Monday, October 11, 2010

Live life to the fullest!

Dream being and live large. Break out of your habitual self identity and routine and routine, and directly experience all that beckons in your life.

What aspects of your life are you avoiding? Where do you hold yourself back? Out of fear of the unknown or past questioning? What experiences do you wonder about, long for and envy?

Lesson: have the courage to challenge yourself and to enjoy your passions without reservation.

The sound of the traffic in the distance has woken me up from a deep morning sleep. I woke up earlier – voluntarily and had a drifted back into dream state.

I dreamt about Zoe Reynolds (Series 1-3 – Spooks) and her escape from England after persecution. In the dream, Will (boyfriend/fiancé) had found her in Chile and was pushing her down a wooden ramp on to the beach. They were both laughing and giggling and was enjoying being alive and having fun.

After getting up out of bed and tending to my morning rituals (e.g. bathroom etc) I came back to bed to write in my journal. I thought as I began to open my book, reach for the card of the day (with its message so darn obvious and I quote, “Live Life to the Fullest”. I smiled and thought yes that is what it is all about – yes we are meant to have fun and enjoy our lives. Yes we must work to pay our commitments etc but can’t we have fun too?

The Moon is in her comic phase so bring some levity and joy. It’s a number seven day of reflection – perhaps and inward journey to think about how you can inject some joy into your life. Where do you need to push away the sadness and gloom and how can you bring the sunshine in to light up your room.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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