We'd planned to take the Ferry across the Bay to the Tea Gardens this morning. This trip was planned to catch a glimpse of dolphins scooting through the wake. I'm not sure if this is going to remain on the day's agenda. If it does it will be wonderful if not then we'll catch them next trip.
Yesterday was sprinkled with domesticity and retail therapy. The evening meal was held at my niece's place in a tiny Novacastrian suburb. She's newly married to him best friend and their wedded bliss echoes harmoniously throughout their home. Love, respect and joy drip from the cornices and the good cooked by her tiny delicate hands was laced with love. The conversation flowed like the ambrosia of the evening and we all kissed and hugged and promised to keep in touch.
The Leo Moon greets us today. She is in her regal phase. Leo is the fifth house of creativity and romance. A perfect time to connect with our inner muse – don't you think?
It's the first day of May – a new month – a month of changes (visit: www.jestacom.biz – Harlequin's Haven for a more in depth discussion of the numerology of the month). Today however is imbued with the energy of a number eight day. The two circles of the eight, constantly seek balance and harmony encouraging a state of perpetual motion.
The Sun is bracing firm against the castles of clouds – pushing his golden streams over the turrets stretched out in the sky. It is like the golden orb is forcing a path of redemption – stomping his authority on the final day of our holiday – seducing us out into the Bay for one more display of Nature's pantomime.
It has been a wonderful retreat this week. All of my basic needs have been met with perfect precision. Dreams have rescinded into a healing shroud and catapulted into futuristic prophecies. I've had the opportunity to recover my balance, rejuvenated my spirit and once again rediscover who I am. My priorities have been realigned. And yesterday as I gazed into my reflection in the mirror my thoughts flashed through a myriad of synapses. The destination revealed a smug, "Yes I do like you, Julia" – mission accomplished.
Happy May Day,
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers