I let go of all thoughts of hurry and control. I allow the perfect divine plan for my life to unfold in its perfect way. I accept that my life is part of something much greater, and I trust timing and direction.
The Moon is in Gemini and she links quite nicely to Mercury in Sagittarius. They are compatible elements. Gemini is airy and Sagittarius is the fire. Ideas, concepts and suggestions are easily discussed and negotiations can be beneficial for all parties concerned.
My subconscious reveals a story of acceptance, reflection/perception and innovation. Where to from here is the common thread. I know I planted those seeds somewhere but what they look like and what will the crop yield. Only time will tell – I should imagine.
We are on the eve of the full moon in Gemini. This phase is to resolve or conclude any outstanding issues or ineffective behaviours. It is a time of endings. It is okay to ask for help. Because as we close one door we can get our fingers caught. So get all the facts before slamming the door shut.
In that view, I approach life with full awareness and an open heart. When I am attentive and open to life, I allow for new understandings in every moment.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, November 30, 2009
Soul elixir
I acknowledge that everything that happens to me or my loved ones is to help us grow. There is nothing that happens that I am not strong enough to handle. I know this to be true for my loved ones also.
An insightful number seven day is the perfect day to reach into the tiny crevices of our soul and remove any resentment or anger that may still exist. Allow the energy of the seven to look inside and question, “is this really working for me? If the answer is no then prepare to excise the abscess. Drain the wound of negativity and let the healing begin.
You know those words, slights, objects of disrespect that linger after an encounter? Well they erode our self esteem and rob us of future happiness. Our job is to wear Teflon coating so that none of them stick. It’s the only way – really!
The Taurean moon is calm, practical and grounded in reality. If you’ve done you best then that is good enough – isn’t it? Let the seeds of inspiration take root in a fresh and fertile playing field. I am sure that you’ve endured an enough manure to make a fine crop blossom in the meadow.
The Star collaborates with the heavens to instigate the lightness of heart and facilitate a new era. The Sun gives life surging energy to the new plantation. The Wheel of Fortune spins in a new direction – by Jove – prepare for a period of good fortune – everyone deserves abundance now and again.
I remain attentive about life. When I am attentive about life, I can act on every opportunity.
Mercury and Chiron hold hands and in this demonstration of collaboration we benefit with the knowledge that all is good and we are doing fine.
Let the soul elixir flood into your life and heal the wounds of the past then tip the urn out into humanity.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
An insightful number seven day is the perfect day to reach into the tiny crevices of our soul and remove any resentment or anger that may still exist. Allow the energy of the seven to look inside and question, “is this really working for me? If the answer is no then prepare to excise the abscess. Drain the wound of negativity and let the healing begin.
You know those words, slights, objects of disrespect that linger after an encounter? Well they erode our self esteem and rob us of future happiness. Our job is to wear Teflon coating so that none of them stick. It’s the only way – really!
The Taurean moon is calm, practical and grounded in reality. If you’ve done you best then that is good enough – isn’t it? Let the seeds of inspiration take root in a fresh and fertile playing field. I am sure that you’ve endured an enough manure to make a fine crop blossom in the meadow.
The Star collaborates with the heavens to instigate the lightness of heart and facilitate a new era. The Sun gives life surging energy to the new plantation. The Wheel of Fortune spins in a new direction – by Jove – prepare for a period of good fortune – everyone deserves abundance now and again.
I remain attentive about life. When I am attentive about life, I can act on every opportunity.
Mercury and Chiron hold hands and in this demonstration of collaboration we benefit with the knowledge that all is good and we are doing fine.
Let the soul elixir flood into your life and heal the wounds of the past then tip the urn out into humanity.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Live for tomorrow today!
I now allow the past to be the past. I accept credit for many things I have achieved, knowingly and unknowingly. I accept the wisdom of the lessons I have learned. I did the best I could at the time, and understand that this is true for everyone else.
The Moon in Pisces continues to bring a gentleness and romantic vibe to the air. The Sag Sun is forever foraging ahead – the pioneer and the archer in pursuit of truth and freedom.
It’s a number three day – a time when the potential is rife for communication and short journeys.
The Tower commands – expect the unexpected. Lightning bolts to the foundation of your existence are being challenges – change is on the horizon.
The Hierophant is Chiron – the wounded part of us – tainted by the slights of others he hides in his cave – pulling at the poison arrow and allowing the wound to heal with love and gentleness.
Temperance is the rational and philosophical aspect of our consciousness – rise above adversity with eyes focussed on the future and a knowing shrug. You may crush me in the short term but that won’t destroy my spirit. I’m here for the long term and this moment in time represents a tiny pebble in my shoe.
I stand strong in my personal power. When the upsurgeance from within becomes the blustering wind there is nothing beyond my reach.
I am a Goddess labouring over the new. Gaia is my mother and I bring the babe into the world with one more push. Life seems unfair at times. Perhaps a blemished point of view - the now is what we make it – perspective shift and change with the tides of our discontent.
The optimist and the pessimist struggle over a glass half full (half empty too). The sky is grey and cloudy but I can only see the rainbow in the distance. Misery breeds contempt and discontent in equal portions apathy is the undesired outcome. And apathy breeds resentment. Is that anyway to live? If it doesn’t fit move on after all everyone is entitled to happiness.
The work day beckons and I am inclined to escape into my magical realm while skipping along the yellow brick road with my friends. Part of being an adult is to face the truth and don’t regret one step your make in pursuit of a positive tomorrow. Live for today.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon in Pisces continues to bring a gentleness and romantic vibe to the air. The Sag Sun is forever foraging ahead – the pioneer and the archer in pursuit of truth and freedom.
It’s a number three day – a time when the potential is rife for communication and short journeys.
The Tower commands – expect the unexpected. Lightning bolts to the foundation of your existence are being challenges – change is on the horizon.
The Hierophant is Chiron – the wounded part of us – tainted by the slights of others he hides in his cave – pulling at the poison arrow and allowing the wound to heal with love and gentleness.
Temperance is the rational and philosophical aspect of our consciousness – rise above adversity with eyes focussed on the future and a knowing shrug. You may crush me in the short term but that won’t destroy my spirit. I’m here for the long term and this moment in time represents a tiny pebble in my shoe.
I stand strong in my personal power. When the upsurgeance from within becomes the blustering wind there is nothing beyond my reach.
I am a Goddess labouring over the new. Gaia is my mother and I bring the babe into the world with one more push. Life seems unfair at times. Perhaps a blemished point of view - the now is what we make it – perspective shift and change with the tides of our discontent.
The optimist and the pessimist struggle over a glass half full (half empty too). The sky is grey and cloudy but I can only see the rainbow in the distance. Misery breeds contempt and discontent in equal portions apathy is the undesired outcome. And apathy breeds resentment. Is that anyway to live? If it doesn’t fit move on after all everyone is entitled to happiness.
The work day beckons and I am inclined to escape into my magical realm while skipping along the yellow brick road with my friends. Part of being an adult is to face the truth and don’t regret one step your make in pursuit of a positive tomorrow. Live for today.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Success in all its glory!
Everyday I expand my awareness of life and self. Everyday great opportunities for spiritual and material riches come to me. Everyday greater love is mine
The moon moves into pragmatic Taurus today. It’s a number six day – prime time to commit and take responsibility for your actions. It’s also a much more civilised day after the fire storm of yesterday.
Yesterday I watched my husband and son take down a carport in the searing heat. I was melting inside the house trying to keep my two grandsons entertained. The heat was horrendous and my mother’s house was like an oven. And so it was a very uncomfortable day for everyone.
After the hot and exhausting work we went to Roger’s daughter’s 40th birthday celebration. It was a mild night and we felt a slight reprieve. This morning we are both a little sluggish. Unfortunately, we are off to another family gathering before driving back to ACT this afternoon.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m only groaning because my body is weary and I am sure that my gorgeous husband must be exhausted.
The party went well. It was a lovely night. I feel that everyone had a good time. I met some lovely people = extended family and friends and relatives of my step-daughter. I got up and danced and thoroughly enjoyed the night. It was fun.
I guess I’ve never been a party person. I prefer intimate gatherings where people meet, talk get to know one another decided whether they want to keep the connection alive or not. Even so it seems that parties or family gatherings are a great way to catch up with a mass of people at once.
The Sun shines brightly in my reading this morning. Apollo offers music and the banquet of life.
The Hierophant errs on the side of caution. His wise soul nourishes our damaged hearts. Love and gentles beam from his temple of healing. As we stand in his direction we, to can be gratified by the enormity of his healing potential.
Judgements sound the alarm bell. It’s time to release, renew and be reborn. Shed the old and unwanted – why are you holding on to such crap, anyway?
One more card – a ring in – a gentle kiss on a summer breeze – Temperance reminds me of the philosopher within. We carry our hearts on our sleeves and when they are damaged we wonder why. It’s a lovely day and there is no time to dwell just rise above the mire and keep hearts strong.
In our search for success and money we often loose sight of happiness. Pure, poignant and purposeful happiness is the ultimate benchmark of success. Don’t you think?
True success is progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The moon moves into pragmatic Taurus today. It’s a number six day – prime time to commit and take responsibility for your actions. It’s also a much more civilised day after the fire storm of yesterday.
Yesterday I watched my husband and son take down a carport in the searing heat. I was melting inside the house trying to keep my two grandsons entertained. The heat was horrendous and my mother’s house was like an oven. And so it was a very uncomfortable day for everyone.
After the hot and exhausting work we went to Roger’s daughter’s 40th birthday celebration. It was a mild night and we felt a slight reprieve. This morning we are both a little sluggish. Unfortunately, we are off to another family gathering before driving back to ACT this afternoon.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m only groaning because my body is weary and I am sure that my gorgeous husband must be exhausted.
The party went well. It was a lovely night. I feel that everyone had a good time. I met some lovely people = extended family and friends and relatives of my step-daughter. I got up and danced and thoroughly enjoyed the night. It was fun.
I guess I’ve never been a party person. I prefer intimate gatherings where people meet, talk get to know one another decided whether they want to keep the connection alive or not. Even so it seems that parties or family gatherings are a great way to catch up with a mass of people at once.
The Sun shines brightly in my reading this morning. Apollo offers music and the banquet of life.
The Hierophant errs on the side of caution. His wise soul nourishes our damaged hearts. Love and gentles beam from his temple of healing. As we stand in his direction we, to can be gratified by the enormity of his healing potential.
Judgements sound the alarm bell. It’s time to release, renew and be reborn. Shed the old and unwanted – why are you holding on to such crap, anyway?
One more card – a ring in – a gentle kiss on a summer breeze – Temperance reminds me of the philosopher within. We carry our hearts on our sleeves and when they are damaged we wonder why. It’s a lovely day and there is no time to dwell just rise above the mire and keep hearts strong.
In our search for success and money we often loose sight of happiness. Pure, poignant and purposeful happiness is the ultimate benchmark of success. Don’t you think?
True success is progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Neptunian magic
I now forgive everyone, past and present, for every mistake they have ever made! I see them free of all blame and condemnation. We are all now free to walk forward and claim our rich good!
It’s an 11/2 which equates to a public and personal profile. There is something brewing which encourages stepping up and claiming our rights for what we believe in. While this may not be a memorable speech on the steps of the White House it can be rather significant in the signpost of our own lives.
The Moon in Pisces adds a little Neptunian magic to the day. Pisces have had to carry Uranus over the past few years. This has been a rather heavy pay load of lightning bolts out of the blue and some challenges to face. They can now expect a little reprieve as Uranus makes his move into Aries in 2010.
Venus is still a major influence today as she smooches up to Chiron. It’s a day where forgiveness and healing are an opening the door to emancipation.
My morning reading affirms this alignment with the 3 H’s of the tarot – Hierophant, Hermit and High Priestess. Strength has crept in for a reminder that I have the inner strength to overcome adversity.
In a nutshell these 3 H’s represent: healing, cautious and calculating moves through my daily work and finally acknowledging my intuition. In short these three major arcana cards facilitate the interplay between where I am now and where I want to be in the short term.
I am happy where I am right now. However this joy has a dark cloud hovering. A return to the old order is looming and I am wary of my next move. Whatever the outcome I am confident I will arrive in my perfect destination. It’s just that the burden of fear becomes a heavy yoke.
I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires. When I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires, how it happens and when it happens doesn’t matter. I suppose it is the fragility of now that pushes me off balance. Keeping my focus on the prize will ensure I don’t falter.
Live your truth and savour your desires. Swaddle yourself in the Neptunian magic of the day!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
It’s an 11/2 which equates to a public and personal profile. There is something brewing which encourages stepping up and claiming our rights for what we believe in. While this may not be a memorable speech on the steps of the White House it can be rather significant in the signpost of our own lives.
The Moon in Pisces adds a little Neptunian magic to the day. Pisces have had to carry Uranus over the past few years. This has been a rather heavy pay load of lightning bolts out of the blue and some challenges to face. They can now expect a little reprieve as Uranus makes his move into Aries in 2010.
Venus is still a major influence today as she smooches up to Chiron. It’s a day where forgiveness and healing are an opening the door to emancipation.
My morning reading affirms this alignment with the 3 H’s of the tarot – Hierophant, Hermit and High Priestess. Strength has crept in for a reminder that I have the inner strength to overcome adversity.
In a nutshell these 3 H’s represent: healing, cautious and calculating moves through my daily work and finally acknowledging my intuition. In short these three major arcana cards facilitate the interplay between where I am now and where I want to be in the short term.
I am happy where I am right now. However this joy has a dark cloud hovering. A return to the old order is looming and I am wary of my next move. Whatever the outcome I am confident I will arrive in my perfect destination. It’s just that the burden of fear becomes a heavy yoke.
I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires. When I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires, how it happens and when it happens doesn’t matter. I suppose it is the fragility of now that pushes me off balance. Keeping my focus on the prize will ensure I don’t falter.
Live your truth and savour your desires. Swaddle yourself in the Neptunian magic of the day!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, November 23, 2009
Stake your claim!
I now forgive everyone, past and present for every mistake they have ever made! I see them free of all blame and condemnation. We are all now free to walk toward and claim our rich good!
The 10/1 day influences endings and beginnings. The Moon in Aquarius chants “let the sun shine in!”
The Fool chimes in “what past?” Let’s forget about the hurt and disappointment – those negative emotions are left behind in the cave of my yester-year!
The Sun promises golden rays of support and unrelenting optimism. Cherubs dance in garlands of blossom while celestial lullabies enchant us into a state of bliss.
The Hermit is much more grounded and following the past of least resistance. The path may fall beneath his feet and yet his focus is strong and deliberate pounding the pebbles toward his salvation.
Temperance is balanced precariously above the chaos of my emotional realm – seek the balance of heart and mind over the discontent of reality. Life is to be lived one sumptuous moment at a time. Don’t take a millisecond for granted.
All that happens is not necessarily about you – sometimes it is the result of the discards of others point of view. Love heals fear and we are not the instigator of another person’s reality – just a bystander or a target caught in the body-line of the flotsam.
A new chapter is coming. It is difficult to emerge unscathed and ready to face a new day with a heavy heart. A fresh dimension is poised and the reflection reveals a glimmer of hope. Change is the only certainty as we building our dreams upon the shifting quick sand of our daily lives.
Sometimes it is a light and merry dance to avoid sinking into oblivion. Other times I can’t see above the rim or rise above the grime I’ve landed in. A smile, a twinkle in my eye reveals that life is good and we need to be gracious. Our fate is not determined by the snarl of others instead choose a nugget of gold rather than the tainted pebble of the ungracious.
My outlook is unlimited. When I refuse to limit my outlook on life to what could happen, I open up to what can happen.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The 10/1 day influences endings and beginnings. The Moon in Aquarius chants “let the sun shine in!”
The Fool chimes in “what past?” Let’s forget about the hurt and disappointment – those negative emotions are left behind in the cave of my yester-year!
The Sun promises golden rays of support and unrelenting optimism. Cherubs dance in garlands of blossom while celestial lullabies enchant us into a state of bliss.
The Hermit is much more grounded and following the past of least resistance. The path may fall beneath his feet and yet his focus is strong and deliberate pounding the pebbles toward his salvation.
Temperance is balanced precariously above the chaos of my emotional realm – seek the balance of heart and mind over the discontent of reality. Life is to be lived one sumptuous moment at a time. Don’t take a millisecond for granted.
All that happens is not necessarily about you – sometimes it is the result of the discards of others point of view. Love heals fear and we are not the instigator of another person’s reality – just a bystander or a target caught in the body-line of the flotsam.
A new chapter is coming. It is difficult to emerge unscathed and ready to face a new day with a heavy heart. A fresh dimension is poised and the reflection reveals a glimmer of hope. Change is the only certainty as we building our dreams upon the shifting quick sand of our daily lives.
Sometimes it is a light and merry dance to avoid sinking into oblivion. Other times I can’t see above the rim or rise above the grime I’ve landed in. A smile, a twinkle in my eye reveals that life is good and we need to be gracious. Our fate is not determined by the snarl of others instead choose a nugget of gold rather than the tainted pebble of the ungracious.
My outlook is unlimited. When I refuse to limit my outlook on life to what could happen, I open up to what can happen.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Bring on the love
I now forgive myself for every mistake I have ever made, knowingly and unknowingly! I did the best I could at that time.
Today, I set myself free from all blame and condemnation, and walk forward ready to give and receive whatever enriches life.
Venus and Jupiter are positive forces in our lives, right? Well, yes of course! As a self-confessed hedonist I would rather face a week of Venus and Jupiter that the continual hurdy-gurdy of Saturn and Pluto. Venus and Jupiter are prominent today as I said. But is a good thing? Sure, why not?
And now for the forehead slap. Yes, this alignment is good but (why is there always a but?) in moderation or balance. We can be tempted this week to combat the tough astro alignment from last week with a little retail therapy, closely followed up with martinis on the deck and fruit flans with loads of cream.
Yes this week over-indulgence is the warning. Consider balance in all things. I don’t want to be a fly in your emotional ointment as I am a mere mortal struggling with the deluge cosmic dealings impacting on our daily lives. However, we need to be aware that every calorie we eat and every dollar we spend will have repercussions in the end. So, enjoy the energy of this magnificent alignment and allow yourself some joy and fun splashing around in the celestial swimming pool.
Death represents the closing of the door. An old friend has left town or an ending to a situation that wasn’t really working for us anyhow.
The Star is luminous and magnetic as she motivates me to rise from my knees and take my place on the stage of hope and restitution. I am given some solace on a dark and dismal night.
The High Priestess reminds me of the struggle, the exodus from Hades and how this journey has taken its toll.
The Wheel of Fortune reflects the glow of the Jupiterian beam. There’s more where that came from Sweetie! Don’t be fooled that the ride is over – you’re only shunted into the holding bay for a short term. Don’t give up on the ticket. The ride is current and the engines are thumping in anticipation.
Keep the faith – the glow of the Sagittarian Sun beams optimism and good fortune our way. So be it!
It’s a number nine day which facilitates empowerment and resolution. Take the high road and not the low road and you reach success afore ye! Remember, in itself money is not the root of all evil. I recognise the value of money when I learn not to confuse true wealth with the symbols of wealth.
Enjoy your day!
So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Today, I set myself free from all blame and condemnation, and walk forward ready to give and receive whatever enriches life.
Venus and Jupiter are positive forces in our lives, right? Well, yes of course! As a self-confessed hedonist I would rather face a week of Venus and Jupiter that the continual hurdy-gurdy of Saturn and Pluto. Venus and Jupiter are prominent today as I said. But is a good thing? Sure, why not?
And now for the forehead slap. Yes, this alignment is good but (why is there always a but?) in moderation or balance. We can be tempted this week to combat the tough astro alignment from last week with a little retail therapy, closely followed up with martinis on the deck and fruit flans with loads of cream.
Yes this week over-indulgence is the warning. Consider balance in all things. I don’t want to be a fly in your emotional ointment as I am a mere mortal struggling with the deluge cosmic dealings impacting on our daily lives. However, we need to be aware that every calorie we eat and every dollar we spend will have repercussions in the end. So, enjoy the energy of this magnificent alignment and allow yourself some joy and fun splashing around in the celestial swimming pool.
Death represents the closing of the door. An old friend has left town or an ending to a situation that wasn’t really working for us anyhow.
The Star is luminous and magnetic as she motivates me to rise from my knees and take my place on the stage of hope and restitution. I am given some solace on a dark and dismal night.
The High Priestess reminds me of the struggle, the exodus from Hades and how this journey has taken its toll.
The Wheel of Fortune reflects the glow of the Jupiterian beam. There’s more where that came from Sweetie! Don’t be fooled that the ride is over – you’re only shunted into the holding bay for a short term. Don’t give up on the ticket. The ride is current and the engines are thumping in anticipation.
Keep the faith – the glow of the Sagittarian Sun beams optimism and good fortune our way. So be it!
It’s a number nine day which facilitates empowerment and resolution. Take the high road and not the low road and you reach success afore ye! Remember, in itself money is not the root of all evil. I recognise the value of money when I learn not to confuse true wealth with the symbols of wealth.
Enjoy your day!
So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My client/customer/patient base now increases rapidly expanding degrees. We are able to help clients/customers/patients in the best possible way and are rewarded with ever-increasing sales/business.
Some mornings are better than others, aren’t they? Each morning as I wake and reach for my journal I consider the day ahead. Today I smiled. I am confident that it is going to be a good day.
The Sun moves out of Scorpio today (deep, intense and passionate) into Sagittarius (philosophical exploring and optimism). The Moon compliments this transition into the Aquarian realm. Aquarius rules the eleventh house of the zodiac and it is the residence of friends, associations and computerisation. So, there could be a lot of cyber chatter today. Mostly I feel buoyant when the Moon visits this sign. I suppose it compliments my Gemini Moon nicely?
Yesterday I gave myself a gift. I had a professional astrological reading with Kelly Surtees. It was an amazing and rewarding professional conversation. Kelly gave me predictions for the future and affirmed transits which have influenced my emotions and behaviours over the past few years. More importantly my dreams have the potential I’ve desired for so long so I will keep walking in the direction of my visions.
It felt like a hole punch in my ticket to ride on my fantasy excursion. I am not naive in that I expect my dreams to manifest without effort and endurance but at lease I now know that the cosmos and my inherent planets and alignments with support of those inner drives and ethereal messages will deliver – loud and clear.
Yes, I too am an astrologer. I am able to interpret a chart and give a reading – for someone else. It doesn’t work for me when I read my own chart. The readings/interpretations seem to be fraught with embellishments of influential outcomes. I believe we need to consult with another for clarity and confirmation. And so a professional consultation is a great investment for our future. It is a wonderful meaningful gift you can give to yourself. I highly recommend it.
Another gift that we can give ourselves is our friends. Last night we enjoyed a fab night with two of my very best friends. We ate a good healthy feast and talked, planned, shared and laughed our way through the evening. We are truly blessed to have friends in our lives.
I am grateful for all that I have in life. I am instantly abundant when I show thanks for what I have.
I am thankful that I have you in my life!
Have a totally awesome day!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Some mornings are better than others, aren’t they? Each morning as I wake and reach for my journal I consider the day ahead. Today I smiled. I am confident that it is going to be a good day.
The Sun moves out of Scorpio today (deep, intense and passionate) into Sagittarius (philosophical exploring and optimism). The Moon compliments this transition into the Aquarian realm. Aquarius rules the eleventh house of the zodiac and it is the residence of friends, associations and computerisation. So, there could be a lot of cyber chatter today. Mostly I feel buoyant when the Moon visits this sign. I suppose it compliments my Gemini Moon nicely?
Yesterday I gave myself a gift. I had a professional astrological reading with Kelly Surtees. It was an amazing and rewarding professional conversation. Kelly gave me predictions for the future and affirmed transits which have influenced my emotions and behaviours over the past few years. More importantly my dreams have the potential I’ve desired for so long so I will keep walking in the direction of my visions.
It felt like a hole punch in my ticket to ride on my fantasy excursion. I am not naive in that I expect my dreams to manifest without effort and endurance but at lease I now know that the cosmos and my inherent planets and alignments with support of those inner drives and ethereal messages will deliver – loud and clear.
Yes, I too am an astrologer. I am able to interpret a chart and give a reading – for someone else. It doesn’t work for me when I read my own chart. The readings/interpretations seem to be fraught with embellishments of influential outcomes. I believe we need to consult with another for clarity and confirmation. And so a professional consultation is a great investment for our future. It is a wonderful meaningful gift you can give to yourself. I highly recommend it.
Another gift that we can give ourselves is our friends. Last night we enjoyed a fab night with two of my very best friends. We ate a good healthy feast and talked, planned, shared and laughed our way through the evening. We are truly blessed to have friends in our lives.
I am grateful for all that I have in life. I am instantly abundant when I show thanks for what I have.
I am thankful that I have you in my life!
Have a totally awesome day!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, November 20, 2009
Greater good
I allow every person/condition whose time it is to leave this business/career path, to leave. I am grateful for everything I have learned, and for every contribution this person has made. I now open wholeheartedly to the greater good that is entering my life.
I allow every person/condition whose time it is to leave this business, to leave. I am grateful for everything I have learned, and for every contribution this person/s has/have made. I now open wholeheartedly to the greater good that is entering my life. So Be It!
The Moon rests in Capricorn again today. And the focus is on goals, business, career, money and most practical aspects of our lives. It’s Saturday and the domestics are high on the agenda. I have a list and I am witling it away one job at a time (so Cappy!).
It’s a number seven day – reflection and the inner realm are beckoning. My head says career/business and my heart says creativity/self expression. Whereas my house is calling, “make me nice so we can bask in the glory of a clean house!” Oh! The inner battles continue.
I’m not sure about you but this week has been rather challenging for me. It’s not that there have been arguments our outer conflicts instead the inner frustrations have been raw. That was then and this is now – a new day; a new way!
Death is the changer – the first card suggests the end of the older order. A chapter closes with a hook. A new chapter must be written.
The Hermit carefully steps around the broken pieces of my disappointment. The path will be illuminated if I release my fear.
The Hierophant represents the wise chamber within us all. WE’ve all been to the Akashic records and know the conclusion to this fairy tale. Live for today and don’t fret – it will get better as soon as you forget the endings are painful and the beginnings are healing.
Empress is my solar beam – bright and bountiful. She is the harbinger of new growth – a different point of view.
I am not afraid to move forward in a new direction. I am not unwilling to try and exercise a different part of me. My reluctances dwells in the aspiration of my memory card. Is it for the greater good or ego that propels me forth? Am I seeking accolades or satisfaction in my destiny?
A cornucopia hovers on my horizon. When we focus on the benefit for all; the horn of plenty flows for everyone. In the interim, I recognise true success. True success is the progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy and share it with others.
Bask in the glory of my success – soak up the joy from my spirit. The battle is over – celebrations begin!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
I allow every person/condition whose time it is to leave this business, to leave. I am grateful for everything I have learned, and for every contribution this person/s has/have made. I now open wholeheartedly to the greater good that is entering my life. So Be It!
The Moon rests in Capricorn again today. And the focus is on goals, business, career, money and most practical aspects of our lives. It’s Saturday and the domestics are high on the agenda. I have a list and I am witling it away one job at a time (so Cappy!).
It’s a number seven day – reflection and the inner realm are beckoning. My head says career/business and my heart says creativity/self expression. Whereas my house is calling, “make me nice so we can bask in the glory of a clean house!” Oh! The inner battles continue.
I’m not sure about you but this week has been rather challenging for me. It’s not that there have been arguments our outer conflicts instead the inner frustrations have been raw. That was then and this is now – a new day; a new way!
Death is the changer – the first card suggests the end of the older order. A chapter closes with a hook. A new chapter must be written.
The Hermit carefully steps around the broken pieces of my disappointment. The path will be illuminated if I release my fear.
The Hierophant represents the wise chamber within us all. WE’ve all been to the Akashic records and know the conclusion to this fairy tale. Live for today and don’t fret – it will get better as soon as you forget the endings are painful and the beginnings are healing.
Empress is my solar beam – bright and bountiful. She is the harbinger of new growth – a different point of view.
I am not afraid to move forward in a new direction. I am not unwilling to try and exercise a different part of me. My reluctances dwells in the aspiration of my memory card. Is it for the greater good or ego that propels me forth? Am I seeking accolades or satisfaction in my destiny?
A cornucopia hovers on my horizon. When we focus on the benefit for all; the horn of plenty flows for everyone. In the interim, I recognise true success. True success is the progressive expansion of happiness. It is the ability to express spontaneous joy and share it with others.
Bask in the glory of my success – soak up the joy from my spirit. The battle is over – celebrations begin!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Power plays
This business expands at the right way at the right time. It continually grows and strengthens in ways that are beneficial to its total success.
David Bowie’s song, “Under pressure” has been pumping through my head during this week. Each day I’ve felt the force of Pluto-v-Saturn as they wrestle in the skies. Today the Moon in Capricorn aligns with the two big brutes. So, it feels like tag-team wresting – winner takes all.
Capricorn features prominently in my lunar return. Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th house and my north node in Capricorn the 9th so a transformation is a comin’! They are two areas of change for me personally. But were does Capricorn hold the chalice of opportunity to change, for you?
The Moon in goal-oriented Capricorn impacts on all of us. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is in Libra at the moment highlighting relationships and partnerships. So you can see a common theme here? Draw the dots to make your own picture.
Power plays and resistance are key themes; although, I am inclined to predict that David Bowie’s song has been surpassed by a compilation of Power Ballads. Meet your at the turn table of changes.
In the meantime, protect your inner life from the opinions of others. Allow yourself to dream. In order to create good luck in my life, it’s often best to keep silent about my innermost dreams and intentions. I simply let my vision unfold naturally.
So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
David Bowie’s song, “Under pressure” has been pumping through my head during this week. Each day I’ve felt the force of Pluto-v-Saturn as they wrestle in the skies. Today the Moon in Capricorn aligns with the two big brutes. So, it feels like tag-team wresting – winner takes all.
Capricorn features prominently in my lunar return. Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th house and my north node in Capricorn the 9th so a transformation is a comin’! They are two areas of change for me personally. But were does Capricorn hold the chalice of opportunity to change, for you?
The Moon in goal-oriented Capricorn impacts on all of us. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Saturn is in Libra at the moment highlighting relationships and partnerships. So you can see a common theme here? Draw the dots to make your own picture.
Power plays and resistance are key themes; although, I am inclined to predict that David Bowie’s song has been surpassed by a compilation of Power Ballads. Meet your at the turn table of changes.
In the meantime, protect your inner life from the opinions of others. Allow yourself to dream. In order to create good luck in my life, it’s often best to keep silent about my innermost dreams and intentions. I simply let my vision unfold naturally.
So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Diana Gabaldon – the adventure continues
This business attracts the best staff, customers/clients/patients, and products. This business gives the best service, and is a great success for everyone involved.
Last night I attended a book launch and literary evening with Diana Gabaldon. This creative woman is a beacon of inspiration for me. She was generous and effervescent, kind and thought. Her presence was luminous. She is an exquisite and diminutive woman. She patiently signed hundreds of books and had numerous photographs taken with her readers.
Her writing is skilful as she cleverly entwines her enchanting characters through fantasy and romance. To be honest I am not a huge fan of the fantasy genre but Ms. Gabaldon has me captivated. I think it is the realism of the plots that captures my imagination and devotion.
The story of Claire and Jamie continue with her new novel, “An Echo in the Bone”. I felt so honoured to be in the same room soaking up her magnificent aura. I can’t wait to start my book. Thank you Diana!
It’s a number five day – change is on the horizon. The Moon and Uranus influence this electrical force field. It’s a day of possibilities and unstable forces swirling around our comfort zone. The waves have appeared on the pond. The wind ushers them from ripples to tsunami in minutes. The force of the wall of water has been building for some time. Don’t forget your life jacket as you step out into the world.
The tide is turning. Saturn and Pluto have been squaring up all week. Old reforms and structures are eroded. The cosmos continues grinding away at the foundations of our existence. Be careful you don’t get caught on the bridge as it crumbles.
I deplore that I wish I didn’t care. I guess that will never happen. Pushing the dingy out from the shore I’m adrift in the bay. Gaia promises a new bairn after hours of excruciating labour. The Fool offers a chalice filled with hope as I venture out from the cave today. The star has nothing to loose – she will sparkle anyway. Death creeps in and says its time to release the woes of another day.
Life can be filled with discontent especially when we are lost at sea. All we can do is to refuse to succumb to doubt and keep our hand on the tiller as we navigate the rocky outcrops of the coast.
Time heals all wounds wise men profess – bring the healing to me as I prepare for another voyage into the unknown.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Last night I attended a book launch and literary evening with Diana Gabaldon. This creative woman is a beacon of inspiration for me. She was generous and effervescent, kind and thought. Her presence was luminous. She is an exquisite and diminutive woman. She patiently signed hundreds of books and had numerous photographs taken with her readers.
Her writing is skilful as she cleverly entwines her enchanting characters through fantasy and romance. To be honest I am not a huge fan of the fantasy genre but Ms. Gabaldon has me captivated. I think it is the realism of the plots that captures my imagination and devotion.
The story of Claire and Jamie continue with her new novel, “An Echo in the Bone”. I felt so honoured to be in the same room soaking up her magnificent aura. I can’t wait to start my book. Thank you Diana!
It’s a number five day – change is on the horizon. The Moon and Uranus influence this electrical force field. It’s a day of possibilities and unstable forces swirling around our comfort zone. The waves have appeared on the pond. The wind ushers them from ripples to tsunami in minutes. The force of the wall of water has been building for some time. Don’t forget your life jacket as you step out into the world.
The tide is turning. Saturn and Pluto have been squaring up all week. Old reforms and structures are eroded. The cosmos continues grinding away at the foundations of our existence. Be careful you don’t get caught on the bridge as it crumbles.
I deplore that I wish I didn’t care. I guess that will never happen. Pushing the dingy out from the shore I’m adrift in the bay. Gaia promises a new bairn after hours of excruciating labour. The Fool offers a chalice filled with hope as I venture out from the cave today. The star has nothing to loose – she will sparkle anyway. Death creeps in and says its time to release the woes of another day.
Life can be filled with discontent especially when we are lost at sea. All we can do is to refuse to succumb to doubt and keep our hand on the tiller as we navigate the rocky outcrops of the coast.
Time heals all wounds wise men profess – bring the healing to me as I prepare for another voyage into the unknown.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Synchronicity calls
I trust that this burning desire to do/create/establish is a part of a greater plan. I know that I am being guided and prepared for this in the perfect way. I let go all sense of urgency and time, and stay calm as I am shown exactly what to do.
Hermes the Magician is adaptable and creative. He has the ability to traverse between worlds easily and effortlessly. He reminds me of the capabilities I’ve inherited from my experiences on this earth plane which is entwined in my DNA.
The Wheel of Fortune heralds a bountiful phase – prizes are won as the wheel spins.
Hermit steps across the minefield of misconceptions and delicately guides me toward a healing lifestyle.
The world brings a garland of goodies – ripe for the picking – a virtual cornucopia of opportunities.
The Moon is coerced by Jupiter to beam her generosity and waves of optimism to us mere mortals.
It’s a number four day of building solid foundations for the future. The erratic energy of the number three day from yesterday is tempered by the practical energy of the four pillars of solidarity.
Synchronicity surrounds my every step. My subconscious is the road map and the numerological sign posits are the green signs. Synchronous events shape our lives as we feed in the data of our dreams.
Emerging from the darkness of the Moon distant hums remind me to stay tuned. Dreams don’t manifest over night – or do they? We loose our footing in the potholes. It is important however to pick ourselves up, dust of the remnants of disappointment and keep walking the talk.
Humans are such fragile beings. We are sensitive and emotional. Well, I’m speaking for myself of course. We are allied to the cause but dented by perspectives of others. It takes guts to stay strong and focused. Walking through fire and ice is a hellish experience. All we desire is to survive and pick a few daises from the garden of hope.
Even in the chaos of my emotional doldrums I lament. Nothing is random or happens by chance. My life is full of clues that link my inner reality to my outer world.
What are those lights up yonder? Are they beacons of hope? Stay try and you will be rewarded. Life becomes a reward and you will be victorious.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Hermes the Magician is adaptable and creative. He has the ability to traverse between worlds easily and effortlessly. He reminds me of the capabilities I’ve inherited from my experiences on this earth plane which is entwined in my DNA.
The Wheel of Fortune heralds a bountiful phase – prizes are won as the wheel spins.
Hermit steps across the minefield of misconceptions and delicately guides me toward a healing lifestyle.
The world brings a garland of goodies – ripe for the picking – a virtual cornucopia of opportunities.
The Moon is coerced by Jupiter to beam her generosity and waves of optimism to us mere mortals.
It’s a number four day of building solid foundations for the future. The erratic energy of the number three day from yesterday is tempered by the practical energy of the four pillars of solidarity.
Synchronicity surrounds my every step. My subconscious is the road map and the numerological sign posits are the green signs. Synchronous events shape our lives as we feed in the data of our dreams.
Emerging from the darkness of the Moon distant hums remind me to stay tuned. Dreams don’t manifest over night – or do they? We loose our footing in the potholes. It is important however to pick ourselves up, dust of the remnants of disappointment and keep walking the talk.
Humans are such fragile beings. We are sensitive and emotional. Well, I’m speaking for myself of course. We are allied to the cause but dented by perspectives of others. It takes guts to stay strong and focused. Walking through fire and ice is a hellish experience. All we desire is to survive and pick a few daises from the garden of hope.
Even in the chaos of my emotional doldrums I lament. Nothing is random or happens by chance. My life is full of clues that link my inner reality to my outer world.
What are those lights up yonder? Are they beacons of hope? Stay try and you will be rewarded. Life becomes a reward and you will be victorious.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, November 16, 2009
Transformation is the theme for today
I let go all fear of the future. I know that Infinite Intelligence is operating in every area of my life. Step by step my way is illumined, and right livelihood becomes mine at the perfect time.
The New Moon in Scorpio is at 6:13am this morning AEST. This fertile and potent ground is the perfect time to plant the seeds for the coming months and years.
Yesterday and over the weekend I chanted the concept of releasing and letting go of outdated thoughts, words, values and behaviours. Now the time for planting is here.
So, if we want wheat – healthy and strong – vibrant and abundant – what do you plant? I encourage you to answer that for yourself.
As I’ve mentioned previously, over the weekend retreat I considered my goals and wishes for the next phase or even the next twelve months. And so this morning I plant my seeds with love ad with intention. I have no definition or restriction on how they w ill sprout in my life. I trust that the universe will deliver a bountiful healthy crop.
The key theme for Scorpios at this time is transformation. Deep soulful change is part of our mission. I suppose that is why we make good detectives, psychologists and healers. So if there is any part of your life that requires change then this is the time when the universe will support you on your mission.
My areas of focus are: health and well being – career – relationships and especially on the sale of my town house at Coffs Harbour Jetty.
I give thanks for perfect, vibrant healing and choose healthy choices for my mind, body and spirit. I give thanks that the perfect career opportunity is offered and that I am able to contribute to Australia in a purposeful and positive way. I give thanks for all of my relationships and have reflected on how they reflect the peace, love and respect I have in my heart. I give thanks for the opportunities that support my growth as a woman who desires peace and love in our world.
The Fool is the beginning – the zero card of a brave new world. Judgement supports the theme of transformation and offers the unconditional positive regard from Saturn and Pluto. The Sun is the golden orb of opportunity, play and abundance. The Lovers are balanced in their pursuit of a new life fresh and exquisitely loving.
This is the New Year for Scorpios. It is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. Mercury enters Sagittarius (a powerful second house position for me).
Cast your seeds into the fresh ploughed earth and tend to them with love and positive intent. Once the seeds have been planted we must maintain a positive relationship with them – ensuring that they are watered with the ambrosia of our dreams and if any weeds appear gently and respectfully remove them immediately.
You can transform your entire life. The universe is an unbroken, continuous fabric within which I can create and intend my destiny.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The New Moon in Scorpio is at 6:13am this morning AEST. This fertile and potent ground is the perfect time to plant the seeds for the coming months and years.
Yesterday and over the weekend I chanted the concept of releasing and letting go of outdated thoughts, words, values and behaviours. Now the time for planting is here.
So, if we want wheat – healthy and strong – vibrant and abundant – what do you plant? I encourage you to answer that for yourself.
As I’ve mentioned previously, over the weekend retreat I considered my goals and wishes for the next phase or even the next twelve months. And so this morning I plant my seeds with love ad with intention. I have no definition or restriction on how they w ill sprout in my life. I trust that the universe will deliver a bountiful healthy crop.
The key theme for Scorpios at this time is transformation. Deep soulful change is part of our mission. I suppose that is why we make good detectives, psychologists and healers. So if there is any part of your life that requires change then this is the time when the universe will support you on your mission.
My areas of focus are: health and well being – career – relationships and especially on the sale of my town house at Coffs Harbour Jetty.
I give thanks for perfect, vibrant healing and choose healthy choices for my mind, body and spirit. I give thanks that the perfect career opportunity is offered and that I am able to contribute to Australia in a purposeful and positive way. I give thanks for all of my relationships and have reflected on how they reflect the peace, love and respect I have in my heart. I give thanks for the opportunities that support my growth as a woman who desires peace and love in our world.
The Fool is the beginning – the zero card of a brave new world. Judgement supports the theme of transformation and offers the unconditional positive regard from Saturn and Pluto. The Sun is the golden orb of opportunity, play and abundance. The Lovers are balanced in their pursuit of a new life fresh and exquisitely loving.
This is the New Year for Scorpios. It is a time of renewal and rejuvenation. Mercury enters Sagittarius (a powerful second house position for me).
Cast your seeds into the fresh ploughed earth and tend to them with love and positive intent. Once the seeds have been planted we must maintain a positive relationship with them – ensuring that they are watered with the ambrosia of our dreams and if any weeds appear gently and respectfully remove them immediately.
You can transform your entire life. The universe is an unbroken, continuous fabric within which I can create and intend my destiny.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
I am patient
Today, I know I am discovering the right livelihood for me, that which matches the experience of my past with the passion of my soul. All will be revealed to me at the right time. I relax knowing that this is so.
The Moon and Venus align today offering intensity and passion in the thrust for love and money.
WE are in the eve of the New Moon in Scorpio and for Scorpios it is relevant for us to release the negative side of our nature – the anger, fear, jealousy, greed or bitterness. Sounds simple doesn’t it? But how do we do that? What is the magic formula for negative traits – be gone! And if it was that simple them no-one would be harbouring any anger or resentment – now would we?
I try - I do try to release the negative or dark forces that linger in my psyche. However, the world “try” actually sets us up to fail. It is sort of the soft option – I’ll try to do this but if I don’t success well at least I tried – right? I’ve mentioned Yoda’s wise words in this column before – there is no try there is only do (or something to that effect).
So, today I will consciously do! I will walk at lunchtime and with each step walk away from the toxic terrors that plague my subconscious.
The Moon is my first card this morning. She is a link to the love and beauty in my world. Justice demands truth and integrity in all dealings – with self and others – be true to you and all will be well. Empress represents the incubator of dreams – visions yet to be embedded in reality. I am a warrior brave and true fighting for the right to live by the code.
Do you see yourself as a warrior? I do – well sometimes, I do. Some days I feel I battle the darkness within – other times I feel that I battle perceptions of others – a losing battle I must admit. Some days I battle with myself just to stay in the race. The human race that is and other days I find myself withdrawing and finding a retreat in a shady nook somewhere.
Today is an 11/2 day so there is a public/private feel. There is no battle just a retreat to relinquish the dark shadows of yester-year. Abracadabra – shadow self are gone!
I am patient. When I am patient, I am able to sustain an intention until it is realised.
So be it.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon and Venus align today offering intensity and passion in the thrust for love and money.
WE are in the eve of the New Moon in Scorpio and for Scorpios it is relevant for us to release the negative side of our nature – the anger, fear, jealousy, greed or bitterness. Sounds simple doesn’t it? But how do we do that? What is the magic formula for negative traits – be gone! And if it was that simple them no-one would be harbouring any anger or resentment – now would we?
I try - I do try to release the negative or dark forces that linger in my psyche. However, the world “try” actually sets us up to fail. It is sort of the soft option – I’ll try to do this but if I don’t success well at least I tried – right? I’ve mentioned Yoda’s wise words in this column before – there is no try there is only do (or something to that effect).
So, today I will consciously do! I will walk at lunchtime and with each step walk away from the toxic terrors that plague my subconscious.
The Moon is my first card this morning. She is a link to the love and beauty in my world. Justice demands truth and integrity in all dealings – with self and others – be true to you and all will be well. Empress represents the incubator of dreams – visions yet to be embedded in reality. I am a warrior brave and true fighting for the right to live by the code.
Do you see yourself as a warrior? I do – well sometimes, I do. Some days I feel I battle the darkness within – other times I feel that I battle perceptions of others – a losing battle I must admit. Some days I battle with myself just to stay in the race. The human race that is and other days I find myself withdrawing and finding a retreat in a shady nook somewhere.
Today is an 11/2 day so there is a public/private feel. There is no battle just a retreat to relinquish the dark shadows of yester-year. Abracadabra – shadow self are gone!
I am patient. When I am patient, I am able to sustain an intention until it is realised.
So be it.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Happy anniversary
I am now led to the perfect job, the one I really want. The universe rushes to support me with the right people, information, and opportunities. I let go of all preconceived ideas, and allow myself to be guided, step by step. This job has my name on it!
Today is my 7th anniversary. Yesterday we (Roger and I) celebrated his birthday. Yes, we are both Scorpios. As a matter of fact a lot of my friends are Scorpios. We seem to gather in some secret enclave.
Yesterday I played happy birthday (its one of my ring tones) by the Beatles and danced for Rog. He was so impressed – I could tell!
Today he got the raw version of Happy Anniversary Baby got you on my mind! What an exciting day to such an auspicious occasion – don’t you think?
It’s been a totally awesome 9 years with this man. He loves me unconditionally and patiently navigates my moods and supports my creativity and life path with absolute devotion.
So what do I do for him? Well, I mirror those strands of the relationship back. I’ve supported him when he was weary and was patient and kind when he needed time out and I’ve made him laugh – what’s more! Does it getter than that? Well, yes, that is the plan!
Yesterday we walked the bush trail for our afternoon stroll. As we walked we made plans for our future. We put them into three main categories: personal – relationship and career. After Roger shared his personal goals I committed mine to the moment. I then suggested another sub category of – family – children and grandchildren. We made plans and agreed on the thoughts, words and ideas. On Tuesday morning when the New Moon is in Scorpio we will commit them to the universe.
It’s a 10/1 day and I want to end the less than positive movie reel that is going on in my head.
I picked up a book yesterday from the bookcase in our tiny retreat. It is a book I read last year and I gravitated back to it again. The title is: Love and Letting go of Fear. I want to buy my own copy when I return home. The book was written by a psychiatrist – Gerald G Jampolsky. In his authors note he writes: “We teach what we want to learn, and I want to learn to experience inner peace.” So be it!
Some of the Principles in the book are pretty clear cut – release the past; words to eliminate from our vocabulary; forgiveness is the key to happiness etc. And one other which is relevant for me today, “the past is over and it cannot touch me.” I like this statement and especially the concept of putting all of my painful, guilty, fearful thoughts into a helium balloon and printing, “I forgive my misperceptions” on to the balloon and releasing it into the sky.
In honour of this 10/1 day I would like to do that now!
The Sun trines Uranus today and the cosmos are electrified by these two planets. The flow of inventiveness – new concepts are generated and supported with this alignment.
I’m not saying that, letting go of fear is a new concept – as a matter of fact I think that it is played over in many forms over the millennia. And it’s certainly not a new concept for me either – I’ve worked don this many times in my lifetime. What I am saying is that this is the concept for me today. Take stock of the past – give thanks for the lessons and release the toxic reminders into the balloon. It’s not just the thoughts, words and beliefs it is the actions – reactions that must drift off into the balloon.
For example, how do we react when someone hurts us? Well my first reaction is to retreat. Then I skilfully build a wall around myself. During the construction of this wall I put in lots of putty (sugar and carbohydrates) and then brick by brick I deliberately block out my aggressor. I may wear the mask of a happy person but the tempest dwells and the storm is brewing. After a while I either shrug it off as insignificant or I move on or sometimes offer my scorpion stinger and deliver a hit.
We all have our own defence mechanisms and mine vary from person to person or situation to situation. I am an emotional woman. I have feelings, sensitivities and I hurt. What I do with that hurt entwines with my DNA. There are many forms of bullying, hiding or storying that hurt and they are as unique as you are.
Some people have a scrapbook or blog and bleed in public life and others go into hiding. Whatever has hurt you in the past cannot hurt you today – only if you allow it to – that person doesn’t even think about you – they’ve moved on and taken their toxic arrows with them. The only person who is still hurting is you – break the cycle and love yourself enough to heal the wounds of the past – let it be!
I work consistently toward my goals of releasing the past. I take advantage of every opportunity and maximise the number of ways an event can take place, I increase the probability that all good and wonderful things will happen.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Today is my 7th anniversary. Yesterday we (Roger and I) celebrated his birthday. Yes, we are both Scorpios. As a matter of fact a lot of my friends are Scorpios. We seem to gather in some secret enclave.
Yesterday I played happy birthday (its one of my ring tones) by the Beatles and danced for Rog. He was so impressed – I could tell!
Today he got the raw version of Happy Anniversary Baby got you on my mind! What an exciting day to such an auspicious occasion – don’t you think?
It’s been a totally awesome 9 years with this man. He loves me unconditionally and patiently navigates my moods and supports my creativity and life path with absolute devotion.
So what do I do for him? Well, I mirror those strands of the relationship back. I’ve supported him when he was weary and was patient and kind when he needed time out and I’ve made him laugh – what’s more! Does it getter than that? Well, yes, that is the plan!
Yesterday we walked the bush trail for our afternoon stroll. As we walked we made plans for our future. We put them into three main categories: personal – relationship and career. After Roger shared his personal goals I committed mine to the moment. I then suggested another sub category of – family – children and grandchildren. We made plans and agreed on the thoughts, words and ideas. On Tuesday morning when the New Moon is in Scorpio we will commit them to the universe.
It’s a 10/1 day and I want to end the less than positive movie reel that is going on in my head.
I picked up a book yesterday from the bookcase in our tiny retreat. It is a book I read last year and I gravitated back to it again. The title is: Love and Letting go of Fear. I want to buy my own copy when I return home. The book was written by a psychiatrist – Gerald G Jampolsky. In his authors note he writes: “We teach what we want to learn, and I want to learn to experience inner peace.” So be it!
Some of the Principles in the book are pretty clear cut – release the past; words to eliminate from our vocabulary; forgiveness is the key to happiness etc. And one other which is relevant for me today, “the past is over and it cannot touch me.” I like this statement and especially the concept of putting all of my painful, guilty, fearful thoughts into a helium balloon and printing, “I forgive my misperceptions” on to the balloon and releasing it into the sky.
In honour of this 10/1 day I would like to do that now!
The Sun trines Uranus today and the cosmos are electrified by these two planets. The flow of inventiveness – new concepts are generated and supported with this alignment.
I’m not saying that, letting go of fear is a new concept – as a matter of fact I think that it is played over in many forms over the millennia. And it’s certainly not a new concept for me either – I’ve worked don this many times in my lifetime. What I am saying is that this is the concept for me today. Take stock of the past – give thanks for the lessons and release the toxic reminders into the balloon. It’s not just the thoughts, words and beliefs it is the actions – reactions that must drift off into the balloon.
For example, how do we react when someone hurts us? Well my first reaction is to retreat. Then I skilfully build a wall around myself. During the construction of this wall I put in lots of putty (sugar and carbohydrates) and then brick by brick I deliberately block out my aggressor. I may wear the mask of a happy person but the tempest dwells and the storm is brewing. After a while I either shrug it off as insignificant or I move on or sometimes offer my scorpion stinger and deliver a hit.
We all have our own defence mechanisms and mine vary from person to person or situation to situation. I am an emotional woman. I have feelings, sensitivities and I hurt. What I do with that hurt entwines with my DNA. There are many forms of bullying, hiding or storying that hurt and they are as unique as you are.
Some people have a scrapbook or blog and bleed in public life and others go into hiding. Whatever has hurt you in the past cannot hurt you today – only if you allow it to – that person doesn’t even think about you – they’ve moved on and taken their toxic arrows with them. The only person who is still hurting is you – break the cycle and love yourself enough to heal the wounds of the past – let it be!
I work consistently toward my goals of releasing the past. I take advantage of every opportunity and maximise the number of ways an event can take place, I increase the probability that all good and wonderful things will happen.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
In the final act of primal surge I had to finish the book. I could not move from my cosy resting place on the sofa tucked in by the warmth and pleasant strokes of another person’s creativity. The quilt is colourful and the design intriguing. Wrapped around me for the final pages of Kay Redfield Jamison’s book: “Nothing was the same”.
This book traces the journey of love and relationship through the hazardous minefield of human emotions. Kay writes with such a clever, poignant and professional pen. Her tone and story range from the depths of human despair to the desire to honour her husband’s memory. And finally she eloquently captures his indelible mark on her soul’s journey. It was a great read – sad and tearful but astoundingly beautiful.
The last couple of pages turned and as I reached the end I cried. I allowed the tears to come entwined with my own grief = my personal story underpinning the legacy of my life so far.
I sauntered to the shower with tears rolling down on the remnants of smiling cheeks. I had to shower – to wash away the memory of yesterday – the obligations with the unkind and ungenerous. Their words and thoughts slither down the drain of “no regrets” collecting in the silage pit of tainted disillusionment.
I had to wash my hair. The fresh smell of a new day lingers on the damp strands of my crowning glory.
Wash away the thoughts, ideas and suggestions that emerge from my mind squashed by the folded arms and deep sighs and vacant eyes.
The familiarity of my purple t-shirt and amethyst pendant are comforting as I stroll out onto the veranda.
A fresh brew and a delicate rice round are the instant reminder to sit and soak up the view.
Mountains roll beyond the horizon. The valley cloaked in green with a striking resonance to a place I once knew. Have I climbed them in my dreams? And why are they so significant anyway? I’m an ocean girl – a mermaid not a mountain climber?
Are they symbolic of the climb? The continual trail we must endure if we are to get to the top? The top of what? The top of our game? The top of the heap – leaving others face down?
I’m not that ambitious, or am I? Am I looking at the forest but not seeing the trees?
My eyes have scanned the horizon but what about the tree-lined fore ground and the tiny garden in from of me?
Julia Ashton-Sayers
This book traces the journey of love and relationship through the hazardous minefield of human emotions. Kay writes with such a clever, poignant and professional pen. Her tone and story range from the depths of human despair to the desire to honour her husband’s memory. And finally she eloquently captures his indelible mark on her soul’s journey. It was a great read – sad and tearful but astoundingly beautiful.
The last couple of pages turned and as I reached the end I cried. I allowed the tears to come entwined with my own grief = my personal story underpinning the legacy of my life so far.
I sauntered to the shower with tears rolling down on the remnants of smiling cheeks. I had to shower – to wash away the memory of yesterday – the obligations with the unkind and ungenerous. Their words and thoughts slither down the drain of “no regrets” collecting in the silage pit of tainted disillusionment.
I had to wash my hair. The fresh smell of a new day lingers on the damp strands of my crowning glory.
Wash away the thoughts, ideas and suggestions that emerge from my mind squashed by the folded arms and deep sighs and vacant eyes.
The familiarity of my purple t-shirt and amethyst pendant are comforting as I stroll out onto the veranda.
A fresh brew and a delicate rice round are the instant reminder to sit and soak up the view.
Mountains roll beyond the horizon. The valley cloaked in green with a striking resonance to a place I once knew. Have I climbed them in my dreams? And why are they so significant anyway? I’m an ocean girl – a mermaid not a mountain climber?
Are they symbolic of the climb? The continual trail we must endure if we are to get to the top? The top of what? The top of our game? The top of the heap – leaving others face down?
I’m not that ambitious, or am I? Am I looking at the forest but not seeing the trees?

A butterfly dances through the lavender. It has been reborn – transformed and enjoying the freedom from the chrysalis.
I think I’ll do that too!
Peace and Love,
Picture perfect – Brogo Polpora Cabin
The work I seek is tailor-made for me. It utilises all my gifts and experience. I flourish in this work, and enjoy the challenges of developing new skills and greater self-expression.
Have you ever stopped for a moment and looked around your world and thought, yes in this moment in time my life is picture perfect? Well, I just did.
Last night after work we travelled down to Brogo (http://www.rocklily.com.au/). It was an easy and picturesque trip of rolling mountain vistas scattered with a picture board of Australian bush. Rozella’s flashed past in their Le Mans colours of crimson and blue. We arrived around 7:30pm and unpacked and ate our dinner in record time.
Since it was the eve of Roger’s birthday we decided to reflect on the year he was leaving behind. I suggested that we encompass a list of the positive and not so positive aspects of the year in three main categories: personal, professional and relationship. Essentially what did we perceive as our highs and lows? And so we did.
At the outset I offered that we are very fortunate. Not only do we have a great partner to share our daily life with (sometimes bordering on grind) we have achieved so many goals since our move to the Territory.
Today is a new phase and one that deserves a celebration. So we toasted each other and began to recount the past year of our married life.
How can we ask for more if our lives are picture perfect? What else is there?
I’ve already considered my goals and I will share them with you tomorrow.
Now, I focus my intent – when I focus my intent I am mindful about what I bring into my life.
Strangely, the pictures of my subconscious reveal endings – chapters closing and the strength to overcome obstacles and shed the unwanted layers of yesterday.
It is a number nice day of empowerment, resolution - a perfect time to recommit. So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Have you ever stopped for a moment and looked around your world and thought, yes in this moment in time my life is picture perfect? Well, I just did.
Last night after work we travelled down to Brogo (http://www.rocklily.com.au/). It was an easy and picturesque trip of rolling mountain vistas scattered with a picture board of Australian bush. Rozella’s flashed past in their Le Mans colours of crimson and blue. We arrived around 7:30pm and unpacked and ate our dinner in record time.
Since it was the eve of Roger’s birthday we decided to reflect on the year he was leaving behind. I suggested that we encompass a list of the positive and not so positive aspects of the year in three main categories: personal, professional and relationship. Essentially what did we perceive as our highs and lows? And so we did.
At the outset I offered that we are very fortunate. Not only do we have a great partner to share our daily life with (sometimes bordering on grind) we have achieved so many goals since our move to the Territory.
Today is a new phase and one that deserves a celebration. So we toasted each other and began to recount the past year of our married life.
How can we ask for more if our lives are picture perfect? What else is there?
I’ve already considered my goals and I will share them with you tomorrow.
Now, I focus my intent – when I focus my intent I am mindful about what I bring into my life.
Strangely, the pictures of my subconscious reveal endings – chapters closing and the strength to overcome obstacles and shed the unwanted layers of yesterday.
It is a number nice day of empowerment, resolution - a perfect time to recommit. So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Is everybody happy?
I am an irresistible magnet attracting the perfect work to me now! I let go all sense of struggle, and allow the work I really want to come to me on time, in the perfect ways.
The Moon has moved into “people pleaser” Libra. This sign is devoted to peace and harmony. I often wonder if that is their secret mission then what about the own search for peace and harmony? Are they happy? Do they find content in serving others? Or is their life beset by inner turmoil constantly questioning and forever seeking?
My ascendant is Libra and I know that I am a seeker. I’m also attuned to my truth while striving for integrity. I don’t let to let people down and I become quite unsettled if I know that I’ve hurt someone. With all that being said, balance is the key theme in my life.
Today is a number eight day – a search for balance and harmony. The two circles of the number eight are in constant search for balance.
In western society I find that the word balance is a constant. We are seeking a balance between work and home – between self and family. But what happens if we spread ourselves too thin? What if we flop into a chair and can’t move – is anyone happy? How do we make everyone happy? And should we keep trying?
I’ve had clients come to me for readings and they’ve said, I want to find someone who will make me happy. My reply has always been, why should someone make you happy? I believe it is up to you to make sure that you are happy, don’t you think?
The Moon has moved into “people pleaser” Libra. This sign is devoted to peace and harmony. I often wonder if that is their secret mission then what about the own search for peace and harmony? Are they happy? Do they find content in serving others? Or is their life beset by inner turmoil constantly questioning and forever seeking?
My ascendant is Libra and I know that I am a seeker. I’m also attuned to my truth while striving for integrity. I don’t let to let people down and I become quite unsettled if I know that I’ve hurt someone. With all that being said, balance is the key theme in my life.
Today is a number eight day – a search for balance and harmony. The two circles of the number eight are in constant search for balance.
In western society I find that the word balance is a constant. We are seeking a balance between work and home – between self and family. But what happens if we spread ourselves too thin? What if we flop into a chair and can’t move – is anyone happy? How do we make everyone happy? And should we keep trying?
I’ve had clients come to me for readings and they’ve said, I want to find someone who will make me happy. My reply has always been, why should someone make you happy? I believe it is up to you to make sure that you are happy, don’t you think?
So, the question is what makes you happy? It’s an individual thing, isn’t it? It was a question I asked yesterday at work – is everybody happy? And of course I got a variety of responses; closely followed up by a mixture of caveats. For example, I would be happy if I could be somewhere else doing, x, y or z!
For me, I am happy if my life has meaning and purpose. As long as my life is infused with meaning and purpose I feel successful. So what about you? Again, what makes you happy?
It’s Friday, the eve of the weekend and good day to contemplate your own definition of happy. Have a great weekend.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Dig deep
I deserve love! I deserve and abundance of everything good, including riches and money. I now accept that I am part of a bountiful universe that is constantly pouring forth its gifts. I now accept that it is my privilege and responsibility to receive these gifts with gratitude.
This number seven day suggest inner reflection. While on this internal excavation our inner dialogue comes under scrutiny. This can sometimes represent an archaeological dig. Why do I offer up such a metaphor?
Well, our inner dialogue can be formed over eons of experiences. Such as, thoughts, words or even dispersions cast from the toxic messages of others. These coded gifts embed in our psyche and we trot them out as part of our beliefs.
For example: I’ve heard myself saying in the past that I am not good at mathematics. Why is that? Well my statement was the result of a comment from a teacher who said to me before an exam, “Julia, there is no point you doing this exam as you will fail – you are not good at maths!” And I believed him!
Then one day I thought, just a second, I passed my leaving certificate in this subject; I’ve worked in banking and finance in a previous career path, I’ve conducted my personal finances successfully so perhaps he was wrong? After this realisation I changed that internal dialogue and my perfect remedy was a positive affirmation.
It’s ironic how negative messages from forty years ago can compound over time and over ride every positive or loving message we’ve heard. Once I realised that the concept of negativity has more impact on our lives than positive messages I began to search for other pilgrims.
Don Miguel Ruiz, the author and creator of The Four Agreements (http://www.miguelruiz.com/) maintains that we come into this world as beings of light and love and through the process of domestication (negative messages) we are programed to believe that we are worthless and become fractured and tormented.
Reflecting on my own internal dialogue I’ve realised how these negative taunts pop out as beliefs about me. Now I work really hard to combat those messages with positive vibrations. And that is a major impetus for me writing my blog: Julia’s Journal. This is a cathartic channel for me advocate and promote empowerment strategies – lessons learned at the school of hard knocks. After the awareness has been created we can work on each painful layer which has been formed over a millennia (slight exaggeration – only feels that long!).
So, keep in mind – my inner dialogue reflects the power I project. How I present myself to the world and move about it it is a mirror of my self talk.
What does your self talk reveal about you? Are you conveying a positive and happy being or are you grumpy and unapproachable? What do you hear yourself saying? Do you berate yourself on a daily basis? Are you into self flagellation?
Stop right now! Dig deep and find the inner wisdom and beauty you brought with you to this earth school. Dust off your books and reprogram those hard drives – it’s a new day. Start today – love yourself silly!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
This number seven day suggest inner reflection. While on this internal excavation our inner dialogue comes under scrutiny. This can sometimes represent an archaeological dig. Why do I offer up such a metaphor?
Well, our inner dialogue can be formed over eons of experiences. Such as, thoughts, words or even dispersions cast from the toxic messages of others. These coded gifts embed in our psyche and we trot them out as part of our beliefs.
For example: I’ve heard myself saying in the past that I am not good at mathematics. Why is that? Well my statement was the result of a comment from a teacher who said to me before an exam, “Julia, there is no point you doing this exam as you will fail – you are not good at maths!” And I believed him!
Then one day I thought, just a second, I passed my leaving certificate in this subject; I’ve worked in banking and finance in a previous career path, I’ve conducted my personal finances successfully so perhaps he was wrong? After this realisation I changed that internal dialogue and my perfect remedy was a positive affirmation.
It’s ironic how negative messages from forty years ago can compound over time and over ride every positive or loving message we’ve heard. Once I realised that the concept of negativity has more impact on our lives than positive messages I began to search for other pilgrims.
Don Miguel Ruiz, the author and creator of The Four Agreements (http://www.miguelruiz.com/) maintains that we come into this world as beings of light and love and through the process of domestication (negative messages) we are programed to believe that we are worthless and become fractured and tormented.
Reflecting on my own internal dialogue I’ve realised how these negative taunts pop out as beliefs about me. Now I work really hard to combat those messages with positive vibrations. And that is a major impetus for me writing my blog: Julia’s Journal. This is a cathartic channel for me advocate and promote empowerment strategies – lessons learned at the school of hard knocks. After the awareness has been created we can work on each painful layer which has been formed over a millennia (slight exaggeration – only feels that long!).
So, keep in mind – my inner dialogue reflects the power I project. How I present myself to the world and move about it it is a mirror of my self talk.
What does your self talk reveal about you? Are you conveying a positive and happy being or are you grumpy and unapproachable? What do you hear yourself saying? Do you berate yourself on a daily basis? Are you into self flagellation?
Stop right now! Dig deep and find the inner wisdom and beauty you brought with you to this earth school. Dust off your books and reprogram those hard drives – it’s a new day. Start today – love yourself silly!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
I now release every thought, belief and attitude that limits my ability to have everything I desire! I now raise my ability to have!
Desire burns bright within all of us. We are emotional beings who strive toward our goals – our visions and dreams. We seed these dreams with passion – sometimes forsaking all others or the even overlooking the practicalities of life. Then what? Are we satisfied? Does the result give us satisfaction? Or is too much never enough?
The World promises abundance beneath the garland of plenty. The Devil represents the primal force that motivates us when times are tough. The Magician resides within – accessing imagination and intellect weaving the perfect blend for creation.
It is a number six day – commitment and responsibility pronounced. Be careful what you ask for as you will surely receive. Mercury and Uranus are explosive counterparts. The Sun in Scorpio an unrelenting tempest.
It’s Remembrance Day. A day to reflect and give thanks to those who give the ultimate sacrifice so we could be free. I am grateful for all that I have in life. I am instantly abundant when I show thanks for what I have. So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Desire burns bright within all of us. We are emotional beings who strive toward our goals – our visions and dreams. We seed these dreams with passion – sometimes forsaking all others or the even overlooking the practicalities of life. Then what? Are we satisfied? Does the result give us satisfaction? Or is too much never enough?
The World promises abundance beneath the garland of plenty. The Devil represents the primal force that motivates us when times are tough. The Magician resides within – accessing imagination and intellect weaving the perfect blend for creation.
It is a number six day – commitment and responsibility pronounced. Be careful what you ask for as you will surely receive. Mercury and Uranus are explosive counterparts. The Sun in Scorpio an unrelenting tempest.
It’s Remembrance Day. A day to reflect and give thanks to those who give the ultimate sacrifice so we could be free. I am grateful for all that I have in life. I am instantly abundant when I show thanks for what I have. So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Monday, November 9, 2009
I let go all panic around financial obligations. I know all the money I need flows to me now. The right thoughts, words and actions are shown to me, and I am able to meet these obligations in the perfect way.
The Moon is in Virgo gives and earthy balance to the watery intensity of the Sun in Scorpio. It’s a number five day – a wildcard day so it is best to keep grounded and focused.
The Tower represents lightning bolts out of the blue. For the most part they are the result for someone else’s point of view.
Strength offers courage and focus – reminding us of our inner guile and determination. We must wrestle with the beast called, fear and push our head into his jaws the trick is to come out unscathed.
The Emperor is a guiding light, dispelling the shadows of torment throughout the night. Stride toward your destination today and do not dwell in the darkness of disappointment.
It’s a bright sunny day and yet the harbinger of change taunts my comfort zone. Natural sunlight kisses the path of determination. Laden with truth we must abide and yet I’d rather stay at home and hide.
Each day is a blessing in disguise; a new opportunity to dig deep and discover the truth. I am not afraid of my excavations or the toil to the depths of my being. The hard work is not as arduous as it seems. The load id lightened when we peel back the layers. The richness of sole is close to the core. The gems revealed will make our hearts soar.
Within all of us we hold sacred offerings, minerals, precious stones and rare gems. There are pearls of wisdom, rubies to mind – made from the blood of our souls compressed over time. Sapphire for clarity – emeralds for truth – diamonds are rare but we can still sift through the coal and compressed lessons to pluck one out of the dark night air.
We are opened for business - this esoteric jewellery shop which offers our wares – a moment in time to share if we dare. Conversations are created to bring to the surface the payload of gems and offer them to the world.
Be kind and thoughtful where you share your wares.
I am free to create success in my life – its my choice. To be free is to know that I can direct my awareness where I want to, when I want to, and how I want to.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon is in Virgo gives and earthy balance to the watery intensity of the Sun in Scorpio. It’s a number five day – a wildcard day so it is best to keep grounded and focused.
The Tower represents lightning bolts out of the blue. For the most part they are the result for someone else’s point of view.
Strength offers courage and focus – reminding us of our inner guile and determination. We must wrestle with the beast called, fear and push our head into his jaws the trick is to come out unscathed.
The Emperor is a guiding light, dispelling the shadows of torment throughout the night. Stride toward your destination today and do not dwell in the darkness of disappointment.
It’s a bright sunny day and yet the harbinger of change taunts my comfort zone. Natural sunlight kisses the path of determination. Laden with truth we must abide and yet I’d rather stay at home and hide.
Each day is a blessing in disguise; a new opportunity to dig deep and discover the truth. I am not afraid of my excavations or the toil to the depths of my being. The hard work is not as arduous as it seems. The load id lightened when we peel back the layers. The richness of sole is close to the core. The gems revealed will make our hearts soar.
Within all of us we hold sacred offerings, minerals, precious stones and rare gems. There are pearls of wisdom, rubies to mind – made from the blood of our souls compressed over time. Sapphire for clarity – emeralds for truth – diamonds are rare but we can still sift through the coal and compressed lessons to pluck one out of the dark night air.
We are opened for business - this esoteric jewellery shop which offers our wares – a moment in time to share if we dare. Conversations are created to bring to the surface the payload of gems and offer them to the world.
Be kind and thoughtful where you share your wares.
I am free to create success in my life – its my choice. To be free is to know that I can direct my awareness where I want to, when I want to, and how I want to.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Cosmic lovers embrace

The simple truth (if there was such a thing) does not underestimate the plutonian hug. Venus may sashay and smile –he’ll strategise ready to strike.
Capitalise on the energy of the day – it could be worth your while – who knows how long we have to wait – for another cosmic love fest to come our way.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Do you know how precious time is - a moment; a second to sit alone in a familiar place and gather your thoughts or write a page of musings alone among the business of life?
Time is short.
A kitchen conversation this morning revealed the ominous Christmas period looming.
Time is short.
I walked familiar corridors toward new learning – a skill must be accomplished if I matter still. I recalled the angst and frustration that clung to the walls. I forgave myself a thousand times for not listening to the calls.
Time is short.
Time heals all wounds – people die and lovers move away. I feel lost and along and miss him everyday. He’s steely gaze and abrupt tone kept me ground in pursuit of atonement.
Time is short.
Time has passed and fear has seeped from gaping wounds and gnashing teeth. I’ve lasted this long despite their jibes – a victory in itself – I do admire.
Time is short.

Time is short.
A kitchen conversation this morning revealed the ominous Christmas period looming.
Time is short.
I walked familiar corridors toward new learning – a skill must be accomplished if I matter still. I recalled the angst and frustration that clung to the walls. I forgave myself a thousand times for not listening to the calls.
Time is short.
Time heals all wounds – people die and lovers move away. I feel lost and along and miss him everyday. He’s steely gaze and abrupt tone kept me ground in pursuit of atonement.
Time is short.
Time has passed and fear has seeped from gaping wounds and gnashing teeth. I’ve lasted this long despite their jibes – a victory in itself – I do admire.
Time is short.
I have a pass and can walk through glass – alone and brave – ready to face another day. Life has been cruel; a stern headmaster rules – I’ve succumbed and cried – tossed tantrums and hide. I’ve laughted and joked taken a philosophical approach.
Time is short.
Now I wit for time to pass and eventually arrive at last in a new domain – return home again – renewed and ready to face the time when we can connect one more time.
Time is short.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Tortured love
Whatever amount of money, knowledge and support I/this business/project need, I know that the universe meets all my requirements in ways far greater than my conscious mind can imagine! I accept this with gratitude.
Venus and Pluto connect on a deep level today. Venus is in Scorpio and Pluto– Capricorn – both are locked in a metamorphic embrace.
It’s a number four day – a great day for building a foundation for the future but before you do it’s a good idea to throw out your weakest link.
Gosh I hated that show – you are the weakest link – off you go! How awful? But I guess people set themselves up for that – it’s like the biggest loser – who would want to be known as the biggest loser? Or even wear the t-shirt.
To be honest I can’t even read, “xyz for dummies” – why would you want to even think about picking up a book that says, I am a dummy! In my view, the world, our colleagues and the process of domestication are damaging enough without reinforcing our insecurities with such negative messages.
Last night I watched a lovely move called, “My Home in Umbria”. It was a delightful movie with Maggie Smith, Timothy Small and Robbie Barker. The synopsis was – a lady who was a writer was on the train and the train blew up. She survived and took the other survivors from her carriage back to her home to heal.
They were in shock and pain at first but eventually they began to heal. The story is set in a beautiful part of the world and I was delighted with the story and the messages. One message that stood out for me was that the generosity of the woman worked as a healing journey for her pain. She too, had been abandoned and yet with her strong spirit and unfathomable imagination carved out a magical existence. She loved to help others and give freely and as she did she began to heal.
Throughout my life I, too have found this theme to be a common threat – as I’ve given of myself, I too have healed the scars upon my soul.
For we all have been tortured by love and I know that no-one escapes these lessons in life. If we give back then we realise that we feel better and in many ways are validated.
This link today is a blessing. I hope that this powerful alignment works for you – give a little and love a lot – let the healing begin.
I nurture gratitude. When I express gratitude for what I have in life, I learn not to take things for granted.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Venus and Pluto connect on a deep level today. Venus is in Scorpio and Pluto– Capricorn – both are locked in a metamorphic embrace.
It’s a number four day – a great day for building a foundation for the future but before you do it’s a good idea to throw out your weakest link.
Gosh I hated that show – you are the weakest link – off you go! How awful? But I guess people set themselves up for that – it’s like the biggest loser – who would want to be known as the biggest loser? Or even wear the t-shirt.
To be honest I can’t even read, “xyz for dummies” – why would you want to even think about picking up a book that says, I am a dummy! In my view, the world, our colleagues and the process of domestication are damaging enough without reinforcing our insecurities with such negative messages.
Last night I watched a lovely move called, “My Home in Umbria”. It was a delightful movie with Maggie Smith, Timothy Small and Robbie Barker. The synopsis was – a lady who was a writer was on the train and the train blew up. She survived and took the other survivors from her carriage back to her home to heal.
They were in shock and pain at first but eventually they began to heal. The story is set in a beautiful part of the world and I was delighted with the story and the messages. One message that stood out for me was that the generosity of the woman worked as a healing journey for her pain. She too, had been abandoned and yet with her strong spirit and unfathomable imagination carved out a magical existence. She loved to help others and give freely and as she did she began to heal.
Throughout my life I, too have found this theme to be a common threat – as I’ve given of myself, I too have healed the scars upon my soul.
For we all have been tortured by love and I know that no-one escapes these lessons in life. If we give back then we realise that we feel better and in many ways are validated.
This link today is a blessing. I hope that this powerful alignment works for you – give a little and love a lot – let the healing begin.
I nurture gratitude. When I express gratitude for what I have in life, I learn not to take things for granted.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturday, November 7, 2009
The Green Back Pack at the Baker Flood Book Launch
The adventure begins in cramped surroundings and the doggy breath is seeping into my zippers. Crikey do they have to take the mutt everywhere? This is my trip and shall I say quite possibly my finest hour! I have the media to face and I have to look my best – and I can’t possibly do that coated in white fur – now can I? And of course enduring doggy snoring for hours on end will see bags under my eyelets for sure.
Whoa! Dreams do come true – we are turning into the doggy prison – there is a God of the Knapsacks after all. Now, we’re ready for some serious travelling – let’s go!
Wearily I peep out of my sleepy eyelets and become immersed in the rolling green duvet dotted with golden swatches of canola. The rock and roll of the car lulls me back to sleep as the scenery blends into a virtual blur.
Voices, doors slamming and I am startled into the moment – “here over here – here I am! Hey pay attention – look I carried her books, I assised in the research of this book, the midnight visitations and ancestral conversations – I’ve seen and heard it all. The ethereal urging of a tale that must be told – its all here in my sleepy folds – it was me can’t you see – I was there I did it and now I should have the fame and glory. What is wrong with people these days?
Mistress’s family greet with a multitude of hugs and kisses. Tony and Karen welcomed us into an extension of their huge hearts. Baker’s Swamp is the place to be – it’s a happening locale.
Early Sunday morning I’m woken by the tiny hands of my Mistress exploring my pockets fumbling for her journal. She is relentless – her writing is an obsession. I guess it’s not a bad obsession when you think about alternatives. I know one thing for certain her passion and dedication is unfathomable.
Breakfast and verbal navigations to the Burrendong Dam are delivered in short bursts and unfinished sentences. Everyone climbs into the vehicles and we are off to bring the climatic finale of the Baker’s story.
It is the 22nd June 2008 and we arrive at the Dam. A rock has been chosen (on our previous trip) and a brass plaque engraved. The inscription honours those who perished in the flood of 1867. This memorial is a statue of remembrance for those family members who lost their lives. A family almost obliterated from the face of the earth – it was if they didn’t exist – until today. The book launch and dedication will make sure that they are remembered on this cold and sombre day.
A death chill rolls up from the Lake. In a stark reminder of the Baker’s Flood it is suspected that the Dam has claimed another life in the same spot as the cabin once stood. In a macabre and fated event another life has been taken – a young man is missing after his boat capsized while fishing with his mates last night.
The solemn start to the launch is surpassed by the gathering of the Baker ancestors. Various interested neighbours and folk from the region have gathered to hear the tale of the Baker’s story. Natalie Holmes, reporter for the Daily Liberal is a vivacious and curious young professional reporter. She is sensitive and interested in the tragic tale.
Eris Thorpe capitalised on a local TV reporter and clinched a live interview for the launch. My straps burst with pride as I watch my shy Mistress taut the legacy of her family right on cue. She revealed her desire to bring their story to a respectful and honourable conclusion and did not forget to mention her great great grandmother Cecelia Baker as a spiritual beacon.
After the interview Mistress spoke with deliberate respect and devotion of the spirit of Cecelia. Here is an excerpt from her speech:
Good morning and welcome,
Thank you, Eris and the Burrendong Trust for allowing us to erect this Memorial in the State Park. I would also like to thank and give respect to the original owners of the land.
The purpose of this gathering is to dedicate this plaque to the memory of those who perished in the flood of June 22nd 1867. One that night a woman –a mother, died along with her seven babes. A neighbour, Mr. Frederick Smith paid the ultimate price in the name of mateship. Fred died along with the Bakers in a selfless act of friendship.
While we honour the ones who perished, I would also like to remember the ones who lived. How difficult was it for them to continue to live on the 23rd June and the days, weeks and months thereafter. Some people say that the spirits of our ancestors shape our lives. That they inspire us to survive, thrive and make a difference each day of our lives. I’m inclined to agree.
I often think about Cecelia Baker who at the age of 15 nursed her baby sister in her arms until she realised that the frozen body was lifeless and released her into to the surging tide. With her broken heart and tormented soul she moved from the roof of the shack toward her own watery demise. From all accounts she could not swim, I am positive that she too considered her own death. Fortunately, she did not succumb instead thrust her head above the raging flood waters and somehow propelled her in the direction of the nearest tree.
In the midst of the torrential rain and darkness a hand reached down and grabbed her – her brother was the rescuer. She climbed the tree and joined her father, Daniel and the three lone survivors clung like drenched cockatoos to that limb.
In the early hours of 23rd June, Mrs. Smith paddled a makeshift canoe through the devastation of the flood. In the distance she heard the pathetic cries for help as they responded to her coo-ee. She followed the ghostly sounds looking for her husband, Fred. Sadly, Fred was lost in the calamity of the Baker Flood.
If Cecelia did not persist that night, if she hadn’t pushed herself above the water – well I wouldn’t be here and neither would some of you!
Today is about acknowledging the lives lost but I’d also like to suggest that is it s celebration of friendship, survival and most of all, life.
I would like to thank my parents, Betty and Jim Ashton, my husband, Roger Sayers and his love, support and ongoing dedication to my dreams. I would also like to thank my Green Back Pack who is the star of the show! (Just kidding thought I would add that just for fun ).
May you all enjoy the spirit of Cecelia and live each day with passion and determination.
Thank you,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
See I told you, she was pretty amazing. I am so proud my eyelets are drizzling with moisture. Oups sorry that is a sprinkling of rain. Does this mean we’ve brought rain to the dry and dusty drought stricken country – it’s a miracle! I wonder, has the sadness of the day reflected in the sky? This region was once a thriving community – sheep grazed down yonder and now ski boats and fishermen float in hope of the ultimate ride or the best catch of the day.
Look, who is that? My Mistress walks over to the ramp to greet them – in their ethereal state they stroll up the ramp to thank her for the dedication today. Mary Ann Baker carrying her baby on her hip – her baby daughter only 8 months old when she died closely followed by her boys – Henry, Andrew, Charles, John Isaac, Thomas Edwin and even Mr. Smith. Rubbing my eyelets I can see one more figure – he gently pushes past his brood and walks toward my Mistress. A wide smile broad with contentment, it’s Daniel Isaac Baker. He must found and connect with his family in the after life.
Well I’ll be a green back pack – oh my goodness – well sew my seams and call me greenie – it’s Cecelia (and how could you miss her with all that flaming red hair?) And look yonder, it is George Moses is just off to the left of his family gathering hoping not to be noticed. Is that a smile I see – yes, I do believe it is – it’s a wry smile from George Moses – how brilliant is that? The best part of is that they’ve come back together to give thanks for the launch. Their story is out there for us to enjoy, listen to and be told.
The Baker’s gather around my Goddess of the Spirit World; she is surrounded by love, joy, respect and admiration. She has heard their whispers, enchanted by their story and with the devotion of her husband, Roger, published an e-book (let’s not destroy any more forests).
This journey began with a phone call to announce an impending birth. The first great grandchild of Beatrice and James Ashton was on his way into the world. This call became the corridor of esoteric conversations and many hours of dedication writing, talking, researching, editing and finally publishing and eco-friendly record of a family’s existence and their eventual obliteration from this world. The lives lost on the night of the 22 June 1867 have not only been remembered and revered they have been recorded for eternity. This story along with their spirit will live on – what a gift to us all?
The family melt into the mist of the morning. An echo whispers up from the Lake – if you build it they will come. This is the confirmation of the constant chant revolving around and around throughout the duration of this journey. Many times when Mistress was collaborating with TB Jackson through the recording of this story, they would hear this phrase over and over, “if you build it they will come!” Now with the realisation that the memorial stands proudly on the point adjacent to their cabin was the focus of the message – don’t you agree? I suppose it goes to prove if you listen and act on the prompts of the messages you dreams will become real.
People mingle around the rock and the atmosphere becomes electric. Interested attendees lobby for a copy of the eBook and mistress writes a personal message and signs them one by one. I look at her and my heart skips a beat as she listens to their personal testament to the connection of the Baker Flood.
Scrap books on bonnets and local historians share the preamble to the connection to the region. Already I can see how the memorial is working its magic – if you build it they will come!
Sadness folds over my flaps as I gaze at Pa. He is frail and leaned over sitting along in a fold up chair. His sheer Arian determination has brought him to the launch but I can feel that the years are catching up and he wont’ be with us for much longer.
Mistress connects with him too – she shields him from the cold – she is going to miss him so much when he finds it too painful to go on.
People pour back into their vehicles redy for the return home. Mistress has decided to stay the night and absorb the energy of the land. The Ancients are calling her and I have a strong suspicion that her connection to Baker’s Swamp is not over. I’m told that she will return again and again and one day establishes her creative legacy. So, watch this space as the adventure continues,
Your mate,
Memorial Dedication and Book Launch
"The Baker Flood"
22nd June 2008
At Burrandong State Park
The roots of the family tree run deep. Julia Ashton-Sayers and TB Jackson have written this book based on actual events of the -
"Tale of Terror" (Bathurst Times - July 10, 1867)
"Of all the appalling calamities that have been produced by the recent floods, that which befell the BAKER family, at Burrandong, forms the most heart rendering picture of humane misery and suffering. The story sends the blood with a shuddering chill to the heart and chokes expression by the depth of emotion it creates. Oh! The misery of the dreadful night"
Whoa! Dreams do come true – we are turning into the doggy prison – there is a God of the Knapsacks after all. Now, we’re ready for some serious travelling – let’s go!
Wearily I peep out of my sleepy eyelets and become immersed in the rolling green duvet dotted with golden swatches of canola. The rock and roll of the car lulls me back to sleep as the scenery blends into a virtual blur.
Voices, doors slamming and I am startled into the moment – “here over here – here I am! Hey pay attention – look I carried her books, I assised in the research of this book, the midnight visitations and ancestral conversations – I’ve seen and heard it all. The ethereal urging of a tale that must be told – its all here in my sleepy folds – it was me can’t you see – I was there I did it and now I should have the fame and glory. What is wrong with people these days?
Mistress’s family greet with a multitude of hugs and kisses. Tony and Karen welcomed us into an extension of their huge hearts. Baker’s Swamp is the place to be – it’s a happening locale.
Early Sunday morning I’m woken by the tiny hands of my Mistress exploring my pockets fumbling for her journal. She is relentless – her writing is an obsession. I guess it’s not a bad obsession when you think about alternatives. I know one thing for certain her passion and dedication is unfathomable.
Breakfast and verbal navigations to the Burrendong Dam are delivered in short bursts and unfinished sentences. Everyone climbs into the vehicles and we are off to bring the climatic finale of the Baker’s story.
It is the 22nd June 2008 and we arrive at the Dam. A rock has been chosen (on our previous trip) and a brass plaque engraved. The inscription honours those who perished in the flood of 1867. This memorial is a statue of remembrance for those family members who lost their lives. A family almost obliterated from the face of the earth – it was if they didn’t exist – until today. The book launch and dedication will make sure that they are remembered on this cold and sombre day.
A death chill rolls up from the Lake. In a stark reminder of the Baker’s Flood it is suspected that the Dam has claimed another life in the same spot as the cabin once stood. In a macabre and fated event another life has been taken – a young man is missing after his boat capsized while fishing with his mates last night.
The solemn start to the launch is surpassed by the gathering of the Baker ancestors. Various interested neighbours and folk from the region have gathered to hear the tale of the Baker’s story. Natalie Holmes, reporter for the Daily Liberal is a vivacious and curious young professional reporter. She is sensitive and interested in the tragic tale.
Eris Thorpe capitalised on a local TV reporter and clinched a live interview for the launch. My straps burst with pride as I watch my shy Mistress taut the legacy of her family right on cue. She revealed her desire to bring their story to a respectful and honourable conclusion and did not forget to mention her great great grandmother Cecelia Baker as a spiritual beacon.
After the interview Mistress spoke with deliberate respect and devotion of the spirit of Cecelia. Here is an excerpt from her speech:
Good morning and welcome,
Thank you, Eris and the Burrendong Trust for allowing us to erect this Memorial in the State Park. I would also like to thank and give respect to the original owners of the land.
The purpose of this gathering is to dedicate this plaque to the memory of those who perished in the flood of June 22nd 1867. One that night a woman –a mother, died along with her seven babes. A neighbour, Mr. Frederick Smith paid the ultimate price in the name of mateship. Fred died along with the Bakers in a selfless act of friendship.
While we honour the ones who perished, I would also like to remember the ones who lived. How difficult was it for them to continue to live on the 23rd June and the days, weeks and months thereafter. Some people say that the spirits of our ancestors shape our lives. That they inspire us to survive, thrive and make a difference each day of our lives. I’m inclined to agree.
I often think about Cecelia Baker who at the age of 15 nursed her baby sister in her arms until she realised that the frozen body was lifeless and released her into to the surging tide. With her broken heart and tormented soul she moved from the roof of the shack toward her own watery demise. From all accounts she could not swim, I am positive that she too considered her own death. Fortunately, she did not succumb instead thrust her head above the raging flood waters and somehow propelled her in the direction of the nearest tree.
In the midst of the torrential rain and darkness a hand reached down and grabbed her – her brother was the rescuer. She climbed the tree and joined her father, Daniel and the three lone survivors clung like drenched cockatoos to that limb.
In the early hours of 23rd June, Mrs. Smith paddled a makeshift canoe through the devastation of the flood. In the distance she heard the pathetic cries for help as they responded to her coo-ee. She followed the ghostly sounds looking for her husband, Fred. Sadly, Fred was lost in the calamity of the Baker Flood.
If Cecelia did not persist that night, if she hadn’t pushed herself above the water – well I wouldn’t be here and neither would some of you!
Today is about acknowledging the lives lost but I’d also like to suggest that is it s celebration of friendship, survival and most of all, life.
I would like to thank my parents, Betty and Jim Ashton, my husband, Roger Sayers and his love, support and ongoing dedication to my dreams. I would also like to thank my Green Back Pack who is the star of the show! (Just kidding thought I would add that just for fun ).
May you all enjoy the spirit of Cecelia and live each day with passion and determination.
Thank you,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
See I told you, she was pretty amazing. I am so proud my eyelets are drizzling with moisture. Oups sorry that is a sprinkling of rain. Does this mean we’ve brought rain to the dry and dusty drought stricken country – it’s a miracle! I wonder, has the sadness of the day reflected in the sky? This region was once a thriving community – sheep grazed down yonder and now ski boats and fishermen float in hope of the ultimate ride or the best catch of the day.
Look, who is that? My Mistress walks over to the ramp to greet them – in their ethereal state they stroll up the ramp to thank her for the dedication today. Mary Ann Baker carrying her baby on her hip – her baby daughter only 8 months old when she died closely followed by her boys – Henry, Andrew, Charles, John Isaac, Thomas Edwin and even Mr. Smith. Rubbing my eyelets I can see one more figure – he gently pushes past his brood and walks toward my Mistress. A wide smile broad with contentment, it’s Daniel Isaac Baker. He must found and connect with his family in the after life.
Well I’ll be a green back pack – oh my goodness – well sew my seams and call me greenie – it’s Cecelia (and how could you miss her with all that flaming red hair?) And look yonder, it is George Moses is just off to the left of his family gathering hoping not to be noticed. Is that a smile I see – yes, I do believe it is – it’s a wry smile from George Moses – how brilliant is that? The best part of is that they’ve come back together to give thanks for the launch. Their story is out there for us to enjoy, listen to and be told.
The Baker’s gather around my Goddess of the Spirit World; she is surrounded by love, joy, respect and admiration. She has heard their whispers, enchanted by their story and with the devotion of her husband, Roger, published an e-book (let’s not destroy any more forests).
This journey began with a phone call to announce an impending birth. The first great grandchild of Beatrice and James Ashton was on his way into the world. This call became the corridor of esoteric conversations and many hours of dedication writing, talking, researching, editing and finally publishing and eco-friendly record of a family’s existence and their eventual obliteration from this world. The lives lost on the night of the 22 June 1867 have not only been remembered and revered they have been recorded for eternity. This story along with their spirit will live on – what a gift to us all?
The family melt into the mist of the morning. An echo whispers up from the Lake – if you build it they will come. This is the confirmation of the constant chant revolving around and around throughout the duration of this journey. Many times when Mistress was collaborating with TB Jackson through the recording of this story, they would hear this phrase over and over, “if you build it they will come!” Now with the realisation that the memorial stands proudly on the point adjacent to their cabin was the focus of the message – don’t you agree? I suppose it goes to prove if you listen and act on the prompts of the messages you dreams will become real.
People mingle around the rock and the atmosphere becomes electric. Interested attendees lobby for a copy of the eBook and mistress writes a personal message and signs them one by one. I look at her and my heart skips a beat as she listens to their personal testament to the connection of the Baker Flood.
Scrap books on bonnets and local historians share the preamble to the connection to the region. Already I can see how the memorial is working its magic – if you build it they will come!
Sadness folds over my flaps as I gaze at Pa. He is frail and leaned over sitting along in a fold up chair. His sheer Arian determination has brought him to the launch but I can feel that the years are catching up and he wont’ be with us for much longer.
Mistress connects with him too – she shields him from the cold – she is going to miss him so much when he finds it too painful to go on.
People pour back into their vehicles redy for the return home. Mistress has decided to stay the night and absorb the energy of the land. The Ancients are calling her and I have a strong suspicion that her connection to Baker’s Swamp is not over. I’m told that she will return again and again and one day establishes her creative legacy. So, watch this space as the adventure continues,
Your mate,
Memorial Dedication and Book Launch
"The Baker Flood"
22nd June 2008
At Burrandong State Park
The roots of the family tree run deep. Julia Ashton-Sayers and TB Jackson have written this book based on actual events of the -
"Tale of Terror" (Bathurst Times - July 10, 1867)
"Of all the appalling calamities that have been produced by the recent floods, that which befell the BAKER family, at Burrandong, forms the most heart rendering picture of humane misery and suffering. The story sends the blood with a shuddering chill to the heart and chokes expression by the depth of emotion it creates. Oh! The misery of the dreadful night"
Kindness is catchy!
Today and everyday I am open and receptive to channels of good! I let go the need to know what they are! I open my mind to good ideas and wise actions.
It’s a number three day which encourages communication and short journeys. My mind is free from fear or clutter and I am feeling vibrant. The sun is shinning and all is perfect – what more could I want? Well probably a great deal more. What’s that you’re saying? Well, I want the world – everyone on the planet to feel the same as I do on this glorious November day.
Venus, planet of love and money moves into Scorpio today. The Sun is still in Scorpio so there is a deep and profound connection going on with these two forces.
This morning I’ve woken up to my husband declaring his love for me and my dog Jazz nudging me and gazing into my soul with her huge deep pools of chocolate starry eyes. Telepathically she is voicing her deep love and devotion for me – or perhaps that is a little begging – where is my brekkie? Never mind – I have the power to choose the subliminal messages and I choose love and loyalty!
So, in my journal I’ve decided to spread the joy and give humanity a taste of the ambrosia from the fountain of love – how philanthropic of me?
The Moon incites creativity – her ebb and flow are constant as she moves through her cycles and signs. She is a complex orb – forever shifting and hauling her energy over the planet. Our emotional and social worlds are closely aligned to her timeless spell.
The Fool is a source of illumination – raw and ready to race into the world – travelling light with all his might – striding a different path, “where to from here?” he boasts! Gosh I don’t know; let’s just see where it takes us? He travels along and refuses to carry and baggage of the past – a warrior of sorts – a young optimist without weapons or agenda.
On the contrary, the Emperor loves control and his agenda is full with the rule of the realm. He dictates from Mount Olympus and moves his gods and goddesses like fragile chess pieces on a mystical chess board.
He is the final chapter in my morning reading – the pictures of my unconscious are revealed. What will the day hold and what will I do now that my morning ritual of journal scribing is nearly done?
There are no great plans or extensive to do lists – a little publishing on my blogs and updating sites – a coffee date with my best mate – my gorgeous husband – some time in the garden pottering around and admire the recent foliage and blooms.
While we are on the subject of gardens it reminds me that I’ve never been so involved or connected to my garden in my life. It’s a strange phenomenon that all of a sudden I am excited about the billowing lacy canopy of my maples as they’ve transformed from grey limbs and spotted stick branches into a mass of tiny perfect leaves. And the Australian native plants are flowering profusely. My bulbs are giving it all they’ve got before they exit and go under ground until next spring.
I am delighted with my patch of flowery Nirvana. I don’t mind the work – it is worth the pain as the rewards are the ongoing bountiful gain.
So what about you? What are your unconscious forces guiding you to do? It is Sunday – a wonderful day to nurture yourself and enjoy a day of rest. Is it socialising you have on the top of your list? Well if it is then I hope it is a magical gathering full of fun and laughter.
Relish the moment and share a nice word – make someone’s day and remember to be kind. Love who you are – there’s no-one who can love you like you can. And when you feel the love spilling over share it with your neighbour, your family, your friends and even the world – what else are we meant to do?
Good luck is with me. Good luck happens when an opportunity presents itself and I meet it with preparedness.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Friday, November 6, 2009
Aladdin’s (Julia’s) Lamp

I am now open and receptive to new channels of good! I let go of the need to know what they are! I open my mind to good ideas and wise actions.
I woke up this morning to a large huntsman spider sitting on my wall. I don’t see spiders very often here in this house and was intrigued as to why he chose to be right here in front of me. I thought about the significance of spiders and how their presence impacts and remembered that spiders represent the web of life. Perhaps it is something about the web aka the internet or perhaps my destiny is presenting bread crumbs for me to follow – watch this space.
Last night I dreamt that I was strolling along my favourite beach in Coffs Harbour and lodged in the sand was a lamp. Immediately, I thought Aladdin’s lamp (as you would) and the corrected myself and said no, its Julia’s lamp.
I thought okay, let see if this lamp works like in the fairy tale. So I gave it a rub and sure enough a beautiful genie emerged (a little Barbara Eden-esqe). She smiled and said, “hello Mistress – thank you for releasing me from the lamp – it is pretty cramped in there and I’ve been trapped for a thousand years – you know the deal – you have three wishes – so let’s move on – what are they?”
I said, “I am massively grateful for my life and I have created a magical, comfortable and safe realm to live in however there are one or two desires still left on my list and I would like to bring them to fruition.”
She said, “Yes of course, what are they?”
I said that I want perfect health; to be vibrant and vivacious – respect for my body and to feel that is a powerful, sensual and loving temple for my heart and soul. I want my mind to think clearly and ensure that I make the right choices for a healthy lifestyle.
She replied, “Yes, this is done – what is the next one?”
I said, I now give thanks that my townhouse in Coffs Harbour Jetty is now sold to the perfect person for the perfect price. She said, “Yes it is done – so what is your final wish? After all these two wishes have already been granted – all we are waiting on is the outcome and the evidence.”
Well, it was the first wish I thought about but wanted to save it for the grand finale. Interesting, she nodded and said, yes I know.
We sat down together facing one another on the warm sand and the familiar sounds of the ocean crashed gently around us. I was mesmerised by her brilliant blue eyes and her wide glowing smile. Finally, I said that that my third wish is that you have your freedom. I wish that you were not confined to one small space existing on the whims of those who may find you on some lonely beach somewhere. She said, “Yes I can be free if that is what you wish, Mistress however my destiny is that I am here to serve humanity.
Then my final wish is that you are free to walk the planet granting wishes for those who call upon you. She blinked and said, “You are most kind, Julia – you are generous and thoughtful but don’t you see, I am you and you are me and we are the same person – living our truth together.
I woke up smiling and felt comforted by the dream and could not wait to spread the word that we all have our own genie within – take her out for a stroll in your favourite locale and communicate your desires because magic happens!
The Moon is in her natal abode and the Sun in Scorpio. It must be a day to nourish our souls with love, good food and compassion. Enjoy your day!
I pay attention to events and details that are out of the ordinary – that is, seemingly coincidental. Life is littered with clues that guide me through life. When I pay attention to “out of the ordinary” events, I ope up to life’s magic.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
I woke up this morning to a large huntsman spider sitting on my wall. I don’t see spiders very often here in this house and was intrigued as to why he chose to be right here in front of me. I thought about the significance of spiders and how their presence impacts and remembered that spiders represent the web of life. Perhaps it is something about the web aka the internet or perhaps my destiny is presenting bread crumbs for me to follow – watch this space.
Last night I dreamt that I was strolling along my favourite beach in Coffs Harbour and lodged in the sand was a lamp. Immediately, I thought Aladdin’s lamp (as you would) and the corrected myself and said no, its Julia’s lamp.
I thought okay, let see if this lamp works like in the fairy tale. So I gave it a rub and sure enough a beautiful genie emerged (a little Barbara Eden-esqe). She smiled and said, “hello Mistress – thank you for releasing me from the lamp – it is pretty cramped in there and I’ve been trapped for a thousand years – you know the deal – you have three wishes – so let’s move on – what are they?”
I said, “I am massively grateful for my life and I have created a magical, comfortable and safe realm to live in however there are one or two desires still left on my list and I would like to bring them to fruition.”
She said, “Yes of course, what are they?”
I said that I want perfect health; to be vibrant and vivacious – respect for my body and to feel that is a powerful, sensual and loving temple for my heart and soul. I want my mind to think clearly and ensure that I make the right choices for a healthy lifestyle.
She replied, “Yes, this is done – what is the next one?”
I said, I now give thanks that my townhouse in Coffs Harbour Jetty is now sold to the perfect person for the perfect price. She said, “Yes it is done – so what is your final wish? After all these two wishes have already been granted – all we are waiting on is the outcome and the evidence.”
Well, it was the first wish I thought about but wanted to save it for the grand finale. Interesting, she nodded and said, yes I know.
We sat down together facing one another on the warm sand and the familiar sounds of the ocean crashed gently around us. I was mesmerised by her brilliant blue eyes and her wide glowing smile. Finally, I said that that my third wish is that you have your freedom. I wish that you were not confined to one small space existing on the whims of those who may find you on some lonely beach somewhere. She said, “Yes I can be free if that is what you wish, Mistress however my destiny is that I am here to serve humanity.
Then my final wish is that you are free to walk the planet granting wishes for those who call upon you. She blinked and said, “You are most kind, Julia – you are generous and thoughtful but don’t you see, I am you and you are me and we are the same person – living our truth together.
I woke up smiling and felt comforted by the dream and could not wait to spread the word that we all have our own genie within – take her out for a stroll in your favourite locale and communicate your desires because magic happens!
The Moon is in her natal abode and the Sun in Scorpio. It must be a day to nourish our souls with love, good food and compassion. Enjoy your day!
I pay attention to events and details that are out of the ordinary – that is, seemingly coincidental. Life is littered with clues that guide me through life. When I pay attention to “out of the ordinary” events, I ope up to life’s magic.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Let it go

I now accept the truth that there is no separation between me and the universal treasury! My financial needs, like all needs, are met on time, in the right way. There is plenty to share and spare!
The Moon and Pluto are in opposition today. It’s time to face your fears and let go of attitudes or beliefs that do not support your truth. The numerology of the day supports that alignment with a 10/1 day. What does that mean? Well, a 10 is the end of a cycle and the 1 represents a new beginning.
Yesterday I learned that prospective tenants who had arranged to move into my property in Coffs Harbour had changed their minds. Of course that is not an entirely bad thing. Why? Well philosophically speaking if they were not the right tenants then it was best that they chose not to sign contracts.
The disappointing part of the exchange was that they did not bother to notify us. They had basically made up their minds on Monday to put an offer on another property and they could not be bothered to pick up the phone and let us know.
I was disappointed that people are not capable of being courteous. Why is it so difficult for people to say, look I apologise for the inconvenience of drawing up the contracts, mowing the lawns and having the place cleaned spotless however I am not going ahead.
From my perspective it is a positive outcome as I’d prefer to sell the gorgeous town house rather than rent it to people who do not really want to be there. Now the perfect new owners will appear with the most perfect offer – so be it!
What I was most pleased about during this situation was that I did not spiral into a place of fear. I saw that the matter as slightly disappointing rather as an open door to something more positive and which aligns with our vision for the future.
In my mind lack propels lack. I have no room in my life for a lack of anything let along seeing a negative outcome. Why choose to predict negativity when we can easily feed a positive future with our thoughts and actions. While the everyday fears creep in to taunt us we don’t have to ask them to pull up a chair and stay. It is far more empowering to say, no thanks, I don’t like what you are selling – I am not buying into that script!
I can transform my entire life. The universe is an unbroken continuous fabric which I can create and intend my destiny. So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The Moon and Pluto are in opposition today. It’s time to face your fears and let go of attitudes or beliefs that do not support your truth. The numerology of the day supports that alignment with a 10/1 day. What does that mean? Well, a 10 is the end of a cycle and the 1 represents a new beginning.
Yesterday I learned that prospective tenants who had arranged to move into my property in Coffs Harbour had changed their minds. Of course that is not an entirely bad thing. Why? Well philosophically speaking if they were not the right tenants then it was best that they chose not to sign contracts.
The disappointing part of the exchange was that they did not bother to notify us. They had basically made up their minds on Monday to put an offer on another property and they could not be bothered to pick up the phone and let us know.
I was disappointed that people are not capable of being courteous. Why is it so difficult for people to say, look I apologise for the inconvenience of drawing up the contracts, mowing the lawns and having the place cleaned spotless however I am not going ahead.
From my perspective it is a positive outcome as I’d prefer to sell the gorgeous town house rather than rent it to people who do not really want to be there. Now the perfect new owners will appear with the most perfect offer – so be it!
What I was most pleased about during this situation was that I did not spiral into a place of fear. I saw that the matter as slightly disappointing rather as an open door to something more positive and which aligns with our vision for the future.
In my mind lack propels lack. I have no room in my life for a lack of anything let along seeing a negative outcome. Why choose to predict negativity when we can easily feed a positive future with our thoughts and actions. While the everyday fears creep in to taunt us we don’t have to ask them to pull up a chair and stay. It is far more empowering to say, no thanks, I don’t like what you are selling – I am not buying into that script!
I can transform my entire life. The universe is an unbroken continuous fabric which I can create and intend my destiny. So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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