Interestingly or shall I say, “Intuitively” our three major arcana cards for today mirror or support the messages of the Shaman of Sorrows. They are the Sun, The Devil, Death and Strength.
The Sun represents hope.
The Devil supports us as we transcend sorrowful thoughts.
Death represents mourning.
And finally, Strength offers the courage to continue.
So, what I am seeing is synchronicity at its best!
It’s a number six day which relates to commitment and responsibility. The unstable energy of the five day yesterday has now passed and we are required to pick up the remanets of the changing threads and weave them into a shawl of empowerment. This act requires considerable competence and dexterity.
The Moon is her practical and posed self in the sign of Taurus. I guess we tend to underestimate the Taurus moon and predominately align her as pragmatic. There is so much more to this second house ruler. Taurus is ruled by Venus the planet of love and money so balancing our cheque books or setting financial plans are predominate in this earthy phase.
The Moon opposes Neptune the planet of mystery. There could be a little bit of confusion with this alignment. Fantasy and illusion are stifled against the backdrop of practicality. It is not a day to enter into a contract. Instead wait until the fog lifts and then sign on the dotted line. I would not suggest you sign any contracts while Mercury is still retrograde. If you do however, this action could herald your exit clause or give you an opportunity to rethink your commitment.
Most of deliberately avoid sorrow well why wouldn’t we? I ask you? And yet sometimes life presents us with the choice of separating from what is not healthy or what has served its purpose in our lives.
Don’t be afraid to face the Shaman of Sorrows as his guidance will take you through the minefield of grief and disappointment. Our journey depends upon the courage to face our truths and face the dark night of the soul with strength and hope. The summit is self-actualisation – strap on your boots and hike with me!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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