Starry wisdom, recognising ancestral paths and relationships, transformative energy, changes in direction, reassessment, and awareness of higher purpose
The intensity of the full moon is fading in the sky as she moves into her natal sign of Cancer. She is midway between the conclusion/resolution phases and is preparing to enter the dark, rich fertile phase. Have you noticed that something has ended in your work? Have you felt a shift in awareness that a situation has resolved? It is important to take note as she waxes and wanes as it will assist you to plot your history.
A number six day supports commitment and responsibility to the new and fresh objectives undertaken in this part of the numerological cycle. Are you really on board with your new direction? Or are you procrastinating with a lot of “would’s and should’s?” I am impressed with my resolve to honour a commitment to healthy living. This resolution has stood some pretty testing and tasty opportunities.
The Shaman of Stars will lead us to our perfect destination. We often stray off the path to follow our hearts desire or squander opportunities in the pool of procrastination.
Signposts and synchronicity confirm the navigation as our angelic realm support our frailties and human-ness.
Archangel Azreal echoes the legions of support and reminds us that our loved ones in heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries, and feel their loving blessings.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Spirit of Truth
Without the spirits there can be no Shamanic practices. They guide, strengthen, assist and cooperate with every Shamanic practitioner to empower the work undertaken.
The Spirit of Truth supports facing the future with eyes open, responding to challenges with honesty and truth, belief in the truthfulness of others, seeing beyond the illusion, clear-sightedness
Today I start my new lunar return. My Moon is in the first house and in some respects offering my emotions up as transparent microcosms. The planets have shifted and my chart reveals a little cohesion between home and work related areas. Also there is a Venus and Mars in Scorpio thang in my sixth house of daily routines. So what does that mean? Well, this lunar return will be emotionally balanced, focused and truthful. It also means that he Spirit of truth will linger throughout my intentions to ensure that I focus on my commitment and faithfulness toward my growth.
Enough about me, what about you; or at least what about we enrolled in this topsy turvy earth school? The curriculum chops and changes. Today is a number five day and it is a let’s shake it up energy. On days like these we will test the boundaries of the framework of your new scaffold erected yesterday.
I breathe a sigh of relief as Archangel Azrael comforts us, whispering, “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal. Nice!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Spirit of Truth supports facing the future with eyes open, responding to challenges with honesty and truth, belief in the truthfulness of others, seeing beyond the illusion, clear-sightedness
Today I start my new lunar return. My Moon is in the first house and in some respects offering my emotions up as transparent microcosms. The planets have shifted and my chart reveals a little cohesion between home and work related areas. Also there is a Venus and Mars in Scorpio thang in my sixth house of daily routines. So what does that mean? Well, this lunar return will be emotionally balanced, focused and truthful. It also means that he Spirit of truth will linger throughout my intentions to ensure that I focus on my commitment and faithfulness toward my growth.
Enough about me, what about you; or at least what about we enrolled in this topsy turvy earth school? The curriculum chops and changes. Today is a number five day and it is a let’s shake it up energy. On days like these we will test the boundaries of the framework of your new scaffold erected yesterday.
I breathe a sigh of relief as Archangel Azrael comforts us, whispering, “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal. Nice!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hunter of Strength
Force of will, strength to accomplishing your dreams, recognition of your own power and that of others, recognising weaknesses, drawing on the energies that surround you
The Sun and Moon are highly compatible today. The Moon has moved into Gemini and the Sun is in Libra. Let’s face it; Libra is already in the spotlight because of the Saturn transit. Now there is a clash with the nodes and Saturn today also.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma so you may ask yourself, is this ground hog day or is there something more I need to learn from this curriculum? This can be a difficult clash or maybe a little uncomfortable – it is all relative and very individual. If you are ticking the boxes and doing well then there is no need for concern. If you are not facing up to your responsibilities then prepare for a good old nudge.
A number four day is generally a time of consolidating your energies and building a framework for the future. There is a more sedate energy than the chaotic energy of the three day (yesterday). Still your life can resemble a construction site so please be careful where you step or at least where you leave your tools.
I like energy of a four day as it relies on order and preparation. It’s ironic that my unstable and mutable Moon sign of Gemini embraces the methodical structure of a four day to bring the order out of chaos.
One thing I’ve come to realise is that this earth school is all about learning and teaching. Archangel Zadkiel suggests that we keep an open mind, and learn new ideas then, teach those ideas to others. And So Be It!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Sun and Moon are highly compatible today. The Moon has moved into Gemini and the Sun is in Libra. Let’s face it; Libra is already in the spotlight because of the Saturn transit. Now there is a clash with the nodes and Saturn today also.
Saturn is the Lord of Karma so you may ask yourself, is this ground hog day or is there something more I need to learn from this curriculum? This can be a difficult clash or maybe a little uncomfortable – it is all relative and very individual. If you are ticking the boxes and doing well then there is no need for concern. If you are not facing up to your responsibilities then prepare for a good old nudge.
A number four day is generally a time of consolidating your energies and building a framework for the future. There is a more sedate energy than the chaotic energy of the three day (yesterday). Still your life can resemble a construction site so please be careful where you step or at least where you leave your tools.
I like energy of a four day as it relies on order and preparation. It’s ironic that my unstable and mutable Moon sign of Gemini embraces the methodical structure of a four day to bring the order out of chaos.
One thing I’ve come to realise is that this earth school is all about learning and teaching. Archangel Zadkiel suggests that we keep an open mind, and learn new ideas then, teach those ideas to others. And So Be It!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Spirit of Wisdom
Understanding truth, progress through difficulties, accessing wisdom, facing doubts, clearing the way ahead, respecting the potential of all people, all creatures and all things
It’s a number three day of short journeys. We are headed back home after a wonderful weekend catching up with family. The weather has been amazing and I feel that surge of spring carry us into the warmer months – defrosting – ahha!
The Moon in Taurus offers practical solutions to problems. Sun and Pluto are shaping up for a big clash. This alignment can equate to a spotlight shinning on your ego. Perhaps we are in for a shift in perspective on how we perceive our role in society.
Saturn is also knocking on the door of opportunity he is standing in line patiently waiting taking his time to size up where you need to take responsibility for yourself. With Libra’s it is there identity that is under scrutiny. So, my Libran friends and associates please take care with your next move.
Mercury and Jupiter link for some expanding of the mind. I love this link – well it sits nicely with my natal alignment – it feels just right. This alignment may relate to a little speaking before the brain is engage so make sure that the filter is fitted between your mind and your moth. Or ensure that the spirit of wisdom will walk very closely at your side and calm your mind.
Speaking of calming the mind – Archangel Uriel facilitates claircognizance and asks that we pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are unanswered prayers. A lovely subtle Jupiter and Mercury link don’t you think?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
It’s a number three day of short journeys. We are headed back home after a wonderful weekend catching up with family. The weather has been amazing and I feel that surge of spring carry us into the warmer months – defrosting – ahha!
The Moon in Taurus offers practical solutions to problems. Sun and Pluto are shaping up for a big clash. This alignment can equate to a spotlight shinning on your ego. Perhaps we are in for a shift in perspective on how we perceive our role in society.
Saturn is also knocking on the door of opportunity he is standing in line patiently waiting taking his time to size up where you need to take responsibility for yourself. With Libra’s it is there identity that is under scrutiny. So, my Libran friends and associates please take care with your next move.
Mercury and Jupiter link for some expanding of the mind. I love this link – well it sits nicely with my natal alignment – it feels just right. This alignment may relate to a little speaking before the brain is engage so make sure that the filter is fitted between your mind and your moth. Or ensure that the spirit of wisdom will walk very closely at your side and calm your mind.
Speaking of calming the mind – Archangel Uriel facilitates claircognizance and asks that we pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are unanswered prayers. A lovely subtle Jupiter and Mercury link don’t you think?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Shaman of Courage
Finding the courage to advance, understanding the loss of power, recovering lost strengths, facing danger, maintaining calm, and transforming fear into power
Shamans are healers and the wise ones of the tribe. They appear when it is time to heal the scars of our wounds – emotional, physical and or spiritual. They dance into our lives with their words, rituals and magic to support us as we traverse the unknown territories of our future.
Shaman of curse offers a calm transition from fear to empowerment. We stand at the edge of the undiscovered territories of fears he gives us wings so we can fly across the valleys that are destined to leave behind; taking us to new and undiscovered frontiers.
The Moon is in Taurus. This practical calm sign is ruled by Venus the planet of love and money. Taurus reminds us of our pragmatic selves and is a nice relaxed moon cycle for the weekend.
A number two day is about cooperation the focus is on partnerships. The new cycle began yesterday and now we are forming an elegance of commitment to a new statement of truth.
Archangel Gabriel supports this truth with the concept of nurturing ourselves. As you nurture a child you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important for you right now. So Be It!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Shamans are healers and the wise ones of the tribe. They appear when it is time to heal the scars of our wounds – emotional, physical and or spiritual. They dance into our lives with their words, rituals and magic to support us as we traverse the unknown territories of our future.
Shaman of curse offers a calm transition from fear to empowerment. We stand at the edge of the undiscovered territories of fears he gives us wings so we can fly across the valleys that are destined to leave behind; taking us to new and undiscovered frontiers.
The Moon is in Taurus. This practical calm sign is ruled by Venus the planet of love and money. Taurus reminds us of our pragmatic selves and is a nice relaxed moon cycle for the weekend.
A number two day is about cooperation the focus is on partnerships. The new cycle began yesterday and now we are forming an elegance of commitment to a new statement of truth.
Archangel Gabriel supports this truth with the concept of nurturing ourselves. As you nurture a child you nurture your own inner child. Both activities are important for you right now. So Be It!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, September 24, 2010
Hunter of Dreams
Realisation, wisdom, discovery of truths, guidance, clues to life’s patterns, open up to new paths, encountering the Divine, attending to metaphors and signs
I don’t know about you but I feel the definite shift in season right now. I am sensing the subtle shifts of currents taking me to a much warmer and vibrant place. My body feels more alive and I am excited about the prospect of this seasonal space. I hope you feel it too.
The Hunter of Dreams stirs within us taking us from a place of complacent acceptances to the edge of possibilities. Our Angelic realm offers support with Archangel Angle Sandalphon who relays messages from God, “We Angels bring you gifts from your creator. Open your arms to receive.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
As we enter the weekend the Moon in Aries motivates us to make the most of every minute.
It’s a 10/1 day so endings and beginnings are the numerological vibe. This part of the cycle aligns perfectly with the recent full moon in Aries. Aries loves fresh starts so it is time to consider a new path or taking acting on a dream that you’ve held so close to your heart and not yet taken the necessary steps to put into action.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Dancer of Inspiration

Inspiring others is one of the greatest gifts we can humanity. If we can rise above our own darkness – the blackness of our emotions and inspire others then we are the Dancer of Inspiration.
Sometimes this revelation comes in the form of special and unique words contextualised around difficult situations. Other times inspiration can come from a song – the words and music inspire the masses to fall in love, love one another, imagine peace, or just dance. In other more obtuse climates inspiration can arise from jokes in the face of adversity. For example some will embrace the macabre or humorous side to an unfortunate situation. These cracks in the dark clouds of sadness are the work of the Dance of Inspiration.
So how was the Full Moon in Aries yesterday? Did you get through unscathed? Did you remember to light a candle and send a promise to yourself out into the ether? How ever you decided to celebrate the full moon I hope you took some time to have a glance at her beauty. I did and she most certainly inspired me.
A number nine day encourages conclusion and resolution. Nine is the number of empowerment – a cycle of learning has evolved and we prepare for the end and a new beginning just around the corner.
Archangel Jeremiel inspires us with his message that all is well. Everything is happening for a reason – exactly as it supposed to, with hidden blessings you will soon understand.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Ancestor of Memory
Remembrance of those you love, restoration of broken things, seeing beyond false aspects of life, past truths applied to present troubles, understanding the importance of history
The Full Moon in Aries is the main focal point of today. Well I guess we can’t dismiss the Sun moving into Libra either. There is a significant pull between the concepts of self –v- others in this allegiance.
Aries represents the individual and Libra relates to partnerships/relationships so there could be a little tension around these issues at this Full Moon. Isn’t she pretty though? Looking up at the night sky one can’t dismiss her beauty.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggressions. So be careful of tempers flying around today. There could be a little power struggle going on – there could also be a little, “what about me?” While this lunar position is about self centeredness the identity must become aware of the need for balance, fairness and integral relationships in our personal and professional sphere.
It’s a number eight day so again the concept of balance is significant. Eight is also the executive in the numerological zone. The two circles are in constant motion searching for that perfect balance.
Now that the Sun is in Libra there will be a lot of talk or even scrutiny on justice and fairness. How can we all be balanced within ourselves as well as offer or invest energy into other facets of our lives.
Relationship with self and others will prove to be in a state of flux. With constant monitoring and checking back between self regulation and feedback from others will give you an indication on how you are tracking.
The courage we derive from strength is paramount to our growth. Don’t underestimate the power of taming the beast of burden. It takes incredible courage to speak up and be authentic with you.
Judgement heralds a phase of letting go – the Full Moon is the perfect milestone to announce the conclusion or resolution to ineffective behaviours or attitudes. The intensity of this energy pressures us to relinquish what is not working for us.
The Chariot picks up speed and carries us toward a new destination. Hold on tight the ride may become bumpy.
Archangel Azrael comforts us whispering, “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Full Moon in Aries is the main focal point of today. Well I guess we can’t dismiss the Sun moving into Libra either. There is a significant pull between the concepts of self –v- others in this allegiance.
Aries represents the individual and Libra relates to partnerships/relationships so there could be a little tension around these issues at this Full Moon. Isn’t she pretty though? Looking up at the night sky one can’t dismiss her beauty.
Aries is ruled by Mars, the planet of war and aggressions. So be careful of tempers flying around today. There could be a little power struggle going on – there could also be a little, “what about me?” While this lunar position is about self centeredness the identity must become aware of the need for balance, fairness and integral relationships in our personal and professional sphere.
It’s a number eight day so again the concept of balance is significant. Eight is also the executive in the numerological zone. The two circles are in constant motion searching for that perfect balance.
Now that the Sun is in Libra there will be a lot of talk or even scrutiny on justice and fairness. How can we all be balanced within ourselves as well as offer or invest energy into other facets of our lives.
Relationship with self and others will prove to be in a state of flux. With constant monitoring and checking back between self regulation and feedback from others will give you an indication on how you are tracking.
The courage we derive from strength is paramount to our growth. Don’t underestimate the power of taming the beast of burden. It takes incredible courage to speak up and be authentic with you.
Judgement heralds a phase of letting go – the Full Moon is the perfect milestone to announce the conclusion or resolution to ineffective behaviours or attitudes. The intensity of this energy pressures us to relinquish what is not working for us.
The Chariot picks up speed and carries us toward a new destination. Hold on tight the ride may become bumpy.
Archangel Azrael comforts us whispering, “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Hunter of Gifts
Inner gifts, recognising skills and values, the flowing of imagination, discovering your potential, finding your way, valuing truth, using skills and talents
The Hunter of Gifts is stalking us to remind us that we have lots of gifts and abilities. These unique traits are a part of the inherent tool kit we take with us on our journey. Don’t forget how special and wonderful you are!
The potential of a number seven day is to reflect on your inner wisdom. Take time out to work, mediate and be at home in your body. Allow you to go with the flow – release the need to control every outcome. Allow it to be – detach from the conclusion and accept what is and what will be.
I am currently reading the Shift a book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It’s an easy read with transparent and digestible messages. He aligns a lot of the philosophies behind the Tao Te Ching. This is a fantastic read – Wayne Dyer is able to break down the most complex concepts and offer them up as palatable morsels.
We are on the eve of a full moon and the intensity hangs thick and heavy in our consciousness. Already this week has brought some shifts in awareness coupled with the cosmic influences.
Spring is making her glorious entrance which enhances this energy of change and growth. Don’t sit and wait for it to happen reach out and grab an opportunity to move yourself into a new realm.
The Tower is the lightning bolt out the blue. Other people’s issues hit hard against the edifice of your life. Stay strong and be true to yourself. That’s all you can do!
Judgement heralds a period of great change – shed the unwanted and outworn – don’t hold on to what no longer works for you – you’re wasting precious time and energy.
The Wheel of Fortune feeds our spirit with buoyancy and vibrant glittering energy. It’s a time of movements – dancing and singing. Embrace the change that is on offer – why would you choose to stay stuck when there are magical opportunities on the horizon.
Archangel Hamiel relates to Passion – trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career – are we there yet?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Hunter of Gifts is stalking us to remind us that we have lots of gifts and abilities. These unique traits are a part of the inherent tool kit we take with us on our journey. Don’t forget how special and wonderful you are!
The potential of a number seven day is to reflect on your inner wisdom. Take time out to work, mediate and be at home in your body. Allow you to go with the flow – release the need to control every outcome. Allow it to be – detach from the conclusion and accept what is and what will be.
I am currently reading the Shift a book written by Dr. Wayne Dyer. It’s an easy read with transparent and digestible messages. He aligns a lot of the philosophies behind the Tao Te Ching. This is a fantastic read – Wayne Dyer is able to break down the most complex concepts and offer them up as palatable morsels.
We are on the eve of a full moon and the intensity hangs thick and heavy in our consciousness. Already this week has brought some shifts in awareness coupled with the cosmic influences.
Spring is making her glorious entrance which enhances this energy of change and growth. Don’t sit and wait for it to happen reach out and grab an opportunity to move yourself into a new realm.
The Tower is the lightning bolt out the blue. Other people’s issues hit hard against the edifice of your life. Stay strong and be true to yourself. That’s all you can do!
Judgement heralds a period of great change – shed the unwanted and outworn – don’t hold on to what no longer works for you – you’re wasting precious time and energy.
The Wheel of Fortune feeds our spirit with buoyancy and vibrant glittering energy. It’s a time of movements – dancing and singing. Embrace the change that is on offer – why would you choose to stay stuck when there are magical opportunities on the horizon.
Archangel Hamiel relates to Passion – trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career – are we there yet?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Ancestor of Guidance
Profound wisdom, direction, seeking new ways, companionship of family on your journey, realisation, echoes of ancient paths
The Moon in Pisces kisses the Sun in Virgo as he about to move into the sign of Libra. We have had one solar cycle of focussing on work and health routines. Now we are on the threshold of our ride with interactions with society. Pisces is the romantic and quite mystical. The moon in this phase will offer the insight to guide us into this new solar phase.
The Ancestor of Guidance elicits the confidence that we are never alone. Our lives are supremely guided by friends, relatives and allegiances that have passed over. A gentle nudge or a whisper in our ear influences our decisions and direction. Throughout my life I have relished this ongoing mystical conversation.
A number six day offers commitment to our development and self care. Take time for you and don’t delay – it is important to make you and your good health a priority.
The Sun and Jupiter re poised to offer grand gestures of benevolence and growth. Jupiter is the benefactor of the zodiac so whatever you focus your attention on subtle currents of energy will flow in that direction.
The Empress aligns her moods and generosity with the seasons. Giving birth is an essential phase in the process. She supports as we attempt new and yet significant changes that facilitates our evolution.
The Devil releases us from temptation – show the determination,’ the inner strength and courage required to stay with your conviction for positive transformation.
The Star lifts our eyes above adversity of the daily grind. She offers hope and promise. Her role is to lift our mind toward the possibilities of alchemy and turning hardship into profound lessons of wisdom. As we journey through the darkest night of the soul she is the brightest light.
Open your mind to the whispers of the Ancients and you will divinely guide toward empowerment.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon in Pisces kisses the Sun in Virgo as he about to move into the sign of Libra. We have had one solar cycle of focussing on work and health routines. Now we are on the threshold of our ride with interactions with society. Pisces is the romantic and quite mystical. The moon in this phase will offer the insight to guide us into this new solar phase.
The Ancestor of Guidance elicits the confidence that we are never alone. Our lives are supremely guided by friends, relatives and allegiances that have passed over. A gentle nudge or a whisper in our ear influences our decisions and direction. Throughout my life I have relished this ongoing mystical conversation.
A number six day offers commitment to our development and self care. Take time for you and don’t delay – it is important to make you and your good health a priority.
The Sun and Jupiter re poised to offer grand gestures of benevolence and growth. Jupiter is the benefactor of the zodiac so whatever you focus your attention on subtle currents of energy will flow in that direction.
The Empress aligns her moods and generosity with the seasons. Giving birth is an essential phase in the process. She supports as we attempt new and yet significant changes that facilitates our evolution.
The Devil releases us from temptation – show the determination,’ the inner strength and courage required to stay with your conviction for positive transformation.
The Star lifts our eyes above adversity of the daily grind. She offers hope and promise. Her role is to lift our mind toward the possibilities of alchemy and turning hardship into profound lessons of wisdom. As we journey through the darkest night of the soul she is the brightest light.
Open your mind to the whispers of the Ancients and you will divinely guide toward empowerment.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ancestor of Skill
Skilful progress, recognising your abilities, understanding the progress, of daily living, living skilfully, dancing when others run, finding joy in the skill you already possess
Our exploration and discovery of the cave continues. The oracle conveys the wisdom of each message we encounter. These messages emerge from the darkness of the cave when the Shaman has travelled out of her or his body into the realm of Spirit. Essentially, the Shaman is the medium between the spirit and earthly worlds. Today we are reminded of our attributes and skills.
A day five has energy to burn. Change of direction is usually on the menu. The energetic highway is signalling that change is on the horizon. All you need to do is put your indicator on and change lanes. A five day is full of vibrancy so plug into this vortex and prepare for lift off.
The Moon is in Aquarius and this is not all that compatible with our details oriented Sun phase. Aquarius is fickle and she doesn’t care if you are compatible or not. All that matters is t hat she is in the sky and able to share her brilliance with the world. She is brilliant. Her magnificence is pushing to a glowing full moon later this week.
The glamour is all in the serenity of Temperance. This morning I woke up thinking of the movie, Eat, Pray, Love”. I also thought about Julia Roberts and how she is sharing her inner beauty. Her inner brilliance is switched on and she is glowing from the inside out. I am delighted to know that she is in a place of contentment and serenity. This is the essence of temperance – the brilliant glow of love and harmony beaming out into the world. And so be it!
The High Priestess is much more demure in her demeanour. Sure e light is brilliant and yet she tends to hide her light under a bushel. Only those who are prepared to share her journey and enter the temple of wisdom will see the ardour of her majesty.
The Star is shinning brightly in the heavens. There is no bushel and there is no hiding. She is vulnerable and yet poised for her right to stand boldly on the stage of life.
Connect with your inherent skills and shine your light in the world, Goddess. The world is a much better place because you are in it!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Our exploration and discovery of the cave continues. The oracle conveys the wisdom of each message we encounter. These messages emerge from the darkness of the cave when the Shaman has travelled out of her or his body into the realm of Spirit. Essentially, the Shaman is the medium between the spirit and earthly worlds. Today we are reminded of our attributes and skills.
A day five has energy to burn. Change of direction is usually on the menu. The energetic highway is signalling that change is on the horizon. All you need to do is put your indicator on and change lanes. A five day is full of vibrancy so plug into this vortex and prepare for lift off.
The Moon is in Aquarius and this is not all that compatible with our details oriented Sun phase. Aquarius is fickle and she doesn’t care if you are compatible or not. All that matters is t hat she is in the sky and able to share her brilliance with the world. She is brilliant. Her magnificence is pushing to a glowing full moon later this week.
The glamour is all in the serenity of Temperance. This morning I woke up thinking of the movie, Eat, Pray, Love”. I also thought about Julia Roberts and how she is sharing her inner beauty. Her inner brilliance is switched on and she is glowing from the inside out. I am delighted to know that she is in a place of contentment and serenity. This is the essence of temperance – the brilliant glow of love and harmony beaming out into the world. And so be it!
The High Priestess is much more demure in her demeanour. Sure e light is brilliant and yet she tends to hide her light under a bushel. Only those who are prepared to share her journey and enter the temple of wisdom will see the ardour of her majesty.
The Star is shinning brightly in the heavens. There is no bushel and there is no hiding. She is vulnerable and yet poised for her right to stand boldly on the stage of life.
Connect with your inherent skills and shine your light in the world, Goddess. The world is a much better place because you are in it!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Hunter of Abundance
Plenty, certainty, love, well-being, creative motivations, strength of purpose, discounting hidden talents, resourcefulness, sharing, spiritual sufficiency
Oh! My Goodness! The Hunter of Abundance is here to uncover the bounty of our lives. How many of these unique talents do we take for granted? The Hunter of Abundance will lead us to the dance of realisation. What a gift?
This morning before I picked up my pen to write in my journal I thought or reflected on the year. The theme of 2010 has been a year of changes. Looking ahead and especially this week there will be more opportunities for transformation.
2010 is a number three year and change and or activity leading to change is prominent. Primarily it is a Jupiter ruled year and this planet of growth is a facilitator of growth and expansion.
The silent partner in this transformational energy is Pluto. We spoke about Pluto yesterday so I won’t harp on about the Dark Avenger any longer. What I will say is, his presence is always there lurking in the outer realms, stalking us, prompting us to delve deep into our hidden truths. Sometimes we reveal a lustrous pearl and other times a grain of sand. Whatever the bounty it will be significant to our patterns of growth.
A number four day is necessary as it assists in the bedding down of the frenetic energies from the number three. Yesterday we went to order our floor tiles for a sunroom. An unexpected surprise was when we bumped into a very dear friend. This was a great opportunity to give her a hug and let her know that we’ve been thinking of her – typical Aquarian Moon behaviour.
After the tiles escapade we had coffee and decided to look for a little outdoor setting to complete our sunroom and voila we bought it right then and there. Not only did we splash out on some furniture but we purchased new luggage to take with us on our upcoming trip. Today (a number four day) is about economic rationalisation and balancing the books.
The Chariot picks us up and takes us on a journey of discovery. I’ve decided to let go of the reigns and go with the ride takes me. I am up for it – what about you?
The Fool races headlong in a new direction – here; over here he shouts and offers a tiny purple flower. He has retrieved it from the earth and as we take it and study the perfect little blossom of the fool explains, “They are like breadcrumbs from the Universe – just follow the trail and it will lead you in the most perfect direction for your future.
Justice frowns and demands the map. She won’t pursue a different avenue unless she has pre-planned the destination. Of course there must be a risk analysis and a discussion about balancing the toil with the play. Ultimately the benefits must outweigh the follow – that is all you can do!
Stay tuned this week has such potential for change and self discovery. Later in the week we have a full moon that will offer conclusions and resolutions to your current stagnation or toxic situation. It’s all about me!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Oh! My Goodness! The Hunter of Abundance is here to uncover the bounty of our lives. How many of these unique talents do we take for granted? The Hunter of Abundance will lead us to the dance of realisation. What a gift?
This morning before I picked up my pen to write in my journal I thought or reflected on the year. The theme of 2010 has been a year of changes. Looking ahead and especially this week there will be more opportunities for transformation.
2010 is a number three year and change and or activity leading to change is prominent. Primarily it is a Jupiter ruled year and this planet of growth is a facilitator of growth and expansion.
The silent partner in this transformational energy is Pluto. We spoke about Pluto yesterday so I won’t harp on about the Dark Avenger any longer. What I will say is, his presence is always there lurking in the outer realms, stalking us, prompting us to delve deep into our hidden truths. Sometimes we reveal a lustrous pearl and other times a grain of sand. Whatever the bounty it will be significant to our patterns of growth.
A number four day is necessary as it assists in the bedding down of the frenetic energies from the number three. Yesterday we went to order our floor tiles for a sunroom. An unexpected surprise was when we bumped into a very dear friend. This was a great opportunity to give her a hug and let her know that we’ve been thinking of her – typical Aquarian Moon behaviour.
After the tiles escapade we had coffee and decided to look for a little outdoor setting to complete our sunroom and voila we bought it right then and there. Not only did we splash out on some furniture but we purchased new luggage to take with us on our upcoming trip. Today (a number four day) is about economic rationalisation and balancing the books.
The Chariot picks us up and takes us on a journey of discovery. I’ve decided to let go of the reigns and go with the ride takes me. I am up for it – what about you?
The Fool races headlong in a new direction – here; over here he shouts and offers a tiny purple flower. He has retrieved it from the earth and as we take it and study the perfect little blossom of the fool explains, “They are like breadcrumbs from the Universe – just follow the trail and it will lead you in the most perfect direction for your future.
Justice frowns and demands the map. She won’t pursue a different avenue unless she has pre-planned the destination. Of course there must be a risk analysis and a discussion about balancing the toil with the play. Ultimately the benefits must outweigh the follow – that is all you can do!
Stay tuned this week has such potential for change and self discovery. Later in the week we have a full moon that will offer conclusions and resolutions to your current stagnation or toxic situation. It’s all about me!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, September 17, 2010
Dancer of Promise
Let the Sun shine in!
Looking forward, determination, the gift of opportunity, a glimpse of the future, activity, dreaming, a contract with the self and others, potentialities
Right now I feel so darned fortunate! I feel as though I’ve won the cosmic lottery in so many aspects of my life. It’s not that I’ve struck it rich in the financial sense of the word instead I’ve hit the payload in so many aspects of my life. Let me explain.
Venus and Mars are taking up residence in my tenth house of career and public recognition. This relates to the respect and opportunities I am currently enjoying in this house. Sure, I am working hard but I am relishing the rewards at the same time. The work is meaningful and I am appreciated by my boss and colleagues – high five to the Universe!
My personal and most significant relationship are also flourishing like my exquisite garden outside my window. Out of the clay and dray earth daffodils, jonquils and pansies splash brilliant colour over the harshness of the territory.
On an internal level I feel the pressure valve release. Pluto has held me (us) captive for most of 2010. Please don’t underestimate the power of this tiny planet (there is no way I am going to downgrade his importance). I’ve felt his grip on significant planets taunt me over most of 2010. I can feel the tension release and I am grateful.
The Aquarian Moon phase enlivens our quest for connections with friends and community. This airy humanitarian thread emerges from the tension and focus of the Capricornia seriousness. Its Saturday a time for celebration – this working week is over and now its time for play.
A number three day swoops in and takes us toward transitory weekend. Our subconscious motivations are guided by the Emperor, the Fool and the Lovers. Their individual appearance rallies the innovative spirit within. So take your sassy ass out there and show the world what you are made of.
Charisma equates to the positive energy you have inside beaming proudly to all those you encounter on your journey. So be loud and proud – strut your stuff and show off your unique colours with the Dance of Promise.
Who knows you may even have some fun or at least inspire others to get their act together and move it; baby groove it!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Looking forward, determination, the gift of opportunity, a glimpse of the future, activity, dreaming, a contract with the self and others, potentialities
Right now I feel so darned fortunate! I feel as though I’ve won the cosmic lottery in so many aspects of my life. It’s not that I’ve struck it rich in the financial sense of the word instead I’ve hit the payload in so many aspects of my life. Let me explain.
Venus and Mars are taking up residence in my tenth house of career and public recognition. This relates to the respect and opportunities I am currently enjoying in this house. Sure, I am working hard but I am relishing the rewards at the same time. The work is meaningful and I am appreciated by my boss and colleagues – high five to the Universe!
My personal and most significant relationship are also flourishing like my exquisite garden outside my window. Out of the clay and dray earth daffodils, jonquils and pansies splash brilliant colour over the harshness of the territory.
On an internal level I feel the pressure valve release. Pluto has held me (us) captive for most of 2010. Please don’t underestimate the power of this tiny planet (there is no way I am going to downgrade his importance). I’ve felt his grip on significant planets taunt me over most of 2010. I can feel the tension release and I am grateful.
The Aquarian Moon phase enlivens our quest for connections with friends and community. This airy humanitarian thread emerges from the tension and focus of the Capricornia seriousness. Its Saturday a time for celebration – this working week is over and now its time for play.
A number three day swoops in and takes us toward transitory weekend. Our subconscious motivations are guided by the Emperor, the Fool and the Lovers. Their individual appearance rallies the innovative spirit within. So take your sassy ass out there and show the world what you are made of.
Charisma equates to the positive energy you have inside beaming proudly to all those you encounter on your journey. So be loud and proud – strut your stuff and show off your unique colours with the Dance of Promise.
Who knows you may even have some fun or at least inspire others to get their act together and move it; baby groove it!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Spirit of Healing
Wholeness, restoration after illness, understanding the reasons for sickness, re-energising, opening the door to healing, the ability to receive
There is a healing energy that surrounds us at the moment. We can all benefit. We can all soak it up. The Spirit of Healing is everywhere and we can embrace it anytime we choose.
If our energy radiates pure love and under the guiding principle that, “like attracts like” we will only attract pure love. If we think toxic thoughts or speak negative untruths then we will attract dis-harmony into our soul which manifests as dis-ease.
There are a lot of good books/guides that will give you diagnoses and assist you in interpreting indicators that may manifest in your body. For example: if you have a sore throat then you need to speak up. Or if you have a sore right leg then there is a possibility that you have a fear of moving forward especially in your physical world.
One of my favourite books is: You can Heal your Body by Louise Hay or another great read is: The Body is the Barometer to the Soul by Annette Noontil .
I am enjoying our encounter with the Spirit of Healing as it reminds me that healing is a participatory role in our lives. It takes two baby, - me and you (not good grammar but the song is fantastic).
An important part of the healing process is your willingness to receive – be open and ready to allow the healing to come to you. This attitude works perfectly on a number two day of participation and cooperation.
As evolved souls we prefer to seek and maintain a relationship with a higher being. Open your mind to the possibilities of the enlightened soul. Temperance facilitates this process as she rises above adversity and takes us toward a new horizon.
The Moon lingers in earthy paradise. Capricorn is her current residence and she is quite comfortable in the tenth house. She warns however that we shouldn’t get stuck in the mud – life your eyes and mind toward her glimmering magic and share your creative soul with the world.
Athena wants it in writing. Sure you’ve got this incredible soul that transforms and mutates into a myriad of incarnations but what does it really mean? Why do we need to create and why can’t we just swear to be the best and most logical being on the planet?
Tell me why?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
There is a healing energy that surrounds us at the moment. We can all benefit. We can all soak it up. The Spirit of Healing is everywhere and we can embrace it anytime we choose.
If our energy radiates pure love and under the guiding principle that, “like attracts like” we will only attract pure love. If we think toxic thoughts or speak negative untruths then we will attract dis-harmony into our soul which manifests as dis-ease.
There are a lot of good books/guides that will give you diagnoses and assist you in interpreting indicators that may manifest in your body. For example: if you have a sore throat then you need to speak up. Or if you have a sore right leg then there is a possibility that you have a fear of moving forward especially in your physical world.
One of my favourite books is: You can Heal your Body by Louise Hay or another great read is: The Body is the Barometer to the Soul by Annette Noontil .
I am enjoying our encounter with the Spirit of Healing as it reminds me that healing is a participatory role in our lives. It takes two baby, - me and you (not good grammar but the song is fantastic).
An important part of the healing process is your willingness to receive – be open and ready to allow the healing to come to you. This attitude works perfectly on a number two day of participation and cooperation.
As evolved souls we prefer to seek and maintain a relationship with a higher being. Open your mind to the possibilities of the enlightened soul. Temperance facilitates this process as she rises above adversity and takes us toward a new horizon.
The Moon lingers in earthy paradise. Capricorn is her current residence and she is quite comfortable in the tenth house. She warns however that we shouldn’t get stuck in the mud – life your eyes and mind toward her glimmering magic and share your creative soul with the world.
Athena wants it in writing. Sure you’ve got this incredible soul that transforms and mutates into a myriad of incarnations but what does it really mean? Why do we need to create and why can’t we just swear to be the best and most logical being on the planet?
Tell me why?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Spirit of Nature
Shelter, foundation, ancestral strength, restoration of trial, removal, help in the time of need, support, strength, nourishment of body, mind and soul
Yesterday my team had a planning day at the Botanic Gardens. It was a fantastic day. My Director is so insightful and supportive of her team. It is so refreshing. She made sure that everyone had a great time and gave us praise and expressed a desire to get to know each one of us individually.
Ironically, I suggested the same event to my previous Director who shrugged and said, “Why would we want to do that?” I guess that goes to show one of the many differences between leadership qualities. And of course one of the main reasons why I left.
Anyway, the Spirit of Nature was everywhere yesterday – trees, the plants, the birds and especially the energies of the garden were laden with this invigorating and calming spirit. In the canopy of the Botanic Gardens we connected and felt the strength of being part of something wonderful – a flourishing, healthy and nourished group of individuals forming a strong bond as a team – priceless!
The Sun and Moon align in earthy signs. The Moon has gone into Capricorn and she is darn-well focused on her career and public image. It is time to get serious about your career motives and get on the right path for you.
Today brings and end to a cycle with the ten and yet offers a new beginning with a number one day. As each door closes – right? Look I am not even sure why I allowed thoughts of my previous horrid career experiences creep in – but it has and now I have to deal with it. In truth, I don’t ignore these uninvited feelings and thoughts are they are avenues of healing.
The Lovers take us down a path of communication and peace. Balance and harmony is the ultimate road for all relationships. Signposts of respect and kindness direct us toward our ultimate destination.
The Star portends the ability to shine as brightly as the stars in the heavens. It is essential to our soul growth to feel good about who we are and document where we are in our history.
Judgement encourages us to relinquish the outdated and unnecessary memories – sure they happened – yes they were painful but look at where you are now – if they could see me now!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Yesterday my team had a planning day at the Botanic Gardens. It was a fantastic day. My Director is so insightful and supportive of her team. It is so refreshing. She made sure that everyone had a great time and gave us praise and expressed a desire to get to know each one of us individually.
Ironically, I suggested the same event to my previous Director who shrugged and said, “Why would we want to do that?” I guess that goes to show one of the many differences between leadership qualities. And of course one of the main reasons why I left.
Anyway, the Spirit of Nature was everywhere yesterday – trees, the plants, the birds and especially the energies of the garden were laden with this invigorating and calming spirit. In the canopy of the Botanic Gardens we connected and felt the strength of being part of something wonderful – a flourishing, healthy and nourished group of individuals forming a strong bond as a team – priceless!
The Sun and Moon align in earthy signs. The Moon has gone into Capricorn and she is darn-well focused on her career and public image. It is time to get serious about your career motives and get on the right path for you.
Today brings and end to a cycle with the ten and yet offers a new beginning with a number one day. As each door closes – right? Look I am not even sure why I allowed thoughts of my previous horrid career experiences creep in – but it has and now I have to deal with it. In truth, I don’t ignore these uninvited feelings and thoughts are they are avenues of healing.
The Lovers take us down a path of communication and peace. Balance and harmony is the ultimate road for all relationships. Signposts of respect and kindness direct us toward our ultimate destination.
The Star portends the ability to shine as brightly as the stars in the heavens. It is essential to our soul growth to feel good about who we are and document where we are in our history.
Judgement encourages us to relinquish the outdated and unnecessary memories – sure they happened – yes they were painful but look at where you are now – if they could see me now!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Dancer of Fear
Stasis, terrors, willingness to advance, fear of things, of people of the unknown, weakness, paralysis, failure, caution, awareness of risks, breaking barriers
Yesterday we had the Spirit of Empowerment and today the numerological vibe is empowerment. Yes it is a number nine day and you may be tested on your conviction for a more empowered life.
The Dancer of Fear comes into play as you push the boundaries of your comfort zone.
You may become frozen in fear and get stuck but just imagine when you were a toddler and decided to walk instead of crawl. The first time you got up and fell over. What if you didn’t get up – what if you were still crawling around on the floor or sliding around on your backside? What would your life be like now?
Mars moves into Scorpio today. This is a coupling for Venus in Scorpio. These two planets represent male (Mars) and female (Venus) energy. Venus and Mars are alright tonight. This is good for Scorpios = especially those who have been living in fear.
It’s time to get out and show off your colours to the world. Stop hiding your light under a bushel. Sure you’ve had a tough couple of years but so has everyone else on the planet – so move it; move it; move it – Sorry that is my inner Martian talking
Hermes, the Magician creates a bridge for you to walk across – he will hold your hand for a while but then it is up to you. You must walk alone and take each step toward destinations unknown.
The Fool is excited about the adventure. The cave was far too restrictive anyway. It is time to leave and now you have the support of the planets. Initially, there will be a rush of enthusiasm but it must be sustainable – keep the energy flowing.
The Hanged Man is upside down on the tree of life – he is happy to be the martyr. His dreams are staged inside his head – not lived, cherished and enjoyed as we have the potential to create.
Fear creeps in and robs us of the happiness we deserve. Keep trying; keep forging ahead and your dreams will be realised.
Remember: there is no try; there is only do! Yoda
Do it for you – you deserve it!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Yesterday we had the Spirit of Empowerment and today the numerological vibe is empowerment. Yes it is a number nine day and you may be tested on your conviction for a more empowered life.
The Dancer of Fear comes into play as you push the boundaries of your comfort zone.
You may become frozen in fear and get stuck but just imagine when you were a toddler and decided to walk instead of crawl. The first time you got up and fell over. What if you didn’t get up – what if you were still crawling around on the floor or sliding around on your backside? What would your life be like now?
Mars moves into Scorpio today. This is a coupling for Venus in Scorpio. These two planets represent male (Mars) and female (Venus) energy. Venus and Mars are alright tonight. This is good for Scorpios = especially those who have been living in fear.
It’s time to get out and show off your colours to the world. Stop hiding your light under a bushel. Sure you’ve had a tough couple of years but so has everyone else on the planet – so move it; move it; move it – Sorry that is my inner Martian talking
Hermes, the Magician creates a bridge for you to walk across – he will hold your hand for a while but then it is up to you. You must walk alone and take each step toward destinations unknown.
The Fool is excited about the adventure. The cave was far too restrictive anyway. It is time to leave and now you have the support of the planets. Initially, there will be a rush of enthusiasm but it must be sustainable – keep the energy flowing.
The Hanged Man is upside down on the tree of life – he is happy to be the martyr. His dreams are staged inside his head – not lived, cherished and enjoyed as we have the potential to create.
Fear creeps in and robs us of the happiness we deserve. Keep trying; keep forging ahead and your dreams will be realised.
Remember: there is no try; there is only do! Yoda
Do it for you – you deserve it!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, September 13, 2010
Spirit of Empowerment
Feelings of strength, positive energy, life giving force, heightened awareness, belief in the self restored, enlightenment, a sense of becoming, being true to yourself
The Moon is in Sadge today. So there is a fire in the belly of our emotional and social connections. Get connected and seek a higher plane.
Interestingly, I had a long and brilliant email from a friend who is posted overseas – there were lots of details of his current life situation and a reminder of my promise to visit sometime in the near future. These are the types of conversations that are aligned with the Sadge moon inspires.
Pluto is doing a re-run over Capricorn at the moment. So the Lord of Karma is about to ask Capricorns and Cancerians the question, “have you been naughty or nice?” Are you living your truth? Are you being the best person you can be? These are the moments when your life can turn on a dime.
The Sun in Virgo is definitely focused on our health and work routines and rituals. Are they working for you or is it time for a change? So if you have either a Cancer or Capricorn prominence in your chart then this could be the green light for change.
Capricorn is represented by Chiron and my Dragon’s Head in my natal chart. The Dragon’s Head relates to destiny whereas Chiron is the portend of healing. They are not significant points and yet will be important under this Plutonian transit.
It’s a number eight day so the energies encourage balance and harmony. A number eight day stirs the passions to pursue your passions.
The Hierophant is the wounded healer – the Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. Hierophant represents the wounded part of us. Sometimes we bring in these wounds from a past life or can be part of our current curriculum for this life. He connects the meaning for our journey of healing through the integration of planetary influences and destiny links to our soul mates.
The Lovers suggest that talk therapy will support the healing potential of the alchemy – speak your truth and don’t bury the discontent from yester-year as it will only fester and cause disharmony in your soul. Focus on love and the acid pit will dissipate. The steam and intent will transform the mass of lava swirling in the pit and will manifest into joy and bliss.
The Devil relinquishes his power over us – how can we be oppressed if our souls choose freedom. Positive intent is the keys to unlock the shackles – love and peace will set you free.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon is in Sadge today. So there is a fire in the belly of our emotional and social connections. Get connected and seek a higher plane.
Interestingly, I had a long and brilliant email from a friend who is posted overseas – there were lots of details of his current life situation and a reminder of my promise to visit sometime in the near future. These are the types of conversations that are aligned with the Sadge moon inspires.
Pluto is doing a re-run over Capricorn at the moment. So the Lord of Karma is about to ask Capricorns and Cancerians the question, “have you been naughty or nice?” Are you living your truth? Are you being the best person you can be? These are the moments when your life can turn on a dime.
The Sun in Virgo is definitely focused on our health and work routines and rituals. Are they working for you or is it time for a change? So if you have either a Cancer or Capricorn prominence in your chart then this could be the green light for change.
Capricorn is represented by Chiron and my Dragon’s Head in my natal chart. The Dragon’s Head relates to destiny whereas Chiron is the portend of healing. They are not significant points and yet will be important under this Plutonian transit.
It’s a number eight day so the energies encourage balance and harmony. A number eight day stirs the passions to pursue your passions.
The Hierophant is the wounded healer – the Guardian of the Rainbow Bridge. Hierophant represents the wounded part of us. Sometimes we bring in these wounds from a past life or can be part of our current curriculum for this life. He connects the meaning for our journey of healing through the integration of planetary influences and destiny links to our soul mates.
The Lovers suggest that talk therapy will support the healing potential of the alchemy – speak your truth and don’t bury the discontent from yester-year as it will only fester and cause disharmony in your soul. Focus on love and the acid pit will dissipate. The steam and intent will transform the mass of lava swirling in the pit and will manifest into joy and bliss.
The Devil relinquishes his power over us – how can we be oppressed if our souls choose freedom. Positive intent is the keys to unlock the shackles – love and peace will set you free.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Ancestor of Hope
Hope in the darkest hour, support and generosity to see beyond trials, the strength to see a positive outcome, energy to move forward.
We are nearly half way through the Shaman’s Oracle and the Ancestor of Hope has appeared to remind us that we rely upon our Ancestor of Hope to support us when life seems overwhelming and dire. WE are never alone – especially in our darkest hour. Our Ancestors – (Spirit) are always there to help us through. Life becomes more philosophical and we begin to reach for new horizons rather than remain entrenched in the emotional pit of despair.
Mercury turned direct yesterday and communication should be a lot less confusing. He will remain in Virgo until 4 October when he will move into Libra. This move into relationship oriented Libra is good news if you want to negotiate a contract/deal for your professional or personal agenda.
I was talking with my brother last night and we decided that there will not be anymore hidden agendas in our family; that we will ensure an open forum to discuss any issue that may come up for us as individuals or as a family. I see this as a progression.
The other big news on the cosmic line-up is that Mars will move into Scorpio tomorrow. Each planet has a positive and negative energy. The positive side of Mars in Scorpio is that you he will give you a boost where he is currently visiting. The less than positive realisation may be that he can cause disruptions or arguments over issues that are left to ferment. So be sensitive or even mindful perhaps. Actually he will sit in Scorpio for quite some time so allow this energy to motivate you toward your highest ambitions. He will be in my 10th house of career and public arena so I will be working with him to ensure my goals in those areas.
Solitude, reflection ad meditation are perfect environments for a number seven day. Take time out to consider the recent Mercury retrograde phase. Consider how this planetary shift gave you the opportunity to rethink some of your choices and or outcomes.
The Empress brings a burst of spring to our lives. She has remained calm and focused while Father Winter has done his gig. Now, she is here to open up the earth and bring the bounty of the season to life.
The Devil forewarns the power and passions of the current cosmic season. If you encounter an immovable object approach with caution and integrate your perspective into the situation until you’ve made your mark. Taking it by force will never work – well not in the long run.
The Hermit concludes our subconscious epic this morning. Take each lesson and weave them into your curriculum. Wisdom and prudence are qualities of the evolved soul.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
We are nearly half way through the Shaman’s Oracle and the Ancestor of Hope has appeared to remind us that we rely upon our Ancestor of Hope to support us when life seems overwhelming and dire. WE are never alone – especially in our darkest hour. Our Ancestors – (Spirit) are always there to help us through. Life becomes more philosophical and we begin to reach for new horizons rather than remain entrenched in the emotional pit of despair.
Mercury turned direct yesterday and communication should be a lot less confusing. He will remain in Virgo until 4 October when he will move into Libra. This move into relationship oriented Libra is good news if you want to negotiate a contract/deal for your professional or personal agenda.
I was talking with my brother last night and we decided that there will not be anymore hidden agendas in our family; that we will ensure an open forum to discuss any issue that may come up for us as individuals or as a family. I see this as a progression.
The other big news on the cosmic line-up is that Mars will move into Scorpio tomorrow. Each planet has a positive and negative energy. The positive side of Mars in Scorpio is that you he will give you a boost where he is currently visiting. The less than positive realisation may be that he can cause disruptions or arguments over issues that are left to ferment. So be sensitive or even mindful perhaps. Actually he will sit in Scorpio for quite some time so allow this energy to motivate you toward your highest ambitions. He will be in my 10th house of career and public arena so I will be working with him to ensure my goals in those areas.
Solitude, reflection ad meditation are perfect environments for a number seven day. Take time out to consider the recent Mercury retrograde phase. Consider how this planetary shift gave you the opportunity to rethink some of your choices and or outcomes.
The Empress brings a burst of spring to our lives. She has remained calm and focused while Father Winter has done his gig. Now, she is here to open up the earth and bring the bounty of the season to life.
The Devil forewarns the power and passions of the current cosmic season. If you encounter an immovable object approach with caution and integrate your perspective into the situation until you’ve made your mark. Taking it by force will never work – well not in the long run.
The Hermit concludes our subconscious epic this morning. Take each lesson and weave them into your curriculum. Wisdom and prudence are qualities of the evolved soul.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Shaman of Tradition
Valuing established patters, acknowledging the past, acceptance of the shaping power of tradition, deep memory, reassessing paths, recognising traditions in daily life
Cave art is communication. The idea that these images were representation of inner visionary states is something we become aware of when we study the practices of a group of highly important people – the shamans.
In modern life we all have traditions. Families have traditions; communities and groups have traditions. As we encounter the Shaman of Tradition we are being asked to consider these traditions and how they’ve shaped your life.
For example one of my deeply ingrained traditions is to write in my journal. Each morning I wake early, reach for my journal and a pen and begin to write. Sometimes dreams are documented and sometimes the journal is a way of to debrief my thoughts and emotions. Other times, my journal acts like a communication portal between me and you. I honour this tradition and will continue to make this a connection to our ongoing cyber-relationship – so be it and harm to none!
The Moon in Scorpio is hosting a magnificent segue into the week ahead. There is lots of cosmic news on the celestial agenda. Mercury goes direct (thank goodness); Pluto goes direct in Capricorn (fantastic – bring on the transformation) and Venus moves into Scorpio (yum – yum – throw out the daggy night wear and slip into something sexy! I will explore this cosmic line up with you as they step up to the Universal plate.
It’s a number six day – time to focus and make a commitment to whatever your heart desires. Our major league cheer squad (aka Major arcana cards) comprise of: Death, Strength, Devil and Temperance (for good measure – I like to finish on a positive note).
So how do they play out in your life? We’ve talked about these twenty two cards for a couple of years now. You interpret them and integrate their influence into your life.
On that note, I am working on an e-book format for Julia’s Journal. You will be able to download it for free. The Techo Guru and I will make that happen (when Mercury turns direct of course) so stay tuned – watch this space.
I will still bring you Julia’s Journal via a daily supplement. However previous editions will be published in eBook format.
Traditions are important they connect us to our values and beliefs – innovation is the new road – let’s travel it together!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Cave art is communication. The idea that these images were representation of inner visionary states is something we become aware of when we study the practices of a group of highly important people – the shamans.
In modern life we all have traditions. Families have traditions; communities and groups have traditions. As we encounter the Shaman of Tradition we are being asked to consider these traditions and how they’ve shaped your life.
For example one of my deeply ingrained traditions is to write in my journal. Each morning I wake early, reach for my journal and a pen and begin to write. Sometimes dreams are documented and sometimes the journal is a way of to debrief my thoughts and emotions. Other times, my journal acts like a communication portal between me and you. I honour this tradition and will continue to make this a connection to our ongoing cyber-relationship – so be it and harm to none!
The Moon in Scorpio is hosting a magnificent segue into the week ahead. There is lots of cosmic news on the celestial agenda. Mercury goes direct (thank goodness); Pluto goes direct in Capricorn (fantastic – bring on the transformation) and Venus moves into Scorpio (yum – yum – throw out the daggy night wear and slip into something sexy! I will explore this cosmic line up with you as they step up to the Universal plate.
It’s a number six day – time to focus and make a commitment to whatever your heart desires. Our major league cheer squad (aka Major arcana cards) comprise of: Death, Strength, Devil and Temperance (for good measure – I like to finish on a positive note).
So how do they play out in your life? We’ve talked about these twenty two cards for a couple of years now. You interpret them and integrate their influence into your life.
On that note, I am working on an e-book format for Julia’s Journal. You will be able to download it for free. The Techo Guru and I will make that happen (when Mercury turns direct of course) so stay tuned – watch this space.
I will still bring you Julia’s Journal via a daily supplement. However previous editions will be published in eBook format.
Traditions are important they connect us to our values and beliefs – innovation is the new road – let’s travel it together!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, September 10, 2010
Ancestor of Tribes
Support and help without ties, recognition from one’s peers, acknowledging the family, unity within the group – an end to isolation
I believe that we incarnate into a previous family/tribe. In that view I feel that we have met our colleagues or family in previous life times. I feel that this is the basis of why we feel an instant connection when we meet someone. Sure we venture outside the tribe to explore new frontiers or experience new and relevant lessons essential to our growth but primarily we have all been together in some former lifetime. Nice thought?
The Ancestor of Tribes supports this notion. This drawing on our cave wall is a reminder that we are all in this together. We are connected and will always be connected. Our souls are connected by invisible and yet unbreakable chords. If some is connected to a part of you and you are both the pure representation of love then why would we choose to hurt them? If we love ourselves then it should be easy to love one another, yes?
I recently finished reading a book called, “The Power of the Soul” written by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha ( Dr. Sha suggests that we all have a soul – our souls are interconnected. He offers that each of our organs has a soul too. To be honest I’ve not really thought about it from that perspective but it would be nice to consider that part of your “physical soul” exists and will support another member of the tribe while your everlasting soul is off facilitating love and peace elsewhere.
The Moon is in Scorpio – passionate little Diva that she is – and this intensity coincides with the number five day. There are changes on the horizon. For example Mercury will begin to move forward this week from his retrograde motion. So what will that mean?
Well, the Empress suggests that it will herald a new phase of growth.
The Magician offers that messages and thought processes will become clearer and more direct.
Finally, strength maintains that we will have the courage and fortitude to move our projects into a new dimension – to reach out and offer assistance to other less fortunate members of the tribe.
Its Saturn-day enjoy the love and peace that your Ancestors of the tribe have created for you here on Earth.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
I believe that we incarnate into a previous family/tribe. In that view I feel that we have met our colleagues or family in previous life times. I feel that this is the basis of why we feel an instant connection when we meet someone. Sure we venture outside the tribe to explore new frontiers or experience new and relevant lessons essential to our growth but primarily we have all been together in some former lifetime. Nice thought?
The Ancestor of Tribes supports this notion. This drawing on our cave wall is a reminder that we are all in this together. We are connected and will always be connected. Our souls are connected by invisible and yet unbreakable chords. If some is connected to a part of you and you are both the pure representation of love then why would we choose to hurt them? If we love ourselves then it should be easy to love one another, yes?
I recently finished reading a book called, “The Power of the Soul” written by Dr. Zhi Gang Sha ( Dr. Sha suggests that we all have a soul – our souls are interconnected. He offers that each of our organs has a soul too. To be honest I’ve not really thought about it from that perspective but it would be nice to consider that part of your “physical soul” exists and will support another member of the tribe while your everlasting soul is off facilitating love and peace elsewhere.
The Moon is in Scorpio – passionate little Diva that she is – and this intensity coincides with the number five day. There are changes on the horizon. For example Mercury will begin to move forward this week from his retrograde motion. So what will that mean?
Well, the Empress suggests that it will herald a new phase of growth.
The Magician offers that messages and thought processes will become clearer and more direct.
Finally, strength maintains that we will have the courage and fortitude to move our projects into a new dimension – to reach out and offer assistance to other less fortunate members of the tribe.
Its Saturn-day enjoy the love and peace that your Ancestors of the tribe have created for you here on Earth.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Spirit of Challenge
Accessing courage, determination in the face of adversity, taking risks, facing up to opposition, drawing the energy to move ahead, and reassessment of resources
There are challenges in our daily life- don’t you think? We are forced to confront issues or situations that motivate us to dig deep and source internal resources to overcome these challenges.
Sometimes we must lay the ground work to build a bridge and move on. The Spirit of Challenge awakens the part of us that identifies these challenges and offers strategies or resources to overcome, learn and finally move forward in the right direction for us.
The Moon in Libra is a green light to negotiation, consultation and collaboration. Personally I think that this is why we are so fortunate to have a Libran Prime Minister. These traits are inherent in the Libran personality and we can therefore assume that we can capitalise on these qualities to support us in the future.
Mars and Neptune collaborate harmoniously tody. We are given a cosmic highway to our dreams. Mars injects the fuel and Neptune creates the vision by offering the template. Speaking of dreams – I dreamt about babies last night - lots of babies. Of course this does not necessarily mean that I will have a baby of my own instead I believe that these dreams are more about creative projects. Actually, Neptune is hitting my fifth house so bring on the positive energy.
It’s a number four day so undertake the plans and framework for your dream building. What’s your dream? What steps do you need to take to make it happen?
Subconsciously we are drawn down a positive route. Apollo, the Sun God shines his golden beams of beauty and wonder on our path.
NB: Just as I wrote that statement the Sun shone brightly through my window.
The Emperor reminds us that we are the Masters of our Destiny. Take it to the limit and don’t stop until you darn well get there.
The World offers a cornucopia of blessings. The fruit is ripe on the vine and ready to pick. The garland of plenty surrounds your soul purpose.
Whatever you desire – wherever you want to go keep your focus and ask the Spirit of Challenge to remain close. Yes, identify the risks of stepping out of your comfort zone. Also, analyse the benefits of what you can accomplish. The Spirit of Challenge will assist you in assessing and defending your fears and challenges and offer a solution to resolve these roadblocks. Don’t delay – and don’t give more excuses than enthusiasm otherwise you are likely to miss out on the most incredible life.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
There are challenges in our daily life- don’t you think? We are forced to confront issues or situations that motivate us to dig deep and source internal resources to overcome these challenges.
Sometimes we must lay the ground work to build a bridge and move on. The Spirit of Challenge awakens the part of us that identifies these challenges and offers strategies or resources to overcome, learn and finally move forward in the right direction for us.
The Moon in Libra is a green light to negotiation, consultation and collaboration. Personally I think that this is why we are so fortunate to have a Libran Prime Minister. These traits are inherent in the Libran personality and we can therefore assume that we can capitalise on these qualities to support us in the future.
Mars and Neptune collaborate harmoniously tody. We are given a cosmic highway to our dreams. Mars injects the fuel and Neptune creates the vision by offering the template. Speaking of dreams – I dreamt about babies last night - lots of babies. Of course this does not necessarily mean that I will have a baby of my own instead I believe that these dreams are more about creative projects. Actually, Neptune is hitting my fifth house so bring on the positive energy.
It’s a number four day so undertake the plans and framework for your dream building. What’s your dream? What steps do you need to take to make it happen?
Subconsciously we are drawn down a positive route. Apollo, the Sun God shines his golden beams of beauty and wonder on our path.
NB: Just as I wrote that statement the Sun shone brightly through my window.
The Emperor reminds us that we are the Masters of our Destiny. Take it to the limit and don’t stop until you darn well get there.
The World offers a cornucopia of blessings. The fruit is ripe on the vine and ready to pick. The garland of plenty surrounds your soul purpose.
Whatever you desire – wherever you want to go keep your focus and ask the Spirit of Challenge to remain close. Yes, identify the risks of stepping out of your comfort zone. Also, analyse the benefits of what you can accomplish. The Spirit of Challenge will assist you in assessing and defending your fears and challenges and offer a solution to resolve these roadblocks. Don’t delay – and don’t give more excuses than enthusiasm otherwise you are likely to miss out on the most incredible life.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Spirit of Love
Love in every aspect - human and divine, transformation, reversal, betrayal, enlightenment, warmth, courage, belief, transcendence, longing, fulfilled
The Moon moves into the sign of the scales, Libra today so there is a desire for balance. She is now out of the house of diligence – work and health and into the seventh house of relationships and interaction with society. The Shaman’s oracle offers the Spirit of Love to tantalise our hearts and suggests that love is the answer to every question we may want to ask.
Speaking of love – Venus moves into Scorpio today. Yes, high five and happy dance for this Scorpion wo-man. This means that the skies are offering deep, passionate and enduring love. Scorps have the opportunity to glam-up their appearance and to step out of the dark corner of the cosmos and shine. That being said, not too many Scorps like the spotlight instead we prefer to be the behind the scenes kind of peeps.”
Anyway, after the healthy and vibrant seeds take root (from yesterday’s New Moon planting) there will be shaking in the cosmic garden of good intention.
Jupiter, giver of gifts – by Jove – is moving back into Pisces – a fellow water sign so there will be an abundance of emotion flooding through the Universal channel. Jupiter in Pisces is also supportive of the gentle progression of spiritual evolution. Remember, Pisces rules the 12th house of unconscious. So if you’ve dreamed of astral travelling to somewhere exotic then grab the next gondola and start paddling – make sure you include music and a healthy feast.
Uranus planet of unexpected intervention pops into our subconscious novel this morning. The Tower represents our values and beliefs – the lightning bolts are the taunts from others. The damage is measured by our response.
The Star doesn’t really care about the opinions or attitudes of others. She (Venus) is only concerned with seeing the positive in situations. She holds a mirror at our hearts and asks, so child what do you see?
The Emperor encourages us to achieve the goals we’ve always dreamed of – take them from the day-dream category and plug into those action verbs. I can do this/that – I am a winner!
In short, deflect the misery or opinions of the negative cult that dwell in the midlands of Nirvana. Remain focussed on your goals and you will reach the summit with pride as your ally.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon moves into the sign of the scales, Libra today so there is a desire for balance. She is now out of the house of diligence – work and health and into the seventh house of relationships and interaction with society. The Shaman’s oracle offers the Spirit of Love to tantalise our hearts and suggests that love is the answer to every question we may want to ask.
Speaking of love – Venus moves into Scorpio today. Yes, high five and happy dance for this Scorpion wo-man. This means that the skies are offering deep, passionate and enduring love. Scorps have the opportunity to glam-up their appearance and to step out of the dark corner of the cosmos and shine. That being said, not too many Scorps like the spotlight instead we prefer to be the behind the scenes kind of peeps.”
Anyway, after the healthy and vibrant seeds take root (from yesterday’s New Moon planting) there will be shaking in the cosmic garden of good intention.
Jupiter, giver of gifts – by Jove – is moving back into Pisces – a fellow water sign so there will be an abundance of emotion flooding through the Universal channel. Jupiter in Pisces is also supportive of the gentle progression of spiritual evolution. Remember, Pisces rules the 12th house of unconscious. So if you’ve dreamed of astral travelling to somewhere exotic then grab the next gondola and start paddling – make sure you include music and a healthy feast.
Uranus planet of unexpected intervention pops into our subconscious novel this morning. The Tower represents our values and beliefs – the lightning bolts are the taunts from others. The damage is measured by our response.
The Star doesn’t really care about the opinions or attitudes of others. She (Venus) is only concerned with seeing the positive in situations. She holds a mirror at our hearts and asks, so child what do you see?
The Emperor encourages us to achieve the goals we’ve always dreamed of – take them from the day-dream category and plug into those action verbs. I can do this/that – I am a winner!
In short, deflect the misery or opinions of the negative cult that dwell in the midlands of Nirvana. Remain focussed on your goals and you will reach the summit with pride as your ally.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Ancestor of Exile
Reconnection, return, restoration of family or nation, strength in time of loss, a new direction home
My room is ablaze with rainbows just as I begin to write in my journal this morning. Coincidently we encounter the Ancestor of Exile as we approach the new moon. Why do I see the correlation? Well, I see the New Moon as a time of releasing negative aspects from your life. This commitment takes strength and then the arduous task of reconnection to self or restoration of self as the next step in your commitment for a better life.
We are now in a prime position to reconnect with our vision for a healthier future – the cosmos is in a position to support our desire to work smarter, have a better work/life balance, eat healthier, drink more waters, honour your body and be deliberate in your well being.
At 8:29pm AEST the Universe offers the fertile soil for you to plant your seeds of desire for the coming month/s. Can I suggest that you harness this desire and structure it into logical stages of practical steps? This Virgonian philosophy will support your reconnection to yourself.
The numerological aspect of the day plays out in terms of reconnection and relationship building. It’s a number two day. The new phase began yesterday and now we enter into agreement with ourselves or others to make our relationship balanced and a positive experience. We are now officially in a new phase and this is the time to make good the promises of a new era.
Temperance is the first card in the major arcana this morning. This Angel is a shinning example of the strategic focus for our life plan. She is poised and relates most eloquently regarding the big picture overview. Sure the chaos may be churning below but Temperance keeps us focused on our long term objectives.
The Hermit shines his golden lantern on our path. He is focused and forthright. He highlights the practical paces along a ramshackle path. The Hermit highlights the importance of a healthier existence. Take heart and refine your actions – walk carefully through the minefield of distractions.
The Lovers represent balance and harmony. These characteristics must be maintained with yourself before you can share them with a significant other. Once you integrate them into your being you are ready to share them with another person and eventually take these qualities to the world.
Love, Peace and Harmony – people – is there any other way?
Julia Ashton-Sayers
My room is ablaze with rainbows just as I begin to write in my journal this morning. Coincidently we encounter the Ancestor of Exile as we approach the new moon. Why do I see the correlation? Well, I see the New Moon as a time of releasing negative aspects from your life. This commitment takes strength and then the arduous task of reconnection to self or restoration of self as the next step in your commitment for a better life.
We are now in a prime position to reconnect with our vision for a healthier future – the cosmos is in a position to support our desire to work smarter, have a better work/life balance, eat healthier, drink more waters, honour your body and be deliberate in your well being.
At 8:29pm AEST the Universe offers the fertile soil for you to plant your seeds of desire for the coming month/s. Can I suggest that you harness this desire and structure it into logical stages of practical steps? This Virgonian philosophy will support your reconnection to yourself.
The numerological aspect of the day plays out in terms of reconnection and relationship building. It’s a number two day. The new phase began yesterday and now we enter into agreement with ourselves or others to make our relationship balanced and a positive experience. We are now officially in a new phase and this is the time to make good the promises of a new era.
Temperance is the first card in the major arcana this morning. This Angel is a shinning example of the strategic focus for our life plan. She is poised and relates most eloquently regarding the big picture overview. Sure the chaos may be churning below but Temperance keeps us focused on our long term objectives.
The Hermit shines his golden lantern on our path. He is focused and forthright. He highlights the practical paces along a ramshackle path. The Hermit highlights the importance of a healthier existence. Take heart and refine your actions – walk carefully through the minefield of distractions.
The Lovers represent balance and harmony. These characteristics must be maintained with yourself before you can share them with a significant other. Once you integrate them into your being you are ready to share them with another person and eventually take these qualities to the world.
Love, Peace and Harmony – people – is there any other way?
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Ancestor of Protection
Strength, guardianship, fearlessness, the ability to help others, the feeling of protectiveness, one who walks at your side in the time of need
Here in the cave we encounter one of my strongest links to my belief system. In my view, Ancestors are not just relatives we’ve connected with in this lifetime they are the family or tribe who have accompanied us throughout many life times.
Ancestors have been soul mates, family members or even beings such as animals that have joined us our soul evolution throughout many incarnations. For example my dog Jasmine was a wolf when I lived an Indian incarnation. In this life I was the daughter of a shaman, white feather. Actually my dog and I are psychically connected and she still acts as if she is a wolf.
It’s a 10/1 day so endings and beginnings are prominent. I feel that the three week deliberation on who will govern Australia will end today. Therefore we will enjoy a new phase – a Prime Minister who will govern our country from this auspicious phase in the numerological cycle. My intuition says it will be Julia by a vote – but we will have to wait and see.
I feel excited about this phase as we are about to step into the dark side of the New Moon. The New Moon in Virgo tomorrow will offer us an opportunity to plant seeds in the cosmic flower bed for the plantations of the future.
The Moon in readiness for this fertile phase has moved into Virgo from the grandiose spectacular; spectacular Leo phase. The Virgo lunation focuses our attention on health and work.
Our subconscious story board reveals a history of power struggles and overcoming fear with the elixir of wisdom and love.
Death appears first as an ending or closure to an important growth phase. This icon aligns with the key message of the 10/1 numerological vibe.
The Devil represents freedom from oppression and pain or overcoming the fear of liberation. How will our life change if we confront our fears and choose to move outside our comfort zone?
The Hierophant offers wise counsel and support – reaching out to us, recognising our wounded souls and touching us in the secret caverns of our heart and mind.
The Emperor rallies our spirit and motivates us toward our next goal or the next fence to climb.
These mythical icons come into our lives through a process called synchronicity. They represent the voices of our Ancestors of Protection and they are here to guide and support us throughout our journey.
We are never alone.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
NB: Just heard that Julia Gillard is our new Prime Minister – well done Goddess – I am certain that you lead us into a period of transformation and change.
Here in the cave we encounter one of my strongest links to my belief system. In my view, Ancestors are not just relatives we’ve connected with in this lifetime they are the family or tribe who have accompanied us throughout many life times.
Ancestors have been soul mates, family members or even beings such as animals that have joined us our soul evolution throughout many incarnations. For example my dog Jasmine was a wolf when I lived an Indian incarnation. In this life I was the daughter of a shaman, white feather. Actually my dog and I are psychically connected and she still acts as if she is a wolf.
It’s a 10/1 day so endings and beginnings are prominent. I feel that the three week deliberation on who will govern Australia will end today. Therefore we will enjoy a new phase – a Prime Minister who will govern our country from this auspicious phase in the numerological cycle. My intuition says it will be Julia by a vote – but we will have to wait and see.
I feel excited about this phase as we are about to step into the dark side of the New Moon. The New Moon in Virgo tomorrow will offer us an opportunity to plant seeds in the cosmic flower bed for the plantations of the future.
The Moon in readiness for this fertile phase has moved into Virgo from the grandiose spectacular; spectacular Leo phase. The Virgo lunation focuses our attention on health and work.
Our subconscious story board reveals a history of power struggles and overcoming fear with the elixir of wisdom and love.
Death appears first as an ending or closure to an important growth phase. This icon aligns with the key message of the 10/1 numerological vibe.
The Devil represents freedom from oppression and pain or overcoming the fear of liberation. How will our life change if we confront our fears and choose to move outside our comfort zone?
The Hierophant offers wise counsel and support – reaching out to us, recognising our wounded souls and touching us in the secret caverns of our heart and mind.
The Emperor rallies our spirit and motivates us toward our next goal or the next fence to climb.
These mythical icons come into our lives through a process called synchronicity. They represent the voices of our Ancestors of Protection and they are here to guide and support us throughout our journey.
We are never alone.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
NB: Just heard that Julia Gillard is our new Prime Minister – well done Goddess – I am certain that you lead us into a period of transformation and change.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Ancestor of Boundaries
Human strength, courage, resolve, recognising your own boundaries and those of others, protecting your own space, acknowledging your areas of strength
The Moon in Leo offers a delightful start to the new working week. Life is so hectic some times it is lovely when we can have some play and fun. Indulge your creativity and colour your world with the prettiest crayons in your toolbox.
We’ve talked about your toolbox – right? The toolbox is filled with the essential tools for you to create the perfect life. They may include and not limited to: a positive attitude, focused intention, a great sense of humour, a buoyant spirit, and of course the ability to set and maintain boundaries.
The Ancestor of boundaries has appeared in the Shaman’s oracle today. You may ask, “What are boundaries?” Boundaries are like invisible fences we place around ourselves to ensure that we are protected from disrespect or people imposing upon our good nature. The Ancestor of Boundaries reminds us of the human strength and courage required to move along our path of intention.
Can I suggest that you may set boundaries in an authentic conversation such as: yes, I like this or no I don’t like that – lay the foundation of respect with pavers that are forged out of self-awareness and self-love. Remember, we teach people how to treat us – boundary setting will guarantee you have an equal partnership in any relationship. If they step over the boundaries then you need to maintain your boundaries immediately. Don’t wait until you build up resentment or anger.
The major morning reveals: The Start of hope and optimism – look above the spites on the horizon and seek out the angel of inspiration. The glimmer and glamour of the star impresses us all with her focused mindset on achieving her goals.
The Sun- radiant attitudes will win over your opposition – stay positive and focused.
The High Priestess is wise and resourceful. Her elegant deliberation will keep your posted and ready for action.
The Wheel of Fortune exudes joy and abundance. There’s plenty to go around.
It’s a number nine day of conclusion and resolution. Will we see an end to our political strangle-hold? I don’t know – I’d rather see the resolution when Mercury turns direct – but can we wait that long? The New Moon is fast approaching – have you got your wishes ready? Mine are vibrating excitedly just outside the planter box.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon in Leo offers a delightful start to the new working week. Life is so hectic some times it is lovely when we can have some play and fun. Indulge your creativity and colour your world with the prettiest crayons in your toolbox.
We’ve talked about your toolbox – right? The toolbox is filled with the essential tools for you to create the perfect life. They may include and not limited to: a positive attitude, focused intention, a great sense of humour, a buoyant spirit, and of course the ability to set and maintain boundaries.
The Ancestor of boundaries has appeared in the Shaman’s oracle today. You may ask, “What are boundaries?” Boundaries are like invisible fences we place around ourselves to ensure that we are protected from disrespect or people imposing upon our good nature. The Ancestor of Boundaries reminds us of the human strength and courage required to move along our path of intention.
Can I suggest that you may set boundaries in an authentic conversation such as: yes, I like this or no I don’t like that – lay the foundation of respect with pavers that are forged out of self-awareness and self-love. Remember, we teach people how to treat us – boundary setting will guarantee you have an equal partnership in any relationship. If they step over the boundaries then you need to maintain your boundaries immediately. Don’t wait until you build up resentment or anger.
The major morning reveals: The Start of hope and optimism – look above the spites on the horizon and seek out the angel of inspiration. The glimmer and glamour of the star impresses us all with her focused mindset on achieving her goals.
The Sun- radiant attitudes will win over your opposition – stay positive and focused.
The High Priestess is wise and resourceful. Her elegant deliberation will keep your posted and ready for action.
The Wheel of Fortune exudes joy and abundance. There’s plenty to go around.
It’s a number nine day of conclusion and resolution. Will we see an end to our political strangle-hold? I don’t know – I’d rather see the resolution when Mercury turns direct – but can we wait that long? The New Moon is fast approaching – have you got your wishes ready? Mine are vibrating excitedly just outside the planter box.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Spirit of Illusion
Presence of false images, distractions, truth that pieces superficiality, return to reality, recognising true friends, acknowledging illusion
The Moon is in flamboyant Leo today – the cosmic vibes with crackle inspiration. Sure the Virgo Sun keeps our feet on the ground but the Moon wants us to dance to the rhythm of our own heart.
I love days like these when we cn begin to inject some folly and creativity into the day. It’s a good day to go with the rhythm of life – it’s a powerful beat.
Yesterday was pretty darn awesome. There were some spectacular moments – it was great to see my brother and sister. But it was even more wonderful to see my Mum celebrate a warm and loving birthday.
We were all focused on making the day memorable and very special for her – it was a delight. I had so much fun and enjoyment making her day brilliant – it really highlighted the true meaning of family.
Our journey of the cave has revealed an interesting image – the spirit of illusion. The picture on the cave is fantastic – you should really buy this deck – the cards are enchanting.
Anyway, the message is rather confusing don’t you think? We are warned to be aware of illusions but it’s also an end to illusion. I don’t know is illusion a good or a bad thing? Some people look in the mirror and see a slim and svelte body and yet they are pushing every button to its limit. While others see a fat body and are struggling to stay alive with an eating disorder. Illusion/delusion – an interesting concept.
It’s a number eight day of balance and harmony. We are at the part of the numerological cycle where the fruit is ripe on the vine and is ready to pick. Plumb projects have come to fruition and we anticipate a new phase of the numerological cycle.
Pictures of our subconscious reveal a glorious short story. Temperance the card of the higher mind takes us on a journey – we encounter Gaia the Earth Mother and she advises that a new phase is in the wings – Strength suggests courage and patience – the best is yet to come – don’t rush the arrival as it must happen in the perfect moment.
Illusion – perhaps? Or is it hope that life will get better? Hope is intangible but necessary to our survival, don’t you think? Sure bring an end to the false images and distractions and seek the counsel of true friends. It is the thread that weaves into the fabric of the meaning of life.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, September 3, 2010
Spirit of Family
Resolution in time of conflict, seeking the support of family members, relative’s lost and found, sense of community, importance of the spiritual family
Ironically, our Saturday will be filled with family. We are driving to Sydney to reconnection with family – celebrating my Mum’s birthday today and then tomorrow going to the Christening of my youngest granddaughter.
This card this morning illuminates this journey back to family – it is not that my family connections are lost they are a stretched somewhat. The bonds are there and are maintained with regular visits, telephone calls and the internet – emails etc.
I miss my family everyday however their unique and wonderful spirit fills my life with their words, faces, pictures of them that flash past on my digital photo frames. Sure we are disconnected geographically but never spiritually or emotionally. In essence, I thrive on these little tasters until my mission is complete here in Canberra.
It’s a rainy Cancerian moon day. She is emotional sensitive and nurturing – perhaps a little crabby at times. But hey are we all?
The Watery Cancerian energies blend nicely with the earthy Sun in Virgo. It should be quite a compatible ay ad a nice day for the family to reconnect.
A number seven day takes us on an inward journey – we need to take time out to reflect on the previous six stages of the numerological cycle. It has been a tad confusing and even a little frustrating over the past six days – but what have we learned? Have we established our place in the world? Should we put in a book mark and revise this chapter or should we just move on?
Our morning reading reveals a lovely short story. Primarily it is of the power and passion of transformation.
The Devil – relinquishes the bonds of oppression and moving toward an empowered future.
The High Priestess – ensures clarity and the visceral tenacity to stay with the task at hand. If you want transformation then leave the baggage in Hades. Wisdom born of pain is the regal route and you exit voucher out of hell.
The Empress is grounded in the expectations of her role. She knows about sacrifice and grieving and she is also painfully aware that she must move on toward a new season. When the shift has shattered her perceived femininity it’s time to grunt and groan and release the after birth.
On one hand she has endured the rigor of labour and the torment has been surmounted. On the other side she presents as the exquisite feminie Goddess – pristine in her appearance and ready to seduce the next phase into existence. She represents the ultimate feminie archetype. We are all connected to her spirit. Are we remarkable?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Ironically, our Saturday will be filled with family. We are driving to Sydney to reconnection with family – celebrating my Mum’s birthday today and then tomorrow going to the Christening of my youngest granddaughter.
This card this morning illuminates this journey back to family – it is not that my family connections are lost they are a stretched somewhat. The bonds are there and are maintained with regular visits, telephone calls and the internet – emails etc.
I miss my family everyday however their unique and wonderful spirit fills my life with their words, faces, pictures of them that flash past on my digital photo frames. Sure we are disconnected geographically but never spiritually or emotionally. In essence, I thrive on these little tasters until my mission is complete here in Canberra.
It’s a rainy Cancerian moon day. She is emotional sensitive and nurturing – perhaps a little crabby at times. But hey are we all?
The Watery Cancerian energies blend nicely with the earthy Sun in Virgo. It should be quite a compatible ay ad a nice day for the family to reconnect.
A number seven day takes us on an inward journey – we need to take time out to reflect on the previous six stages of the numerological cycle. It has been a tad confusing and even a little frustrating over the past six days – but what have we learned? Have we established our place in the world? Should we put in a book mark and revise this chapter or should we just move on?
Our morning reading reveals a lovely short story. Primarily it is of the power and passion of transformation.
The Devil – relinquishes the bonds of oppression and moving toward an empowered future.
The High Priestess – ensures clarity and the visceral tenacity to stay with the task at hand. If you want transformation then leave the baggage in Hades. Wisdom born of pain is the regal route and you exit voucher out of hell.
The Empress is grounded in the expectations of her role. She knows about sacrifice and grieving and she is also painfully aware that she must move on toward a new season. When the shift has shattered her perceived femininity it’s time to grunt and groan and release the after birth.
On one hand she has endured the rigor of labour and the torment has been surmounted. On the other side she presents as the exquisite feminie Goddess – pristine in her appearance and ready to seduce the next phase into existence. She represents the ultimate feminie archetype. We are all connected to her spirit. Are we remarkable?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Shaman of Birth
New Life, New directions and ideas, rebirth of dreams, fulfilment, encouraging new approaches to problems for the moment, future life-lines
Don’t you just love synchronicity and or the flow of the Universe? Well, yesterday we had the Spirit of Destruction and today we have the Shaman of Birth. Sort of flows together nicely, doesn’t it?
We slept in this morning – don’t know why but both of us slept through the alarm. We both feel a little on edge because we are now running behind schedule.
Although, the sound of the wind chimes outside my window plus the joy of sunlight streaming through my window is very seductive and are encouraging me to linger and enjoy this sacred conversation between my soul and my journal.
Do you ever have a sense of excitement brewing in your gut? You are not sure why you anticipate that something wonderful is going to happen – you just know that there is something especially delicious right around the corner. Well, I have feeling/sense today – I am not sure what it is about but I am as curious as a kitten with a ball of string.
I can feel it building almost to the point of blocking the flow of words from my consciousness down through my pen onto the page – its excitement and it is intoxicating.
The Moon is in her natal house – haa she is at home in Cancer. Yes this is her ruler and she is happy and comfortable. She is also linking with Mercury (Virgo – retrograde) so expressing your emotions today could be a little dicey. You may start with good intention but make sure you have a solid floor plan before you step in something sticky and uncomfortable. Can I suggest that you incorporate a little levity into your conversations?
It’s a number six day of commitment and our story board is creative and innovative. The Moon insists upon experiencing our unique self through projects that align with our soul evolution.
The Wheel of Fortune is supportive of the creative process – however there seems to be some instability as the energy pumps through our vortex of creativity.
Fortunately we have Justice as our rational intuitive to ensure that we keep focused and have a balanced perspective.
On that note, I’d better get up and get moving – off to work to pay for this creative indulgence.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Don’t you just love synchronicity and or the flow of the Universe? Well, yesterday we had the Spirit of Destruction and today we have the Shaman of Birth. Sort of flows together nicely, doesn’t it?
We slept in this morning – don’t know why but both of us slept through the alarm. We both feel a little on edge because we are now running behind schedule.
Although, the sound of the wind chimes outside my window plus the joy of sunlight streaming through my window is very seductive and are encouraging me to linger and enjoy this sacred conversation between my soul and my journal.
Do you ever have a sense of excitement brewing in your gut? You are not sure why you anticipate that something wonderful is going to happen – you just know that there is something especially delicious right around the corner. Well, I have feeling/sense today – I am not sure what it is about but I am as curious as a kitten with a ball of string.
I can feel it building almost to the point of blocking the flow of words from my consciousness down through my pen onto the page – its excitement and it is intoxicating.
The Moon is in her natal house – haa she is at home in Cancer. Yes this is her ruler and she is happy and comfortable. She is also linking with Mercury (Virgo – retrograde) so expressing your emotions today could be a little dicey. You may start with good intention but make sure you have a solid floor plan before you step in something sticky and uncomfortable. Can I suggest that you incorporate a little levity into your conversations?
It’s a number six day of commitment and our story board is creative and innovative. The Moon insists upon experiencing our unique self through projects that align with our soul evolution.
The Wheel of Fortune is supportive of the creative process – however there seems to be some instability as the energy pumps through our vortex of creativity.
Fortunately we have Justice as our rational intuitive to ensure that we keep focused and have a balanced perspective.
On that note, I’d better get up and get moving – off to work to pay for this creative indulgence.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Spirit of Destruction
Destruction of damaging emotions, freedom leading to calm, anger, frustration, power, lust and power regained, annihilation of Spiritual blockages – of letting go
Our cave guide sounds pretty ominous today. Well, the initial perspective can be deceiving because this spirit is not focussed on negativity rather shedding the negative emotional blockages from our lives.
I can see how this spirit will facilitate the relevant changes and I am totally aligned with it’s presence in our reading today.
The Sun connects to the North Node today so we may feel that our life is governed by a cosmic controller –while I believe we all have free will there is a part of me that recognises the possibility that our lives are pulled toward a significant and unique destiny.
This destiny link can be interpreted by our North Node or Dragon’s Head. Mine is in Capricorn in the fifth house so here I am writing my journal and publishing eBooks ( ).
My recent research into Paul McCartney’s chart has revealed that his North Node is in Virgo and I believe that is one of the reasons why he promotes, “Meat free Mondays” and vegetables are best. We all have our role to play in this Earth School.
The Moon is in Gemini and I love it when she comes back home to my lunar haven. I adore having a Gemini Moon as it assists with processing (analysing and compartmentalising) my emotions. This airy Moon sign supports my role as a transformational counsellor. Sure, I get all of the deep dark Scorponic delving and duck diving but the Gemini Moon floats my boat ensuring that I pop to the surface to take a breath.
Our subconscious revelations are positively dreamy today. The Sun in all his glory is beaming his brilliance over a vibrant landscape.
By the way, have I told you that my gorgeous is blooming gorgeous at the moment? Spring magic has come to visit and I am so proud of how Mother Earth has rewarded all of my hard work over the past few months. Sure she has been napping but the weeds invade the beauty of the shrubs and plants.
Anyway, Venus is the Star and she reminds us of our inner Diva – shine your light brilliantly in the world Goddess!
Prometheus is going with the flow and even though his messages are predominantly about self-sacrifice I am not willing to follow him into the mindset. Instead, let’s rebel and have a splurge on our senses. What about a massage or a facial – yes, that is more like it – see you tomorrow!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Our cave guide sounds pretty ominous today. Well, the initial perspective can be deceiving because this spirit is not focussed on negativity rather shedding the negative emotional blockages from our lives.
I can see how this spirit will facilitate the relevant changes and I am totally aligned with it’s presence in our reading today.
The Sun connects to the North Node today so we may feel that our life is governed by a cosmic controller –while I believe we all have free will there is a part of me that recognises the possibility that our lives are pulled toward a significant and unique destiny.
This destiny link can be interpreted by our North Node or Dragon’s Head. Mine is in Capricorn in the fifth house so here I am writing my journal and publishing eBooks ( ).
My recent research into Paul McCartney’s chart has revealed that his North Node is in Virgo and I believe that is one of the reasons why he promotes, “Meat free Mondays” and vegetables are best. We all have our role to play in this Earth School.
The Moon is in Gemini and I love it when she comes back home to my lunar haven. I adore having a Gemini Moon as it assists with processing (analysing and compartmentalising) my emotions. This airy Moon sign supports my role as a transformational counsellor. Sure, I get all of the deep dark Scorponic delving and duck diving but the Gemini Moon floats my boat ensuring that I pop to the surface to take a breath.
Our subconscious revelations are positively dreamy today. The Sun in all his glory is beaming his brilliance over a vibrant landscape.
By the way, have I told you that my gorgeous is blooming gorgeous at the moment? Spring magic has come to visit and I am so proud of how Mother Earth has rewarded all of my hard work over the past few months. Sure she has been napping but the weeds invade the beauty of the shrubs and plants.
Anyway, Venus is the Star and she reminds us of our inner Diva – shine your light brilliantly in the world Goddess!
Prometheus is going with the flow and even though his messages are predominantly about self-sacrifice I am not willing to follow him into the mindset. Instead, let’s rebel and have a splurge on our senses. What about a massage or a facial – yes, that is more like it – see you tomorrow!
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Greetings Cosmic Cousins,
Spring has arrived in Australia – well not really – it is still quite cold in Canberra but the concept is nice. It is the ninth month of the year and we are ready to dance and jive into spring fever.
The Sun is in Virgo and therefore it is time to focus on your physical health/diet/exercise and work/job. This is a time to get organised and seek order in your life.
The New Moon is in Virgo on September 8 at 16 degrees at 8:29pm. A sensitive Mars/Neptune link at this New Moon makes it easier to put energy (Mars) toward your dreams, (Neptune). Mercury is retrograde suggesting the high functioning analytical skills of Virgo need double checking. Review the facts and reconsider your systems and plans. Streamlining is possible if you put existing facts together in new ways. Venus will soon enter a place of weakness to sort out relationship concerns sooner rather than later. Health and wellness are in focus as the purity of Virgo helps you embrace self care rituals.
The time of the New Moon is fertile and planting seeds has a positive effect. The suggested areas of your life are:
• Diet
• Exercise
• Tasks and errands
• Co-workers
• Structured routines
• Healing
• Orderly environments
• Handling details
• Paperwork
• Punctuality
• Focus
• Discernment
The Full Moon is 1 Degree Aries on 23 September at 7:17pm. This Full Moon, right at the equinox, brings timely reminders of balance. As the Sun reaches it’s point of equality harmony is possible on earth. The Sun and Moon meet as equals, creating the perfect celestial climate for earthly equality. Justice can be created as the Sun in Libra creates the backdrop for fairness while the Moon in Aries fights for the underdog. Power planet Pluto adds intensity to the emotions and energy released at this time. Obsessive thoughts can drive dramatic acts of passion. Motivated by the right reasons, you can be a vessel for change.
September is a number three month. A month when burdens ease. It provides an opportunity to fall in love or have an affair – but above all be careful that the fun does not cost you for years to come.
Our Goddess for September is the Kuan Yin or Miao Shan – actually in India and Tibet she is Tara. The Goddess of Compassion is the female equivalent of Avalokitesvara, the male bodhisattva of compassion.
The Goddess is often depicted with the sacred lotus flower, symbolising purity and enlightenment; pearls of illumination; and a small vase filled with divine nectar.
Our Tarot card for September is the three of swords. The three of swords heralds strife, conflict or separation (perhaps after you’ve been caught out having that affair). This painful state is in some way necessary, and there is a realisation that blindness and self-delusion cannot go on. This is like the breaking of an abscess, so that the body and soul can begin to heal.
Our animal totem for September is the eagle. This is one of my totems so I am more than happy to share him with you. When eagle appears as one of our totems we are being asked to soar with the element of air. Air is of the mental plane, and in this instance it is of the higher mind. Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of the great Spirit.
If you’ve been walking in the shadows of former realities, Eagle brings illumination. Eagle teaches you to look higher and to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the shadow as well as the light. See the beauty in both, and you will take flight like the eagle.
Eagle medicine is the gift we give ourselves to remind us of the freedom of the skies. Eagle ask your to give yourself permission to legalise freedom and to follow the joy your heart desires.
Interesting footnote: I drew Eagle when I left Vermont for the first time in 1998. At that time my life change dramatically and the power of the Eagle has been with me ever since.
Virgo is fastidious and at the same time a healer. Peridot is a powerful cleanser. Releasing and neutralising toxins on all levels the subtle and physical bodies, and the mind. It opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras and releases old baggage. Burdens, guilty or obsessions are cleared. Peridot teaches that holding on to people, or the past, is counter productive. Peridot shows you how to detach yourself from outside influences and to look at your own higher energies for guidance.
September is synonymous with the concept of “spring clean”. Peridot is a great crystal to have around as you cleanse the old and outworn and prepare for the new energies to come into your life.
For me, September has always be a vibrant month and I hope that this is true for you this year.
Live in Love and Harmony,
The Sun is in Virgo and therefore it is time to focus on your physical health/diet/exercise and work/job. This is a time to get organised and seek order in your life.
The New Moon is in Virgo on September 8 at 16 degrees at 8:29pm. A sensitive Mars/Neptune link at this New Moon makes it easier to put energy (Mars) toward your dreams, (Neptune). Mercury is retrograde suggesting the high functioning analytical skills of Virgo need double checking. Review the facts and reconsider your systems and plans. Streamlining is possible if you put existing facts together in new ways. Venus will soon enter a place of weakness to sort out relationship concerns sooner rather than later. Health and wellness are in focus as the purity of Virgo helps you embrace self care rituals.
The time of the New Moon is fertile and planting seeds has a positive effect. The suggested areas of your life are:
• Diet
• Exercise
• Tasks and errands
• Co-workers
• Structured routines
• Healing
• Orderly environments
• Handling details
• Paperwork
• Punctuality
• Focus
• Discernment
The Full Moon is 1 Degree Aries on 23 September at 7:17pm. This Full Moon, right at the equinox, brings timely reminders of balance. As the Sun reaches it’s point of equality harmony is possible on earth. The Sun and Moon meet as equals, creating the perfect celestial climate for earthly equality. Justice can be created as the Sun in Libra creates the backdrop for fairness while the Moon in Aries fights for the underdog. Power planet Pluto adds intensity to the emotions and energy released at this time. Obsessive thoughts can drive dramatic acts of passion. Motivated by the right reasons, you can be a vessel for change.
September is a number three month. A month when burdens ease. It provides an opportunity to fall in love or have an affair – but above all be careful that the fun does not cost you for years to come.
Our Goddess for September is the Kuan Yin or Miao Shan – actually in India and Tibet she is Tara. The Goddess of Compassion is the female equivalent of Avalokitesvara, the male bodhisattva of compassion.
The Goddess is often depicted with the sacred lotus flower, symbolising purity and enlightenment; pearls of illumination; and a small vase filled with divine nectar.
Our Tarot card for September is the three of swords. The three of swords heralds strife, conflict or separation (perhaps after you’ve been caught out having that affair). This painful state is in some way necessary, and there is a realisation that blindness and self-delusion cannot go on. This is like the breaking of an abscess, so that the body and soul can begin to heal.
Our animal totem for September is the eagle. This is one of my totems so I am more than happy to share him with you. When eagle appears as one of our totems we are being asked to soar with the element of air. Air is of the mental plane, and in this instance it is of the higher mind. Wisdom comes in many strange and curious forms and is always related to the creative force of the great Spirit.
If you’ve been walking in the shadows of former realities, Eagle brings illumination. Eagle teaches you to look higher and to touch Grandfather Sun with your heart, to love the shadow as well as the light. See the beauty in both, and you will take flight like the eagle.
Eagle medicine is the gift we give ourselves to remind us of the freedom of the skies. Eagle ask your to give yourself permission to legalise freedom and to follow the joy your heart desires.
Interesting footnote: I drew Eagle when I left Vermont for the first time in 1998. At that time my life change dramatically and the power of the Eagle has been with me ever since.
Virgo is fastidious and at the same time a healer. Peridot is a powerful cleanser. Releasing and neutralising toxins on all levels the subtle and physical bodies, and the mind. It opens, cleanses and activates the heart and solar plexus chakras and releases old baggage. Burdens, guilty or obsessions are cleared. Peridot teaches that holding on to people, or the past, is counter productive. Peridot shows you how to detach yourself from outside influences and to look at your own higher energies for guidance.
September is synonymous with the concept of “spring clean”. Peridot is a great crystal to have around as you cleanse the old and outworn and prepare for the new energies to come into your life.
For me, September has always be a vibrant month and I hope that this is true for you this year.
Live in Love and Harmony,
Ancestor of Knowing
Clear sightedness, the gift of transcendence, knowledge of understanding, warrior insight
This morning I got back on the scales. Yes, reality is the aim and with the Moon in my natal sign of Gemini I felt it was the right time to face the facts.
I was pleased with the result considering- considering I broke my diet numerous times in Sydney and have not weight myself for a few weeks. I am back on program and rearing to go. I’d forgotten about the thrill of accomplishment and this feeling has propelled me toward my weight loss goal.
Okay enough about me – how are you? What is happening in your world? A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month – yes it is the first day of a new month – how exciting? It is also the first day of spring in Australia.
On the numerological scale it is a number four day. It is a good day to lay foundations for the future – be mindful of the structure we are putting in place – will it stand the test of time or the winds of change?
Judgement encourages facing your truths – yes reality checks and documenting your progress. It’s okay to live in denial for a while but we have to come out and face the truth sooner or later – the clock is ticking – Father Time is waiting. Chronos lives in this realm and he will not allow us to escape from the responsibility of truth or dare.
The Chariot is a powerful force of change picking us up from where we are and taking us to the fork in the road. We have control of the reigns – it’s our choice; our journey and our destiny. Don’t be frightened to take the high road.
The Wheel of Fortune is a fantastic ride – the wheel has been spinning and we are waiting for the prize. We all get a prize – but are it to our liking? This Jupiter-ruled card feels as if the choice is out of our control to – in reality we have the choice – either to embrace the gift or reject it. Each life lesson is a gift – grab it with both hands and relish the learning.
My hand reaches out to the Ancestor of Knowing. I am guided by the Divine Presence. There are many stages of learning – a curriculum spanning a lifetime of lessons. Where to from here? Do you want to join me?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
This morning I got back on the scales. Yes, reality is the aim and with the Moon in my natal sign of Gemini I felt it was the right time to face the facts.
I was pleased with the result considering- considering I broke my diet numerous times in Sydney and have not weight myself for a few weeks. I am back on program and rearing to go. I’d forgotten about the thrill of accomplishment and this feeling has propelled me toward my weight loss goal.
Okay enough about me – how are you? What is happening in your world? A pinch and a punch for the first day of the month – yes it is the first day of a new month – how exciting? It is also the first day of spring in Australia.
On the numerological scale it is a number four day. It is a good day to lay foundations for the future – be mindful of the structure we are putting in place – will it stand the test of time or the winds of change?
Judgement encourages facing your truths – yes reality checks and documenting your progress. It’s okay to live in denial for a while but we have to come out and face the truth sooner or later – the clock is ticking – Father Time is waiting. Chronos lives in this realm and he will not allow us to escape from the responsibility of truth or dare.
The Chariot is a powerful force of change picking us up from where we are and taking us to the fork in the road. We have control of the reigns – it’s our choice; our journey and our destiny. Don’t be frightened to take the high road.
The Wheel of Fortune is a fantastic ride – the wheel has been spinning and we are waiting for the prize. We all get a prize – but are it to our liking? This Jupiter-ruled card feels as if the choice is out of our control to – in reality we have the choice – either to embrace the gift or reject it. Each life lesson is a gift – grab it with both hands and relish the learning.
My hand reaches out to the Ancestor of Knowing. I am guided by the Divine Presence. There are many stages of learning – a curriculum spanning a lifetime of lessons. Where to from here? Do you want to join me?
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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