Friday, September 9, 2011


Saturday 10 Sep. 11

Sun Virgo
Moon Aquarius

You have a special bond with a grandparent that can never be broken.

I have a special bond with both my maternal grandparents. They are in spirit now but I am very connected to them. They lovingly guide me; watch over me and inspire me to continuously strive toward my goals. I am truly blessed.

The Sun in Virgo is a stabilising force to the airy influence of the Aquarius Moon. I adore the Moon in her 11th house of Aquarius as she resonates so exquisitely with my Gemini Moon.

This weekend is a short burst to Sydney. We are racing up the Hume Highway to catch up with family - lots of fun, hugs and smiles.

A number five day is an opportunity for changes and movement. If you’ve been in a rut then pick yourself up; twirl around and throw yourself on the ground. Get up again and look at where you’ve landed. Is a new location? Do you have a different perspective? If that is the case, take a step to the left and a jump to the right – do the pelvic thrust and wow – you are here – exactly where you are meant to be on a changeling day.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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