Sunday, November 29, 2009

Live for tomorrow today!

I now allow the past to be the past. I accept credit for many things I have achieved, knowingly and unknowingly. I accept the wisdom of the lessons I have learned. I did the best I could at the time, and understand that this is true for everyone else.

The Moon in Pisces continues to bring a gentleness and romantic vibe to the air. The Sag Sun is forever foraging ahead – the pioneer and the archer in pursuit of truth and freedom.

It’s a number three day – a time when the potential is rife for communication and short journeys.

The Tower commands – expect the unexpected. Lightning bolts to the foundation of your existence are being challenges – change is on the horizon.

The Hierophant is Chiron – the wounded part of us – tainted by the slights of others he hides in his cave – pulling at the poison arrow and allowing the wound to heal with love and gentleness.

Temperance is the rational and philosophical aspect of our consciousness – rise above adversity with eyes focussed on the future and a knowing shrug. You may crush me in the short term but that won’t destroy my spirit. I’m here for the long term and this moment in time represents a tiny pebble in my shoe.

I stand strong in my personal power. When the upsurgeance from within becomes the blustering wind there is nothing beyond my reach.

I am a Goddess labouring over the new. Gaia is my mother and I bring the babe into the world with one more push. Life seems unfair at times. Perhaps a blemished point of view - the now is what we make it – perspective shift and change with the tides of our discontent.

The optimist and the pessimist struggle over a glass half full (half empty too). The sky is grey and cloudy but I can only see the rainbow in the distance. Misery breeds contempt and discontent in equal portions apathy is the undesired outcome. And apathy breeds resentment. Is that anyway to live? If it doesn’t fit move on after all everyone is entitled to happiness.

The work day beckons and I am inclined to escape into my magical realm while skipping along the yellow brick road with my friends. Part of being an adult is to face the truth and don’t regret one step your make in pursuit of a positive tomorrow. Live for today.

Peace and Love,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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