Friday, July 13, 2012

Getting better all the time

Saturday 14 July 12

Sun Cancer
Moon Gemini

I keep telling myself, I can’t stay this way.  I’ve just got to get better.

It’s amazing how much control we actually have over our well-being – physical, mental and emotional.  If we want to feel ill, it doesn’t take much concentration to accomplish it.  And while it is true that we may not be able to prevent serious illness, we can take charge of our response to cancer or heart disease or arthritis if it happens to us.  This, in turn, can lessen its control over us.

We help or hinder a physical illness.  Constant focus on it exaggerates it.  The reverse is also quite true.  We diminish its power over us if we go about our lives as though we had been healed.  In not-so-rare cases, that is exactly what happens.  In all cases, we will feel considerably better.

Learning to own our power over how we feel comes quite naturally once we have tried it successfully.  Many of us grey up thinking that things just happen to us; discovering that we don’t have to accept all conditions as beyond our control is empowering.  Taking this understanding a step further and refusing to let a condition take charge of our lives changes how we perceive every aspect of every day.

The Moon moves into Gemini today.  The ruler of Gemini is Mercury.  Mercury turns retrograde from today to 8 August.  So what does that mean for us?  Well, Mercury rules the mind – thoughts, words are formulated and spoken to create actions. 

Gemini rules the third house of short journeys, siblings and of course, communication.  This shift in the movement of Mercury can therefore cause delays or confusion.  We may feel as if a cloud is perpetually rolling over our heads.  It is therefore wise to check and double check travel arrangements and keep a close eye on the petrol gauge in your car or the agenda for the next meeting.  This is a time to be mindful of all arrangements and be prepared before you respond to any dialogue.

Mercury is the trickster of the zodiac and he delights in mind games.  I know that this is not productive but it all about lessons learned and being patient and or strategic in our problem-solving.

As I mentioned earlier Mercury rules the mind.  Our subject today is mind over matter.  I would suggest that you are considered in your thinking or decision making process.  What we think we create.

There is a New Moon this week (see: and is regarded as a fertile phase for planting seeds of intention.  Then it is up to us to maintain a proactive and robust relationship with those intentions to ensure that the seeds of today are the healthy crop of the future.

Have a great week!

Remember:  I have the power over how I feel today. What I do with it is up to me.

Love and Peace,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Friday, September 16, 2011

Very soon

Saturday 17 September 2011

Sun Virgo

Moon Taurus

What you’re asking for will happen soon in a happy way.

Well, this morning I am about to get on a Qantas jet and fly to UK and Europe for my long awaited holiday. My husband and I have planned this adventure for such a long time but it about to happen – very soon!

My excitement is overflowing as I think about all of the amazing milestones I want to share with you – very soon.

The Taurus Moon is patient, wise and deliberate. Have we packed enough? Too much? Not enough? Well, too late - as my case is closed and standing near the door ready for our exit this morning.

A number three day is a short journeys day – for some people perhaps – well I guess you can say that the trip to the airport will be relatively short. For us, it will be on to Sydney and then… you will have to read my next column to find out.

I’m sure that you’ve realised that this is a magical mystery tour – step right this way. You’ll find where and when – very soon!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Thursday, September 15, 2011

It’s okay to be different

Friday 16 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Taurus

You don’t need to be like everyone else. You are perfect just the way you are!

This morning I was woken up around 2:30am to 20 – 30 with my house shuddering. Apparently a chemical factory in a near-by suburb caught fire and lots of chemicals reacted and exploded. There is black smoke spilling over my morning sky – I think that there is a touch of chaos in the wind.

The Sun and Moon are in earth signs. The Sun in Virgo and the Moon is now in Taurus. These grounded elements will keep us focused and practical in our solutions to navigate the chaos of my community.

Taurus is ruled by planet of love and plenty, Venus. So it might be nice to threat yourself to something lovely.

Did you all feel the gush of love from Venus and Jupiter yesterday? Did you going around kissing everything in sight? I’m sure you didn’t happen however this connect was certainly very magical.

A number two day is filled with cooperation and harmony so be nice to one another out there guys!

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Thursday 15 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aries

You’ll only know that you can do something if you try!

I suppose that this card should have presented before “practice”. Conversely, if we are determined to grow and stretch ourselves then try something new. Once you are competent then step up – turn right and move to a new adventure.

A 10/1 day is a perfect indicator for endings and beginnings. The number one energy is encouraging for new starts and trying something new.

The Aries Moon is fading as we come to the end of another working week. She is still impetuous and proud – ready to take on new challenges or adventures. I’m up for it; what about you?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers


Wednesday 14 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aries

The best way to be good at a skill is to practice; practice; practice until you get it right.

I think that as we get older we seem to loose confidence or we become little resistant to trying something new. I’ve even found that I get a little stuck in my comfort zone, daily rituals or standard operating procedures.

Fortunately, my Gemini Moon nudges me out into the “unknown” the curious zone of “what if?” Then I move to a new space and push myself beyond my limits. In do this I become conscious competent – and this is only achieved by lots and lots of practice.

The Aires Moon highlights the boldness in our character. Hello in there! Is there a little adventure on the horizon? I’m sure that there is – come out; come out; wherever you are – you rascally little rascal.

A number nine day is perfect for counting your achievements – if you are not happy with your status then practice; practice; practice.

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Tuesday 13 September 2011

Sun Virgo
Moon Aries

Draw, paint, think and act in creative ways.

We all have the potential to be creative. It is a part of our DNA. To be honest if I could place in this strand of my DNA all day I would be one happy girl.

A number eight day reminds us that balance is the key to a successful life. So if you’ve been working too hard then get out and paint, play or sing your day away.

Last night the Full Moon climaxed in the mystical sign of Pisces; today we start with a fresh perspective. It is the official beginning to the astrological sign with an Aries Moon leading the way. WE can all rejoice with a fresh start for the soul. How about a new creative adventure?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

Monday, September 12, 2011

You’ll know in the morning

Monday 12 Sep. 11

Sun Virgo
Full Moon Pisces

When you wake up, you’ll have a better idea about what to do. Relax until then.

Sometimes at the end of the day when making a decision seems difficult I send a request to my guides and angels and ask them to give me the answer in the morning. The answer comes to me when I wake or as I am going about my day. If we give our concerns, problems or difficult decisions over to spirit they always come though with the appropriate response or direction. It is up to us to be aware and follow the breadcrumbs.

The full Moon is a time of conclusion – resolution – it is a lunar milestone for releasing what is not working for you. Stop swimming against the tide – if it is too hard then let it go. If it is snug and feels right then hold on tight.

Monday is a Moon-day and it is always difficult to get back to work and make a difference. Although the Sun is in Virgo right now and this solar phase will give us a tiny shunt of dedication – get up and get into it!

A number seven day supports your desire to seek the spiritual aspects for your life. There is so much more to us than the tangible or physical. There are deep mysterious to be explored and magical adventures to discover – perhaps we will meet each other out there on the rim of our collective imagination?

Love, Peace and Harmony,

Julia Ashton-Sayers