A day of endings and beginnings heralds the weekend interlude. Saturday, Saturday as John sang reminds us it is a time to celebrate. The Hanged man suggests, go with the flow – Temperance is elevated and philosophical – look to the dawn of a new day for inspiration and leave the heartache of the past behind. The Sun entertained by the cherubs beneath the rose bushes are full of fun and laughter – capture the essence of our inner child and take it for a ride on their tin scooter. Their presence in the reading this morning diffuse the obligation and duty of adulthood. As Doctor Who reminds us, “there is no point being childish if we can’t be a child sometimes.” It is time to get out and make our mark on the weekend – leave the working week at the sliding door of the corporate world.
The week has been a hurly burly ride – emotional changes and shifting priorities. I try to hold on – my grip is torn from the wheel and floating out to sea I stretch toward something solid – is it a rock or a whale? I cry out for balance – I cry out in pain in the night – the light of my soul twinkles and I can sense the equilibrium return. It is difficult – I must admit but once the balance is restored the trip considered worthwhile.
One thing I try to take from these moments of intense emotional hailstorms is the gems left behind. Once they were rock hard boulders of icy rain and now I can see the magnificence in their faceted prism. The fall out may be devastating but what have I learned? Mercury is about to go direct after a chaotic three weeks running backward – mixing messages and wreaking havoc on the unsuspecting soul. The return to forward motion brings deliberate steps to a new direction.
So, where are we off to again?
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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