Sun Aries
Moon Taurus
You’re a born entrepreneur, and your business is surrounded my magical opportunities.
You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you’re fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunities will come to you. Your positive energy attracts customer, clients and contracts.
If you’re in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualising, and affirming); to conduct research about your business: and to work on your self (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly). These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities.
On the numerological front it is a number five day – a day for changes. There are lots of changes taking place in the atmosphere right now; that is for certain. I feel the magical mystical energy swirl around me – tap into it and see where it takes you!
The Moon move through Taurus today and the Sun is still ramping it up in Aries. The Sun in all his golden glory links exquisitely to Jupiter – this is a phantasmagorical combination. It is important to remember that a link like this only comes once a year so grab it while you can.
On a more sober note I think that it is like all things – it is prudent to seek a balance during these collaborations. Consider how much of this cosmic elixir you are prepared to drink. Over indulgence can lead you down an embarrassing path. On the other hand if you need confident to achieve your goals and dreams then you have this magnificent Jupiterian influence to whisk you away. May the force be with you!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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