Tuesday, March 16, 2010

You can live in heaven right now!

You can live in heaven right now; you don’t have to wait to die! If you take responsibility for your own life, for your own actions, then your future is in your hands, and you can live in heaven while your body is alive!

The New Moon in Pisces offers a nutritious and fertile soil to plant the seeds for future orchards. A very close and special friend of mind has just brought a property. This purchase is one of her dreams. She is now planting fruit and olive trees for her orchard. This is her vision.

To protect this dream and the future crops she is considering pests and the weather condition and how that will impact on her orchard. So my suggestion to you is to plant your seeds but consider future weather conditions and pests – plant with a positive intention but embed strategies for protection for your wishes. I hope that all of your harvests will be abundant and healthy.

The Moon moves into the go-getter sign of Aries late this afternoon. This transition will shake, rattle and roll us out of the Neptunian phase. We have languished long enough in the Pisces mist and now the Arian moon phase will encourage us to move out booties and prepare us for the month ahead. The Sun will move into Aries in five days time.

A number four day is prime for laying foundations for the future. Four is stable and solid. Build a bridge to a new location the skies are supportive for moving on.

The High Priestess is wise to the harsh lessons and dark nights of the soul. She has traversed the bleak canyons of Hades and fought the fires of hell. Sure her innocence has been scorched but she is not cynical or lost her girlish ardour. What can I learn from her? It too shall pass enters my thoughts and consumes my mind. I am stronger than I gave myself credit for – I am a survivor that is for certain. Work hard and I will accomplish my goals. Hold my ideals close to my chest and allow them to infiltrate into the beat of my heart.

The Star is poised for a moment in the spotlight. Her vision has battled with the spites – she has won. She stands proudly and is resolute and shy – do not underestimate her resilience. She will not be trampled again.

Just is a lady. Her sword points toward heaven. The scales are balanced in front of her and she knows right from wrong. She has fought the good fight. She has overcome fear and inertia and her heart beats loud and strong as she slices away the layers of trepidation.

I have a lot in common with these three Goddesses of the Major Arcana. Their journey has resembled mine in some respects. I’ve grown and learned harsh lessons and overcome painful experiences – but haven’t we all? Some of these lessons I’ve created and others I’ve asked for. Why? Well because I wanted to grow, stretch and push myself into foreign encounters and rise above adversity. Allow the metamorphosis I’ve signed on for to eventuate and take me to places where I thought I could never go. It is through these challenges that I’ve embraced the darkness that lurks deep within the human soul.

The New Moon encourages me to stretch a little further – push the boundaries of my human-ness. Where to from here I ask once again as I pull out the map and scan a new horizon.

My theory is based on the premise that it is okay to make mistakes. I give myself permission to put my toe in the stream, paddle and possibly wade in a little further. If it is a clean and comfortable lagoon I drift into a cave and swim a little longer.

If the lake is toxic and I can’t stand the smell then I dry myself off and sit on the nearest rock – I sun myself and pull out the map, grab my compass and I am off again.

I want to close this entry today with a Walt Disney theme song, “when you wish upon a star your dreams come true!” Hey tinker bell – over here!

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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