher. The usherette is supported by the galaxy directing those people who are prepared to take a jump the left down a new corridor. How exciting? Explore new concepts and see where this may take you – anyone up for a magic carpet ride?

Justice is for keeps – Athena doesn’t like change unless she is the initiator. She is content to wield her sword of discernment cutting away the unnecessary aspects of our lives and pruning the deadwood or languid limbs precariously hanging to the core of our being.

The Lunar Goddess is a powerful force – as she waxes and wanes she takes us on a magical mystery tour. Speaking of Lunar Goddesses I dreamt that I met Julia Gillard last night. We smiled at each other and we shook hands. She extended her hand and I remarked at her exquisite manicure. I admired the lines of creativity in her hand and then wish her the best in the upcoming election.

The Magician is the dream weaver – where do you go to my lovely when you are alone in your head? Where will your thoughts take you when you’re alone in your bed? Get out of bed and serve your destiny instead. The tools are laid out in front of you take what you need to create your destiny.

Well as I said we are about to leave Caroline Myss and the archetypes journey behind. Tomorrow we will begin a new voyage of discovery. I am not going to say anymore about that only to offer it will be a healing adventure.

Love, Peace and harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Light – prevents you from letting yourself be victimised or victimising others

Shadow – playing the victim for positive feedback in the form of pity – inability to maintain personal boundaries

Everyone has this archetype; the goal is always to learn to recognise these inappropriate attitudes in ourselves or others, and to act accordingly

Do you agree? I do. I am not one to argue with Caroline Myss unless I feel passionate enough to do so or I have evidence to back up my claim. Anyway, if personal experience I have been on both sides of this archetype and at this stage in my life I am drifting along nicely in the light.

The Moon in Scorp8io does not encourage drifting in any sense. There is a passionate feel to the day and this is highlighted by the penetrating expose of our emotions. Another consideration for today is that Mercury goes retrograde in Virgo this week so be mindful of communications cues, details and arrangements - more about that later.

A number nine day has a humanitarian appeal – I love this number (well I don’t dislike any numbers really but different numbers have different allure for all of us). Nine is the number of the humanist. I think I’ve told you this before but nine was John Lennon’s favourite number. So you can see how the energy of this number would resonate with John’s mission on this planet.

Nine is my soul path number and it is the number of the philanthropist – healer and teacher see how it resonates with my soul.

Our morning reading prepares us for the changes taking place in the cosmos. Death augurs the end of a chapter. So if you recognise the indicators that you are a victim then draw on the energy of the Universe to empower your soul.

The Devil has the power to move us out of oppression and bondage – propel us toward a new horizon. The Hermit is cautious in his stride – stepping carefully around the cobblestones of regret while navigating the path of least resistance.

If you are in the shadow victim’s dance ask yourself how did I get here and what am I prepared to change to fling myself from this prison of darkness? The cosmos will provide the GPS to move you toward empowerment – if that’s what you want?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Child: Divine

Light – innocence, purity, and redemption – suggest a good connection with the Divine.

Shadow – an ability to defend oneself against negative forces

Interestingly, shadow Child Divine manifests and ability to defend oneself against negative forces. This is a neat trick don’t you think?

Ask whether you see life through the eyes of a benevolent, trust God/Goddess, or tend to respond to others with fear of being hurt or with a desire to hurt others first.

The Moon is in her power-packed phase of Scorpio. Normally this watery phase is not compatible to a fire sign. However, Leo and Scorpios are reasonably compatible – to a point. And I guess that point is specific to individual personality traits. I won’t drill down at this stage instead will analyse the complexities in future journal entries.

So how was your Saturday? Mine was fab-u-lous! As I’ve mentioned briefly before in this column, I am in Sydney for a three week work commitment. And yesterday was the end of the first week. My hubby flew up from Canberra on Friday night and we had dinner at a local establishment. Yesterday we both agreed that we are in Sydney (one of the best cities in the world) and therefore should experience the City to our hearts content – and we did just that!

We started off with a coffee date and an exploration of the Markets. Paddy’s markets are renowned for fresh fruit and vegies and I stocked up on mine for the week. After we came home and unpacked the bags we took off to my favourite book shop in Sydney, Adyar. You can do a little recon at: www.adyar.com.au – awesome!

We soaked up some of my favourite genres: astrology, psychology, philosophy, motivational books and cards and metaphysical texts etc. I was very restrained and only purchased on book and a little surprise we will share (more about that later).

The book I purchases is called: The Power of the Soul: The way to heal, rejuvenate, transform and enlighten all life. The author is: Dr. Zhi Gang Sha. It was a book that was recommended to me when I had a massage in Daylesford – remember when I went to Ballart of the John Lennon – Imagine exhibition earlier this year? Anyway, I’ve been looking for the book for a while and then just decided it would come to me in the perfect time – and guess what, the time is now.

After the Adyar experience I tore myself way (mainly because I was hungry) and we toddled off to the QVB and had lunch. It was just what my body needed. Then after being nourished by a healthy chicken salad we did a little more grocery shopping.

Dropping our bags at home we had a few minutes to explore our purchases and rest for a short time. I didn’t realise that hubby had booked a surprise for me at the movies. I knew that we were going and I had an idea of which movie it was but when we got there we were ushered into the Gold Class lounge and I was delighted and somewhat surprised to see Inception in this elegant and relaxed state.

It was romantic and fun and highly sophisticated. I was thrilled that he had thought of this himself and took the time to book it and surprise me – fantastic.

The movie was great - I loved the concept and the acting phenomenal. After the movie we went to dinner at a Spanish restaurant. We did not have a reservation and yet the manager squeezed us in without any drama. We shared chicken paella and a bottle of Spanish wine – what a wonderful night? It was the perfect celebration to a fabulous day in the City.

Today will be a little more subdued with a brunch, stroll around the city and relaxing while reading our favourite columns in the newspapers (e.g. Cosmic Girl for me). Perhaps picking up our books and starting the journey.

The Major morning reading suggests that a decision has to be made with the entrance of the Chariot. This card symbolises a turning point or a fork in the road. Whereas the Hierophant encourages us to withdraw and contemplate our next move so retreat and consider your options.

The moon promotes transformation and recovery rather than racing head long into a new phase.

Don’t distress over the intensity of the energy that surrounds you – go with the stream of love and peace that you’re entitled to and open your creative vortex to the power of the Universe. In so doing you will create your unique masterpiece.

Bliss and Love to you all!

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 13, 2010

Exorcist – Sharman

Light - Freeing yourself and others of destructive impulses

Shadow – far of facing your own demons

Discern a life time of exorcising the negative spirits of social groups or individuals

I have a wonderful Sharman guide – White Feather. He has been with me for many lifetimes. He brings healing to negative situations or restores calm in my soul when I am feeling uncomfortable or anxious. At times he has sent three Braves to protect and support me.

This archetype works for me and I am willing to work with it in many contexts. I regard myself as a healer on many levels and people who are healers embrace this archetype somewhere in their chart.

It’s a Saturday and the working week is done. There have been some demanding alignments this week and an element of frustration. However that is all done and dusted and now it is time to rejuvenate.

A number seven day encourages us to reflect on the week – don’t dwell, just relax and explore the inner meaning which hides behind the lessons. Have you gained insight into your growth? Have similar lessons return to test your progress or is there a new batch you’ve been dealing with? Relax, retreat and rejuvenate are key aspects of this lovely Moon in Libra.

Our subconscious reveals the golden beam of the Sun. Apollo is very generous in sharing the good things we’ve come to expect and enjoy – food, music, sunshine and beauty. Soak it up and dance in the beauty of love and freedom.

Athena is more discerning – she is the Goddess of thought and wisdom. Primarily she is fair and reasonable and does not tolerate fools or cosmic travellers with tainted souls.

Venus resides at the other end of the spectrum. Her existence in our reading is one of pleasure and indulgence rather than restrictions. The world offers growth and abundance – rupe fruit hanging heavily on the vine ready for us to grab and ravish.

It’s a lovely sunny and warm day in Sydney. I am off to the markets for some fresh fruit and vegies – then the movies – perfect.

Love, Peace and Deep Soul Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers


Light – inspires you to put into action

Shadow – embracing negative causes or community to causes for personal gain

Ask yourself how much of your life is dedicated to social causes and a willingness to take action.

The moon in Libra seeks balance in all things – it’s time to negotiate the right investment of energy into your life. Are you out of balance? Do you need to obsess about your work to feel worthy? Even with positive causes or passions are you over-contributing?

The Advocate archetype is the perfect example – are you investing too much of your personal life in causes and neglecting other areas of your life so stay true to your life but don’t ignore other aspects.

Balance seems to be the common thread today with the Advocate and the moon in Libra. Also the Moon links with Venus and Saturn today so it’s important to be grounded and not fall into obsessive tendances or even go over the top on an emotional level, addictions or life choices.

Justice maintains this current them of balance and seeking equilibrium – it is necessary to seek the rational aspect and forge ahead on the middle ground. Cut away the crap with the sword of reason.

The Hierophant teaches us that prudent and careful deliberation enhances solidarity. A calm centred approach heralds harmony and peace.

Temperance is the ultimate statement in balance as she takes us toward the philosophical horizon – lift up your eyes and you will see enlightenment beyond the edge or chaos – how do we get there? What will happen when we arrive? Is it much further to go? And what will change about my life?

Love, Peace and Ch-changes,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Light releasing what is potentially destructive – preparing for new life

Shadow – intoxication with destructive powers – destroying others dreams or potential

Look for a pattern within your psyche that destroys relationships or promotes attitudes and opinions that destroy others dreams or potential.

Now I ask you, who could sit on the shadow side of this archetype? And why would you? Why would you deliberately shatter someone’s dreams and potential? I don’t understand that and I suppose that is why I am an empowerment specialist. Part of my mission he3re on earth is to support and guide others toward their dreams.

Unfortunately I have met some destroyers in my time – have you? How did that feel? When you met them? Pretty awful I should imagine? Yes, me too! I am fortunate that I am currently in a space of a comfortable space so that dreams and potential can flourish. Hence I’ve moved away from the white ants nest.

The Moon and Mercury are in harmony – both in Virgo and both are supportive taking care of intuitive and logical communication modes. Precise details are ushered into a logical framework ready to be delivered into reasoned arguments and communication processes. Some Virgos may receive good news today and now that Saturn has left their Sun sign life may begin to flow a little friendlier.

It’s a number five day so it is wise to just go with the flow – be calm and keep your eyes on the shifting horizon. Everything is happening as it should.

The Chariot sweeps us up and escorts us along our path. This vehicle doesn’t mind overtaking insignificant dawdlers and pedestrians who run interference on our dreamscape. Don’t be afraid to steer in the direction of your dreams.

The Devil is poised once again to remind us that we must empowered and do not relinquish your power under any circumstances. Release the bonds of oppression and you will fly with the eagles.

The Hanged Man encourages us to go with the flow – don’t be fooled by his demeanour – his solitary stance is by choice – not due to the persecution or destructive force of another.

All good things come to those who wait – but how long must we wait? Will our wait be rewarded and yet we must invest our commitment with positive intent.

Love, Peace and Magical Thinking,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Light – ability to give creative energy a practical expression – talent for designing resolution to common dilemmas

Shadow – relevance on mechanistic solutions without regard for emotional consequences

Look for a pattern of designing and building structures, devices or solutions

If I consider this archetype closely I would have to say that I am far more solutions-oriented as I grow older. I guess in the past I’ve complained about what is not structured in my reality rather than offer to stand up and offer to build what is necessary. As far as building devices, I love to make jewellery does that count?

It’s a number four day of foundations, structures and building bridges to move on. The Moon is in Virgo and this is a tiny tap on our shoulders to remind us that the New moon offered new beginnings. Initiate those seeds and start fresh in the work and health areas of your life.

How did the New Moon feel for you? As I said I am in a course for three weeks and I must admit I felt a significant shift especially in my 10th house. Positive career events flowed through in the format of compliments, support and a tincture of confidence. Building bridges won’t happen overnight but it will happen.

Why does Death bother us so? Yes it is an ending accompanied by a mourning. This is usually a sad event or at least discerning.

The Devil assures us that we have the power to move mountains. Stay strong and don’t doubt your innate ability to transition confidently outside your comfort zone.

The wheel of fortune heralds an optimistic new phase of enlightenment and growth – jump on board it could be the ride of your life – be as brave as you can be – you won’t be disappointed.

Love, Peace and Movement,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Light - transformation of base motives and goals to golden wisdom

Shadow – misuse of power and knowledge that comes through spiritual practice

In the highest manifestation seeks complete spiritual transformation

It must be associated with your physical life in some significant way, showing invention of regular basis

From my experience and research the most famous “Alchemist” was St. Germaine. It was believed that he was the incarnation of Merlin. He was a brilliant man who turned lead into gold.

There is a great deal of communicative energy swirling around on a number three day. Short journeys and mental gymnastics are part of the zeal of the day – enjoy!

The Big News is that there is a wonderful New Moon in Leo today. The Universe is receptive and ready to plant your seeds/wishes especially in the areas covered by the fifth house of love and romance and most of all, creativity.

The three major arcane cards are the power brokers of the tarot. The Hierophant is the quiet achiever – he is consistent and caring – but also focused and determined. His power comes through his conviction to hold true to a healing heart and a philosophical mind.

The High Priestess is well aware of what power can do to someone and on the other hand she knows what it is to be powerless. Her power comes from within and the desire to survive in a realm of pain and oppression.

The Devil is the ultimate power broker – he exerts his power of us wielding brute force and capitalising on our fears. He does not exist in a loving soul for we all know that there is only room for love and truth.

I believe that we are all alchemists who have the ability to transform our lives – our personal situation – our individual heart’s desire. The cosmos offers a window for the pallet of transformation to emerge at opportune moments. It is up to us to capitalise on these moments and make them real – turn a negative sketch into a positive mural. The New Moon in Leo supports this divine right with colour and magic.

Love, Peace and Transformation,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 9, 2010

Child Orphan

Light – Independence based on learning to go it alone conquering fear of surviving

Shadow – feeling of abandonment that stifles maturation – seeking inappropriate surrogate families

Evaluate your childhood memories, particularly if your painful history arises from the feeling that you were never accepted as a family member.

I had a close bond with my family when I was a child. I know I was loved and adored and this feeling of connectedness has given me a strong foundation for my future. I feel incredibly blessed. I still don’t like being alone though – weird.

I am in Sydney for a three week work commitment. I am living in an apartment building – self contained so I can look after myself – facilitates wise. I feel quite alone even though my hubby will fly up on the first two weekends. I know that I will have plenty to do in the meantime – I will keep you posted.

The Moon in Leo offers a creative zeal. The New Moon will happen at 1:08pm tomorrow. Plant seeds of creativity and romance and you won’t be disappointed.

Death creeps in and closes the door on one chapter – if you want the new then you must finish with the old. The Lovers ache for one another – they miss the closeness of a magical and enduring bond. Strength brings abundance of course – feeling alone? Well dig deep you will source the strength you need to overcome your fears and push the aloneness aside.

I think we all feel like an Orphan child from time to time but what do we do? Give to others? I think that is a great idea, don’t you?

Love, Peace and Embracing the Child within,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, August 7, 2010

August 2010 - what a blast?

Hi there my Global Family and Friends,

August has already proved to be a formidable encounter don’t you think? There have been a range of transformational aspects which has challenged us and encouraged us to grow.

Respite is on the horizon with a New Moon in Leo on Tuesday (AEST). Seeds planted at this most fertile time of the month will be enriched with Venusian magic Each one of us will feel the lushness of this planet of love and money.

Grab a cup of your favourite beverage and catch up with cosmic conversations at Harlequin’s Haven at http://www.jestacom.biz/newsite/ezine/harlequin_s_haven.htm which offer esoteric insights and inspiration for August. While you are there make sure that you take note of your New Moon wish list.

Jar of Jems is revealing. The cyber conversations continue with these two devoted friends at: http://www.jestacom.biz/newsite/ezine/jar_of_jems.htm . They offer individual perspectives dusted with philosophical nuances integrated with honest experiences.

MoonHawk has once again excelled at tantalising us with a warm and nourishing feast from her kitchen. She has also included an article on the healing properties of Eucalyptus. Click on to this link: http://www.jestacom.biz/newsite/ezine/natural_living.htm and discover an informative and healing pathway.

Drop in for a free read at www.jestacom.biz/newsite I am sure that there is something there for everyone!

Love and Peace,


Damsel - Princess

Light – understanding the nature of healthy romance inspires you to rely on yourself

Shadow – waiting for a Knight to provide for you – seduction by romantic illusion

Examine your young girl fantasies and expectations for a mate – were you awaiting the arrival of your Knight in shinning “armour” hoping to be rescued… and disapointed that your expectations weren’t met?

I know I was guilty of that fantasy in days gone by – or should I say in days of old! I’ve grownup since then and realised that I had to rescue myself instead.

It’s a 10/1 day so if you are sitting in an ivory tower waiting for the King to show up – then stop! If shelving that desire is not going tow work then save those wishes for the New Moon on Tuesday. We have a creative and romantic New Moon in Leo bodes well for planting the seeds for love and dreams of a lover. The New Moon in Leo adds a great deal of grandeur so the skies the limit so to speak.

Today the Moon is in Cancer and it is the dark moon time and therefore perfect for rest and reflection. Let’s face it we’ve all being through a massive shift this week so a little time out to integrate some of those transformational experiences is well deserved, don’t you think?

The Devil is the first card of the day which heralds power and passion. There is a major aspect brewing with Venus – love and money and Saturn – Karma and maturity so discussions today could be life changing in these areas.

The Hermit integrates those experiences carefully and respectfully as his manoeuvrers through the rutted road of responsibility. Care and love are perfect elixir for your soul – apply them lavishly and the scars will begin to face almost immediately.

Take the high road and languish in the wonder of your ideals. Spirituality exists in the sacred domain of your uniqueness – yes, Temperance takes us into the lofty zone of philosophical ardour – hovering majestically in the castle of dreams.

Life is far too short to wait for anyone to rescue you – capture your self-respect and pride and conquer your demons in y our own stride. You will then gain the prize of empowerment in your time.

Live in Love and Peace,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, August 6, 2010


Light – great powers of devotion and intuition – desire to seek out the truth

Shadow – voyeurism – falsifying information

Examine your passion for using your powers of observation to get at the truth

Guilty as charged on this one – I not only unconsciously align with this archetype I am conscious of my affinity with the Detective. I believe that I was born as Scorpion woman to assert this archetype in this life. I have a passion for the truth and even in my periods of relaxation I love watching and or reading Detective genre. Actually, I would rather watch Spooks that a chick flick any day.

The downside of explore this archetype to its full potential is that I get frustrated by the lack of wisdom people gain from errors in judgement. Let me explain: why do we still use guns instead of reasoning, “why don’t we talk to one another instead of assuming that we want different things in life?”

Just because we look or sound different it doesn’t mean that we are the enemy? WE are all connected at some level why can’t we just love one another. Anyhow, don’t get me started!

The Cancerian Moon is a nice transition into the weekend. I am off to seek some pampering with a visit to my fav. hairdresser in the world – then, a manicure and pedicure tomorrow. Isn’t that better than war? Oh! Excuse me; can we have a massage instead of beating each other up – get my drift?

It’s a number nine day of resolution and empowerment. Therefore the time is ripe to consider kicking of what doesn’t or isn’t working for you so you can move on to a new growth phase.

People often ask me is it all about cycles and grown and my blanket answer is yes, with a sub-clause -, “if you want it you can make it happen.” I’ll explain: each moment or of our lives is an opportunity to engage with the Universe and evolve as an individual. So if you want it you can make it happen.

The usual response (eye roll) is something quite boring actually because it is often related to, wow does that mean I can be a multi-millionaire who lives in a big house and la la la – get the picture?

Sure some people may manifest that life or inherit that world but is it productive or do they really grow as an ever evolving soul? You can answer that one for yourself.

Look, that’s not it and I am quite certain it never will be what the Universe wants us to achieve. What I am talking about is that we all harness our desire in the power of intent then we can change our inner sanctum (conscious selves and motivations) which influences our outer world (actions) and thus creates our outer world – reality. The world we live and thrive is all about energy – we are manifestations of pure love – each cell – each strand of our DNA is based on love – so let’s connect the alleles and make it something brilliant – something magical and most of all sustainable.

Okay, let’s delve into the subconscious and see what icons appear today. Gaia is the Earth Mother and she represents the birth of a new phase. She is enduring and compassionate and yet carries a steely resolve to leave the world in a much better condition to how she found it.

The Fool is with us again today – he is unpretentious and determined – focused and forthright – let’s move this project forward – together – let’s get something fabulous happening – all you need is your heart and soul.

My Soul Sister, Persephone is a complex woman. She is gentle and kind but carries a heavy burden called wisdom. She has ventured deep into the dark recesses of human torment and her reward is the enlightenment she brings back from Hades.

Would you go to hell to discover the truth? How far would you go? Would go to the corner store or even the Mall? How far would you venture from your comfy chair and how much of yourself are you prepared to relinquish in search of the truth?

I believe that truth lies within us all – we inherit the truth with each breath and every heart beat. WE have faced our dark night of the soul – confronted our shadow self and yet we are the pure essence of unconditional love – and that’s the truth.

It’s a brilliant Saturday – the world hums with your desire for love and peace – drink it in – swim in it and allow the pure energy of love flow over you like a pristine waterfall. That’s my plan for today – see you on the banks of Nirvana

Have a Happy Day!

Julia Ashton-Sayers


Light – helping those in need with no expectations of return

Shadow – acting innocent or angelic to mislead others – falsely clamming to be in touch with Angelic guidance

Look for a lifelong pattern of inspiring others spiritually or aesthetically

I have never operated in the shadow attribute of this archetype. My philosophy is, why bother. I have lived within the realm of the light and will continue to do so until I am fortunate enough to have a closer bond with my Angelic Guardians and Spirit Guides

We are now officially out of rough and tumble galactic cycle. The Gemini Moon offers a harmonious ambience to talk us through the emotional bruises.

I don’t want to gloat but I’ve been pretty darn fortunate in this astrological phase – sure there have been some bumps in the road but definitely no side swipes. Coming out of sleep this morning a felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude and grace and immediately thanked my Spirit Guides and Angels for support while directing me to a place of harmony and contentment. I am fortunate. Okay enough gloating on with the subconscious motivations.

The Lovers appears and takes us into a state of bliss. We are grateful that we have a loving man/woman/friend/partner/child to care for and to care about us. The Lovers are about communication both verbal/non-verbal which encourages us to speak with our hearts.

I’m excited that we have the Fool appear – He is enthusiastic and optimistic – we are off on a new adventure that is exciting, isn’t it? We are filled with passion and focused on our path.

The Devil represents power and control. In balance this is a positive force as long as we don’t exert it over anyone else. That’s the important thing to remember, isn’t it? Dedication and focus are the key elements – achieving goals and desire outcomes are the lure.

I’ve met many Earth Angels in this lifetime. They have been generous and gentle souls. They are willing to lend a helping hand even though their lives have been fraught with painful lessons and heart ache.

Love rules in the Earth School!

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Are we there yet?

Light – sheds light on the potential wealth within you that can never be stolen

Shadow – stealing money, creative ideas, affection or other powers you think you lack

Look for a continuing pattern of expropriating from others – materially, intellectually or emotionally.

The reason why I’ve asked, “are we there yet?” is to find out if there is an end to the astrological minefield. Is there some line in the sand or finite boundary we are finally approaching here? Keep in mind that there is a belief that: “as above; so below” so on that basis our relationship between the skies and ourselves is pretty tempestuous at present. What I am looking for is an answer to: “Is it safe for me to come out from underneath the duvet yet?” No seriously the week has been fine – hasn’t it?

Anyhow, the Moon is in Gemini and I don’t care – well I do, no I don’t – ah you know what I mean? At least the Sun and Moon are compatible at present and lovingly support one another through some talk therapy. If that doesn’t work then have a massage – that is what I plan to do.

At the numerological edge we are in a number seven day. This is a perfect opportunity to reflect on the changes that have taken place over the past few weeks. How do they fit? Do they need a dry clean? Or perhaps they don’t fit anymore so we need to recycle them?

Hermes, the Magician is very adaptable and able to move between worlds – he/she can take on any role and is comfortable in both dimensions. Perhaps that is our message at the moment – adaptability and flexibility – not delving too deep just skimming the surface of what is?

Temperance floats high above the game playing – don’t get caught up in the noxious details just take the high road to empowerment. She is only interested in learning and ultimate evolution of our soul – how can we improve our chances and our state of being if we languish in the quagmire of regret or the nonsense that squishes up between our toes?

The world is the ultimate reward – a delicate balance of hard work and reward. Standing proudly in the garland of plenty we know that the toil is over – reach over and pick a ripe succulent piece of fruit – enjoy the juices of your labour.

Its Thursday, a Jupiter ruled day and even though he has been grumpy this week there are a lot of benefits to be gained – we can accept them freely or take them under the guise of the thief – slipping slowly into the treasure chest of wisdom and stealing what is necessary for our soul evolution.

Love, Peace and a Passion for Plenty,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Light – delights in the arts without having to be a professional – alerts you to the danger of becoming superficial in your pursuits

Shadow – pretention too much deeper knowledge than you actually possess.

Look for a pattern of delighting in the fine arts or other areas of endeavours without going very deep.

This is another archetype that resonates with me – it is not that I live this life – it is more about an appreciation and indulging in the fine arts. I love galleries and of course relish in the experience of a creative adventure albeit it mine or someone else’s. Thus there must be a little Dilettante that lingers somewhere in my subconscious.

The World is our oyster and astrologically the world is currently experiencing a minefield of planetary influences. Mars and Pluto are performing in the ring today – they are renowned pugilists who belt it out to see who can take on the lessons and refine them as they evolve.

These alignments are about evolution – or growth so it is important to consider how we handle ourselves during these unsettling times. Love and patience are the perfect soul elixir - apply generously.

The Sun is always a welcomed friend – especially on the dark angry days. I love the Sun card especially in periods of great angst or dis-harmony. Considering we have endured a season of death, the devil and judgement a little sunshine is a nice warm change don’t you think?

The Fool is the ultimate optimist. He is the augur of the new bright and light phase. If you’ve been in a period of struggle his presence is the indications that period is now officially over. He insists that we travel light – that we keep our luggage to a minimum – don’t drag the negativity of the past with you as it consumes far too much energy.

A number six day advises that we take responsibility for our actions – that we make a solid commitment to our evolution. The Moon in Taurus adds a practical Venusians flavour which sweetens the pot of chaos currently stewing in the skies.

The Sun in Leo encourages us to be affable through the planetary struggles – keep your head up and be courageous – all things must pass. Don’t waste a second on the sludge that sticks to your feet – shake it off baby and move on!

Love, Peace and Artistic Solitude

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Light – ability to communicate knowledge, experience, skill or wisdom

Shadow – manipulating or abusing students – teaching negative traits and destructive skills

Ask yourself if others look to you as a teacher in any situation – to impart the richness of your experience, or to show them the ropes.

Don’t you love synchronicity? Yesterday I spoke about the teacher and here it is.

NB: Our thoughts are like magnets they attract energy into our lives. I’ve attracted the teacher archetype today as I’ve shuffled the deck – what can you attract with your thoughts? Peace, I hope? What about love?

Consider these phenomena as Jupiter and Pluto clash today. Jupiter is in my seventh house of interaction with society and Pluto is in the fifth house of love and creativity – interesting to say the least – mind blowing at best!

The Moon rationalises our emotions in the Taurus phase. Taureans love the niceties of life – peace, love and happiness – the love - the cosiness of a warm fire and the harmonious blend of contentment and nurturing oneself.

This moon phase is a good backdrop to the challenging act currently playing out on stage. Yes, Pluto and Jupiter are at it again so the clash of the transformers could get ugly so we will jut warm our feet by the fire and sip on hot chocolate with marshmallows thank you very much.

It’s a number five day so a wild card day on the numerological scale. A five day can be challenging as that energy is unpredictable – a common theme perhaps?

The Devil snorts and prances down the corridors of disillusionment – fling off the binds of oppression and release the shackles that hold you to your dysfunctional habits and toxic fears. The Devil sniggers as workplace scenarios erupt into prize fights on a Saturday night. Sure each round takes you to the edge of you seat but is this sustainable?

Judgement – again – enough of the shedding already! The hanged man takes us into his Neptunian gaze – hang here for a while – and heal the scars of betrayal.

The star searches for optimism above the cloud of spites. Don’t wallow in what could have been – start fresh and seek the possibilities of now. Look higher and you will see hope lurking beyond the rim of darkness – teach yourself to be true – long live learning and love.

Love, Peace and Learning to be True,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, August 2, 2010


Light – humility and devotion to knowledge – openness to lifelong learning

Shadow – arrogance in the pursuit of destructive knowledge. Unwillingness to translate knowledge to action

Look for a pattern of constant learning, openness to new information as an essential part of your well being.

I definitely connect with this archetype and can confidently say that I see myself in the light attribute. More than that I see myself as the eternal student – constantly searching for ideas and information and sharing them with the world - perhaps we will have the teacher tomorrow – that one resonates with me also.

The Moon is in Taurus today so the fire and brimstone of Aries firestorm is cleared and the pragmatic clean up process takes place

There are some challenging and life changing planetary alignments this week. We will discuss them as they enter our Universe.

Yesterday was an interesting lucky dip weather day. At first it was sunny which lulled us into a false sense of security. The warm sunny start to the day was pleasant and very appealing. Without warning storm clouds began to gather and before we knew it sleet was invading our sunny Sunday surprise.

Being as grounded as possible will help us navigate the uncertainty of the astro-weather. August is going to be a bumper month but there may be a few road bumps to conquer. It’s a number four day and a Taurus moon so consider some of the strategies required to guard against buying into other’s bad news day.

The Hierophant is a wise teacher – look after yourself and you will do well – be mindful in all that you do and take care of you.

Justice raises her sword and protects us from the irrelevant circumstances that swirl around us – don’t buy into a potential hazard unless you have your armour on.

Judgement has the karmic window that opens when we are ready to learn and grow. Be cautious and maintain your stride – you’ve got a long way to go!

Love and Peace – People – its all about love!

Julia Ashton-Sayers