Monday 2 May 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Taurus
It’s important to only think about what you desire, not what you fear.
By drawing this card, you’re alerted to the extra importance of monitoring your thoughts. You have no neutral thoughts, and every one of them creates an effect in your life. So you’re being asked to be vigilant in holding only positive thoughts.
Most of us slip into negativity occasionally, and you may be no exception. However, you can “undo” the effects of negative thinking by recognising them, and stating, “I now cancel that thought, and replace it with the following positive affirmation of my true Divine desires.” Then list the situation and attributes that mirror your godliness and goddess-liness. During this important part of your life, you have the power to manifest your highest potential at the most rapid rate possible.
This card concludes our swim in the Mermaids and Dolphins deck. I am working in Adelaide between 2-4 May and will be back to Julia’s Journal on 5 May. In the meantime catch up with vibe of the cosmos through Harlequin’s Haven( ) and or the sit back and relax while you listen in to the cyber-dialogue of two emotionally close and geographically distanced friends in Jar of Jems ( ).
Today the Moon is in Taurus. She is preparing for her New Moon phase on Tuesday. This is a perfect opportunity to consider your statement of intention for this month and beyond. Plant practical and deliberated seeds that will flourish in your materialistic second house – consider your thoughts and words in the direction of these blooming intentions.
An 11/2 day is the second occurrence of this master number in less than a week. Follow your start and be as brilliant as you dare to be! You are now in the pipeline of wisdom and knowledge – shine your light into the world and inspire others on your way to super stardom.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Make a decision
Sunday 1 May 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Aries
Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision.
Sometimes life feels as if it’s at an impasse while we await Heaven’s next instruction. By drawing this card, however, Heaven asks, “What do you want?” Sometimes the Universe asks us to be the decision maker, and this is one of those times.
Instead of passively allowing life to push you around like a canoe without oars, you’re counselled to take charge and set your own course. Know that Heaven gives you all of the resources you need to pull yourself out of any situation, as long as you make a firm and clear decision.
Your decisiveness is the catalyst for Heaven to clear the way for your manifestation. Let go of all fears or worries and focus only on the destination you intend to reach. Enjoy the journey along the way!
The numerological influence for this card is strong with a 10/1 day. This energy supports endings and beginnings. It’s time to make that decision to let go of the attitudes, behaviours, habits and people who do not serve your true path! I am willing to do it today- do you want to join me?
The Sun in Taurus allies a stable framework for the month; Taureans are (suppose to be) renowned for their dependability, reliability and of course practicality. I see these attributes demonstrated in their slow and steady deliberate sojourn to fund and support their lifestyle. Of course the relationship planets (aka: Venus, Mercury and Mars along with the emotional influence of the Moon) guide their journey.
Today I got on the scales and I was happy with the result. I’ve lost the weight I had targeted for the fortnight. This result was impressive consider as we had Easter and a major work function to contend with. My approach has been very Taurean – deliberate steps toward a balanced result. I am happy with the overall result and now for the next positive stage!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Aries
Feeling stuck or indecisive? Listen to your intuition and make a decision.
Sometimes life feels as if it’s at an impasse while we await Heaven’s next instruction. By drawing this card, however, Heaven asks, “What do you want?” Sometimes the Universe asks us to be the decision maker, and this is one of those times.
Instead of passively allowing life to push you around like a canoe without oars, you’re counselled to take charge and set your own course. Know that Heaven gives you all of the resources you need to pull yourself out of any situation, as long as you make a firm and clear decision.
Your decisiveness is the catalyst for Heaven to clear the way for your manifestation. Let go of all fears or worries and focus only on the destination you intend to reach. Enjoy the journey along the way!
The numerological influence for this card is strong with a 10/1 day. This energy supports endings and beginnings. It’s time to make that decision to let go of the attitudes, behaviours, habits and people who do not serve your true path! I am willing to do it today- do you want to join me?
The Sun in Taurus allies a stable framework for the month; Taureans are (suppose to be) renowned for their dependability, reliability and of course practicality. I see these attributes demonstrated in their slow and steady deliberate sojourn to fund and support their lifestyle. Of course the relationship planets (aka: Venus, Mercury and Mars along with the emotional influence of the Moon) guide their journey.
Today I got on the scales and I was happy with the result. I’ve lost the weight I had targeted for the fortnight. This result was impressive consider as we had Easter and a major work function to contend with. My approach has been very Taurean – deliberate steps toward a balanced result. I am happy with the overall result and now for the next positive stage!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, April 29, 2011
Saturday 30 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Aries
Don’t rush into action right now. Bide your time for better results.
If you take action now, you’ll miss a window of opportunity that’s coming up for you shortly. Don’t worry – you’ll know in your heart and gut when that moment arrives. In the meantime, it’s important to meditate and make sure that your breath is deep and frequent. (Often t we hold our breath or experience shortened breath during stressful periods).
You’re also on the verge of receiving new information that will alter the course of action you plan to take, leading your in a more positive direction. By waiting, the outcome will be much more enjoyable than if you took action without the added information. Affirm: “I have infinite patience, and I am divinely directed to always be in the right place at the perfect time.”
Let’s be honest – no one really likes to wait? Well, some people are prepared to wait if they think that their prize is worth waiting for. I guess we saw that statement in action with Kate Middleton yesterday? She waited and she got her Prince!
In my life there have been times when I have listened to the enchanting encouragements of “wait.” Then there have been the other times when I have chosen to ignore these messages and rushed into situations. Under an impetus glow of the dynamic Aries Moon we will be inclined to power ahead with our skates on and rush into the next phase. So what will you prefer to do?
An 11/2 day concludes our April 2011 journey. I hope you’ve learned a great deal – I know I have! This has been a short and yet soulful month. It has been a month where I’ve packed in lots of lessons and experiences. I hope that that they have been positive ones for you!
Listen to your inner stirrings and don’t be afraid to pass up good for great!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Aries
Don’t rush into action right now. Bide your time for better results.
If you take action now, you’ll miss a window of opportunity that’s coming up for you shortly. Don’t worry – you’ll know in your heart and gut when that moment arrives. In the meantime, it’s important to meditate and make sure that your breath is deep and frequent. (Often t we hold our breath or experience shortened breath during stressful periods).
You’re also on the verge of receiving new information that will alter the course of action you plan to take, leading your in a more positive direction. By waiting, the outcome will be much more enjoyable than if you took action without the added information. Affirm: “I have infinite patience, and I am divinely directed to always be in the right place at the perfect time.”
Let’s be honest – no one really likes to wait? Well, some people are prepared to wait if they think that their prize is worth waiting for. I guess we saw that statement in action with Kate Middleton yesterday? She waited and she got her Prince!
In my life there have been times when I have listened to the enchanting encouragements of “wait.” Then there have been the other times when I have chosen to ignore these messages and rushed into situations. Under an impetus glow of the dynamic Aries Moon we will be inclined to power ahead with our skates on and rush into the next phase. So what will you prefer to do?
An 11/2 day concludes our April 2011 journey. I hope you’ve learned a great deal – I know I have! This has been a short and yet soulful month. It has been a month where I’ve packed in lots of lessons and experiences. I hope that that they have been positive ones for you!
Listen to your inner stirrings and don’t be afraid to pass up good for great!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Morning affirmation
Friday 29 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Pisces
Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation.
This card asks you to begin each day with positive intentions and affirmations. Before arising from your bed, spend a few moments thinking about your desires. Don’t worry about how to bring them into physical form. Just allow yourself to imagine that they’re already manifested.
Then, make one or more positive affirmations relating to your desires. When you open your eyes, write down these affirmations (it’s a good idea to keep a pad and pen on your nightstand). During the day, look at the affirmations and say them mentally or verbally.
WE are coming to the end of April and are in a 10/1 day. It’s time to close the door on this current numerological cycle and prepare for the new phase. Is there anything that you would do differently? Is there anything that you would try – a new experience perhaps? Well start with an affirmation (a positive statement) and watch the magic unfold.
The Moon continues to linger in the Neptunian influence of Pisces. We are beckoned to the shore of ecstasy and love. Loose you in the mist of uncertainty – let go of the grip on reality for just one moment.
Our thoughts, words and actions are the indicators toward the mast of truth. Our lives become constricted by the promises and beliefs – entangled in the stories built on the meta-data of abuse. Step forward in a new direction follow your heart and not your history. Allow the love in your heart be the navigator to the revelations of your future.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Pisces
Say positive affirmations each morning to open the gates of manifestation.
This card asks you to begin each day with positive intentions and affirmations. Before arising from your bed, spend a few moments thinking about your desires. Don’t worry about how to bring them into physical form. Just allow yourself to imagine that they’re already manifested.
Then, make one or more positive affirmations relating to your desires. When you open your eyes, write down these affirmations (it’s a good idea to keep a pad and pen on your nightstand). During the day, look at the affirmations and say them mentally or verbally.
WE are coming to the end of April and are in a 10/1 day. It’s time to close the door on this current numerological cycle and prepare for the new phase. Is there anything that you would do differently? Is there anything that you would try – a new experience perhaps? Well start with an affirmation (a positive statement) and watch the magic unfold.
The Moon continues to linger in the Neptunian influence of Pisces. We are beckoned to the shore of ecstasy and love. Loose you in the mist of uncertainty – let go of the grip on reality for just one moment.
Our thoughts, words and actions are the indicators toward the mast of truth. Our lives become constricted by the promises and beliefs – entangled in the stories built on the meta-data of abuse. Step forward in a new direction follow your heart and not your history. Allow the love in your heart be the navigator to the revelations of your future.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Music for manifesting
Thursday 28 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Pisces
To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music.
Music is a powerful ally on your spiritual path, as it serves to boost your manifestation powers. Music is part of the invisible realm, and is of a higher frequency than that of the physical plane. It wraps us in a protective shield to guard us from negative energies. It also lifts our emotions and thoughts to joyful levels.
By drawing this card, you’re urged to play any type of music that suits your mood, as often as possible. Move your body to the music, and breathe in deeply as you listen to it, drawing in the energy of each note.
Use music as a manifestation tool. First, sit quietly and think of your desire. Imagine that your dream has already come true, and feel that reality in your stomach as warmth, peace, excitement, or security. Feel gratitude in your heart. As you enjoy these feelings, begin to chant, hum, or sing. This self-made music sends your manifestation into the ethers, where it coagulates into tangible reality!
George Harrison once wrote, “Music is transcendental – it creeps in and influences you even if you are not aware of it. Somewhere – sometime the impact becomes obvious.”
I tend to agree with George, don’t you? Music has always been a huge part of my life. I can document different stages of my life with a song or lyric. There have been sad songs, happy songs; songs that gave meaning to my existence and other music that served to the backdrop of my world. There have been brilliant ones and certainly unforgettable songs more importantly music has been a major source of joy and inspiration. From this plateau I have created a lively, sad, happy, emotive and brilliant musical.
Last night we went to see the Indigo Girls. There was lots of transcendental creeping in. I was totally absorbed in the talent and performance of this amazing duo – I found myself digressing and then catapulting forward – it was a sublime experience. Their music and voices were superb and it was pure pleasure just sitting in the same room.
The Moon in Pisces adds a creative and mystical energy to the day. It is a lovely day for some genuine collaboration. This could be a day when the planets synchronise giving us the opportunity to discover our inner minstrel.
A number nine day hits the top note for empowerment and enjoyment. It is the crescendo to the grand finale. I become excited as we build toward the end of a cycle as I am confident that I have given it all and yet there is more magic to come on the other side of the octave.
End note: Put on your favourite music – loose yourself in the sounds, the words the messages and connect with your inner bard. Allow the music to take you on a journey of discovery.
I will close this journey entry with the profound words of the Indigo Girls – Galileo:
Galileo Lyrics
Galileo’s head was on the block
the crime was looking up for truth
and as the bombshells of my daily fears explode
i try to trace them to my youth
and then you had to bring up reincarnation
over a couple of beers the other night
and now I’m serving time for mistakes
made by another in another lifetime
how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting soul of Galileo
king of night vision, king of insight
and then i think about my fear of motion
which i never could explain
some other fool across the ocean years ago
must have crashed his little airplane
how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting soul of Galileo
king of night vision, king of insight
I’m not making a joke, you know me
i take everything so seriously
if we wait for the time till all souls get it right
then at least i know there'll be no nuclear annihilation
in my lifetime I’m still not right
i offer thanks to those before me
that's all I’ve got to say
'cause maybe you squandered big bucks in your lifetime
now i have to pay
but then again it feels like some sort of inspiration
to let the next life off the hook
but she'll say "look what i had to overcome from my last life
i think I’ll write a book"
how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach the highest light
except for Galileo god rest his soul
(except for the resting soul of Galileo)
king of night vision, king of insight
how long
(till my soul gets it right)
[til we reach the highest light]
how long
(till my soul gets it right)
[til we reach the highest light]
how long
Indigo Girls Galileo
Love Peace and Enlightenment,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul” Plato
Sun Taurus
Moon Pisces
To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music.
Music is a powerful ally on your spiritual path, as it serves to boost your manifestation powers. Music is part of the invisible realm, and is of a higher frequency than that of the physical plane. It wraps us in a protective shield to guard us from negative energies. It also lifts our emotions and thoughts to joyful levels.
By drawing this card, you’re urged to play any type of music that suits your mood, as often as possible. Move your body to the music, and breathe in deeply as you listen to it, drawing in the energy of each note.
Use music as a manifestation tool. First, sit quietly and think of your desire. Imagine that your dream has already come true, and feel that reality in your stomach as warmth, peace, excitement, or security. Feel gratitude in your heart. As you enjoy these feelings, begin to chant, hum, or sing. This self-made music sends your manifestation into the ethers, where it coagulates into tangible reality!
George Harrison once wrote, “Music is transcendental – it creeps in and influences you even if you are not aware of it. Somewhere – sometime the impact becomes obvious.”
I tend to agree with George, don’t you? Music has always been a huge part of my life. I can document different stages of my life with a song or lyric. There have been sad songs, happy songs; songs that gave meaning to my existence and other music that served to the backdrop of my world. There have been brilliant ones and certainly unforgettable songs more importantly music has been a major source of joy and inspiration. From this plateau I have created a lively, sad, happy, emotive and brilliant musical.
Last night we went to see the Indigo Girls. There was lots of transcendental creeping in. I was totally absorbed in the talent and performance of this amazing duo – I found myself digressing and then catapulting forward – it was a sublime experience. Their music and voices were superb and it was pure pleasure just sitting in the same room.
The Moon in Pisces adds a creative and mystical energy to the day. It is a lovely day for some genuine collaboration. This could be a day when the planets synchronise giving us the opportunity to discover our inner minstrel.
A number nine day hits the top note for empowerment and enjoyment. It is the crescendo to the grand finale. I become excited as we build toward the end of a cycle as I am confident that I have given it all and yet there is more magic to come on the other side of the octave.
End note: Put on your favourite music – loose yourself in the sounds, the words the messages and connect with your inner bard. Allow the music to take you on a journey of discovery.
I will close this journey entry with the profound words of the Indigo Girls – Galileo:
Galileo Lyrics
Galileo’s head was on the block
the crime was looking up for truth
and as the bombshells of my daily fears explode
i try to trace them to my youth
and then you had to bring up reincarnation
over a couple of beers the other night
and now I’m serving time for mistakes
made by another in another lifetime
how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting soul of Galileo
king of night vision, king of insight
and then i think about my fear of motion
which i never could explain
some other fool across the ocean years ago
must have crashed his little airplane
how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach that kind of light
i call on the resting soul of Galileo
king of night vision, king of insight
I’m not making a joke, you know me
i take everything so seriously
if we wait for the time till all souls get it right
then at least i know there'll be no nuclear annihilation
in my lifetime I’m still not right
i offer thanks to those before me
that's all I’ve got to say
'cause maybe you squandered big bucks in your lifetime
now i have to pay
but then again it feels like some sort of inspiration
to let the next life off the hook
but she'll say "look what i had to overcome from my last life
i think I’ll write a book"
how long till my soul gets it right
can any human being ever reach the highest light
except for Galileo god rest his soul
(except for the resting soul of Galileo)
king of night vision, king of insight
how long
(till my soul gets it right)
[til we reach the highest light]
how long
(till my soul gets it right)
[til we reach the highest light]
how long
Indigo Girls Galileo
Love Peace and Enlightenment,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
“Music and rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul” Plato
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Set your sights higher
Wednesday 27 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Pisces
Increase your standards, and expect more for yourself. Don’t settle!
This card indicates that you’ve been trying to rationalise that some situation is okay… when it isn’t. You’ve settled for less than you desire, and for much less than you deserve. You don’t need to compromise! Heaven will help you heal, or will replace troubling situations in your life. All you need to do is ask for Heaven’s help, and then adhere to the guidance that results.
Take time today to visualise and dram about your true heart’s desires. Don’t worry about being disappointed – you deserve a great life, and you have the power and the Heavenly help to accomplish it! Fear and worries slow down your manifestation, so keep releasing all cares and doubts to Heaven.
You may feel intimidated by moving up to a higher plateau in your journey; however, you have Heaven’s reassurance that you’re ready. Reach for the stars, know that you’re qualified and deserving of these gifts, and open your arms to receive them!
This is a perfect message for us to return to work with. Over the holiday break we’ve had the chance to relax, rejuvenate and regenerate. It’s time to return to work with a bounce in our step and also a renewed sense of purpose. Whatever your goals are right now – raise the bar on expectation. She yourself reading far beyond those goals and ultimately satisfying your full potential. Try not to measure your performance against other people. Instead carve your own highway to the top of your individual summit.
The Moon has moved into dreamy Pisces. This is a nice balance with the Sun in earthy Taurus.
Balance is the key objective with a number eight day – see yourself sliding effortlessly between the two circles of the number eight.
Whatever side of the circle your find yourself on today reach a little higher toward your dreams!
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Pisces
Increase your standards, and expect more for yourself. Don’t settle!
This card indicates that you’ve been trying to rationalise that some situation is okay… when it isn’t. You’ve settled for less than you desire, and for much less than you deserve. You don’t need to compromise! Heaven will help you heal, or will replace troubling situations in your life. All you need to do is ask for Heaven’s help, and then adhere to the guidance that results.
Take time today to visualise and dram about your true heart’s desires. Don’t worry about being disappointed – you deserve a great life, and you have the power and the Heavenly help to accomplish it! Fear and worries slow down your manifestation, so keep releasing all cares and doubts to Heaven.
You may feel intimidated by moving up to a higher plateau in your journey; however, you have Heaven’s reassurance that you’re ready. Reach for the stars, know that you’re qualified and deserving of these gifts, and open your arms to receive them!
This is a perfect message for us to return to work with. Over the holiday break we’ve had the chance to relax, rejuvenate and regenerate. It’s time to return to work with a bounce in our step and also a renewed sense of purpose. Whatever your goals are right now – raise the bar on expectation. She yourself reading far beyond those goals and ultimately satisfying your full potential. Try not to measure your performance against other people. Instead carve your own highway to the top of your individual summit.
The Moon has moved into dreamy Pisces. This is a nice balance with the Sun in earthy Taurus.
Balance is the key objective with a number eight day – see yourself sliding effortlessly between the two circles of the number eight.
Whatever side of the circle your find yourself on today reach a little higher toward your dreams!
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, April 25, 2011
Violated – a lesson in resilience
I wrote this synopsis during a time of great turmoil. It was a violent and disconcerting period where I lost myself in the unfathomable and traumatic events of my workplace. I was vulnerable. I felt terribly alone – tortured by the incomprehensible events that shaped this period.
I want to dedicate this entry into my journal to those who did not survive these events. I want to send you love and peace wherever you are!
“Get down! Get down! Get down! Which fucking bitch is gunna die first?”
The invasion begins. Forced to the floor with a barrel thrust down throats.
Pushed and beaten into submission obeying each violent command; equipment and machinery is strewn around the building. Chaos!
Pressed hard against my skull the steel phallus penetrates my fear. No, I don’t want to die first. Thrusting his revolver deeper into my occipital ridge he reminds me of his ultimate power. Forcing me down, the dank smell of putrid carpet invades my brain. Trampling my body, I am insignificant. My will to live subsides. I allow the carnage to envelope me. Terror pulses throughout my body, I am riveted. Conscious thoughts of my past and the pain of a lost future overwhelm.
Stepping around the fear and piss we are ushered to the kitchen.
Scattering cockroaches flee as tea is brewed and sugary platitudes are stirred.
“What happened?”
“How could this happen to us?”
“At work we are supposed to be safe.”
“At least we were not shot!”
“Safe? Never!”
A sensual red mouth emits the shallow words of empathy over perfect teeth. Her blonde hair frames a face of innocence and betrayal. Dr. Amy Goodtrap, trauma psychologist seduces under the guise of concern, entraps with her lies and maladjusted-diagnoses.
“How are you feeling? Tell me about your dreams? How could that dream be so poignant? Is that a pentagram around your neck?”
“It could be the Star of David.”
“No, you’re a witch!”
“A witch me, no it is a symbol of protection.”
“Ha, you’re an evil woman. You conjured this incident and were the inside operative!”
“Me? No, not me, please, no!”
“Not only are you a witch; you’re a sick witch. Here take these pills you’ll feel better in the morning. Didn’t you know, there’s always an agenda!”
“You’re fired!”
Snakeskin shoes tread the hallway of justice. Fellatio is performed between the folds of black silk gowns. Horse’s hair decorates salacious minds. Venomous whispers and lecherous taunts oppress the victims of the proletariat regime.
No wonder Athena prefers to be blindfolded!
“Have we got a deal for you? Take the deal or we will vilify you before the world.”
Leaning forward drooling and dragging me into their deep pools of distrust and lost promises they hiss; “so, are you going to accept the offer? You know this is an opportunity of a lifetime.”
The vultures are gathering and salivating from the scent of the kill.
Scanning life-creviced faces and pondering the alternatives, “I must consider the emotional and financial quotient of the decision!” The offer is rancid and beckons me into the fortress of deceit.
“Take the offer or you will be forever lost in the closet of smoke and mirrors!”
“Do I have to say thank you for this great honour?”
“Come on chaps, we have violated the innocent let’s celebrate the victory with a feast and fine wine.
Postscript: These events do not define who we are. Certainly we identify with the circumstances and the uncontrollable changes during these phases.
I revisit this synopsis as a way of reminding myself of the power and inspiration of the enduring human spirit.
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
I want to dedicate this entry into my journal to those who did not survive these events. I want to send you love and peace wherever you are!
“Get down! Get down! Get down! Which fucking bitch is gunna die first?”
The invasion begins. Forced to the floor with a barrel thrust down throats.
Pushed and beaten into submission obeying each violent command; equipment and machinery is strewn around the building. Chaos!
Pressed hard against my skull the steel phallus penetrates my fear. No, I don’t want to die first. Thrusting his revolver deeper into my occipital ridge he reminds me of his ultimate power. Forcing me down, the dank smell of putrid carpet invades my brain. Trampling my body, I am insignificant. My will to live subsides. I allow the carnage to envelope me. Terror pulses throughout my body, I am riveted. Conscious thoughts of my past and the pain of a lost future overwhelm.
Stepping around the fear and piss we are ushered to the kitchen.
Scattering cockroaches flee as tea is brewed and sugary platitudes are stirred.
“What happened?”
“How could this happen to us?”
“At work we are supposed to be safe.”
“At least we were not shot!”
“Safe? Never!”
A sensual red mouth emits the shallow words of empathy over perfect teeth. Her blonde hair frames a face of innocence and betrayal. Dr. Amy Goodtrap, trauma psychologist seduces under the guise of concern, entraps with her lies and maladjusted-diagnoses.
“How are you feeling? Tell me about your dreams? How could that dream be so poignant? Is that a pentagram around your neck?”
“It could be the Star of David.”
“No, you’re a witch!”
“A witch me, no it is a symbol of protection.”
“Ha, you’re an evil woman. You conjured this incident and were the inside operative!”
“Me? No, not me, please, no!”
“Not only are you a witch; you’re a sick witch. Here take these pills you’ll feel better in the morning. Didn’t you know, there’s always an agenda!”
“You’re fired!”
Snakeskin shoes tread the hallway of justice. Fellatio is performed between the folds of black silk gowns. Horse’s hair decorates salacious minds. Venomous whispers and lecherous taunts oppress the victims of the proletariat regime.
No wonder Athena prefers to be blindfolded!
“Have we got a deal for you? Take the deal or we will vilify you before the world.”
Leaning forward drooling and dragging me into their deep pools of distrust and lost promises they hiss; “so, are you going to accept the offer? You know this is an opportunity of a lifetime.”
The vultures are gathering and salivating from the scent of the kill.
Scanning life-creviced faces and pondering the alternatives, “I must consider the emotional and financial quotient of the decision!” The offer is rancid and beckons me into the fortress of deceit.
“Take the offer or you will be forever lost in the closet of smoke and mirrors!”
“Do I have to say thank you for this great honour?”
“Come on chaps, we have violated the innocent let’s celebrate the victory with a feast and fine wine.
Postscript: These events do not define who we are. Certainly we identify with the circumstances and the uncontrollable changes during these phases.
I revisit this synopsis as a way of reminding myself of the power and inspiration of the enduring human spirit.
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Mother healing
Tuesday 26 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Aquarius
As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.
By drawing this card, Heaven asks you to release some remaining “mother issues”. Give the entire situation to Heaven, knowing that everything is in the hands of the Infinite Spirit. The situation may heal in unexpected ways. Be unconcerned with how it heals, and be vigilant in releasing any lower energy connected to your mother that could interfere with your life’s mission.
By releasing any mother issues to Heaven, your heart opens further accepting joy and blessings into your life. You mother benefits when you’re happy, whether or not she’s consciously aware of it. Be willing to forgive and release old issues relating to yourself, you mother, mother figures, or anyone connected to your mother. By cleaning your inner house, you invite new love, opportunities, abundance, and healing energy to enter your life.
It is another public holiday here in Australia. The Easter break has been extended and we’ve had five days off in a row. Some have headed for the coast, others into the mountains, some have caught up with family and friends and others have stayed at home – like me.
I’ve enjoyed this break and time out in my gorgeous home. It’s been a healing time; a productive time – a time to stop, think and rest.
Tomorrow we (well most of us) return to work and invest this enthusiasm and energy into our projects, workplace and colleagues. It is fabulous to head back into the working week feeling rejuvenated and motivated to get the job done!
The Sun in Taurus offers pragmatic steps toward individual goals. The Aquarius Moon encourages social networking and cyber chatter. It’s a number seven day and the rhythm is slow and sensual – it’s a date with destiny for renewal and relaxation.
In this mist of your healing phase think of your mother and send her some love and healing. Some people send notes of love and appreciation and others write love songs and devote their lives to mother healing.
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Aquarius
As your feelings toward your mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.
By drawing this card, Heaven asks you to release some remaining “mother issues”. Give the entire situation to Heaven, knowing that everything is in the hands of the Infinite Spirit. The situation may heal in unexpected ways. Be unconcerned with how it heals, and be vigilant in releasing any lower energy connected to your mother that could interfere with your life’s mission.
By releasing any mother issues to Heaven, your heart opens further accepting joy and blessings into your life. You mother benefits when you’re happy, whether or not she’s consciously aware of it. Be willing to forgive and release old issues relating to yourself, you mother, mother figures, or anyone connected to your mother. By cleaning your inner house, you invite new love, opportunities, abundance, and healing energy to enter your life.
It is another public holiday here in Australia. The Easter break has been extended and we’ve had five days off in a row. Some have headed for the coast, others into the mountains, some have caught up with family and friends and others have stayed at home – like me.
I’ve enjoyed this break and time out in my gorgeous home. It’s been a healing time; a productive time – a time to stop, think and rest.
Tomorrow we (well most of us) return to work and invest this enthusiasm and energy into our projects, workplace and colleagues. It is fabulous to head back into the working week feeling rejuvenated and motivated to get the job done!
The Sun in Taurus offers pragmatic steps toward individual goals. The Aquarius Moon encourages social networking and cyber chatter. It’s a number seven day and the rhythm is slow and sensual – it’s a date with destiny for renewal and relaxation.
In this mist of your healing phase think of your mother and send her some love and healing. Some people send notes of love and appreciation and others write love songs and devote their lives to mother healing.
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Dream big
Monday 25 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Aquarius
Let go of all small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding.
In the past, you may have seen yourself as insignificant. This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiority. Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavour you can dream about!
Write down a list of your fears about moving forward and then, “drown those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water. Then, take a cleansing bath or shower or swim…. The water seals your new way of seeing yourself… as you are in truth: an equal to all other’s children of God/Goddess.
The miracle of nature coupled with messages of transformation never ceases to amaze me. The golden Sun shine slips through my blinds this morning as I gaze out and witness the miracle of change. The maples are changing colour. They are amber and burgundy. There are a few however holding their summer green phase.
Some have chosen to change while others hold on to the memory of summer. Isn’t it a bit like us? Some choose to change while others hand on to the memories of another era.
Transformation and rebirth are common themes at Easter. Symbolically the letting go or releasing the pace allows us to embrace the prospect of change. I am travelling on that road right now and yet find myself looking over my shoulder with immense gratitude and love.
Like the colours of my maples I am changing from the soft healing green and stepping into a world of liquid gold and vibrant red. I am beaming with delight. I am shedding the sacred lessons of my past. I am dreaming big as I step into the light.
The Sun in Taurus keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground. The Moon in Aquarius spins my head all around. I am looking outside myself to see if I can spread this joy abound…
A number six day requires commitment and responsibility. I am grateful and I respectfully acknowledge the men and women who bravely gave up their lives so we could be free and sit safely in our room and gaze wistfully at the changes of the season.
Lest we forget!
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Aquarius
Let go of all small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding.
In the past, you may have seen yourself as insignificant. This card asks you to release any thoughts or feelings of inferiority. Truly believe that you are utterly qualified for any endeavour you can dream about!
Write down a list of your fears about moving forward and then, “drown those fears by putting the paper into a bucket or large bowl of water. Then, take a cleansing bath or shower or swim…. The water seals your new way of seeing yourself… as you are in truth: an equal to all other’s children of God/Goddess.
The miracle of nature coupled with messages of transformation never ceases to amaze me. The golden Sun shine slips through my blinds this morning as I gaze out and witness the miracle of change. The maples are changing colour. They are amber and burgundy. There are a few however holding their summer green phase.
Some have chosen to change while others hold on to the memory of summer. Isn’t it a bit like us? Some choose to change while others hand on to the memories of another era.
Transformation and rebirth are common themes at Easter. Symbolically the letting go or releasing the pace allows us to embrace the prospect of change. I am travelling on that road right now and yet find myself looking over my shoulder with immense gratitude and love.
Like the colours of my maples I am changing from the soft healing green and stepping into a world of liquid gold and vibrant red. I am beaming with delight. I am shedding the sacred lessons of my past. I am dreaming big as I step into the light.
The Sun in Taurus keeps my feet firmly planted on the ground. The Moon in Aquarius spins my head all around. I am looking outside myself to see if I can spread this joy abound…
A number six day requires commitment and responsibility. I am grateful and I respectfully acknowledge the men and women who bravely gave up their lives so we could be free and sit safely in our room and gaze wistfully at the changes of the season.
Lest we forget!
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sunday 24 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Capricorn
You’ve been working hard. Take a nap and get some rest.
This card asks you to slow down, rest, and be very gentle with yourself right now. Can you cancel your appointments today (or for part of the day) and take a nap? By drawing this card, you’re urged to let go of unnecessary activities, and to focus on self-renewal.
Give yourself a hug, look in the mirror, and say, “I love you. I promise to treat you with the respect and care that you deserve. You’re wonderful.”
No rushing or time urgency is allowed today! This is a day of sweet kindness, where you treat yourself as gently as a baby cradled in your arms.
The Moon is still in ambitious Capricorn. See our card for today and the Moon phase are a little confusing and somewhat contradictory. Suggestion: what about weighing up the work you did yesterday in the number four day and balance it with a little rest today?
What does the rest mean for you? Does it mean that you need to shut down completely or does it mean that you like to shuffle around in your most casual clothes (letting it all hang out)? Or does it mean a coffee date with your best friend and share the next steps in your incredible life path? Whatever you decide as the best tactic for today – enjoy!
A number five day holds the promise of change and surprise. So don’t be too rigid in your desire to chill out. Be ready to change your MO for day of socialising and fun.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Capricorn
You’ve been working hard. Take a nap and get some rest.
This card asks you to slow down, rest, and be very gentle with yourself right now. Can you cancel your appointments today (or for part of the day) and take a nap? By drawing this card, you’re urged to let go of unnecessary activities, and to focus on self-renewal.
Give yourself a hug, look in the mirror, and say, “I love you. I promise to treat you with the respect and care that you deserve. You’re wonderful.”
No rushing or time urgency is allowed today! This is a day of sweet kindness, where you treat yourself as gently as a baby cradled in your arms.
The Moon is still in ambitious Capricorn. See our card for today and the Moon phase are a little confusing and somewhat contradictory. Suggestion: what about weighing up the work you did yesterday in the number four day and balance it with a little rest today?
What does the rest mean for you? Does it mean that you need to shut down completely or does it mean that you like to shuffle around in your most casual clothes (letting it all hang out)? Or does it mean a coffee date with your best friend and share the next steps in your incredible life path? Whatever you decide as the best tactic for today – enjoy!
A number five day holds the promise of change and surprise. So don’t be too rigid in your desire to chill out. Be ready to change your MO for day of socialising and fun.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, April 22, 2011
Pay attention
Saturday 23 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Capricorn
Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information.
Heaven is giving you important messages, and by drawing this card, you’re asked to pay extra attention to them. Notice conversations you overhear, comments made to you by others, and inner feelings and thoughts. Look for common threads among the sings, as they’re forms of guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose and desires.
It’s not your imagination that Heaven is sending you sing and Divine guidance. Anytime you hear or feel something three of more times, especially within a short time period, its information worthy of your attention. These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system, since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences. Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonour your, and swim in the direction that your guidance points you.
The Moon in Capricorn is a powerful force to motivate us the ladder. Yes, I know it is Saturday; and yes, of course I realise that it is a holiday weekend here in Australia. That doesn’t stop us from paying attention to the internal drivers that move us up toward the top of the mountain. By the way, as long as it is movement in a positive direction that is all that matters.
It’s time to work is the anthem for a number four day. Lay the foundations for the week ahead – don’t be shy – get out there – make a difference - stop laying about and thinking about it – just do it! I am organised and productive is our theme song.
The first tender shoots are coming through the ground, and there is work to do. I joyfully pull the weeds of negativity from within my consciousness.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Capricorn
Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance, as this can yield valuable information.
Heaven is giving you important messages, and by drawing this card, you’re asked to pay extra attention to them. Notice conversations you overhear, comments made to you by others, and inner feelings and thoughts. Look for common threads among the sings, as they’re forms of guidance to help you manifest your Divine purpose and desires.
It’s not your imagination that Heaven is sending you sing and Divine guidance. Anytime you hear or feel something three of more times, especially within a short time period, its information worthy of your attention. These signs also give you feedback about your current belief system, since your thoughts attract mirroring experiences. Use these signs to heal beliefs that dishonour your, and swim in the direction that your guidance points you.
The Moon in Capricorn is a powerful force to motivate us the ladder. Yes, I know it is Saturday; and yes, of course I realise that it is a holiday weekend here in Australia. That doesn’t stop us from paying attention to the internal drivers that move us up toward the top of the mountain. By the way, as long as it is movement in a positive direction that is all that matters.
It’s time to work is the anthem for a number four day. Lay the foundations for the week ahead – don’t be shy – get out there – make a difference - stop laying about and thinking about it – just do it! I am organised and productive is our theme song.
The first tender shoots are coming through the ground, and there is work to do. I joyfully pull the weeds of negativity from within my consciousness.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Good Friday – 22 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Capricorn
Make time to relax, be still, and enjoy your solitude, indulging in much-needed self-care.
This card asks you to take a break from your harried schedule. Soaking or swimming in salty water creates a magical electrical energy shift in your body. The salt draws out emotional and physical toxins
Purchase sea salt from your local health-food store’s spice section, and pour lots of the salt and fragrant essential oils into your warm bathwater. Be sure to immerse your chest and heart chakra under water as you soak in the tub in order to release toxic emotions.
Burn a white candle near your bathtub. As you look at the flickering light, think about what you want. The white candlelight amplifies your thoughts and feelings, so think about your desires and not your fears. Let the saltwater wash away any doubts that could block your manifestation. Ask the candle to illuminate your mind with faith and positive expectations. Enjoy this relaxation time, and have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.
What an awesome message for a holiday? This suggestion is definitely on my agenda. I don’t know about you but I have had a very demanding (and yet rewarding) week. Today is the day to start my Easter holidays and the focus will be on relaxation, sensual pleasures, honouring my mind, body and soul as well as feeding my mind with positive and spiritual experiences.
The Sun in Taurus is a wonderful earthy day to experience the outdoors and take practical steps toward self care and work-life balance. The Moon in Capricorn keeps nudging us up that hill – take little steps and acknowledge your progress. The integration of the lessons is just as important as the learning.
Numerologically it is a number three day which encourages us to be active. In the garden analogy, the seeds planted with a number one day have taken root and now green shoots are appearing. It is an exciting time as we begin to see progress with our goals and wishes. Try to balance this excitement with a luxurious and tranquil escape.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Capricorn
Make time to relax, be still, and enjoy your solitude, indulging in much-needed self-care.
This card asks you to take a break from your harried schedule. Soaking or swimming in salty water creates a magical electrical energy shift in your body. The salt draws out emotional and physical toxins
Purchase sea salt from your local health-food store’s spice section, and pour lots of the salt and fragrant essential oils into your warm bathwater. Be sure to immerse your chest and heart chakra under water as you soak in the tub in order to release toxic emotions.
Burn a white candle near your bathtub. As you look at the flickering light, think about what you want. The white candlelight amplifies your thoughts and feelings, so think about your desires and not your fears. Let the saltwater wash away any doubts that could block your manifestation. Ask the candle to illuminate your mind with faith and positive expectations. Enjoy this relaxation time, and have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.
What an awesome message for a holiday? This suggestion is definitely on my agenda. I don’t know about you but I have had a very demanding (and yet rewarding) week. Today is the day to start my Easter holidays and the focus will be on relaxation, sensual pleasures, honouring my mind, body and soul as well as feeding my mind with positive and spiritual experiences.
The Sun in Taurus is a wonderful earthy day to experience the outdoors and take practical steps toward self care and work-life balance. The Moon in Capricorn keeps nudging us up that hill – take little steps and acknowledge your progress. The integration of the lessons is just as important as the learning.
Numerologically it is a number three day which encourages us to be active. In the garden analogy, the seeds planted with a number one day have taken root and now green shoots are appearing. It is an exciting time as we begin to see progress with our goals and wishes. Try to balance this excitement with a luxurious and tranquil escape.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Waves of Prosperity
Thursday 21 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Sagittarius
New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now!
New waves of abundance are sweeping over you right now. Observe any ideas that enter your mind at this time, as they may be seeds of a profitable new venture. Also notice any out-of-the-blue phone calls or “chance” meetings with people who could help you.
This card also means that you’re on a success streak. This is an excellent time to begin new ventures (of course research). You’ll see that doors open easily for you, and that you’re filled with extra confidence and enthusiasm. Practice being a grateful recipient of good. Know that there’s an ocean of abundance, with no danger that it will dry up.
This is a fantastic card especially if you remember our choice from yesterday, “Divine Magic” which stated that the next card we pull out of the deck is surrounded by “Divine magic!” So, today we can manifest even bigger waves of prosperity with this support.
Venus has moved from dreamy Pisces into, “I can do it!” Aries who supports the brave hearts who have the gumption to step out of the Neptunian fog and take a chance on love or money.
The Moon has moved into the sign of the Archer – Sagittarius. Sadge’s have a reputation for being direct. In most cases I find that communication style to be appealing however, I have often thought “it would be nice if you would dip that arrow in diplomacy before firing!” I guess this is the appropriate time to remind you that the communication planet, Mercury is still retrograde?
If you have arrows poised to fire then take your time to consider the direction and the target as well as a considered impact statement. Today is an 11/2 master number day to there will be lessons to be learned at both ends of the arrow!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Sagittarius
New abundance and exciting opportunities wash over you now!
New waves of abundance are sweeping over you right now. Observe any ideas that enter your mind at this time, as they may be seeds of a profitable new venture. Also notice any out-of-the-blue phone calls or “chance” meetings with people who could help you.
This card also means that you’re on a success streak. This is an excellent time to begin new ventures (of course research). You’ll see that doors open easily for you, and that you’re filled with extra confidence and enthusiasm. Practice being a grateful recipient of good. Know that there’s an ocean of abundance, with no danger that it will dry up.
This is a fantastic card especially if you remember our choice from yesterday, “Divine Magic” which stated that the next card we pull out of the deck is surrounded by “Divine magic!” So, today we can manifest even bigger waves of prosperity with this support.
Venus has moved from dreamy Pisces into, “I can do it!” Aries who supports the brave hearts who have the gumption to step out of the Neptunian fog and take a chance on love or money.
The Moon has moved into the sign of the Archer – Sagittarius. Sadge’s have a reputation for being direct. In most cases I find that communication style to be appealing however, I have often thought “it would be nice if you would dip that arrow in diplomacy before firing!” I guess this is the appropriate time to remind you that the communication planet, Mercury is still retrograde?
If you have arrows poised to fire then take your time to consider the direction and the target as well as a considered impact statement. Today is an 11/2 master number day to there will be lessons to be learned at both ends of the arrow!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Divine Magic
Wednesday 20 April 2011
Sun Taurus
Moon Sagittarius
Extra magical energy surrounds your situation right now. Expect miracles!
This card signifies that the next oracle card you pull out of the deck is surrounded by Divine magical energy. The Divine Magic card urges you to pay very special attention to this card, and do your best to follow its message.
The Divine Magic card indicates that a spiritual gateway has opened for you. At such times, your ability to manifest is heightened. Use this time to focus on your desires. If you’re unsure what you truly want, ask for Divine guidance through prayer, meditation, or ritual.
Today the Sun has moved into the pragmatic sign of Taurus. This shift will take our focus off the first house motivations and into our house of “My money”. Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of love and money so there will be a lot of sensuality infused into the cosmos – soak it up – take care of yourself and look at how wisely you take care of yourself and your money.
The Moon has moved into the entrepreneurial sign of Sagittarius. The deep expedition of the plutonian odyssey has reached a philosophical perspective. Sadge is a fire sign and this is a great time to inject some enthusiasm and action verbs into your sentences. Keep it light and bright and focus on the magic in your life. Your word is your wand!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Taurus
Moon Sagittarius
Extra magical energy surrounds your situation right now. Expect miracles!
This card signifies that the next oracle card you pull out of the deck is surrounded by Divine magical energy. The Divine Magic card urges you to pay very special attention to this card, and do your best to follow its message.
The Divine Magic card indicates that a spiritual gateway has opened for you. At such times, your ability to manifest is heightened. Use this time to focus on your desires. If you’re unsure what you truly want, ask for Divine guidance through prayer, meditation, or ritual.
Today the Sun has moved into the pragmatic sign of Taurus. This shift will take our focus off the first house motivations and into our house of “My money”. Taurus is ruled by Venus, planet of love and money so there will be a lot of sensuality infused into the cosmos – soak it up – take care of yourself and look at how wisely you take care of yourself and your money.
The Moon has moved into the entrepreneurial sign of Sagittarius. The deep expedition of the plutonian odyssey has reached a philosophical perspective. Sadge is a fire sign and this is a great time to inject some enthusiasm and action verbs into your sentences. Keep it light and bright and focus on the magic in your life. Your word is your wand!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, April 18, 2011
Tuesday 19 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Scorpio
You are more powerful than you realise. It’s safe for you to be powerful.
This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface. You’ll use this power appropriately, and you’re incapable of abusing it. Your true friends, and the people who really love you, will be happy that you’ve taken your power back.
Empowerment means that you’re no longer willing to see yourself as a victim in any way. It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances. Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously – and still very effective.
Affirm frequently: “It’s safe for me to be powerful! I accept my God/Goddess given power to be used in the service of light and love.” Then, enjoy the shifts you see around you. Instead of worrying what others think about you, use your power to make the world a better place. You may never feel self-conscious again!
I’ve love this concept. As a transformational counsellor and empowerment specialist I support my clients to engender this goal. If we feel powerful then we can confidently navigate relationships and situations that offer opportunities to grow. Each situation is another chapter in our personal curriculum for confidence building and self realisation.
The Moon in Scorpio requires that we dig deep. Don’t skim your emotional layers or shrug off a quest for self awareness. Scorpio is the detective of the zodiac. This water sign is renowned for its ability to delve into the darkness of human emotions and return enlightened and even more passionate about life and liberty.
The Sun lingers in Aries. He is ready to shift focus into Taurus tomorrow. For now the final gasp of his brilliance acts like a gust of wind to our goals and wishes.
A number nine day is the ultimate in empowerment. Nine is the end of a cycle. Sure the 10 day offer endings but with the alternative of a 1 essence to start again. At this stage of the numerological cycle we take the eight previous lessons and integrate them into our scholarly achievements.
Have a totally awesome day!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Scorpio
You are more powerful than you realise. It’s safe for you to be powerful.
This card confirms that your inner power wants to surface. You’ll use this power appropriately, and you’re incapable of abusing it. Your true friends, and the people who really love you, will be happy that you’ve taken your power back.
Empowerment means that you’re no longer willing to see yourself as a victim in any way. It means letting go of all blame with respect to other people, past conditions, or present circumstances. Know that you can be powerful and gentle simultaneously – and still very effective.
Affirm frequently: “It’s safe for me to be powerful! I accept my God/Goddess given power to be used in the service of light and love.” Then, enjoy the shifts you see around you. Instead of worrying what others think about you, use your power to make the world a better place. You may never feel self-conscious again!
I’ve love this concept. As a transformational counsellor and empowerment specialist I support my clients to engender this goal. If we feel powerful then we can confidently navigate relationships and situations that offer opportunities to grow. Each situation is another chapter in our personal curriculum for confidence building and self realisation.
The Moon in Scorpio requires that we dig deep. Don’t skim your emotional layers or shrug off a quest for self awareness. Scorpio is the detective of the zodiac. This water sign is renowned for its ability to delve into the darkness of human emotions and return enlightened and even more passionate about life and liberty.
The Sun lingers in Aries. He is ready to shift focus into Taurus tomorrow. For now the final gasp of his brilliance acts like a gust of wind to our goals and wishes.
A number nine day is the ultimate in empowerment. Nine is the end of a cycle. Sure the 10 day offer endings but with the alternative of a 1 essence to start again. At this stage of the numerological cycle we take the eight previous lessons and integrate them into our scholarly achievements.
Have a totally awesome day!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Monday 18 April 2011
Sun in Aries
Full Moon Libra
Moon moving into Scorpio
Happy birthday Little Sis!
You, your loved ones and all of your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven.
Your prayers, which ask for safety and protection, have been heard and answered. Any attacks or threats are now a thing of the past, washed away with the tide of heavenly love. This love is clearing away your insecurities so that you can feel totally secure.
When you ask Heaven to watch over you, your loved ones, your home, and your possessions, your prayers are instantly answered. There’s no hesitation or delay on Heaven’s part – it’s done as soon as you ask!
Your energies can now be directed in meaningful and creative ways, with your mind clear of worries. Enjoy your day!
Protection has a nice comforting feel to it, don’t you think?
The Full Moon in Libra has a resounding impact on all of our relationships. Libra loves peace and harmony and will seek a positive resolution to conflict. See also:
This Full Moon opposes Aries which is the “I am” in astrology whereas Libra is about the “us or we”. The struggle between the self and our ongoing relationships with others is a continuum. We are constantly seeking the balance between our individual identity and the significant relationships that mirror our intrinsic attributes.
Like all Full Moons there is a propensity for lunar intensity. As the Moon becomes round and full our emotions are increasing with passion and energy. The cycle of the Full Moon is a time of resolution or relinquishing. We are reminded of the emotional or social issues that are not adding value to our lives. These issues are confronting and the letting go of them may be painful or cause us to feel insecure. The decision to resolve or even end a relationship is entirely up to you and your individual decision making process.
The Sun remains in Aries for a little while longer. He changes signs this week – moving into Taurus. This Sun cycle has been dynamic and in some ways has brought some power-packed alignments into focus. Now is a time to integrate these lessons and the awareness created from this fiery cycle and perhaps consider what needs to be reviewed, changed or even completed while the courage and boldness of Aries is here to support us.
A number eight day is the hallmark of balance. Eight is a great business number and yet the other side of this fluid numeral is the desire to achieve peace and harmony. Go with the flow – put in your milestones and work on your action items. You will reach the summit of your life – in your good time and at your pace.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun in Aries
Full Moon Libra
Moon moving into Scorpio
Happy birthday Little Sis!
You, your loved ones and all of your possessions are safe and protected by Heaven.
Your prayers, which ask for safety and protection, have been heard and answered. Any attacks or threats are now a thing of the past, washed away with the tide of heavenly love. This love is clearing away your insecurities so that you can feel totally secure.
When you ask Heaven to watch over you, your loved ones, your home, and your possessions, your prayers are instantly answered. There’s no hesitation or delay on Heaven’s part – it’s done as soon as you ask!
Your energies can now be directed in meaningful and creative ways, with your mind clear of worries. Enjoy your day!
Protection has a nice comforting feel to it, don’t you think?
The Full Moon in Libra has a resounding impact on all of our relationships. Libra loves peace and harmony and will seek a positive resolution to conflict. See also:
This Full Moon opposes Aries which is the “I am” in astrology whereas Libra is about the “us or we”. The struggle between the self and our ongoing relationships with others is a continuum. We are constantly seeking the balance between our individual identity and the significant relationships that mirror our intrinsic attributes.
Like all Full Moons there is a propensity for lunar intensity. As the Moon becomes round and full our emotions are increasing with passion and energy. The cycle of the Full Moon is a time of resolution or relinquishing. We are reminded of the emotional or social issues that are not adding value to our lives. These issues are confronting and the letting go of them may be painful or cause us to feel insecure. The decision to resolve or even end a relationship is entirely up to you and your individual decision making process.
The Sun remains in Aries for a little while longer. He changes signs this week – moving into Taurus. This Sun cycle has been dynamic and in some ways has brought some power-packed alignments into focus. Now is a time to integrate these lessons and the awareness created from this fiery cycle and perhaps consider what needs to be reviewed, changed or even completed while the courage and boldness of Aries is here to support us.
A number eight day is the hallmark of balance. Eight is a great business number and yet the other side of this fluid numeral is the desire to achieve peace and harmony. Go with the flow – put in your milestones and work on your action items. You will reach the summit of your life – in your good time and at your pace.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, April 15, 2011
You’re being helped
Sunday 17 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Libra
Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see the results yet.
Your manifestation is being worked out right now, even if you can’t see tangible proof. As an analogy, when sailors get close to land, they often see signs of life, such as birds flying or branches floating in the ocean. By drawing this card, you’re urged to notice signs that “land” (your manifestation) are near.
Even if you can’t yet see evidence that your manifestation is in process; this card assures you that your prayers have been heard and answered. Stay centred in faith and gratitude in order to open the door to your desires.
Isn’t this a neat message following yesterday’s card? Yesterday our subconscious chose: “Helpful person” and today that message has been affirmed with, “You’re being helped!”
The Sun burns brightly and passionately in Aries. He is an energetic force in our lives. This is not the most suitable number for a Sunday relaxing sojourn through the weekend. However, I find myself putting on my runners ready to take a brisk walk with my favourite canine. Want to come?
The Moon in Libra brings relationship harmony into focus. If there has been a dark cloud hanging over your significant relationships then this airy sign is just the puff of wind you need to blow it away.
Reflection, meditation and inwards journeys are the essence of our spiritual number seven day. This is a fantastic remedy after the recent transits – seek out your favourite spot (indoors or outdoors) and lay back, relax and breathe.
It works for me!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Libra
Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see the results yet.
Your manifestation is being worked out right now, even if you can’t see tangible proof. As an analogy, when sailors get close to land, they often see signs of life, such as birds flying or branches floating in the ocean. By drawing this card, you’re urged to notice signs that “land” (your manifestation) are near.
Even if you can’t yet see evidence that your manifestation is in process; this card assures you that your prayers have been heard and answered. Stay centred in faith and gratitude in order to open the door to your desires.
Isn’t this a neat message following yesterday’s card? Yesterday our subconscious chose: “Helpful person” and today that message has been affirmed with, “You’re being helped!”
The Sun burns brightly and passionately in Aries. He is an energetic force in our lives. This is not the most suitable number for a Sunday relaxing sojourn through the weekend. However, I find myself putting on my runners ready to take a brisk walk with my favourite canine. Want to come?
The Moon in Libra brings relationship harmony into focus. If there has been a dark cloud hanging over your significant relationships then this airy sign is just the puff of wind you need to blow it away.
Reflection, meditation and inwards journeys are the essence of our spiritual number seven day. This is a fantastic remedy after the recent transits – seek out your favourite spot (indoors or outdoors) and lay back, relax and breathe.
It works for me!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Helpful person
Saturday 16 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Libra
Someone wants to help you. Think of whom that might be, and initiate contact.
There’s a person who can help you reach your desired outcome. You’ve probably already thought of whom this person might be. Or, it could be a new person coming into your life whom you’ll soon meet.
Be open to receiving help from others. Strong people learn the importance of delegating and working as a team, and this may e a time for you to learn these vital life lessons. So, be sure to voice your needs and ask for assistance. With the help of others, you’re more able to manifest your Divine purpose and desires.
The Moon in Libra takes us into a relationship focused weekend. Libra is a sign that seeks balance and harmony (nice ingredients for a weekend sojourn – don’t you think?). Therefore our card for the day is quite topical. Librans are great negotiators so this is a good time to discuss any relationship issues that have erupted over the recent tense and challenging transit.
The Sun is still in Aries and will be for the next few days. Aries and Libra are compatible in elements so the weekend should be a digestible feast.
Mercury is coming into his last week of retrograde motion so there will be some clarity leading into the Easter holidays.
A number six day focuses our attention on responsibility and commitment. The day of changes has swept through our week (yesterday) and now we pick up the pieces or the fragments of our discussions and move into a more positive and committed venue.
Engage with that helpful person and see the benefit in sharing the responsibility of love and action.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Libra
Someone wants to help you. Think of whom that might be, and initiate contact.
There’s a person who can help you reach your desired outcome. You’ve probably already thought of whom this person might be. Or, it could be a new person coming into your life whom you’ll soon meet.
Be open to receiving help from others. Strong people learn the importance of delegating and working as a team, and this may e a time for you to learn these vital life lessons. So, be sure to voice your needs and ask for assistance. With the help of others, you’re more able to manifest your Divine purpose and desires.
The Moon in Libra takes us into a relationship focused weekend. Libra is a sign that seeks balance and harmony (nice ingredients for a weekend sojourn – don’t you think?). Therefore our card for the day is quite topical. Librans are great negotiators so this is a good time to discuss any relationship issues that have erupted over the recent tense and challenging transit.
The Sun is still in Aries and will be for the next few days. Aries and Libra are compatible in elements so the weekend should be a digestible feast.
Mercury is coming into his last week of retrograde motion so there will be some clarity leading into the Easter holidays.
A number six day focuses our attention on responsibility and commitment. The day of changes has swept through our week (yesterday) and now we pick up the pieces or the fragments of our discussions and move into a more positive and committed venue.
Engage with that helpful person and see the benefit in sharing the responsibility of love and action.
Love, Peace and Harmony,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, April 14, 2011
A New Dawn
Friday 15 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Virgo
The worst is behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.
You’ve endured storms over rough seas, but now the way is clear and smooth. From hereon in, you can expect the best. Wash away the negativity from your consciousness and past memories, and keep only the positive lessons and love. Don’t hang on to anything that could weigh you down, such as resentment or bitterness. Let it go!
If you’ve gone through patterns of negativity in the past, this is the time to affirm: “I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I extract whatever teachings I need to discover, and I move on to a life of harmonious and peaceful actions.”
By pulling this card, we’ve turned a corner in our life, wherein your prayers and positive thoughts are delivering new easy of Divine light to illuminate your present and future.
As I said last week I’ve started to read a book on Neptune. In this book water is the key element (naturally because Neptune – Poseidon is the ruler of the oceans). This concept is uppermost in my consciousness as Liz Greene refers to the water as rebirth or cleansing the soul. I think that this concept ties in perfectly with our message today – a new dawn. I rebirth – a fresh start.
I don’t know about you, but after experience the Sun/Pluto/Mars alignments this week I am up for a new dawn.
A number five day will shake us up and take us in a new direction. This is a numerological opportunity to set our navigator on a new course. If you’re fallen off the treadmill, the Moon in Virgo will support us as we step back on. I love this Moon phase as we have the opportunity to become refocused on what strategies and or complements we undertake in relation to our health and daily rituals.
It’s Friday so keep the focus on healthy alternatives and rituals. I’m having a massage this afternoon. This will ensure that I am ready for the weekend.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Virgo
The worst is behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.
You’ve endured storms over rough seas, but now the way is clear and smooth. From hereon in, you can expect the best. Wash away the negativity from your consciousness and past memories, and keep only the positive lessons and love. Don’t hang on to anything that could weigh you down, such as resentment or bitterness. Let it go!
If you’ve gone through patterns of negativity in the past, this is the time to affirm: “I now release the need to experience this life lesson. I extract whatever teachings I need to discover, and I move on to a life of harmonious and peaceful actions.”
By pulling this card, we’ve turned a corner in our life, wherein your prayers and positive thoughts are delivering new easy of Divine light to illuminate your present and future.
As I said last week I’ve started to read a book on Neptune. In this book water is the key element (naturally because Neptune – Poseidon is the ruler of the oceans). This concept is uppermost in my consciousness as Liz Greene refers to the water as rebirth or cleansing the soul. I think that this concept ties in perfectly with our message today – a new dawn. I rebirth – a fresh start.
I don’t know about you, but after experience the Sun/Pluto/Mars alignments this week I am up for a new dawn.
A number five day will shake us up and take us in a new direction. This is a numerological opportunity to set our navigator on a new course. If you’re fallen off the treadmill, the Moon in Virgo will support us as we step back on. I love this Moon phase as we have the opportunity to become refocused on what strategies and or complements we undertake in relation to our health and daily rituals.
It’s Friday so keep the focus on healthy alternatives and rituals. I’m having a massage this afternoon. This will ensure that I am ready for the weekend.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Stay optimistic
Thursday 14 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon into Virgo
Your dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.
This is it – your time has come! You’re about to collect your rewards, and your prayers will be answered. However, a bit more patience and guided action on your part is required. The extra wait and effort are definitely worth it. You’ve just about there, and this card asks you to keep your faith about miracles and heavenly magic.
Use your imagination to visualise that you dreams have already come true. Your heart will swell with gratitude and joy, and these emotions will speed up your desire manifestations. Before long, you’ll be enjoying the tangible results.
I am aware that it is difficult to stay optimistic all of the time. It is especially challenging when the darkness clouds your vision. There are times that you continually push your dreams and objectives up a very steep hill and then you loose some traction and they seem to roll back over you – crushing your spirit and dissolving your progress.
At times there is no light; no glimmer of hope and then just before we give into our disillusionment a tiny spark flashes before your eyes and the passion is re-ignited in your soul.
I don’t have the answers or time frame for everyone but I do know that if you can move in the direction of your dreams. And if you continually add the fuel of optimism there will be rewards – you will achieve! I know this – it has worked for me many times over my life.
When the dark knight of the soul arrives on his black stallion I flash a wry smile and say – not tonight Sweetheart!
The Moon in Virgo is earthy and rational. She is grounded in her pursuit of attention to detail. Virgo is discerning and can be somewhat discriminating – eliminating what is not necessary for assimilation and staying focused on our source of truth.
The numerological symbolism suggests a grounded and solid approach. A number four day is structured in a way that we can have traction on our dreams and wishes. Design and develop your framework of truth – stay within the boundaries of what is integral to your desires and factor in an optimistic outcome.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon into Virgo
Your dreams are coming true. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.
This is it – your time has come! You’re about to collect your rewards, and your prayers will be answered. However, a bit more patience and guided action on your part is required. The extra wait and effort are definitely worth it. You’ve just about there, and this card asks you to keep your faith about miracles and heavenly magic.
Use your imagination to visualise that you dreams have already come true. Your heart will swell with gratitude and joy, and these emotions will speed up your desire manifestations. Before long, you’ll be enjoying the tangible results.
I am aware that it is difficult to stay optimistic all of the time. It is especially challenging when the darkness clouds your vision. There are times that you continually push your dreams and objectives up a very steep hill and then you loose some traction and they seem to roll back over you – crushing your spirit and dissolving your progress.
At times there is no light; no glimmer of hope and then just before we give into our disillusionment a tiny spark flashes before your eyes and the passion is re-ignited in your soul.
I don’t have the answers or time frame for everyone but I do know that if you can move in the direction of your dreams. And if you continually add the fuel of optimism there will be rewards – you will achieve! I know this – it has worked for me many times over my life.
When the dark knight of the soul arrives on his black stallion I flash a wry smile and say – not tonight Sweetheart!
The Moon in Virgo is earthy and rational. She is grounded in her pursuit of attention to detail. Virgo is discerning and can be somewhat discriminating – eliminating what is not necessary for assimilation and staying focused on our source of truth.
The numerological symbolism suggests a grounded and solid approach. A number four day is structured in a way that we can have traction on our dreams and wishes. Design and develop your framework of truth – stay within the boundaries of what is integral to your desires and factor in an optimistic outcome.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Let yourself receive
Wednesday 13 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon in Leo
Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies.
You’re a giver, and you help others in so many ways. Most of the time, you truly enjoy giving. So, when you let others give to you, they experience the joy of giving. You give them a gift each time that you’re a gracious receiver.
Be receiving, you replenish yourself and balance the male and female energies without and around you. By allowing yourself to receive, you swim in the flow of life, which washes away stagnant energy, bringing new forms of abundance, creative ideas, and all types of opportunities. Even the simplest act of receiving is healing, and it is a powerful step into the manifestation process.
I have a “guilt free” maintenance program. I enjoy a fortnightly massage (remedial). I have a five week hairdressing appointment and a 4-6 week facial or beauty treatment and on top of that I give myself or have a professional manicure or pedicure every week.
On the weekend I have a coffee date with my husband and during the week I have a professionally made coffee with colleagues as a way of “getting away from it all”. The main reason is that these treats make me feel good. I feel pampered, refreshed and rejuvenated. This is radiated in my confidence and I know that I have honoured myself in a respectful way. How do you receive?
The numbers line up at: 12+4+2011= 3. Although the sequence is: 4+4+4. This sequence is interesting as it symbolises that: 444- The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby” (Doreen Virtue – Healing with the Angels).
Of course this number sequence equates to a number three day which promises vibrancy and activity. This energy will support light hearted optimism to tackle the recent astrological tug-of-war.
The Moon in Leo is connecting harmoniously with Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. These celestial couplings will offer focus and the ability to triumph over difficulties. For me this week has been a little like “smiling through gritted teeth behind a mask of compliance.” I see these links today as a cosmic balm to sooth the painful eruptions in my soul.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon in Leo
Allow others to give you loving care. Receive without guilt or apologies.
You’re a giver, and you help others in so many ways. Most of the time, you truly enjoy giving. So, when you let others give to you, they experience the joy of giving. You give them a gift each time that you’re a gracious receiver.
Be receiving, you replenish yourself and balance the male and female energies without and around you. By allowing yourself to receive, you swim in the flow of life, which washes away stagnant energy, bringing new forms of abundance, creative ideas, and all types of opportunities. Even the simplest act of receiving is healing, and it is a powerful step into the manifestation process.
I have a “guilt free” maintenance program. I enjoy a fortnightly massage (remedial). I have a five week hairdressing appointment and a 4-6 week facial or beauty treatment and on top of that I give myself or have a professional manicure or pedicure every week.
On the weekend I have a coffee date with my husband and during the week I have a professionally made coffee with colleagues as a way of “getting away from it all”. The main reason is that these treats make me feel good. I feel pampered, refreshed and rejuvenated. This is radiated in my confidence and I know that I have honoured myself in a respectful way. How do you receive?
The numbers line up at: 12+4+2011= 3. Although the sequence is: 4+4+4. This sequence is interesting as it symbolises that: 444- The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don't worry because the angels' help is nearby” (Doreen Virtue – Healing with the Angels).
Of course this number sequence equates to a number three day which promises vibrancy and activity. This energy will support light hearted optimism to tackle the recent astrological tug-of-war.
The Moon in Leo is connecting harmoniously with Mars, Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. These celestial couplings will offer focus and the ability to triumph over difficulties. For me this week has been a little like “smiling through gritted teeth behind a mask of compliance.” I see these links today as a cosmic balm to sooth the painful eruptions in my soul.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, April 11, 2011
Play time
Tuesday 12 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Leo
The dolphins know how important it is to play. Joy crates miracles and manifestation.
This card indicates that you’ve been straining and working too hard, and that you’ve lost your original focus. You’re striving more out of habit than out of a clear direction. The dolphins ask you to stop and divert your attention through stillness and non-competitive play. Any kind of playfulness will shake up your ruts and routines, and allow you to regain perspective on what is important and what is not.
Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap in to Divine wisdom. If you playfulness involves outdoor physical activity, the extra oxygen will also spark a few ideas for you.
After the tense alignments from yesterday it is time to embrace your inner child and play. I believe that we take life far too seriously sometimes. Joy and laughter releases the tension while it takes us into a higher dimension of magic and wonder.
The Moon in Leo offers a tincture of happiness, here: “Drink it Freddie – drink it!” Leos know how to roll with the cosmic punches and their perspective on life can offer creative solutions to tense situations. The Moon in Leo is highly compatible with his fiery soul mate – Sun in Aries. So check out the buoyancy and vibrancy of the world outside your door!
An 11/2 day bodes well for learning and passing the benefits of those lessons into sacred teachings in the curriculum of life. School’s out so go and have some fun. Teach yourself to play again – swing on a swing or slide down a slippery dip – or practice your academy of silly works tutorial. Whatever you choose to do make sure you laugh a lot and out loud.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Leo
The dolphins know how important it is to play. Joy crates miracles and manifestation.
This card indicates that you’ve been straining and working too hard, and that you’ve lost your original focus. You’re striving more out of habit than out of a clear direction. The dolphins ask you to stop and divert your attention through stillness and non-competitive play. Any kind of playfulness will shake up your ruts and routines, and allow you to regain perspective on what is important and what is not.
Playing is a magical form of meditation, as it opens your heart chakra and allows your creative spirit to tap in to Divine wisdom. If you playfulness involves outdoor physical activity, the extra oxygen will also spark a few ideas for you.
After the tense alignments from yesterday it is time to embrace your inner child and play. I believe that we take life far too seriously sometimes. Joy and laughter releases the tension while it takes us into a higher dimension of magic and wonder.
The Moon in Leo offers a tincture of happiness, here: “Drink it Freddie – drink it!” Leos know how to roll with the cosmic punches and their perspective on life can offer creative solutions to tense situations. The Moon in Leo is highly compatible with his fiery soul mate – Sun in Aries. So check out the buoyancy and vibrancy of the world outside your door!
An 11/2 day bodes well for learning and passing the benefits of those lessons into sacred teachings in the curriculum of life. School’s out so go and have some fun. Teach yourself to play again – swing on a swing or slide down a slippery dip – or practice your academy of silly works tutorial. Whatever you choose to do make sure you laugh a lot and out loud.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Sunday 10 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Cancer
Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.
You’re fairly certain of your next move, and you (we – the collective we) pulled this card as additional validation, which will spur you into action. This card confirms that your intuition is accurate, and you can trust it fully.
The joy you feel, knowing that your intuitive feelings are valid, may be tempered by the fear of making life challenges. Heaven wants you to know, however, that all of the details are being taken care of. You’re supported in all ways as long as you ask for help and then accept it as it comes to you in various forms.
It has been almost one week since we planted the “New Moon wishes – intentions”. So have they taken root? Do you like what you see in your garden of hope and plenty? Or are there some weeds growing?
Now is the time of positive reinforcement and acknowledging your efforts (forgiving yourself for your transgressions) and loving where you are in your life. You’ve created this chapter where you now sit and wait for the new sentence to begin. Be positive and see the benefits of these past few pages.
The Moon in Cancer adds a warm and cosy feeling to the day. Cancerian Moon phases are perfect for the weekends – relaxing; indulging; feeding the senses and hanging out with family and friends. It’s a good day to do what you want – when you want to do it – so enjoy!
Before we start to sit back and soak up the Cancerian Moon beams I invite you to consider:
If I new that I had to walk through an agonising emotional transformative phase would I am willing to undertake this challenge?
If I knew that I had to relinquish the security of a situation to reach out beyond my (perceived) limits and leave myself raw and vulnerable, would I let go of the railing?
I have known that I had to live through the dark night of the soul to transcend my fears and limitations, and then would I take the final step into the valley of death (transformation)?
These questions flow around my consciousness each time I am faced with an opportunity to change direction in my life. And my answer is always, “yes I can!”
It’s easy to stay with the “tried and true”. It may be frustrating and or it may be annoying – but we tend to linger longer in the pond of procrastination then we ought.
I am not saying that we all should push off from the side and breaststroke across the pond. What I am suggesting is that timing is everything. And with a flotilla of planets sailing through Aries now is the perfect time to put on your floaties and start padding.
Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s a, “Yes” flying by!
One last consideration to this journal entry today: We sit in the comfort of our zone of content and gaze in awe and wonder at those who have taken the chance and let go of the railing – why? Why can’t we let go and take a breath and begin our own unique journey across the pond?
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
PS: Dealing with the upcoming Mars/Pluto/Sun gig
Sun Aries
Moon Cancer
Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.
You’re fairly certain of your next move, and you (we – the collective we) pulled this card as additional validation, which will spur you into action. This card confirms that your intuition is accurate, and you can trust it fully.
The joy you feel, knowing that your intuitive feelings are valid, may be tempered by the fear of making life challenges. Heaven wants you to know, however, that all of the details are being taken care of. You’re supported in all ways as long as you ask for help and then accept it as it comes to you in various forms.
It has been almost one week since we planted the “New Moon wishes – intentions”. So have they taken root? Do you like what you see in your garden of hope and plenty? Or are there some weeds growing?
Now is the time of positive reinforcement and acknowledging your efforts (forgiving yourself for your transgressions) and loving where you are in your life. You’ve created this chapter where you now sit and wait for the new sentence to begin. Be positive and see the benefits of these past few pages.
The Moon in Cancer adds a warm and cosy feeling to the day. Cancerian Moon phases are perfect for the weekends – relaxing; indulging; feeding the senses and hanging out with family and friends. It’s a good day to do what you want – when you want to do it – so enjoy!
Before we start to sit back and soak up the Cancerian Moon beams I invite you to consider:
If I new that I had to walk through an agonising emotional transformative phase would I am willing to undertake this challenge?
If I knew that I had to relinquish the security of a situation to reach out beyond my (perceived) limits and leave myself raw and vulnerable, would I let go of the railing?
I have known that I had to live through the dark night of the soul to transcend my fears and limitations, and then would I take the final step into the valley of death (transformation)?
These questions flow around my consciousness each time I am faced with an opportunity to change direction in my life. And my answer is always, “yes I can!”
It’s easy to stay with the “tried and true”. It may be frustrating and or it may be annoying – but we tend to linger longer in the pond of procrastination then we ought.
I am not saying that we all should push off from the side and breaststroke across the pond. What I am suggesting is that timing is everything. And with a flotilla of planets sailing through Aries now is the perfect time to put on your floaties and start padding.
Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s a, “Yes” flying by!
One last consideration to this journal entry today: We sit in the comfort of our zone of content and gaze in awe and wonder at those who have taken the chance and let go of the railing – why? Why can’t we let go and take a breath and begin our own unique journey across the pond?
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
PS: Dealing with the upcoming Mars/Pluto/Sun gig
Friday, April 8, 2011
Father healing
Saturday 9 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Gemini
Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to Heaven.
This card shows you that you still have some father issues left to heal. The healing doesn’t need to take a lot of time – it simply requires your willingness to be free of any old anger, grief or fear related to your male parent.
Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If we’re unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If we’re unhealed toward our mother, we won’t accept the Universe offers us.
The more you focus on the spiritual truth of your father, the more your heart will be receptive to the Universe’s continuous and all-encompassing arms to your Divine inheritance. Affirm: “I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father.”
This card relates to the sadness and grief I still feel about the passing of my father tow and a half years ago. I understand that his body had worn out and it was his time to leave this earth school but on a personal level, I miss him terribly. And what is even sadder, I know that my Mum misses him even more than me.
I know that he is only in the next room, just beyond the curtain. I can still hear his words of encouragement – motivating me to push forward (especially when I’d rather be curled up in a ball or hiding in the cave). Even though those words, thoughts, feelings and memories are the fabric of my life his eyes and hugs are the greatest loss. I miss you Dad and your father healing.
The Moon in Gemini is rational and quick to recover from this emotional tsunami. The Sun in Aries is bold, brave and true (Dad’s star sign in this life). It’s okay to feel the pain of loss – it’s a human condition.
A number eight day has the potential for accomplishment and success in your projects. Be confident that all of the tasks and intentions will reap a fantastic outcome.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Gemini
Your personal power increases as you give any father-related issues to Heaven.
This card shows you that you still have some father issues left to heal. The healing doesn’t need to take a lot of time – it simply requires your willingness to be free of any old anger, grief or fear related to your male parent.
Universal energies are either male or female. Male energy is expansive and giving. Female energy is nurturing and receptive. If we’re unhealed with respect to our father, the Universe seems to be ungenerous. If we’re unhealed toward our mother, we won’t accept the Universe offers us.
The more you focus on the spiritual truth of your father, the more your heart will be receptive to the Universe’s continuous and all-encompassing arms to your Divine inheritance. Affirm: “I now focus on the love that is the spiritual truth of my father, and I hereby balance any karma between us. I now let go of everything but the love and the lessons of my relationship with my father.”
This card relates to the sadness and grief I still feel about the passing of my father tow and a half years ago. I understand that his body had worn out and it was his time to leave this earth school but on a personal level, I miss him terribly. And what is even sadder, I know that my Mum misses him even more than me.
I know that he is only in the next room, just beyond the curtain. I can still hear his words of encouragement – motivating me to push forward (especially when I’d rather be curled up in a ball or hiding in the cave). Even though those words, thoughts, feelings and memories are the fabric of my life his eyes and hugs are the greatest loss. I miss you Dad and your father healing.
The Moon in Gemini is rational and quick to recover from this emotional tsunami. The Sun in Aries is bold, brave and true (Dad’s star sign in this life). It’s okay to feel the pain of loss – it’s a human condition.
A number eight day has the potential for accomplishment and success in your projects. Be confident that all of the tasks and intentions will reap a fantastic outcome.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Explore your options
Friday 8 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Gemini
It’s time to look at other possibilities. It’s a good time to make changes.
Sometimes we think: This is the way it is, and we don’t see other options. By drawing this card, Heaven now asks you to question any situation that you think can’t be changed.
Take a moment and pretend that a magical mermaid has granted your three wishes. You can have anything you want! What will you wish for? The truth is that most anything you desire is possible, and this card asks you to explore your options. At first, you might do so mentally – through day dreams and night time dreams.
Then it’s important to turn those possibilities into realities by breaking them into small goals that you can accomplish today. When you explore new opportunities, the energy of the Universe begins flowing in the direction of your dreams. Any step that you take – no matter how small – will help you see options that yo may never have noticed before.
The Moon in Gemini sustains the bubble from the recent Sun and Jupiter alignment. Gemini loves to party – socialise and be with friends – like minded souls. Gemini also likes their solitude – close the doors and snuggle uip in front of the television and watch their favourite movie. I guess there is a little Gemini in all of us.
My natal Moon is in Gemini in the ninth house and I adore this placement. This means that when the world becomes too painful to bare (Scorpio lingo!) I need to write about it or even read some support material that will assist me to uncover the reasons behind that lesson.
Moon in Gemini in the ninth augurs philosophical pursuits – higher learning or long distance travel. I adore those aspects of my life and indulge in them as often as possible. I am truly blessed that I can live with this placement to its full potential.
A number seven day is highly compatible with this card for today. Look within is the clear message on the numerological front. Be alone, at least for part of the day. Be still. Read. Think. Listen to your inner soul. Drop from the business world. The number seven always reveals something. Meditate. Be open.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Gemini
It’s time to look at other possibilities. It’s a good time to make changes.
Sometimes we think: This is the way it is, and we don’t see other options. By drawing this card, Heaven now asks you to question any situation that you think can’t be changed.
Take a moment and pretend that a magical mermaid has granted your three wishes. You can have anything you want! What will you wish for? The truth is that most anything you desire is possible, and this card asks you to explore your options. At first, you might do so mentally – through day dreams and night time dreams.
Then it’s important to turn those possibilities into realities by breaking them into small goals that you can accomplish today. When you explore new opportunities, the energy of the Universe begins flowing in the direction of your dreams. Any step that you take – no matter how small – will help you see options that yo may never have noticed before.
The Moon in Gemini sustains the bubble from the recent Sun and Jupiter alignment. Gemini loves to party – socialise and be with friends – like minded souls. Gemini also likes their solitude – close the doors and snuggle uip in front of the television and watch their favourite movie. I guess there is a little Gemini in all of us.
My natal Moon is in Gemini in the ninth house and I adore this placement. This means that when the world becomes too painful to bare (Scorpio lingo!) I need to write about it or even read some support material that will assist me to uncover the reasons behind that lesson.
Moon in Gemini in the ninth augurs philosophical pursuits – higher learning or long distance travel. I adore those aspects of my life and indulge in them as often as possible. I am truly blessed that I can live with this placement to its full potential.
A number seven day is highly compatible with this card for today. Look within is the clear message on the numerological front. Be alone, at least for part of the day. Be still. Read. Think. Listen to your inner soul. Drop from the business world. The number seven always reveals something. Meditate. Be open.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Thursday 7 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Gemini
Let go of old guilt, and remember that you’re God/Goddess’s child.
You’ve been very hard on yourself lately, using harsh words toward yourself verbally or mentally. While it’s healthy to hold yourself up to high standards, this card says that you’re bordered on self-abuse. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s normal to feel regret occasionally. What’s important, though, is how you handle these mistakes.
As you focus on your positive attributes, your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will be diminished. Remember that guilt is the opposite of love. Your guilt doesn’t help anyone or anything, but your Divine love helps everyone, everywhere!
Affirm: I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time, and I now release all guilt completely. I love my true self, from top to bottom.
The Sun in Aries and the Moon in Gemini is an irresistible coupling. These guys are compatible a sustainable. They are both filled with laughter and joy – that is not a bad match, now is it?
This week has been superb in the cosmic playground. There have been many opportunities for us to be dazzled and motivated to step outside our comfort zone.
The post Jupiter and Sun combination lingers in the buoyant galactic swimming pool. Dip your toe in or be daring and go for a swim!
The numerological vibe cautions and suggests that we wear floaties or at least a flotation vest. Don’t be afraid to do some laps around this cosmic water hole.
Before we can truly move forward in our lives we need to forgive yourself for all of our indiscretions whether they were intentional or not. Whether we have hurt someone or lay blame on others is part of our Karmic accountancy.
Take responsibility for your actions. We are not responsible for other people’s reactions. If we come from a place of love and respect then we can face the future with a clear conscious. This state of clarity leads us to the road of redemption and peace.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Gemini
Let go of old guilt, and remember that you’re God/Goddess’s child.
You’ve been very hard on yourself lately, using harsh words toward yourself verbally or mentally. While it’s healthy to hold yourself up to high standards, this card says that you’re bordered on self-abuse. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s normal to feel regret occasionally. What’s important, though, is how you handle these mistakes.
As you focus on your positive attributes, your self-esteem will increase and your stress level will be diminished. Remember that guilt is the opposite of love. Your guilt doesn’t help anyone or anything, but your Divine love helps everyone, everywhere!
Affirm: I ask that all effects of my mistakes be undone in all directions of time, and I now release all guilt completely. I love my true self, from top to bottom.
The Sun in Aries and the Moon in Gemini is an irresistible coupling. These guys are compatible a sustainable. They are both filled with laughter and joy – that is not a bad match, now is it?
This week has been superb in the cosmic playground. There have been many opportunities for us to be dazzled and motivated to step outside our comfort zone.
The post Jupiter and Sun combination lingers in the buoyant galactic swimming pool. Dip your toe in or be daring and go for a swim!
The numerological vibe cautions and suggests that we wear floaties or at least a flotation vest. Don’t be afraid to do some laps around this cosmic water hole.
Before we can truly move forward in our lives we need to forgive yourself for all of our indiscretions whether they were intentional or not. Whether we have hurt someone or lay blame on others is part of our Karmic accountancy.
Take responsibility for your actions. We are not responsible for other people’s reactions. If we come from a place of love and respect then we can face the future with a clear conscious. This state of clarity leads us to the road of redemption and peace.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, April 4, 2011
Self employment
Wednesday 6 April 2011

Sun Aries
Moon Taurus
You’re a born entrepreneur, and your business is surrounded my magical opportunities.
You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you’re fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunities will come to you. Your positive energy attracts customer, clients and contracts.
If you’re in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualising, and affirming); to conduct research about your business: and to work on your self (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly). These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities.
On the numerological front it is a number five day – a day for changes. There are lots of changes taking place in the atmosphere right now; that is for certain. I feel the magical mystical energy swirl around me – tap into it and see where it takes you!
The Moon move through Taurus today and the Sun is still ramping it up in Aries. The Sun in all his golden glory links exquisitely to Jupiter – this is a phantasmagorical combination. It is important to remember that a link like this only comes once a year so grab it while you can.
On a more sober note I think that it is like all things – it is prudent to seek a balance during these collaborations. Consider how much of this cosmic elixir you are prepared to drink. Over indulgence can lead you down an embarrassing path. On the other hand if you need confident to achieve your goals and dreams then you have this magnificent Jupiterian influence to whisk you away. May the force be with you!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers

Sun Aries
Moon Taurus
You’re a born entrepreneur, and your business is surrounded my magical opportunities.
You have the drive, discipline, and desire to be your own boss. This card also shows that you have the magical ingredients for a successful business. Heaven wants you to know that you’re fully supported spiritually. As long as you stay enthusiastic, new opportunities will come to you. Your positive energy attracts customer, clients and contracts.
If you’re in the process of opening a new business, now is the time to do spiritual work (praying, meditating, visualising, and affirming); to conduct research about your business: and to work on your self (by eating healthfully, getting sufficient sleep, and exercising regularly). These multiple layers of action will propel you to miraculous business opportunities.
On the numerological front it is a number five day – a day for changes. There are lots of changes taking place in the atmosphere right now; that is for certain. I feel the magical mystical energy swirl around me – tap into it and see where it takes you!
The Moon move through Taurus today and the Sun is still ramping it up in Aries. The Sun in all his golden glory links exquisitely to Jupiter – this is a phantasmagorical combination. It is important to remember that a link like this only comes once a year so grab it while you can.
On a more sober note I think that it is like all things – it is prudent to seek a balance during these collaborations. Consider how much of this cosmic elixir you are prepared to drink. Over indulgence can lead you down an embarrassing path. On the other hand if you need confident to achieve your goals and dreams then you have this magnificent Jupiterian influence to whisk you away. May the force be with you!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Contemplation time
Tuesday 5 April 2011
Sun Aires
Moon Taurus
Spend some time alone, meditating upon what you truly desire.
This card indicates that you need some time alone. Make a firm appointment with yourself in a quiet place (ideally outside in nature or near some plants) without delay. Make sure that you’ll be uninterrupted for at least one hour. Take a pad and a pen with you.
Then, spend some time simply breathing, relaxing, and centring yourself. After you’re completely relaxed, write down this question to your subconscious mind on your pad of paper: “What do I want to do next?” Write whatever comes to you in response, without worrying whether it is “correct” or not. Then, ask your subconscious: “What’s my hearts true desire right now?” Write down the answer. Spend time noting your true priorities so that you’ll know how to structure your free time to match what’s important to you.
The skis are alive with the movement and change. There are a host of planets surging into Aries ready for a galactic banquet. While this is very exciting I don’t want to overlook a significant transit that begins today. That move is Neptune into Pisces.
There are all sorts of speculation regarding this shift. I have honoured this Neptunian move with some research. I have gone to my personal library and dived into a Liz Green book called: Neptune and the Quest for Redemption. It’s a good read and I plan to explore the possibilities of this transit. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don’t want to underestimate the move on Neptune into his native realm.
The Moon moves into her counting house – Taurus. Practical solutions are on the table while we scoff down the Arian invasion. As I said yesterday there are six out of ten heavenly bodies crowding the house. With so much power-packed energy there will be hardly any room to move let alone party.
A number four day is a numerological boost to work. After contemplating your direction consider your project plan. Do you have a risk assessment? Well don’t worry about that now – there is no room for the faint hearted. Lay the track toward your new goals and get the motor running.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aires
Moon Taurus
Spend some time alone, meditating upon what you truly desire.
This card indicates that you need some time alone. Make a firm appointment with yourself in a quiet place (ideally outside in nature or near some plants) without delay. Make sure that you’ll be uninterrupted for at least one hour. Take a pad and a pen with you.
Then, spend some time simply breathing, relaxing, and centring yourself. After you’re completely relaxed, write down this question to your subconscious mind on your pad of paper: “What do I want to do next?” Write whatever comes to you in response, without worrying whether it is “correct” or not. Then, ask your subconscious: “What’s my hearts true desire right now?” Write down the answer. Spend time noting your true priorities so that you’ll know how to structure your free time to match what’s important to you.
The skis are alive with the movement and change. There are a host of planets surging into Aries ready for a galactic banquet. While this is very exciting I don’t want to overlook a significant transit that begins today. That move is Neptune into Pisces.
There are all sorts of speculation regarding this shift. I have honoured this Neptunian move with some research. I have gone to my personal library and dived into a Liz Green book called: Neptune and the Quest for Redemption. It’s a good read and I plan to explore the possibilities of this transit. I guess what I am trying to say is that I don’t want to underestimate the move on Neptune into his native realm.
The Moon moves into her counting house – Taurus. Practical solutions are on the table while we scoff down the Arian invasion. As I said yesterday there are six out of ten heavenly bodies crowding the house. With so much power-packed energy there will be hardly any room to move let alone party.
A number four day is a numerological boost to work. After contemplating your direction consider your project plan. Do you have a risk assessment? Well don’t worry about that now – there is no room for the faint hearted. Lay the track toward your new goals and get the motor running.
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Make a wish
Monday 4 April 2011
New Moon Aries (12:32am AEST)
Sun Aries
This is a magical moment. Make a wish, and enjoy its manifestation.
Say an affirmative prayer right now, which means stating your desire as if it were already true. Thank Heaven for this reality, and feel in your heart and belly that your dream is actually a reality. For example, say, “Thank you Heaven for good health and abundant love. I am truly grateful for this continuous support.”
Now is a magical moment. Go into a quiet space – even if it’s just for a moment. Close your eyes, and imagine that your wish has come true. Fell it with your entire being. Then, express thanks for this gift, and release it is like a helium balloon that goes straight to Heaven. If you need to take action to co-create this wish, you’ll be given strong and repetitive guidance in the form of feelings, thoughts, ideas, inner words, signs, visions, or dreams. It’s important you follow this guidance in order to bring the wish into physical form.
It’s all about the new Moon in Aries today. It is not a quiet and dreamy Moon it’s more like a royal command performance – trumpets pitched and blaring; the red carpet rolled out welcoming the host of planets to join the Lunar Lady for an astro-party.
This is an invitation to end the wallowing in the pond of procrastination. Now is the time to get out and move it; baby move it! Today feels like New Years Day – the beginning of a brand new year. Happy Astrological – Fantastical New Year!
There are six out of ten heavenly bodies (planets) in my sixth house of work and health. This means that new rituals and refresh some old ones can be done quite effortlessly. I am sure you will pay host/hostess to a troupe of Aries planets and this will give you a personal nudge to shake off the crud and move on (apologies for the crass dialogue – it’s the Arian influence!)
On the numerological front 4 April 2011 equates to: 4+4+4 = 12 = 3. This is radiant and vibrant energy to add to your wishes or a potent dynamic lifter to spread over the New Moon cradle of intentions.
The New Moon is the time to planet seeds; the energy of the number three says get out of my way I’m going to give them an incredibly powerful boost. It’s all happening folks – get out there and soak it up!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
New Moon Aries (12:32am AEST)
Sun Aries
This is a magical moment. Make a wish, and enjoy its manifestation.
Say an affirmative prayer right now, which means stating your desire as if it were already true. Thank Heaven for this reality, and feel in your heart and belly that your dream is actually a reality. For example, say, “Thank you Heaven for good health and abundant love. I am truly grateful for this continuous support.”
Now is a magical moment. Go into a quiet space – even if it’s just for a moment. Close your eyes, and imagine that your wish has come true. Fell it with your entire being. Then, express thanks for this gift, and release it is like a helium balloon that goes straight to Heaven. If you need to take action to co-create this wish, you’ll be given strong and repetitive guidance in the form of feelings, thoughts, ideas, inner words, signs, visions, or dreams. It’s important you follow this guidance in order to bring the wish into physical form.
It’s all about the new Moon in Aries today. It is not a quiet and dreamy Moon it’s more like a royal command performance – trumpets pitched and blaring; the red carpet rolled out welcoming the host of planets to join the Lunar Lady for an astro-party.
This is an invitation to end the wallowing in the pond of procrastination. Now is the time to get out and move it; baby move it! Today feels like New Years Day – the beginning of a brand new year. Happy Astrological – Fantastical New Year!
There are six out of ten heavenly bodies (planets) in my sixth house of work and health. This means that new rituals and refresh some old ones can be done quite effortlessly. I am sure you will pay host/hostess to a troupe of Aries planets and this will give you a personal nudge to shake off the crud and move on (apologies for the crass dialogue – it’s the Arian influence!)
On the numerological front 4 April 2011 equates to: 4+4+4 = 12 = 3. This is radiant and vibrant energy to add to your wishes or a potent dynamic lifter to spread over the New Moon cradle of intentions.
The New Moon is the time to planet seeds; the energy of the number three says get out of my way I’m going to give them an incredibly powerful boost. It’s all happening folks – get out there and soak it up!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, April 1, 2011
Soulmate relationship
Sunday 3 April 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Aries
New romance with a spiritual basis is here for you now.
Your desire to be in a great love relationship has manifested, and you’re being guided to create or maintain that situation right now. This relationship has a deep spiritual basis, with both partners having true faith and profound beliefs. You and your partner share similar spiritual concepts and are open-minded when it comes to learning about and implementing new practices.
This partnership flows to you naturally right now. However, if you worry about or try to force the situation to happen, you could slow the results. It’s important for you to enjoy the process leading up to our desired outcome. Dance with the movement and your manifestation has created for you. Attract your partner through your warm and relaxed demeanour, and know that Heaven is taking care of all of the details for both of you!
Wow! A Soulmate relationship – how wonderful? In my view, Soulmates come in all shapes and sizes and a variety of relationships. Sometimes it is not about the relationship it is more about the lessons or growth from this connection. Many people ask me in readings, “When will I find my Soulmate?”
This is a good question and one which I answer with diverse responses however more often than not I offer, “Have you ever felt a close connection with someone? Or do you think that your life is enhanced by meeting some person – an instant connection or a life long bond?”
These are basic indicators for Soulmates – also I am happy to go out on a limb here and say that the animal kingdom falls into this category of “Soulmates”. Why? Because the bond between humans and their familiars is enduring – this is the essence of a Soulmate relationship – borne out of the quarry of emotions and compounded by layers of love and devotion.
It’s Sunday and the Sun and Moon are in passionate and demonstrative Aries. Get out there and do your darndest to connect (or reconnect – Mercury is retrograde remember?) with someone special. Don’t be shy. Put your best foot forward. Our collective unconscious suggests that it is time to meet our Soulmate. Let’s get together and party. PS: Tomorrow the New Moon in Aries is time to plant your wishes.
The numerological cycle is at an 11/2 master number. This sequence is an opportunity for learning. Once these lessons have been integrated into our psyche and soul it is time to pass them along to others. This can be informally or a more structured educational process – it depends on the lessons and it depends on your willingness to share.
In this phase there is a fine line between spirituality and material accomplishment. At each significant milestone we are expected to reflect and consider some of the lessons learned. The Master number stage opens the portal for us to walk through and take with us all that is relevant to our journey. Don’t be afraid to set new standards for yourself. New goals and a new vision for your life are just beyond the horizon. Life is a continuum and it’s all about growth, love and fun. PS: Don’t forget the fun!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sun Aries
Moon Aries
New romance with a spiritual basis is here for you now.
Your desire to be in a great love relationship has manifested, and you’re being guided to create or maintain that situation right now. This relationship has a deep spiritual basis, with both partners having true faith and profound beliefs. You and your partner share similar spiritual concepts and are open-minded when it comes to learning about and implementing new practices.
This partnership flows to you naturally right now. However, if you worry about or try to force the situation to happen, you could slow the results. It’s important for you to enjoy the process leading up to our desired outcome. Dance with the movement and your manifestation has created for you. Attract your partner through your warm and relaxed demeanour, and know that Heaven is taking care of all of the details for both of you!
Wow! A Soulmate relationship – how wonderful? In my view, Soulmates come in all shapes and sizes and a variety of relationships. Sometimes it is not about the relationship it is more about the lessons or growth from this connection. Many people ask me in readings, “When will I find my Soulmate?”
This is a good question and one which I answer with diverse responses however more often than not I offer, “Have you ever felt a close connection with someone? Or do you think that your life is enhanced by meeting some person – an instant connection or a life long bond?”
These are basic indicators for Soulmates – also I am happy to go out on a limb here and say that the animal kingdom falls into this category of “Soulmates”. Why? Because the bond between humans and their familiars is enduring – this is the essence of a Soulmate relationship – borne out of the quarry of emotions and compounded by layers of love and devotion.
It’s Sunday and the Sun and Moon are in passionate and demonstrative Aries. Get out there and do your darndest to connect (or reconnect – Mercury is retrograde remember?) with someone special. Don’t be shy. Put your best foot forward. Our collective unconscious suggests that it is time to meet our Soulmate. Let’s get together and party. PS: Tomorrow the New Moon in Aries is time to plant your wishes.
The numerological cycle is at an 11/2 master number. This sequence is an opportunity for learning. Once these lessons have been integrated into our psyche and soul it is time to pass them along to others. This can be informally or a more structured educational process – it depends on the lessons and it depends on your willingness to share.
In this phase there is a fine line between spirituality and material accomplishment. At each significant milestone we are expected to reflect and consider some of the lessons learned. The Master number stage opens the portal for us to walk through and take with us all that is relevant to our journey. Don’t be afraid to set new standards for yourself. New goals and a new vision for your life are just beyond the horizon. Life is a continuum and it’s all about growth, love and fun. PS: Don’t forget the fun!
Love, Peace and Happyness,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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