Tuesday, December 1, 2009

End the mental melt-downs!

I let go of all thoughts of hurry and control. I allow the perfect divine plan for my life to unfold in its perfect way. I accept that my life is a part of something much greater, and I trust the divine timing and direction.

The Full Moon in Gemini is the perfect time to cease the self flagellation. Yeah, stop beating yourself up – okay? Negative self talk and the disempowering chatter like: should; would; and could just have to go! Enough is enough! More importantly, the constant fear based mind-set and the mental melt-downs are stopped. The Full Moon is at 6:30pm tonight. So it gives us all day to work on our new creed.

Gemini is such a curious and quick thinking sign. The Mercury-ruled champion is fast thinking – fast talking and can take no prisoners with a snatch and grab approach to details and concepts.

Gemini is creative and innovative and is quick sliver in processing all sorts of stimuli. Ideas are absorbed and ferried across synapses at lightning speed. We all have Gemini in our charts – and where Hermes visits it is likely to an active and spontaneous playing field. For me, my Moon and Jupiter are in Gemini so emotionally and socially I rely on communication to ease the troublesome insecurities of my emotions. With my intense and passionate Scorpio Sun it is like having a pixie dive into a volcano. Quite often the escapade is a trouble free flight but then when the lava is on the boil – the Pixie can turn to dust in an instant.

I desire effective communication, sharing ideas, studying and travelling to foreign destinations. I am always interested in what is happening internationally and I have studied a diverse range of philosophies and doctrines throughout my life. Sure I am curious but the curiosity is never quite sated. It is my personal yoke that I carry quite happily.

Furthermore, with Jupiter sitting so close to my Moon the dire need for all of this communication and education is amplified. Of course to top it all of nicely these alignments take place in my ninth house of study and philosophy.

My Mercury however is in Scorpio so there is a lot going on in the mind but the commitment to speak is discerning. Quite often I don’t say anything (even though the thoughts, words and visions are flooding through at warp speed) unless I have something of value to contribute. This can be frustrating for my colleagues in meetings. I know that there have been times when they have wanted me to comment or offer a suggestion but I give them the blank look. I am working on this of course so now I manage the expected responses at appropriate times.

I guess this trait can be annoying to deal with at times. It is difficult for me also as I feel that I have to wear a mask of indifference while I can consider the content of the messages. In the meantime, my mind is traipsing elsewhere far off places that are much more interesting than where I am at that moment. As I said, it is a work in progress.

The Universe conspires to fulfil all of my intentions. When all of the elements and forces of the universe conspire to fulfil my intentions, instant manifestation becomes possible.

So Be It!

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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