Friday, September 17, 2010

Spirit of Healing

Wholeness, restoration after illness, understanding the reasons for sickness, re-energising, opening the door to healing, the ability to receive

There is a healing energy that surrounds us at the moment. We can all benefit. We can all soak it up. The Spirit of Healing is everywhere and we can embrace it anytime we choose.

If our energy radiates pure love and under the guiding principle that, “like attracts like” we will only attract pure love. If we think toxic thoughts or speak negative untruths then we will attract dis-harmony into our soul which manifests as dis-ease.

There are a lot of good books/guides that will give you diagnoses and assist you in interpreting indicators that may manifest in your body. For example: if you have a sore throat then you need to speak up. Or if you have a sore right leg then there is a possibility that you have a fear of moving forward especially in your physical world.

One of my favourite books is: You can Heal your Body by Louise Hay or another great read is: The Body is the Barometer to the Soul by Annette Noontil .

I am enjoying our encounter with the Spirit of Healing as it reminds me that healing is a participatory role in our lives. It takes two baby, - me and you (not good grammar but the song is fantastic).

An important part of the healing process is your willingness to receive – be open and ready to allow the healing to come to you. This attitude works perfectly on a number two day of participation and cooperation.

As evolved souls we prefer to seek and maintain a relationship with a higher being. Open your mind to the possibilities of the enlightened soul. Temperance facilitates this process as she rises above adversity and takes us toward a new horizon.

The Moon lingers in earthy paradise. Capricorn is her current residence and she is quite comfortable in the tenth house. She warns however that we shouldn’t get stuck in the mud – life your eyes and mind toward her glimmering magic and share your creative soul with the world.

Athena wants it in writing. Sure you’ve got this incredible soul that transforms and mutates into a myriad of incarnations but what does it really mean? Why do we need to create and why can’t we just swear to be the best and most logical being on the planet?

Tell me why?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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