Thursday, September 1, 2011

Harlequin's Haven September 2011

Greetings Cosmic Cousins,

I am writing this month’s journal in the warm glow of my new Himalayan salt lamp. There are so many health benefits for this addition to my study I thought that I would share them with you: I purchased mine in August and it is absolutely awesome. I am not sure about the health benefits at this stage but what I can say is that it gives my office a warm golden glow that is enchanting.

The Sun moved into Virgo in late August. We are now in the Virgo Sun Phase. Virgo is the sixth house of our horoscope. This is the house where daily rituals, work and health are most prominent.

Virgo is an earth sign. Virgo people are usually very helpful and like order and quite often can move into perfectionism without too much effort. They are excellent participants in work projects as they like structured routines. Quite often Virgos gravitate to the healing vocations as they are very interested in diet and exercise.

Our lunar influences for September begin with a Full Moon in Pisces on 12 September, 7:26pm AEST 20 degrees Pisces. This dreamy Pisces Full Moon offers a chance to escape reality and dip your toes into the waters of imagination. The details of day to day living take a back seat as the veil between this world and the next thins. Your intuition and sixth sense hold the key to current concerns, so take time away from day-to-day responsibilities to meditate, soak in a bath or generally catch up with yourself. Venus/Mars link helps bring the pizzazz back into your life, offering the potential for more fun and love.

September 27 there is a New Moon in Libra at 9:08pm AEST. Some of the indecisiveness typical under a Libra New Moon is given the heave-ho by confident Mars, who makes a supportive sextile link to the New Moon. It’s possible to push forward with personal plans while still keeping the peace – all that’s required is a little negotiation. Mercury, also in Libra, provides diplomacy and tact, and if you’re open/willing to work with others, you dreams might be one step closer to reality. A positive Venus/Saturn link shortly after this New Moon shows that a new cycle in mature and conscious relating is possible. Boundaries can create more affection – try it and see!

The Moon is perfect for planting wishes/intentions with the Universe. Key themes for this New Moon are:

• Marriage
• Negotiation skills
• Harmony
• Teamwork
• Sociability/diplomacy
• Refinement
• Healing
• Codependecy
• Peace
• Beauty
• Art
• Decorations

As you can see this is a very civilised and elegant phase – enjoy!

September is a number nine month which offers peace, harmony and a bringing together of situations, people or information. It may not seem very comfortable in the short term, but the long-term effects of this month rid you of exhausting, time wasting and draining patterns.

This month we move into the suit of Pentacles in our tarot journey. The Ace is always the beginning of each suit. On a divinatory level, the Ace of Pentacles augurs the possibility of material achievement, because the raw energy for this kind of work is now available to the individual. Often money is made available through a legacy or some other source, coupled with the ingenuity and persistence to utilise these resources effectively.

Whale is the animal totem for September. Whale is the record keeper. Whale is very much like a swimming library. Whale medicine teaches us to use the sounds and frequencies that balance the emotional bodies and heal our physical forms.

Tap into the library of the great whale. And allow yourself to be sun to by those who have the original language. We are the only creatures who do not have our own unique cry or call. Find yours. Allow your voice to use this sound to release tension or emotion. What signals a time of finding your origins, of seeing your overall destiny coded in your DNA, and of find the sounds that will release those records. You may never be the same again.

Lady of the Beasts is the Goddess for September. She represents relationship. Lady of the Beasts walks slowly and serenely into your life to tell you it is time to focus on creating supportive and nurturing relationships. Relating to others enables you to look at parts of yourself that you don’t ordinarily see. Relationships are like the mirrors in which you can see who you are really are. Wholeness is nourished when you see who you really are, accept what you see, and strive to heal what needs to be healed.

When Virgo wears the mask of service, it can disguise a more ambitious or outgoing Sun sign. This mask gives Virgo dedication to the tasks, but it may conceal your true talents. Virgos creativity may also be blocked by more pragmatic calls on their time. We all have Virgo in our chart and more importantly in this Virgo Sun phase the Virgo energy is strong. This is why I’ve chosen Blue Tourmaline as our crystal for September 2011.

Blue Tourmaline ensures that we reach our potential, promoting taking responsibility for you as well as appropriate others. Blue Tourmaline activates the throat and third eye charkra and stimulates the urge for spiritual freedom and clarity of self-expression. This colour aids psychic awareness, promotes visions, and opens the way for service to others, encouraging fidelity, ethics, tolerance, and a love of truth. It carries the ray of peace and dissolves sadness and blocked feelings, brings them up gently to the surface to be healed and dissipated, and assists in developing an inner sense of responsibility. This stone promotes living in harmony with the environment. It is an excellent stone for healers, as it prevents negativity from sticking.

This is my recommendation for September and it sounds just about perfect for our September 2011 adventure.

Take care of you and be the best you can be!

Love and Peace,


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