Monday, June 14, 2010


Light – gift for negotiating fairness and strategy in personal and professional life. Respect for both sides of an argument.

Shadow – negotiating with ulterior motive or hidden agenda – either personally or professionally.

You must have a life-long commitment to resolving disputes and bringing people together.

The Mediator archetype is a familiar role for me (Libra ascendant you see). In most cases I sit quite comfortably in the light however there are times when I’ve drifted into the shadow archetype. Of course this transgression has caused a jolt to my awareness. I don’t like to be unfair and I don’t choose to be negative pushing a hidden agenda. Although to be perfectly honest I have been guilty in some negotiations.

Why do we do that? Or should I own it and say, why have I done that? Well, in my defence for various reasons I suppose – some good some not so good. I guess it draws from a baseline of insecurity. With my hand on my heart I can with good conscience say that I’ve carried out the role of mediator in most circumstances in the light side of this archetype.

The Moon in Cancer lingers a while in the emotional realm. The Sun is still in Gemini and the elements of air and water are not entirely compatible. I offer in fairness of these two resident signs that Gemini adds the bubbles to the deep emotional world of the crab.

It’s a number six day and a time to take responsibility for your actions. The investment of our time and energy in the minefield of our workplace is a heavy load, one which I’ve personally invested a great deal of me. In honour of that investment I am having a toil day off to prepare for new horizons. This sacred time gives me the opportunity to reflect and give thanks for lessons learned. It’s a valuable segue into the next stage of my working journey.

The Devil breathes his feted breath into our reading this morning. Our duty to ourselves it to relinquish the bonds of oppression – no one deserves to be held back or trampled on. We all deserve to shine in our special and most magnificent way. Fling the chains of doom off your arms and legs and fly toward the silver slither of moon – the wait a while until the perfect star appears. Me, I’m waiting for Venus to arrive.

The Sun offers optimism. What more is there? Sure hope is glorious too! Especially in the dark times when the Sun appears we know that everything will be alright in our world. The golden glow liquefies the darkness of our fears and melts them in a blink of an eye.

Death augurs the end of a phase. Haven’t we been here before? Or is there still more to shed? Let go, let love into your life. Don’t be afraid to look to the horizon for a new and brilliant day. This is the only reason we endure the night.

The Hermit walks steadily through our reading this morning. His demeanour is calm and resolute. His gait is measured and purposeful. Walk with him toward a new chapter – make sure you carry the lantern of wisdom with you.

Have I ever told you how much I enjoy the thrill of a new book or page in my journal? I am such a stationery girl. Each book is like starting a fresh year at school. Untouched, unblemished and just waiting for the pen to connect with the unconscious flow of ideas and creation urges.

The pages are pristine and everything is clean and fresh – unlived – perfect in every way. I use to hunger for the new pages – the New Year now I am excited about the flow to gather me up and take me toward a new destination across a page of realisation.

This morning I began a new diary. I want to share these revelations with you. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I’ve loved learning and growing in the silence of my unchartered words and thoughts.

The Mediator archetype has taught me to stand and deliver to negotiate my way through the mire. I’ve taken on this role numerous times to ensure that I overcome the addiction to the new. It takes commitment and responsibility – traits that are borne out of hard lessons in Saturn’s School of Hard Knocks and Truisms.

Love, Peace and Reality Checks,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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