“Music is well said to be the speech of Angels” Thomas Carlyle
Temperance, solitary, serene and perfectly poised above the chaos enchants me into her tranquil embrace.
The Moon, a constant beacon which ebbs and flows throughout my life – ruler of unfathomable emotional realms. The catalyst for socialization and the impetus for integration; her cycle is enduring through all signs of the zodiac as we interact with others, reminders that we are not a solitary agent in this world of confusion. As we attempt to decipher our unwritten mission statement and connect (or not) with other mortals our invisible syntax unravels uncovering tiny particles of our existence.
It’s a number five day – a day of change. Rain has drizzled on to the dry and dusty Capital. A window of opportunity is open – it’s time to get moving. Not in a frantic or disheveled way instead a graceful Russian leap. It’s the weekend, after all.
The morning dew is overcome by the rancid stench of diesel. The truck down the road is idling toxic fumes throughout my neighborhood. I don’t really mind that he drives a truck – his load carries Australia, after all. I do mind however, that he turns the engine over and then squats in the doorway of his home and smokes a cigarette – toxic on toxic – is that a double negative, I wonder? I guess they must cancel one another out?
Music clips roll across the wall. I’ve been captivated by a clip that starts with a young woman dunking her hands into white paint. She begins to signing words of the song. The message of the song unveils a creative foray into hands across the wall. I am reminded that this one of my constant visions. Songs that sing – a brilliant inclusion for all of our deaf friends and family, don’t you think?
Why shouldn’t we embrace inclusivity? I’ve also seem interludes where I offer my neck to the blind so they can feel/sense the words of a song.
In my perfect world, no-one is left out of the right of self expression or creative rite of passage. After all creativity is food for the soul and self expression is the first step. If we did not embrace individual creative expression then I wouldn’t be able to publish my journal or eBooks – how frustrating would that be?
The tasks of the morning beckon – time to make an investment in another day. Have a wonderful day – wherever you are!
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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