Monday, May 31, 2010

Earth Power

Connect with the earth and you will be grounded in the knowledge that you are a part of something wonderful and holistic.

It’s through connection to the earth that we receive an abundance of prosperity, energy, strength and support. This elemental ally has come to us today to let us know that all of the resources we need are available to us for the asking. Draw upon the immense store of energy within the Earth, giving back your gratitude and conscious blessing of light.

Sink you energetic roots into the grounding and allow the planet to replenish your depleted store. You are being guided to take action and create your reality from the energy you are being offered. Now is the time to undertake the tasks that you may have been putting off as too daunting or impossible. All that you need will be given by the bounty of the Earth element.

The Moon in Capricorn demands business focus. There is a sober-sides feel to the day with Saturn – Mr. Reality check as he swings around for his final, “did you take your medicine” nag before he moves into forward motion.

It’s a number three day of communication and short journeys. So the racing around deal is high on the “to do list”.

The Sun is our first card for the morning. Ironically, we’ve not seen much of him over the past few days – well not in a literal sense. I’m not complaining as I’ve loved the rain and I don’t mind the watery magic falling for a while longer. We certainly need it here in the arid alpine region.

The Star primps and poses in all her glory. She is pretty self-possessed and proud. The weekend has been a great opportunity for work, rest and play now it is time to get back into the workplace and shine.

The Fool augurs a new phase. So, where is it? He’s been prancing and dancing for all his worth for ages now. We’ve been waiting, wishin’ and hopin’ – plannin’ and dreamin’ but where is the new phase? Perhaps today, Mr. Postman!

Monday’s are tough days. Let’s face it – we’ve had two day to play and rest – time has been on our side and now our time is dictated by duty and obligations. Some might say it is difficult but I’ll suggest that it is a balance. We all need a balanced life to ensure that we live the best life – don’t you agree?

For me to take two days off to celebrate my hard work I must work and pay for this privilege. So, it’s off to work we go, hi, ho; hi, ho!

Love, Peace and Privilege

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Nurture – Larimar

I am being supported and nurtured by the energy of the Universe.

When Larimar appears as your ally it is calling you to reconnect to the energies of the nurturing female aspect of yourself and the Universe. Now is not the time for strong movement but for retreat into the gentle flow of nature.

Perhaps you’ve been pushing yourself too hard or too long. Maybe you just need a break from everyday life. Larimar is calling you to cool and soothe your energy.

Drink some water, take a bath or have a good cry. Then curl up and dream of the blue ocean and the azure sky. Listen to the frequency of Larimar in your heart, as it sings you to sleep with the voice of the Great Earth Mother.

People often ask me why I focus on healing in your column. My initial response is, why not? I suppose my deep seated reasoning is that I want everyone to live their life in harmony with their soul purpose. I’ve seen so many initiates land on Earth and squander any opportunity for growth and empowerment. It breaks my heart and I feel such compassion for them. I would rather they be empowered and confident in their own journey and reach their highest potential.

The Moon in Capricorn is a nostalgic trip for our emotions and social life. Last night my son rang and said that he had bumped into an old friend of mine who wanted to pass along her regards. I thanked him for the message. After I hung up the phone I thought about her and why our friendship dissolved. She betrayed me and of course I could not tolerate this act and I severed the relationship. What was wonderful to realise was that there was no ill feelings dangling from that limb. Healing accomplished.

The Wheel of Fortune is a bountiful ride. Sure there is a fatalistic feel attached. The wheel spins and where it stops no one knows – until the curriculum for a new term is delivered. Good luck and good fortune!

The Fool heralds a new and exciting phase. Travel light and you’ll be alright. Leave the past behind you – you don’t need it where you are going. Life is too short to drag that caboose.

The Star shines in our reading this morning. She does not compromise her desire for beauty and optimism. Look beyond the spites and you’ll see that there is life after the loss of innocence – it’s just different that’s all.

How can we move forward if we don not heal the past? People come and go and they leave a mark upon our souls. Larimar is the perfect ointment for this healing. Use it wisely three times a day.

Love, Peace and Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, May 28, 2010

Forgiveness – Dioptase

I accept the healing power of forgiveness into my life.

Dioptase is telling you that forgiveness is necessary if you are to move forward on your path. There is a lingering anger and resentment that in keeping you tied to a person or situation that no longer serves you. If you continue with this resentment, you will continue to create situations in your life where you are fulfilling the same role that you’ve played in the past. It is time to release you from this cycle and move forward.

Call upon the power of Dioptase as your ally in this process of forgiveness and healing. Only when you have released yourself from the past you can move into the future joy.

How difficult is to forgive someone or even yourself for that matter? We all know about the healing powers of forgiveness. And yet we maintain the cycles of personal abuse. Going over the past taunts and poison barbs never works Bullwinkle! Walk away, close the door and forgive yourself and others.

I’ve heard some people say that they are over a particular person or situation and yet they keep walking back into the same situation or attracting the same person. Why? Well I believe that this repetition it is a lesson to demonstrate that we’ve not resolved the issue at all.

Dioptase highlights the right moment in our soul’s evolution to denounce these lessons and brings healing into the process. We have to be willing to commit to the path of healing and relinquish the bonds that keep us in that negative and sometimes destructive cycle. It takes guts and hard work. Are we up for it? Yes we are! Once we begin the healing cycle life will be better than we’ve imagined.

It’s a 10/1 day – a great day for endings and beginnings. The Moon is in Sadge and she has reached her peak yesterday now the fullness is subsiding and the pressure is easing.

The Magician never takes life too seriously. He is adaptable and creative. He won’t be anyone’s slave. Persecution does not exist in his vocabulary; instead his dialogue us purely innovative and remarkable. Hermes teaches us about being capable and resilient. We all have the tools to carve out a great destiny. Whether we choose to use them is entirely up to us.

Temperance is the pinnacle of empowerment. The Angel hovers over the chaos like a bright star. Balance and harmony flow through her fingers. If we could only touch her then we know that all will be well. I am sure that life would be very different. Instead we must honour from afar. At least she is there – and that is all that matters.

The Moon encourages creativity and being loyal to your most treasured projects. Today I am writing my columns for the June Ezine ( ). After the crafting is done I am tucking myself inside my haven and resting and relaxing with a dollop of creative fervour.

It’s been a hard week with an intense full moon to round off the emotional challenges. Nurturing time is high on the agenda. What about you?

Love, Peace and Nurturing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Protection – Obsidian

I am protected and provided for by the receptive power of the Universe. So Be It!

Powerful protection and aid are on your side when Obsidian appears as your ally. This ally has come to tell you that you are receiving protection in the situation at hand. Just as the ancients utilised Obsidian as their protective force when faced with danger or necessity, you may utilize its power to cut through any difficulties or obstacles that stand in your way.

Obsidian is the power of the receptive. Its greatest strength is in their absorbing the energy of others and turning it into its own use. Stand back and be receptive to what is happening around you. Obsidian will guide you toward the proper action when the opportunity have you been waiting for arises.

Why do we need protection? If the world is meant to be a place of love, peace and harmony then why should we call upon Obsidian as an ally?

It’s a number nine day of empowerment and resolution. A perfect time to consider the impact of your own power on your immediate environment – is it a happy place a place where you are nourished inside and out? If not, then why not?

The Moon is full at 9:07am this morning. It is a time of consolidation and resolution. This is the time to end the struggle of your discontent and let love be the compass of your life’s direction.

Sadge is the philosopher, the traveller so if you are feeling hemmed in or oppressed by your addictions (food, love, alcohol) it is a good time to ask for Universal support.

The Sun is our first card out this morning. The golden ruler of this card is Apollo the Sun God (of course). He offers a bounty of music, food, wind and good times – is this a bad thing? No, I don’t think so! Why shouldn’t we seek and strive for the best that life has to offer?

The Goddess Gaia is the Empress – she is ready to give birth to a new phase. After the intensity of the Full Moon the pressure valve is released and we can ret in comfort that the recent curriculum has passed.

NB: In a tarot spread the Sun and the Empress usually portends that there is a pregnancy looming.

Strength is required to maintain our focus or hold on until the time is ripe for letting go. Sometimes strength is required to keep up appearances and not to give into the torrents of the undercurrents and be sucked down into the doldrums below. Keep your head held high and move with the flow.

Life is jam-packed with obstacles and currents. The under toe can be oppressive or darn lethal. If you given in to the bends you are vulnerable to the leeches of disillusionment – the pain is brutal and unforgiving. The pit of regret is filled with transient souls who have lived a half life. What must we do then?

Obsidian has the grunt to liberate us from the nightmare – cloak yourself in this ally to slash your way from the tendrils of angst subjugation. Rise up from the bottom of the pit and flee with a heart filled with passion and determination.

Love, Peace and Liberation,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Path of Service – Charoite

I am in service to the Light.

Most of us wonder at one time or another why we have incarnated. What is our purpose? Why are we here? If you have been voicing these inner questions lately, your highest Guides have answered by sending Charoite as you personal ally. Charoite’s energy will activate the latent inner knowledge that will lead you to your path of service and the Light.

This ally’s energy will help to open and clear your third eye and crown Chakras, allowing you to receive guidance on your path. You have within you the talents and abilities that are unique to your purpose here on the planet.

Charoite will show your true path, you will be sure to get a speedy answer.

Recently I brought a Charoite pendant and earring set with a lovely bracelet to match. I love wearing these jewels especially when I am feeling confused about my life direction – or sometimes wear them purely for the aesthetics.

It’s a number eight day of balance and harmony. I love the number eight – it is my favourite number. Eight is an excellent business number so it is a positive force to venture off to work with today.

The Star is the luminary of inspiration. Stars remind us that the night sky is filled with frontiers of unexplored domains. They also keep us grounded in the fact that we are a part of something which is much bigger and greater than we are. While we are not insignificant beings in the universe we are a part of the expanse and depth of something that is truly magnificent.

Justice has been a constant in our morning readings of late. Why do you think that is? Is she trying to tell us something? Is there an advent or legal matter looming? I guess we will just have to be patient a little longer.

Chariot moves in rather quickly – there is a lot to be said for movement at a cracking pace. Life tends to dawdle along at a turtle’s pace and then oups everything is pushed into hyper speed. Choices are the message of this card – have your plans at the ready for you will soon have to decide which way to go!

The Moon in Sadge adds a nice friendly and philosophical feel after the deep penetrating energy of the past two days. We are on the eve of the Full moon (tomorrow morning AEST) and are about to feel the climax of her boldness throughout our lives.

After the Full Moon reaches her climax and you are uncertain about your true path pick up the Charoite and seek the perfect direction of your magic carpet ride.

Love, Peace and Cosmic Climaxes,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Beginnings – Petrified Wood

The root of my experience nourishes me deeply.

Petrified wood comes with messages of roots and beginnings. We carry this knowledge deep within us. By accessing this knowledge, you can gain a deeper understanding of yourself and your path. You can find new ways of relating with other beings with whom your share your world, no matter, what their Kingdom.

As you move more deeply into your own awareness you may access information of your ancestors and your past or alternate lives. Honour where you have been. Your path has given you the strength and knowledge to be where you are now. On your path you have learned much. Now it is time to for you to honour your beginnings old and new.

A number seven day is a time to reflect and consider your current state of play. Are you happy with your current circumstances or are you finding you are not finding the satisfaction you crave?

This Scorpio Moon is likely to squeeze this dissatisfaction and create the intensity of a boil on your soul. Squeeze out the poison and you will release the venom that exists deep within your being. This Moon is ebbing closer to the full moon so the pressure is on.

Strength gives us the courage to face our demons and overcome the fear of regret and discontent. We may have asked or even begged for something to come into our lives (at one point). Now, we find that situation is distasteful or not the flavour we were hoping for. Strength is the inner guile, the tenacity to see it through and sit patiently at the curb for the real opportunity to arrive.

Justice lingers at the peak of our rational mind. Enough is enough! Athena takes no prisoners on her journey toward liberation and fulfilment. Don’t delay for time is your enemy. Seek the balance of fair mindedness and the interplay of redemption.

Temperance is a breath of fresh air. After drowning in the quagmire of discord we tend to choke on the circumstances that have pulled us under. Temperance is life-giving air which sustains us until we can escape the clutches of the evil nymphs and goblins. Our escape route has appeared with a brilliance spectacle of harmony and philosophical thought.

Petrified wood is not pretty It is dark and dowdy. Sometimes answers to not flicker in the brilliant specks of hope instead they lurk in the deep recesses of the pit. Negative situations are the greatest teachers for they reveal what we don’t want.

Love, Peace and Neg Beginnings,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sacred sounds – Chrysocolla

I use my voice as a tool of creation and love.

Chrysocolla calls to the voice in our heart. The sounds that you make with your throat Chakra create a resonance throughout your body energy field, and external environment. Give your emotions a voice through song, toning or by speaking with others about them. Affirm your hearts desires out loud in order to create a resonance with your words on the Earth plane.

When you use your voice as a tool of expression and release, you open and clear your throat chakra enabling you to express your highest wisdom more clearly. Release your emotions through sound. Open your heart to Chrysocolla, and resonate with its energy, celebrating life through your sacred sounds.

The Moon in Scorpio adds an intense and passionate feel to the day. The tension is building something big is on its way. The Moon is increasing in her potency as she prepares for her full moon escapade. Emotions flood the air as we traverse our daily woes and challenges. Move forward if you dare and don’t look back.

Death is such an ominous card. It is Scorpio ruled too. It represents endings which are coupled with mourning. Life feels very intense right now. I’ve this card like most major arcana cards it represents another milestone in our journey. We have travelled quite a distance since our last encounter with death and now we must look to the horizon for a new and positive future.

Prometheus is a friend to us – he reminds us of the sacrifices we make to achieve a solid foundation. This Neptunian ruled card alludes to the dream we live in – nothing is real and nothing to get hung about (pardon the pun). Life is Neptunian dream – don’t you see?

The Devil keeps us chained in the bowels of Hades. Our drive and integrity fuels the determination to push past the fury of our discontent. Why do we allow the bondage of fear consume our every thought? When all we need to do is blink and releases the shackles of imprisonment. Don’t be afraid, Dear. It’s not too late to flee the doldrums of darkness and regret.

Pretty dark cards today aren’t they? Well must have the dark so we can embrace the light. It’s a number six day of commitment and responsibility – so what so of the coin feels right for you?

When the darkness comes I also seek out my music collection. Depending upon the mood I reach for the most appropriate sounds. I embrace the sacred sounds of truth to liberate me from the fetters of my sadness. What about you? What do you do?

Love, Peace and Truth,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, May 24, 2010

Magic Labradorite

I open to the gifts of the Universe and all of the gifts it holds for me.

When Labradorite appears it is calling you on an inward journey. The great mystery is about to open before you, and it is time to own what you have created. Take a look at the beauty of your life and spiritual path. Even those things that have seemed dark and dreary are now revealed to contain bits of Light and like the energy of the rainbow.

Labradorite is here to remind you of the magic that is at work in your life. The subtle currents of energy that are shaping your present and future have created something wonderful for you that is just about to be revealed. Magic is becoming visible to you now. It is like shinning, shimmering dew that illuminates all it touches. Take a look at the paths and choices before you. Which see to sparkle or shimmer in your mind eye? That may be the path of magic leading you to your dreams!

It’s a number five day of changes. There is a great wave of change on its way with Uranus moving from Pisces to Aries this week. This transition will impact on Aries and Librans and will hit our charts where these two signs are representative. In my natal chart my ascendant is Libra and descendant, Aries.

So it seems that these two aspects of my chart will be highlighted by the lightning bolts of Uranus. In some respects this shift will be a gradual process but I am confident that we will all encounter some change in areas that are relevant or necessary for us.

Venus and Pluto are uncomfortable bedfellows. Venus is currently starring in the nurturing and homey sign of Cancer. Pluto is at the opposite side of the duvet in Capricorn. This strange coupling may play out as obsession or self indulgence, depending on your personal transits.

Pluto is my co-ruler so I am familiar with his penetrating powers of perception and integration. His presence is transformative. He must not be underestimated, that is for certain.

The Star shines her glowing beams of optimism into our lives. The moon is the silvery orb dancing through her individual phases like a prima ballerina on speed. The Hermit shines his golden lantern of truth on our paths. Make sure you don’t stumble on a pebble or fall into a ditch. The Fool looks forwards to a new horizon. Don’t fret and please don’t carry your baggage of the past – leave it at the side of the road – perhaps the trolls will lap it up – take it back to their cave and wallow in its misery

Labradorite is a gift from Mother Earth. It’s not only a beautiful and surprisingly magical stone it takes us into the realm of magic where nothing is at it seems and life can be turned around on the tip of a wand.

My Labradorite wand is point in your direction – close your eyes and wish.

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Dreams – Sugarlite

I follow my dreams to my highest good.

Your desires are signalling Lights on your path. If you have a desire to do something or other than what you are doing, follow your inner guidance and find a way to explore your dream. Every even that occurs in your life is a creation that allows you to take a step forward on your path.

When you follow your hearts dreams you will always have the motivation and drive to follow your inner most heart on your path. This is not to say that you should quit your job today and move out of town. Of course, if it seems appropriate then sure follow that thought. But if you open your heart and your life to make room for your dreams to take root, the Universe will send the appropriate experiences and opportunities your way.

If you start doing what you love in small ways today, you signal to the Divine that you are prepared to take action upon your dreams.

So, what is your dream? If you were a multi millionaire and could do anything for a living then what would that vocation/job be? My dream is to be a philanthropist/spiritual counsellor/writer and movie maker. Each day I work on these dreams in small and yet significant ways that is what Sugarlite proposes – work on those dreams and when the egg of opportunity cracks open – dive in!

It’s a number four day of building solid foundations for the future. Lay down the framework to your desires, verbalise, dream and make plans.

The Moon is in Libra which compliments the Gemini Sun. Both are air signs and so their elements are compatible. These signs like to weight up their choices and considerations – they often see both sides of an argument or situation. Eventually they encourage us to seek balance and consistency across the cosmos.

Our morning reading has a playground analogy. With the Lovers indulging their passions with balance and harmony and the Hanged Man literally hanging upside down from the monkey bars. The Moon will only take her most loyal and trusted friends to the playground and as they step on to the merry-go-round she will promise the ride of their life.

Sugarlite says that we should follow our true path then I ask you, “Who will you take on this journey?” And who will you meet? What resources do you need? And what fabulous places will you visit? The message rings loud and clear today, “Dream; dream; dream; dream! All you have to do is dream!”

Love, Peace and Dreams coming true,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, May 21, 2010

Leadership - Sunstone

I respond joyfully to the experiences that arise before me.

Sunstone asks us to take the position of leader in the present situation. Be clear about your motivation in assuming this position, as any ego-based motive will ultimately be exposed by the power light of Sunstone. Seek out advice and knowledge of those who have walked further along this path then you has. True leadership begins with the ability to listen to others, and to respond to them form the wisdom of your heart, not the platitudes of ego.

What are the specifics of leadership role that you are to take on, remember that enlightened action for the good of all is the only true course for a leader of today? The power of a leader lives in his or her response-ability. Be willing to take the action the good of all makes apparent to you, and move forward in the courage of your hearts conviction.

Sunstone is such a pretty stone with its glistening surface and golden hue. I have some tumble stones around me and pick them up in times of insecurity – it seems to give me inspiration and strength.

It’s a number three day with communication and short journeys high on our Saturday agenda. It is a good day to catch up with people who really matter in your life. I love the vibrancy of the number three day – it usually heralds a time of fun and connection. And we all need to feel connected – don’t we?

Speaking of communication the Sun and moon are still in a Mercurial slow dance. Although there is nothing slow about Gemini. Gemini Sun time is quick thinking and lightning speed processing. Now that Mercury is moving in a direct motion it’s a perfect time to make plans.

The Hermit is a Virgo-ruled card. Virgo is the ruler of the sixth house of daily rituals. This card beckons reconciliation between your health, well being and your current work situation. The Hermit asks you to consider carefully these aspects of your life – so how are they working for you? Your immediate answer may impact on your longevity.

Death augurs the end of a phase. The Hanged Man encourages us to be patient. The end is close but we are impatient for closure. All in good time is the message that vacillates between these two cards.

The Star is inspirational – just like the brilliance of the Sunstone. The most inspiration moments of an adventure are at the beginning and the end. Be an inspiration to others with your attitude and grace. What has gone before is not a disgrace just a curriculum of lessons learned. Can I have my award now, please?

Love, Peace and Inspiration,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Book Of Days: Spooks: Harry Pearce: Harry/Ruth

Courage Bloodstone

I have courage to act upon my inner guidance.

The physical world is a school, a play that we are acting with the others around us. At any time we can rewrite or sometimes fear of censure, fear of loss or fear of failure can keep you from following your dreams.

Bloodstone has come to lend you courage so that you can hear the direction of your heart calls from, and take your first steps toward it. Bloodstone walks beside you as you step foot upon your path as a spiritual warrior.

The Sun has moved into chatty Gemini today. And the Moon is in Virgo. Both signs are ruled by Mercury – planet of communication. These connections will increase the poetical for discussions and intellectualizations of current issues. It’s a fine time to sort out issues that have been plaguing you over the past weeks. I always find these moments refreshing as long as we don’t play too long in the mental gymnastics.

It’s an 11/2 day which opens the door to negotiations and discussions. It is a good time to enter into contracts with someone. I find that it’s also a time to set up a new agreement with you – make a promise or commitment to a just cause.

The Magician is a shimmering vision on a dark and dowdy canvas. His light facilitates the spark of inspiration that light the fire of passion. If you are not happy with your current situation then he will provide the concepts of change and present them as flashes of brilliance on your canvas.

Justice seems to be hovering in our morning sojourn into the subconscious story-board. Athene demands fairness and truth and she is unrelenting in her pursuit of retribution.

The Emperor is the commanding force of integrity and desire. His presence is all encompassing. On top of Mount Olympus he resides. His reach however extends to every more mortal struggling to survive around the world.

It takes courage to stand your ground and to defend what you hold as the essential part of who you are. Have you drifted from your path? Are you moving with the flock instead of being true to your ideals? Bloodstone will give you the courage to stay true to you! Is there anything more important?

Love, Peace and Emancipation,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Intention – Topaz

I intend to manifest joy!

We can willfully misuse our intention by attempting to mislead others about our wishes. When we do this we shut out the Divine Light of creation, resulting in confusion and unpleasant manifestations. Unconscious misuse of intention occurs when we have deep feelings of unworthiness and a lack of self love. When this is the situation we create experiences that prove our own self-abusive attitudes.

The Moon is in Leo and Venus moves into Cancer today. This is a lovely interlude of romance and healing. The Sun is lingering in the final stages of Taurus and pants in anticipation just before he moves into Gemini tomorrow.

It’s a 10/1 day with endings and beginnings high on the agenda. Today is a perfect day for bringing situations and issues to an end. One door closes and another one opens or so they say. I embrace the new numerological cycle with a positive and focused intention.

Justice augurs a period of negotiations. Contracts usually come under scrutiny with this card in our morning reading. Fair and equitable parley ensure a win/win for both parties. On the other side of that the sword of discernment hangs over the debate and injustice pierces the heart and tortures the bravest of souls.

Have you been accused of something you’ve not done or had your impeccable work ethic questioned? Well, Justice promises balance and a cool clear thought process to resolve the injustices that plague our lives and rob us of the contentment we deserve.

The Hermit is deliberate and cautious in his journey. While this can be viewed as procrastination it is simply a purposeful gait that takes us through the virtual landmines of our road to success. Don’t be pushed along your path – take your time and do what is right for you!

The Tower represents your ideals and beliefs – it is the structure of your existence. Hold true to what you believe in and don’t waiver from your purest motivation. The lightning bolts from the mob may make you feel unbalanced but don’t give in to the negativity and barbs.

The Star is about hope and promise. She has seen it all – the good; the bad; and the darn ugly. Her focus is on the golden elixir flowing from the jug of creation. There is no time for buying into the cracks in the pitcher of promise.

At the end of the cycle it is time to stop and catch your breath. What is your intention for the next phase? Take golden Topaz with you and make it the most brilliant chapter ever!

Love, Peace and Intention,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Transformation – Moldavite

I allow the power of Light to transform my life.

You may experience a falling away of relationships, jobs securities and situations. Anything that does not serve your ultimate pathway may go spinning off into space, leaving you transformed.

Moldavite has purgative effects which can leave you feeling like you’ve been through the ringer, but it’s truly a stone that indicates change for the better. It has a beautiful and extremely powerful and high vibration which creates a resonance with Universal understanding and creation.

We are coming to the end of another numerological cycle with a number nine day. By this stage the energy of the phase has built a platform of experiences and we must feel empowered or at least a little more knowledgeable. Life lessons come to us in sweet dreamy-like experiences and conversely dastardly demon-enhanced lessons.

The darkness builds within and we must take them with a grain of philosophical sugar. In my view the dark or painful lessons are like gems forming under the pressure of oppression. At the end of this phase or connection I intend to walk away this gem in my hand. Or, perhaps a pearl of wisdom.

Let’s look at pearls then. A grain of sand lands in an oyster. Over time and with a great deal of irritation a pearl is formed and we proudly hang them from our ears or toggle them around our neck.

The Moon is in her most regal aspect today. Leo loves to wear the jewels of experience. Proud and determined Leos are an inspiration to all of us. I’m extremely fortunate in that I have a pride of Leos who drift in and out of my life. These loving legions of loyal friends and family are such an asset. You see, fire is pretty absent in my chart and I crave their energy to inspire me from time to time.

The Chariot has a blustery ride on the highway of life. At the crossroads we stop and ask for directions – which way will I go? We have the reigns you know? It’s up to us to choose.

The Hermit counsels prudence and wise navigation of the rocky road ahead. Sometimes it’s all about timing and other times it’s about not getting in too deep.

The Empress heralds a new phase of growth. She whispers love, patience and kindness – be gentle with yourself during this time of change.

Transforming your life takes time and can be painful. Breaking habits requires dedication love and forgiveness. The metamorphoses have begun – be a friend to you and give yourself time to heal the wounds of change.

Love, Peace and Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Will – Malachite

I am in balance with the Universe and its will.

The force of the will is one of the crucial energies that we use in creating our reality. We can either maintain a victim role by allowing others to be our pawns of action, or we can take a creator’s role and recognise how we are applying our will o create our experiences.

Seek the path of balance and right use of will, and the Universe will guide you to resolution that is for our highest good. When you resonate with the energy of Malachite, its vibration will clear the influence from your creations, allowing you to manifest the will of the Universe.

Balance seems to be the key theme today with the influence of the number eight energy. Eight is excellent for achieving constant flow of positive energy and swirling it around your life. Positive is as positive does.

Justice is the first card in our morning reading. Finding a balance between right and wrong; good and bad is the mission statement for Athena.

Prometheus encourages us to go with the flow – don’t force situations as they will come to fruition in their perfect time. The Hanged Man represents voluntary sacrifice – what are you prepared to let go of to reach your desired outcomes?

Hierophant is a wise, patient and kind healer. Remember, as you guide others toward a healing destination you too, will be healed. I’ve experienced it many times in my life. In moments of sadness and grief I have reached out to others and supported them through their trials. The unexpected gift has been enlightening – I, too have become healed.

The Moon is still lingering in the sign of the crab. This moon phase brings out the nurturing mother within us all. Cancerians are sensitive and emotional people who don’t particularly like confrontation. Their shells are tough but the softness resides behind the claws and pinchers. As a Scorpio, I’ve never underestimated the will of a Cancerian. Sure, elementally speaking there are some compatibility between us however if we find ourselves on the opposite sides of an argument then it becomes a battle of wills.

Which brings me to Malachite – what more do you need than to stand your ground in the face of adversity? How do you become resilient to the daily rituals and trials in your classroom? Seek the force of truth and you will overcome.

Love, Peace and Truth,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, May 17, 2010

Love – Rose Quartz

Oh! Goody! I give love, I live love, and I am love!

Only love can heal your life and your creations. Perhaps you need to focus upon your love of self in order to gather the inner strength you need to take the next step forward. Perhaps you are harbouring old resentment and or anger that are keeping you stuck in your current position.

Open your heart and listen to its soft direction. Allow yourself to move with the healing waters of emotion. The trusting heart will be carried to its perfect destination.

Chakra – heart – of course!

Inner reflection is on the menu for a number seven day. While there are strong links to change-makers it’s a wise move to go deep within to really consider your motives for change.

Have you been oppressed, misunderstood or just plain unhappy with your situation? Well, the force of the cosmos this week offers liberation with a capital E (for Exit).

Today could be a little tense but what falls out of the cosmic cauldron will be insightful.

I’m excited about these alignments as the potential for movement is escalating. This of course paves the way for some serious life enhancing experiences.

The first three cards out today are The Moon; The Sun and the Hanged Man – yawn! I drew one more card to honour this luscious Saturn and Venus alignment. The card is representative of our infamous friend, Hermes, The Magician. Why have I done this? Because I like you! No, really I do! Plus, we’ve all being hashing and rehashing over the Moon and the Sun and I am over the Hanged Man looking sour drooping on the tree of life.

The Magician on the other hand, has a wand that is legendary and the tools of the trade are beyond our imagination. That’s the meaning of this day – unlimited potential coated in unrestricted visions. And just to back that up we all possess the tools of the trade to move us forward – yeehaa!

The Moon is in her native sign of Cancer. Cancer rules the fourth house of home and family, cooked meals, emotions and mother. My concern with Venus and Jupiter link on the horizon is that we may be seduced into the cycle of self-abuse by over-indulging in sugary treats or carbohydrate feasts. It’s easy to do. I know his to be true. Perhaps Saturn will rescue us from ourselves? Or we can snuggle with our rose quartz and become reacquainted with our true essence of human-esq devotion – unconditional love.

Throughout my weight loss journey my perception of food has shifted. Now I regard food as medicine and I nurture my body with unconditional love. Rose Quartz facilitates this healing energy toward our hearts, mind and bodies.

Love, Peace and Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Clarity - Clear Quartz

I am clear in my thought, intent and desire. I reflect the clarity of the Divine mind.

Clear quartz assists in clarifying our choices. Clear quartz signals a time of deeper understanding of our path. Open yourself to the Divine Light and allow your future to unfold.

This crystal is the perfect ally to reach for after this recent period of confusion (Mercury retrograde). Venus and Jupiter and Venus and Saturn provide a push-me; pull-me relationship above. May I suggest that you direct your focus more toward creating the abundance and flow from Jupiter rather than focusing on the restriction of Saturn?

The caution of the number six day is to be responsible for your intentions. You know I’ve often wondered about those people who deliberately set out to undermine some poor unsuspecting individual. What is there motive? What is their reward?

The Lord of Karma (Saturn) will surely make the responsible for their foray into the dark arts. It’s a ruthless act and of course hurts us mere mortals and yet it reveals the Judas within. My perspective that they are the walking emotional army of white ants and the suffering of others gives them short sharp moments of pleasure. Its like sucking the life force out of others – eventually that source is dry and then they must move on to another poor soul.

On the other hand, no one can make you feel anything without your permission (Eleanor Roosevelt). Insulate yourself with unconditional love and don’t buy into the spites that fall so effortlessly from the foul mothers of the “white ant brigade”.

The Lovers remind us that it is all about love! Love; love; love – all you need is love (The Beatles). Surround yourself with those who love and adore you – swaddle your precious heart in the protection and respect of love.

The High Priestess is a beacon of hope. Her motives are pure and her intention – Divine. She scribes in the journal of life – offering hope to those who flounder in the sludge pit of disappointment and doom.

The Sun captures the tiny dew drops. The rainbow facets flash around my garden. The Sun shares his grand presence with the world – raising the energy and optimism into a playground of wonder.

It’s Sunday – a time for play, rest and creative pursuits. Enjoy the fruits of your labour. Focus on your hearts desire and ask clear quartz to provide the focus required to delivery your quality outcomes.

Love, Peace and Clarity,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Healing – Chlorite

I honour my body as a vehicle for the light.

Healing is the process of bringing aspects of our self that are not balanced back into balance again.

Before we can step into the Age of Light, we must integrate all the experiences that reside within our physical being. When we have done this, we can fully experience the clarity of your Light body being anchored on the Earth Plane.

By accepting the healing that Chlorite offers, you can once again experience the beauty of connection to the Divine Source of creation.

Chlorite is for all chakras.

Changes are the theme for our number five day. It’s amazing to me how one phone call can make a difference at the end of the day or the end of the week for that matter. Just when you think your day/week is going through the mill and being churned up and spat out, one person rings you and a million tiny rainbows scatter throughout your soul.

The Moon is in Gemini and this airy, chatty and creative sign will support a weekend of fun and indulgence.

Did we cast our wishes into the fertile landing of our New Moon yesterday? Well, the Gemini Moon will lift them up and take them into a new direction.

Strength is the first card out this morning. Why strength, you might ask? Well, I believe it takes courage to step into a new direction. Comfort zones are exactly that – by putting one foot in front of the other – facing our fears at the entrance of the cave takes courage. Hey I just had a vision – Aladdin standing at the entrance to the cave saying, Open sesame! And it did! I hope it does for you too! To thine self be true!

The High Priestess knows all about courage. She is wise – sure but it is wisdom borne of pain (sound familiar). Her elegance and poise is legendary. Persephone knows that truth about the journey to the edge of darkness. She has ventured far from her comfort zone and brought back untold experiences cloaked in rare and exquisite riches.

The Hermit is a source of inspiration. He shines his golden light on our path. This beam of optimism glows with us all as we navigate the pot holes of uncertainty.

Personally, I’ve felt that this week has been enlightening. Some truths have been painful, explicit perceptions, revealing. Chlorite has the power to heal the tiny fractures in our soul – mend the gaping wounds in our self esteem and take us toward the beauty of Divine Love. Enjoy!

Love, Healing and Divine Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, May 14, 2010

Ruby – Life Force

I allow the life force within me to rise and strengthen my body and mind.

Ruby signals a time of renewed energy in your life. Ruby speaks of the experience the first chakra primal and potent energy. Practice breathing in through the base of your spine, and out of the crown of your body and connect with the elements of earth and fire, encouraging their energies to rise through you and transform any blockages you may be holding.

Reconnect with the forces of ritual and magic. You can create magical transformation in your life.

The New Moon is in Taurus. This placement reminds us that the body is the temple and it deserves to be nurtured and nourished. Also Taurus insists upon goal setting. How do we achieve our goals? Plant seeds/wishes in the direction of your physical and financial desires today!

Saturn is still in retrograde motion. He is hovering in the sign of Virgo. Virgos would be feeling his pangs of reality right now. Perhaps dealing with decisions and or lack of outcomes promised in months past. For some Virgos it is a stoic reminder of the pain of loss. I feel for you – I really do! Please remember that this icy phase of reality bits will pass and life will take on a more comfy feel again. Of course Saturn appears in all of our charts. At the moment he is haunting my sixth house of work and work. Nice one, Chronos – thanks for your blessings!

The Devil releases us from the agony of bondage and oppression. We are set free from entrapment. Flee – for if you don’t you will endure a perilous journey of dark canyons of despair.

The Hanged Man sacrifices his happiness for us. He chooses to do this, you know? He hangs on the tree of life so we can escape the trenches of doom and gloom and live a fulfilled existence – pretty nice, don’t you think?

The Moon ebbs and flows with the cycles of the cosmos. She skims each sign for approximately two to two and a half days. Her role is to highlight the importance of our emotional wellbeing and socialisation. Her creative jaunts are legendary.

Ironically, I’ve chosen Ruby today – why? Well, I feel flat and unwell. I am drawing the power of Ruby into my life as an elevator. This elevator will rise up and be fulfilled. I will consider positive thoughts as the electrical charges to take me to a new floor. Each floor offers a different experience – lessons to be learned. We all have an area of our lives that requires maintenance. What is your focus? Scribe on the parchment of dreams and follow your heart and soul toward liberation and enlightenment.

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Joy and Gratitude - Kunzite

I give thanks joyfully for the gifts I receive.

Kunzite reminds us of the power of joy and gratitude. At the moment in which you experience these emotions you are experiencing reconnection to the Divine Creator. Gratitude is the recognition of flow between you and the Universe. When you express gratitude for your life and experience, you establish a flow of energy, giving and receiving between yourself and the source of all things. This flow strengthens you sense of connections with all beings.

The Chakra for Kunzite is the heart. From the heart we truly connect with the entire Human race.

The Moon is in Taurus. She is on the eve of the New Moon phase. Please don’t underestimate just how potent this phase is. The cosmos is ripe for planting seeds. See for areas of influence.

It’s a number three day of communication and short journeys. Maybe you’ve been waiting for some news? Well today the vibe of the Universe supports this anticipation.

Death heralds the end of a phase – plain and simple. It is done – over! Sometimes we mourn that chapter because of the fear of the next page – blank and mysterious.

Chariot pulls us in two directions at once. We are in control but the seduction of both roads is compelling.

The World is the end of a cycle and yet we are richer for the experience – we live to carry on the dream and yet the dream is constantly changing and shifting with the rustling of the leaves on the vine.

In my experience life does not always reward us with the bounty of our desire – we perceive – agree and become attached to that outcome. Our disappointment becomes entangled in the foliage of deception and cloaked by the rotten fruit hanging on the limbs of the tree of life.

Kunzite sparkles with specks of joy and gratitude – what do you want? Why are you disappointed when you have those blessings to take you to the next station?

Practice joy and gratitude and that attitude will liberate you from the Prison of Dread.

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Action - Carnelian

I am willing to create my reality.

Carnelian has called upon you in order to remind you of our course of action. Seeking spiritual guidance and advice is the next step to creating your reality, but the second and most important step is to take action upon inner guidance. Without action, there is no creation; and we have chosen to come into this world in order to learn to co-create with the Universe.

Do not fear action because of the possibility of failure. There is no failure just as there are no mistakes. Each action that you take leads you to a learning experience. Every learning experience that you have adds to the store of wisdom that you share with others, and leads you closer to your goal of self-understanding. Listen to your higher guidance, open yourself to the path that the Universe is clearing for you, and take a step forward Carnelian has come to guide you on your path of action.

Mercury has gone direct today. After the past few weeks of confusion, mixed messages and computer foul ups. My computer has gone into a dreadful state of sluggishness. When I go to turn him on he freezes at different stages of the start-up process. It’s frustrating to say the least and this weekend we will investigate this annoying behaviour and take some action.

Mercury has gone direct today. After the past few weeks of confusion, mixed messages and computer foul ups it will be nice to feel confident in our communication sector. My computer has gone into a dreadful state of sluggishness when I go to turn him hon. He freezes at different stages of the start-up process. It’s frustrating to say the least and this weekend we will investigate this annoying behaviour.

Am 11/2 day is a Master number – public/private day. I find it interesting that the elections in the UK have been undertaken during the recent Mercury retrograde phase – and we are all aware of how that has gone?

Now, in an 11/2 day the new Prime Minister has emerged to accept and take his leadership role in a new and innovative way. His public and private life will be spread around the world instantly. I find it even more interesting that the negotiations, confusion and mixed or delayed messages have occurred during the trickster’s retrograde motion. Of course there is nothing to this astrology stuff – is there?

The Moon has moved into Taurus and balances nicely with the Taurean Sun. These two dominant orbs are joined by Mercury and Venus and Taurus. There seems to be an air of practicality about negotiations and calculation. I sincerely hope that calculations have been checked and rechecked in the past few weeks – don’t you?

For all of us we are now in a good stage to negotiate contracts and financial deals. Security and lifelong quality is the focus of these discussions. So if you are negotiating a contract now is a good time to consider pay increments and future financial requirements.

So how does this impact on you’re personally? A positive start would be to contact your favourite astrologer (Yasmin Boland or Kelly Surtees) and ask them to direct you to where Mercury and Venus are present in your chart. The cosmos asks us to take action when the alignments are in our favour – now is that time to review, plan and do!

Judgement appears – again – come on! How long have I been pulling this card in our morning spread? What that tells me however is that the necessary shedding has not taken place. What needs to be relinquished? Are we still holding on to any situation or behaviours? Any clues?

Temperance – ahha – lovely! Rise above the chaos of the day and seek solace in philosophical answers. To thine self be true – is a good start!

Twinkle twinkle little Star! My friends please do not squander the opportunity to shine. Word of caution though – don’t take the kudos or recognition at someone else’s expense. Remember that the Karmic code is evident in the world balance sheet.

I am mindful that Uranus is about to change signs. He has been stirring up Pisces for over seven years now. He is poised to enter Aries. This movement will be a challenge for Arians. Personally, I believe that Aries are adaptable and resilient. Usually, they are most likely to take risks and Uranus enters the zone of risky business.

The important aspect of this alignment is that this shift impacts on us all. Consider where Uranus resides in your chart and this will be the zone of concern. Don’t be alarmed however just be aware that life will take unexpected twists and turns in this region of your chart.

Of course, like all transits this movement will shift constantly asking us to pick up our Carnelian and take action for the positive outcome in our lives.

Love, Peace and Action,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, May 10, 2010

Female Power Cuprite

I am the source of creation.

Invoke the power of the female aspect of your nature. The answers that you seek live within your deepest self.

Retreat and seek “Moon time” to gain insight and strength you need to move forward on your journey. It is time to trust the unseen forces at work in your life.

I’ve woken today feeling very unwell. I have hay fever and flu symptoms. Strange really as I’ve had my flu shots – well what can I say? What is my body trying to tell me? I am blocked emotionally? I have to rest and seek some Moon-time? Yes, I think that is the key. My throat is sore and I feel sick so a day to rest and heal might be what the Universal doctor orders?

It’s a 10/1 day so there is an ending and a beginning. Something must come to an end as we set off in a new direction. Renewal is important for our growth and we are constantly asked to shed and make way for the fresh perspectives that come our way when we venture down a new path. I like this part of the numerological cycle – what about you?

The Empress is all about new beginnings. Last night I dreamt about a lady – a colleague from work. She is pregnant and a Capricorn. In the dream I visited her at home and we talked about our relationship and how we have come this far and where our future will take us. I held her new born baby and promised to stay in touch as we navigate a very different course in our lives. It was a lovely dream and we left one another with a sense of peace that we carry our true friends with us forever in our hearts – no matter where our lives take us.

The World offers abundance and rewards – the fruits of our labours to us in avalanches of abundance under grace in perfect ways through endless opportunities today. Be confident that you will be provided the perfect life to thrive and grow bountifully as desired.

The Emperor commands a resource inventory. Are you allowing your energy and focus to seep into areas that do not serve you? Set your boundaries and mark your ground. Don’t sit for too long – regain the territory that is supremely yours – today and always!

Cuprite reminds us of the power of creation – true? Why is that important? Why do we need to be reminded? Why should we concern ourselves with that level of our management tool box? I believe it is an integral part to our present and our future – what we think we create! What do you think?

Love and Creation,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Growth Aventurine

I celebrate my growth, and release those aspects that no longer serve me!

Allow yourself to open to the changes that are coming and celebrate them as evidence that you have moved to a new level in your life. Sense the old patterns melting away, and take the opportunity to choose which new patterns you now wish to create.

I was speaking with my sister yesterday regarding the cycles of life. I mentioned that it had become apparent to me that we seem to roll with the ebb and flow of life. I expressed the awareness of the constant growth, learning, shedding and ultimately moving to a new destination. She agreed.

Aventurine is a stone that not only acknowledges the cycles but encourages us to celebrate them. Today is a number nine day and that is how I will spend my day – celebrating the cycles of life.

It’s Monday and we are back to work after a weekend break. We’ve been spoiled beautifully by our families and now we must return to work to pay mortgages and fund the next adventure. Mondays are hard (I believe) as they break the pattern of fun and freedom. And yet I get a buzz of doing my best at work.

The Morning reading affirms those Monday thoughts with the Devil representing work and business. The Chariot acknowledges movement and choices. Judgement is an important phase of the growth cycle – maturity and the choice to relinquish the outworn and unnecessary. The Wheel of Fortune insists that we are now in a, “take your dreams and offer them to the Universe” sequence. Trust the flow of Universal magic and you may just be surprised with the outcome.

Welcome the “you” that you’ve become with the power of Aventurine. You are spectacular and unique and this is your life to live to the fullest.

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother’s Day

The Pisces Moon adds an emotionally buoyant feel to the day. Mother’s Day has the potential for commercialism gone mad. However, most mothers will tell you it’s a day when they she connects with her family whether they are close by or not. I think that making an effort to connect with her is an awesome gift.

We’ve travelled to Sydney to visit with my mother and connect with my son and his family. We visited my son yesterday and his beautiful wife and two children. Even though, I regard my in-law children and grandchildren as part of my family I don’t like to impede upon the special moments with their Nana. I guess its all a matter of respect and boundaries, isn’t it?

Our celebrations today include taking my Mum and sister out to lunch and sharing a meal where no one has to cook or clean – pretty much a nice gift, in itself, don’t you think?

Overall, I adore all of my family members. I feel massively fortunate to have them in my life. I feel content in the knowledge that I am blessed to share my life with such amazing souls. Actually, I always feel a little sad on the way down the highway after I leave Sydney. Conversely I feel sated by the connections and yet I feel that I am leaving a little piece of myself behind.

In our morning reading I’m going to personalize the cards that have been drawn. For example:

The Star – prepare to shine as brightly as the stars in the heavens. You are the star of the show today. Allowing the spoiling to begin and enjoy your time in the limelight.

The High Priestess – you know where the skeletons are buried and yet you are prepared to keep “Mum”. You love them unconditionally despite the fact that the flaws appear as grand canyons in their souls.

The Emperor represents boundaries we must set from time to time. Keeping the family together requires a balancing act of love, patience and the guidance of a strong mind.

Love comes in many forms – I know this and I am positive you do too! I have loved in a multitude of brilliant facets during my life. The love of my Mum is unconditional and enduring.

I love you Mum, now and forever!

Love, Peace and Mother’s Joy,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday Sydney Sided

Last night we travelled up from Canberra to Sydney. We left after work and drove straight through. It’s not a big ask or effort just a little tiring at the end of a long week.

The Moon is in Pisces and the Sun in Taurus. These two signs are representative of water and earth. This weekend with the influence of the Pisces Moon romance and sensitivity will permeate social and emotional realms.

Yesterday I helped someone at work – remember it was a number six day – a day of responsibility. Today the numerological cycle favours reflection and inner journeys with subtlety of the number seven sway.

Strength is our first card in our spread. The taming of the lion demands inner guile and resilience in the face of adversity.

Hermit applies caution to his journey through life and relies upon intuition and wisdom to guide him.

Judgement tells us t weight up our decisions and be confident in wise choices we’ve made. Don’t be afraid to act on the direction of your selection. Keep in mind that there are no wrong choices – just a different direction. Bask in the glory of the Neptunian wave of energy – enjoy your day.

Love, Peace and Bliss,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Higher Self – Selenite

I am the reflection of the Divine Spirit in Heaven.

Crown chakra: Crown through to 12th

Selenite is speaking to your response-ability and purpose. It is time o take response-ability, and apply it to the ne awareness you are beginning to embody. Selenite above all other allies creates resonance in our energy and body and initiates in us a time of renewed connection to the Divine.

Selenite is alerting you that it’s time to begin developing the physical vehicle you inhabit, that it can carry ever higher frequencies of energy onto the earth plane. You may need to change your diet, exercise habits, or other lifestyle choices which may be affecting your ability to carry higher frequency energy through your physical being.

We have Selenite in our foyer – it is a large block balanced between two small pillars. Selenite is also good for business or reviving a small business. Quite often I’ve given wands of Selenite to friends with an entrepreneurial flair as a way of facilitating a positive flow of intention, ideas and energy into their business. Selenite is excellent for balancing skeletal system – it works on strengthening our bones.

The Moon in Pisces adds a Neptunian ambience to the end of the working week. This is a nice segue into the weekend, don’t you think? Romance and creativity are always part of the Piscean agenda so expect the inner poet to emerge.

The Fool skips out from the cave ready to embark upon a journey in pursuit of fun and learning – being it on is his impetuous mantra. Don’t hesitate in leaving your baggage by the door.

The Wheel of Fortune turns ever so slightly in your favour prizes are won and opportunities are lost. A turn of the wheel and a smile flashes across your face – a flick the other way and you fall from grace.

Te Hermit counsels caution along the rutted road of life – yes be cautious but not frozen in fear. Life is to be lived and joy fulfilled. Don’t sit for too long and let opportunities for love pass you by.

Selenite is grounded white light – it is a conductor between heaven and earth allow this crystal to unblock the cork of negativity and allow the stream of energy float along a new path.

Love, Peace and Higher Purpose,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Talents Rhodonite

In sharing my talents and skills, I strengthen myself and my connection to all that is.

In the Age of Light on Earth, when we are calling the Light into the void, we must each contribute our particular talents for the good of all. Acknowledge your personal beauty and power, and share it with those who come into your sphere of influence. In this way, we will each move with joy into the New Age that awaits us.

A number five day promises changes – this is an unstable number but remember that is something does change it is a necessary shift or part of your growth pattern.

The Moon in Aquarius gives a friendly feel to the day. Get together and love someone – enjoy the bounty of networking and just being alive. This Moon day has an electrical energy – cracks open your store of intent and see where it takes you.

The Empress gives a new perspective to our lives. The freshness of the quarter moon phase is excellent for starting new habits and behaviours. Don’t be shy, ask for what you want – go for gold and you won’t be disappointed. I have my hair appointment booked for tonight so that will be a nice new feeling for this phase.

The Lovers hold a holy alliance of love and respect. How unique is it when we meet a soul mate and truly connect on a mind; body and spirit level? How brilliant is the feeling when you truly trust someone so completely to be there to catch you when you fall or need a hug at the end of a challenging day? Priceless! The Lovers hold agreement and they both conspire to elicit the best from one another but also seek the brightest future individually and together.

The Wheel of Fortune heralds a time when fate holds the key to your future happiness and joy. You are certainly on the move and you will be rewarded for your efforts. Embrace the possibilities of change – don’t let the grass grow under your feet and don’t let the weeds infiltrate your Nirvana.

Take your unique talents to the world stage and smile and promote the beauty of you – you are a precious child of the Universe – you deserve the best life. Lift your eyes up and smile at the masses – wink as you face the summit of your dreams.

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Child within – Rhodochristite

I resonate with love and release else to the Universe.

This crystal will help you to connect with the child within and heal the wounds received many years ago. Open yourself to the resonance of Rhodochristite, and allow this energy to bring any wounds that still need healing to the surface.

Go within, and clear your energy of old traumas and wounds that no longer serve you, so that you begin again with the purity and innocence of a child. Allow the energy of Rhodochristite to sooth, comfort and aid you in your healing.

The Moon is in Aquarius today. This is the sign of friendship and connections with humanity and networks. This airy sign is ruled by Uranus the planet of unpredictability. Out of the blue offers and opportunities may come your way. Keep your eyes peeled and your mind open to the possibilities.

Delving into our subconscious the messages are clear – Temperance insists on the high road of contemplation and rising above adversity and fear. Do you have to be a part of the clique or are you prepared to stand apart from the crowd? Temperance asks us to seek the internal valve of acceptance and validation and not to worry about the acceptance of others.

Judgement rings the discernment creed load and clear – don’t buy into the dogma of the masses – be your own prophet, My Dear!

Strength offers a tone of confidence hold on to what is important, dear. Be a shinning light of inspiration and don’t stumble on the rocky road of trepidation.

Life seems to place roadblocks and challenges in our way – our task if we choose to accept is to face the adversity head-on and conquer the lessons one-by-one.

It seems that our souls hunger for the lessons that are part of this human manifesto – overcome these modules of torment and you will graduate with honours from the school of hard knocks.

Is it that simple, I wonder? When we face our daily fears and feel the pain of rejection and torment does that mean we can move to the next module? Why does it have to hurt so much? Why can’t we just tick them off on the parchment of pain? Why must we be burdened with the emotional care factor? Why can’t it be a disconnect between heart and mind?

It’s a number four day and this is a perfect time to lay the foundations for the future. With the help of Rhodochristite we can heal the past, play with the outcomes and view the world with innocent eyes.

Love, Peace and Healing,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Manifest light - Hematite

I am a channel for light on the Earth plane.

What is your purpose on Earth? Bring to manifest your creations through your words, actions and experiences.

Focus on expressing the light of spirit through whatever you are doing. Connect with the Earth element and bring the Light through your body and onto the planet. It is through this expression of spirit that the age of light will be born into the world.

The Sun and Mars are up for a set-to today. That means it will be easy to be drawn into conflict regarding ego-based assumptions. For those whom are already feeling a little damaged or frayed today has the potential for some fireworks.

Rise above the conflict and save your self-esteem. Remember Mercury is retrograde at the moment so words or ideas may simply come out jumbled – try and think about what you want to say before you say it.

It’s a number three day of short journeys – and communication – so the aspects of your life will be top of the pops.

Rain is hovering in the territory. The skies are dark and foreboding and yet I feel positively brilliant on the inside. Sure, I am contemplating the next few days but I am also excited about the birth of my new grand-nephew. My niece, Danni has given birth to a little boy yesterday so I feel that the Empress came to visit our lives.

The Fool romps in and lays claim to the new beginning that are a part of this current phase. Capture your imagination and take it on a ride – grab your heart and you will surely fly with the eagles.

The Lovers promise balanced communication and a path that’s real. Shine the love from the inside out and you will fulfil the grand plan of your existence.

Judgement requests that you let go of any remnants of discontent and strip away the damage of the poisoned few. Don’t carry it like a badge of honour – it does not serve any purpose whatsoever.

Manifest your hearts desire with Hematite and you will be liberated from the norm – express all that is divine within you as you are a child of the universe. Seek balance and truth in all that you do and your heart will be connected with the dominion of the Universe.

So Be It!

Love, Peace and Magic,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, May 3, 2010

Inner peace – Tourmaline

I love and create in the moment!

Stop living in the past or future. Begin resonating with the vibration of inner peace.

Create, joy, peace and healing when you disconnect from the role you have created for yourself. Accept peace with yourself and the world.

It’s an 11/2 Master number day. This usually plays out with agreements between yourself and others. Disconnect from the outcome and wait for the truth to come to you! We all want inner peace. No one wants to live their lives in turmoil. Allow tourmaline to come to you quietly; dispel the demons while you rest in the temple of wisdom.

The Empress promises a new phase. Create this phase with love, peace and harmony. Temperance inspires us to raise above the chaos our torment and find a philosophical window to escape through.

The Emperor is bold and beautiful – transcend your limitations throw all of your fears to the box and kick it to the curb – allow the Universal wind to take it over the rainbow.

The Moon is in Capricorn and there is a chilly wind blowing in the cosmos. Words can hurt and they can certainly heal. Which formula will you choose today?

Prepare the appropriate communication to take you to a new route – will it be Route 66? Will you get your kicks? Or will you ignore the road signs and skid into the slippery when wet sign?

It’s impossible to take back the spoken world – once it’s out there it can never be retrieved.

Be the white magician and only speak words of love and truth. Turn your back on the chaos and meditate for greatness in the temple of wisdom.

Love and Peace,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The Green Back Pack presents The New Zealand Experience

Before we get this journal started I should explain. New Zealand has two specific parts – the north and the south island. Our journey will take place in the south island. Now, I’m not saying that the north island is not worth a peak but for the purposes of our adventure we are exploring the south island of New Zealand. Are you up for it? Okay, let’s go!

Holidays are special times with family. This holiday is even more special to me because we are leaving Princess Flea Bag at home in the Doggy prison. I have prime position and there is no question of who is the favorite from where I am sitting perched on my Mistress’s back.

Packing our bags into the silver service tax was easy. This is the way to ride – smooth elegant and civilized. The airport is hectic with lots of people scootering around like bugs on a summer night. We board the big V for Sydney and the din begins – a toddler tyrant screams his lungs out for the entire trip.

Normally I enjoy the Sydney trip – the view the skies; the ride but this time I am fed up to my flaps with this darn noise. If there is a God please shut this kid up!

I am more than elated to be thrust over my Mistress’s should and am ramping up for the escape hatch.

A one stop train ride and we are standing in another queue to offer luggage and pick up our boarding passes. Of course I am not a part of that rubble. I get to rude up from with the other important totes.

The airport is a hustle and we now have barely enough time to catch my breath. Mistress picks up a bargain with some perfume and I am make room in my middle crevice.

Our flight takes up on time and we bank out over Botany Bay. I sigh and settle in for the short jaunt across the Tasman.

Jolted out of slumber I am ready to be upstanding for duty. I wipe the sleep from my eyelets and catch a glimpse of the full glorious silver orb splashing her beauty across the ocean.

Apparently the Moon is in the sign of Libra – you know love and relationships and all that human stuff. I’m that impressed to be honest although the lusty times in the overhead lockers seem to work perfectly for me.

A short taxi ride and a quick unpack – we are in Christchurch and ready for some serious holiday fun!

Day II – Akaroa – Wow! What a vista! The view from this look-out is nothing short of phenomenal. Get me down there and quick! Oh! My goodness – I am overwhelmed with the magic of this region.

The small sea-side town is alive with tourists. It is a melting pot of accents like some international convention flocking to this volcanic hot spot. This nook was created in the armpit of the south island. There is an interesting Indigenous tale that stands to reason for the majesty and brilliance of the area.

Personally, I am in awe. My eyelets are blinking like a garbled and slightly hysterical Morse code. And they even have dolphins here – my favorite!

After the humans demolished the seafood platter we took a walk along the promenade. The stroll was satisfying and now I am little tired and in need of a knap. I don’t want to miss a second of the landscape though and yet fall into a gentle slumber on the winding trip back to Christchurch.

Back in the city and we hop on a tram. We take a tour around the city. The driver, Wayne has a quirky Kiwi accent – rather endearing – as he highlights the historical bedroom and captivating nuances of the town. The Botanic Gardens looks pretty amazing – I hope we get to go there.

The day seems to be sliding through hyper-vigilant hour glass. The minutes seem like seconds and the seconds are obliterated. We’ve done a few laps of the city looking for the art gallery, one way streets are such a pain in the pouch.

The art gallery is a spectacle in itself. The giant sculptures greet us with a navigator’s theme. They represent the beacons of navigating and traversing the ocean for food. The boats that are balanced delicately on top are turned every full moon. In March they have been moved twice.

The gallery is interesting but I am seriously exhausted after a big day of wows and on my goodness. I think that we are going to give the botanic gardens a miss this time around. Perhaps on our way back?

Day III – We are bound for Queenstown

The drive out of Christchurch was not that appealing. The outskirts of any city pretty much look the same. Touring down south the mountain ranges reveal and unexpected splendor. The ranges look as if a huge roll of brown paper has been scrunched and sprawled across the land. Earthy tones of pain splashed unceremoniously across the shoulders, craggy necks and ridges allude to peaks of wonder. Colors drip into ravines and splashed into paddocks below. The rugged structures poised and proud boast the greatest spectacle of them all.

We stop for lunch in Geraldine. I am placed respectfully on a wooden bench and listen to the accents that swirl around me. I often wonder about accents. I’ve travelled extensively with my Mistress and the sights have been mind-boggling. Places like Alaska; Canada; fall in Vermont and even the quaint isle of Norfolk. These places are riveted in my zippers like butter on bread. The tasty marmalade is the smattering of unique accents that colour these experiences with tangy taste of orange twist.

The Kiwi accent is cute; a bit like their Indigenous fauna. They seem to speak with their lips clasped together. It’s fascinating to listen to but not so easy to understand. I’m a little partial to the Vermont accent if the truth be known; although the Aussie one sure feels like home now. Oh darn it I can’t decide. Anyway I’d rather focus on this fantastic view.

Snowcapped mountains are the gateway to Lake Tekapo with magnificent hues of turquoise and aquamarine swirls together to create a palette of watery splendor.

Skyward I witness the thighs of Gaia part and white billowing snow is puffed delicately between them. Oh My I feel as though my soul is having an orgasm.

We stopped at Lake Puaki look out and my desire for the ardor and wonder of Gaia has been sated.

Our next stop is “Roaring Meggs Falls” and we snapped and shot video to maintain the beauty of our memories. To my mind I know I will forever bask in the glory of this trip.

Day IV – Queenstown. The morning light reveals the Remarkables. This region of the mountain range is remarkable. The view is spectacular. Superlatives crash in on top of superlatives. I’ve never seen anything like it in my life. The volcanic mountain ranges are well – remarkable – stunning and incredible.

Our studio apartment overlooks the town. The lake below showcases the rugged mountain ranges pushed out of the ground into majestic structures escalloping the quaint locale of Queenstown.

I’m looking out over the town from my bed – the skyline is absorbed by the “Remarkables”. These moments are spellbinding. I want to soak up every inch of the view. I want to reach out and touch them – my straps edge toward the exquisitely carved ridges they are so close and intoxicating. It seems that I am entranced by the visual kaleidoscope. See you later I need to relax.

Day V – War birds over Warnaka

Mist and powdery snow floats in drifts across a distant mountain range. The Sun is burning bright as squadrons of Harvards bring in a distinctive formation honouring fallen warriors of wars past.

Mother Nature offers the most sublime backdrop for man and machine. Here we are at War birds over Warnaka witnessing amazing aerial feats of German aerobatic wing walker Peggy and the mind blowing acrobatic feats of the Maniac from Lithoaniac. The RAAF F18 blasts us away with their precision and daring as they fly in diamond formation.

We’ve experienced four seasons today and as we leave our bus the rain washes away the dust from the paddock at Warnaka. Racing through the puddles and crossing cobbled streets we discover a little Italian restaurant. The warmth and welcoming smile of the waitress was the perfect remedy for our frozen bodies and empty tummy.

The meals were sumptuous and the wine was the perfect ambrosia to celebrate a magnificent day at the venue for dreams coming true. Bellisimo!

Day VI – Queenstown and the Earnslaw ferry ride.

The rain and wind has left town and the white clouds float down over the shoulders of the Remarkables. Unraveling before my eyelets Mother Nature is showing off with her display of majestic beauty.

Today is a rest and relax day for the humans. They are lounging around Queenstown, the Jewell of New Zealand. From what I hear, it is pancakes for breakfast and then a historic steamer ride.

Off to brekkie at Vudu – a little eatery in town. This place comes highly recommended however it seems a little crowded. We might get served soon. Nope, not ever! Not even a, “can I help you?” We are totally ignored. The arrogance, I don’t believe it! In this depressed economy they don’t even acknowledge us.

Not only are we prepared to pay tourist prices plus there is a 20% surcharge today we – we have our wallets open ready to ante up. Boy – they must be rich! Well, we’ll just mosey over the road for an English breakfast maybe they’ll want to take our cash?

Lunch back in the room – the view has become even more phenomenal. Snow has drifted on to the tallest peaks capping the ridges with spell binding magic.

Later in the afternoon we boarded the steamship Earnslaw for a trip around Lake Wakatipu. The water is crystal clear, fresh and has the allure of marbled turquoise. I’ve never seen anything like it – I remember that the glaciers in Alaska were pretty awesome but the water in this region is truly exquisite.

Speaking of exquisite the afternoon sing a long is pretty darn special. I’ve tapping my straps and really getting into the mood. A little girl with a red jacket knows all of the words and is really leading the group on all of the old time songs. She has an amazing voice – impressive if you ask me?

Back in the room we settle in for the night. We are taking care to dry off some washing that master did earlier today. We are getting ready to move on – packing and re-arranging the gear is under way. Of course I get pride of place and the most important role is left up to me to fulfill. Standing proudly and with my pouches wide open I am ready to receive the goodies for the next stage of our trip.

Day VII – Doubtful Sound overnight cruise. My mistress was up before the alarm this morning. I guess she is excited about the upcoming cruise. I have to be honest though and admit that it is going to be hard to drag my canvas butt out of Queenstown.

The rich landscape framing the glamour-ess-ness of me makes for a perfect impromptu photo session on the banks of Lake Manapouri.

The air is crisp and clear except for the odd invasion of marine fuel wafting through the air. Ducks paddle across slithery eels on the water beneath our table. There is a slightly different perspective of the mountain views – they are grey/green and it seems in preparation for the winter.
A large catamaran takes us out to West arm for our bus ride over Wilmot Pass and then connects with the Fjord Navigator to cruise Doubtful Sound.

Day VIII – Doubtful Sound dream cruise, anchored only a few meters from shore. I want to reach out and touch them – slide my straps down them – I want to bury my tiny green face in the crevices of the mountains - caress them and take them home with me.

We cruised the lake yesterday and then took a scary bus ride over a dirt track and then boarded our cruise ship. The ship tours Doubtful Sound. Last night we sailed out into the Tasman Sea. We stood on the deck and watched a colony of fur seals frolic in the ocean; sunning themselves on Nee Rock they would slide down and take a dip – entertaining a boat load of captivated humans.

Cameras napped furiously as they attempted to capture nature billowing in her most glorious and natural state. The sun set over Doubtful Sound as we prepare for our mighty vestige in the protective arms of Doubtful Sound.

One of the best aspects of this cruise is the way my Mistress is emerging from her shell. She is changing – I can tell. Well she is not turning into a ware wolf or anything but she seems to be returning to her former vivacious self. It is a wonderful transformation to witness. I feel so proud of her.

I’ve loved watching her laugh, chat with and make funny quips with a smorgasbord of international visitors and Kiwi natives. She can be so funny, spiritual and so darn caring – it makes my pouch swell when I see her laugh and talk with these strangers. I think I am witnessing a rebirth of my Goddess and I expect that this transformation is the real reason for this trip.

This morning we will pull up the anchor and sail back to Deep Cove. We hope to get a glimpse of sunrise and take some more photographs. These photos will represent the albums that will lurk in our memory forever.

The cruise continued with the elegance and magic we’ve come to enjoy. This morning we met in the saloon for a fifteen course breakfast. Gosh, humans can put it away!

The mystical experience of this trip was marginally gazumped by the wildlife – scampering dolphins and rare beauty of the fjords. The volcanic guardians and glacial structures line the fjord like multi-layered armies of protective centurions. We stopped – motionless and basked in absolute silence we stood upon the deck of the ship wrapped in an exquisite moment of intimacy and connected with nature. This experience was spellbinding and I was moved emotionally and spiritually. This moment will forever linger in the memory of my being.

A short bus ride back over the mountain and we reconnect once again with our carrier across Lake Manapouri.

Wilmot Pass is a glorious natural vista with picturesque scenery, trees and waterfalls. All of the visitors are speechless – thank goodness. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the senseless chatter it’s just that there are moments when nature should be honoured.

We are back on the catamaran and a trip down the lack. Then we’ll the dock, disembark and prepare for the next stage of our trip. We are off to Dunedin. Although, on reflection I wonder how we will ever surpass this experience or even match the incredible moments of the past two days.

Day IX – Dunedin – This morning we drove along a sea road out to the Otago Peninsular. We are in pursuit of more natural experiences. Apparently there are fur seals, albatross and penguin colonies out here. I can’t wait!

A huge container ship slides into the harbour like a slug on steroids. The native wildlife is unaffected by the chilly ocean winds as a matter of fact I think that feel insanely comfortable. The grey foreboding skies start to crash and break-away perhaps a little sunlight may creep in through the bleak and heavy duvet.

My Master has decided not to pay huge fee to see albatross in their natural state. Instead we creep out to the ledge of the cliff and lean over (oh gosh I think I am going to be sick) and take some snaps of a fur seal colony having a sun bake. Enough already – can we go now, please?

Day X – Otago Museum ( ) - well today is a much more civilized day with a trip to the museum. The museum has lots of displays with three levels of interesting displays. I know that my mistress is here to see the butterflies – she is getting a little ancie.

At 10:30am the keepers let out a new batch of butterflies into the tropical forest gallery. The gallery is filled with perfect live butterflies with pools of turtles, fish and even some scary looking tarantulas. We paid a small fee but it was reasonable and certainly well worth it to present and maintain this phenomenal display. Butterflies have landed on my Mistress’s face and arms – she has officially been kissed by a butterfly. One landed on her movie camera and stayed there for most of the visit. This museum is a must see when you come to Dunedin.

Lunch at St. Clair’s beach with the best view at the Swell’s Café rounded off this sunny day as one of the most memorable highlights. We walked the beach and took more footprints for the memory tank. Tonight we begin the hard chore of packing again for our final leg of the trip back to Christchurch tomorrow.

Day XI – Christchurch.

The drive up from Dunedin was pleasant. The rolling country side was escalloped by the tantalizing tastes of the Pacific Ocean. Haa – feels like home – well not yet! We don’t fly out until 13:30 tomorrow. So for now, I snuggle back and enjoy the mountain vistas and the ocean mist infiltrating my senses.

We stop at Ashbuton for lunch and a leg stretch – nice but relatively uneventful. Back in the car and off to the motel to unpack and a final sightseeing trip to the Botanic Gardens (well that is what I am pushing for anyway!). I hear on the tote vine that it is pretty spectacular!

All of my wishes have been granted (today). We enter the Botanic Gardens at Christchurch and are immediately greeted by an exotic looking fountain. The carved creations include fish and peacocks. Mistress wants a photo but only with the fountain flowing – I’m sure that she will get it too – when the time is right.

Strolling around the carefully planned and exquisitely maintained gardens I get a feeling of being totally at peace – relaxed beyond all comprehension – healed from the inside out.

The duck pond and tiny bridge adds a quant English feel to the setting which sprawls out into a vista of natural wonder. The rose garden boasts hundreds of roses – documented and presented in perfect beds of symmetry a decoration.

My favourite icon however is the World Peace Bell. It is a mind-boggling donation by Emperor Yoshida of Japan. Apparently, the Bell is made up of coins, medals and mixed with copper from the people of Japan. The driving force behind the gift was purely out of the desire to ring out world peace – and so say all of us!

The tour ended with the fountain spectacular. Yes, Mistress got her picture. The only thing I would like to know is what did she say to the sycamore tree when she hugged it? Perhaps we’ll never know or maybe we will find out in time?

Day XII – Homeward bound- a sleep in and a healthy brekkie, bags are packed and I am stacked with goodies for our return to Oz.

On reflection this has been an astounding journey of one spectacle being trumped by a mystical sojourn. What can I say other than thank you New Zealand! I’ve had a bloody brilliant time!

We arrived at the airport early and the loopy luggage was shafted off down the chute to the overcrowded and cold cargo hold (as it should be!). In contrast, I’m perched high on the leather bench seat sniffing warm cappuccino and getting lost in the curious passers-by.

I look up and my Mistress and I can tell that she has had a great time. The holiday has been the perfect soul elixir and a quiet interlude to her anxious heart. She worries too much – I know this for sure but how can I tell her that everything will be alright.

A short flight across the ditch and an even shorter one to Canberra and we are home once again in our healing haven.

My only concern right now is that the gorgeous check-in chicks will enforce the carryon luggage limit so I get a comfy ride home. And they do! Awesome Gals!

See you soon for our next exciting and eventful log of the Green Back Pack Adventures.

Cho for now!

April 2010