Saturday, August 27, 2011


Sunday 28 August 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Leo

You have the power to help ad heal others.

This is an important milestone on our personal alchemy. It is a realisation marker that we all have the ability to heal others. On the other side of that, we have the ability to hurt too.

I believe that a smile or a small gift of intention such as, “thank you; you’re welcome; you are a beautiful person” can change someone’s day/life.

Some healers have documents on their wall. Others hold doctorates in the soul. It doesn’t matter where you sit on this level of experience and or recognition the important message rests with your energy of intention. The power of intention must be based purely on the premise of healing others based on love.

We have a lovely New Moon tomorrow at 1:04pm AEST, in Virgo. This lunar event is a fertile time to plant seeds (thoughts, wishes, intentions) in relation to the Virgo aspects of our lives (see: ).

Today the Moon is in flamboyant and glorious Leo – so bask in the glamorous colours of change and beauty. Why don’t you wriggle your hips in celebration? Perhaps you could do a little samba as you walk down the street. No one would mind, I’m sure.

We have the potential to change aspects of our lives this week. Last week was a hard and fast pressure cooker experience – we learned a lot about ourselves. Change is relevant to our growth; moving forward; shedding; embedded; consolidating. In a number four day it is wise to plan the next phase. Be deliberate in your change actions and you will assure of a positive outcome.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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