Monday, November 30, 2009

Soul elixir

I acknowledge that everything that happens to me or my loved ones is to help us grow. There is nothing that happens that I am not strong enough to handle. I know this to be true for my loved ones also.

An insightful number seven day is the perfect day to reach into the tiny crevices of our soul and remove any resentment or anger that may still exist. Allow the energy of the seven to look inside and question, “is this really working for me? If the answer is no then prepare to excise the abscess. Drain the wound of negativity and let the healing begin.

You know those words, slights, objects of disrespect that linger after an encounter? Well they erode our self esteem and rob us of future happiness. Our job is to wear Teflon coating so that none of them stick. It’s the only way – really!

The Taurean moon is calm, practical and grounded in reality. If you’ve done you best then that is good enough – isn’t it? Let the seeds of inspiration take root in a fresh and fertile playing field. I am sure that you’ve endured an enough manure to make a fine crop blossom in the meadow.

The Star collaborates with the heavens to instigate the lightness of heart and facilitate a new era. The Sun gives life surging energy to the new plantation. The Wheel of Fortune spins in a new direction – by Jove – prepare for a period of good fortune – everyone deserves abundance now and again.

I remain attentive about life. When I am attentive about life, I can act on every opportunity.

Mercury and Chiron hold hands and in this demonstration of collaboration we benefit with the knowledge that all is good and we are doing fine.

Let the soul elixir flood into your life and heal the wounds of the past then tip the urn out into humanity.

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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