Julia Ashton-Sayers
“Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but a matter of moments”. Rose Kennedy
The Moon in Aquarius highlights our eleventh house of friends and acquaintances. In my opinion my life is a much brighter place because of my friends. They are diverse in color, smell and their fragrance varies from a plush of purple lavender bush to a strong on a fall day in Vermont.
Yesterday I was delighted to get a call from my friend, Jems. She lives in Vermont, USA and apparently wanted to hear my voice. And I always revel in the sound of hers – a dappled Brooklyn accent with a warm Vermont cloak. I love accents – the unique vocal signature of one’s life journey. Yes, the accents that are attuned to my friends are diverse as they are – it’s like a multicultural feast for a curious and hungry soul.
Hermes, the Magician makes an entrance into my subconscious. Mercury is the ruler of this card. At the moment Mercury is retrograde and therefore communication, short journeys and intellectual pursuits are challenging. In that case, it is important to thinking positively and not get caught up in the chaos of this trickster.
The World is my central focus. I am abundantly content in the centre of my Universe. Little green shoots are appearing in my garden as my Buddha rests and watches for the flowers to appear.
Yesterday was a magnificent blend of sensual bliss and magnificent aromas converging on my senses like market day in Morocco? I had a day-spa experience and was pampered into an ecstatic reverie – the commitments of my work life scrubbed away by aromatic sea salt remembrances of the week past lavished into oblivion with mango body butter. The tiny capsule surrounded me protecting me from the outside world while the Vichy shower transported me into rapture and beyond. Why do I indulge myself in such a way, you may ask? Well, I could say, “I’m worth it!” It’s more than that for me – there are a multitude of reasons why I pamper my body they range from; caring for my body ensures peace and harmony in my mind and soul, commitment to a work life balance is important, it’s good for me and the list goes on. These moments of indulgence maintain a steady flow of Julia and her individual sonata in tune with the global symphony that inspires me to reach unchartered milestones and bask in melting moments.
Seize the day!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
“Music is well said to be the speech of Angels” Thomas Carlyle
Temperance, solitary, serene and perfectly poised above the chaos enchants me into her tranquil embrace.
The Moon, a constant beacon which ebbs and flows throughout my life – ruler of unfathomable emotional realms. The catalyst for socialization and the impetus for integration; her cycle is enduring through all signs of the zodiac as we interact with others, reminders that we are not a solitary agent in this world of confusion. As we attempt to decipher our unwritten mission statement and connect (or not) with other mortals our invisible syntax unravels uncovering tiny particles of our existence.
It’s a number five day – a day of change. Rain has drizzled on to the dry and dusty Capital. A window of opportunity is open – it’s time to get moving. Not in a frantic or disheveled way instead a graceful Russian leap. It’s the weekend, after all.
The morning dew is overcome by the rancid stench of diesel. The truck down the road is idling toxic fumes throughout my neighborhood. I don’t really mind that he drives a truck – his load carries Australia, after all. I do mind however, that he turns the engine over and then squats in the doorway of his home and smokes a cigarette – toxic on toxic – is that a double negative, I wonder? I guess they must cancel one another out?
Music clips roll across the wall. I’ve been captivated by a clip that starts with a young woman dunking her hands into white paint. She begins to signing words of the song. The message of the song unveils a creative foray into hands across the wall. I am reminded that this one of my constant visions. Songs that sing – a brilliant inclusion for all of our deaf friends and family, don’t you think?
Why shouldn’t we embrace inclusivity? I’ve also seem interludes where I offer my neck to the blind so they can feel/sense the words of a song.
In my perfect world, no-one is left out of the right of self expression or creative rite of passage. After all creativity is food for the soul and self expression is the first step. If we did not embrace individual creative expression then I wouldn’t be able to publish my journal or eBooks – how frustrating would that be?
The tasks of the morning beckon – time to make an investment in another day. Have a wonderful day – wherever you are!
Julia Ashton-Sayers
The High Priestess reminds me of the recent footprints of my journey. They have been laden with despair and rejection. The treacherous comments of others and venomous barbs have perpetrated the delicate layer of my soul.
While recovering from the taunts of others I have arrived at a summit of peace and kindness. This hiatus in my odyssey has layered Teflon coating now allowing the sludge to stick to this gossamer veneer. The beauty I hold in my heart is mirrored in my thoughts and words rejecting the tendrils of evil from permeating my soul.
The Hierophant, wise and deliberate in his stare counsels me and offers the allure of a golden interval. This pristine breathing space allows time to heal. Deep within his temple of protection I am able to find the tormented parts of me and cure the crevices of agony which have been slashed by the vileness of the “dark ones”.
This morning I woke feeling renewed. It wasn’t just a satisfied feeling of a rich rejuvenating slumber. Instead I felt that I had returned from a journey to a healing portal – a place where Angels and sagacious beings joined forces and beamed blessings of love into my being.
I stretched and smiled, “chanted get out of bed, sleepy head” to begin my morning rituals. Lingering words of erudite visitors whispered spasms of encouragement. During this period of I dripped essential oils into burners placed around my home, lighting them with plausible optimism to bring a cleansing and infuse the home with a recipe for well being.
After picking up my journal the conversation began with an overview of yesterday’s adventure and an acknowledgement that I need to honour me and my promise to myself for good health and happiness. The atmosphere of my home is swaddling me in a garden of ambrosia; nectar selected carefully to ensure love, peace and harmony.
The gentle sounds of rhythms lull me into a sacred cavern. My soul is connected to the Divine and my heart pumps out tantric messages of peace. Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “It isn’t enough to talk about peace; one must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it; one must work at it!”
So, my personal mission for today is to being into my corner of the Universe. I will go out and spread this seed to the world through positive thoughts and demonstrate peace with my actions. What will you do?
Peace and Love,
Today marks a new beginning for me. I’ve turned a corner and encountered “realization” in the form of a brick wall. Over the past few weeks I’ve been a little off centre and have breached my diet and forgotten promises I’ve made to myself. Today with the help of the enthusiastic Fool I’ve faced the scales and I am re-routed on to the right path.
For me, it’s not just about “the diet” or losing weight – it’s more about control. Yes, the big Scorpion word (one that I don’t normally ascribe too!) flashes across my consciousness. Over the past few weeks I’ve lost my balance – holidays and celebrations have taken priority and my focus has wavered.
Yesterday, the Moon was full in my sign, Scorpio. I felt the intensity of the lunar maiden as she faced her third and final phase. The Crone phase is about resolution, conclusion and release a perfect time to relinquish the bad habits of the past, don’t you think?
Normally when the moon is full in your sign you are in the spotlight – in some respects it is the Universe shinning the light on you or some part of you that is not working – in short, a cosmic reality check - to celebrate this rite of passage and cosmic spotlight I spent the day with one of my fav. Gal pals and went shopping. Well, I ask you, what else would you do?
We had a blast! Of course we stopped and had sustenance during the day but as the sun began to set over the Brindabellas’ we headed for our respect homes to rest and revive the body and spirit.
During this foray into shopping bliss I was reminded of how wonderful it is to have such amazing friends as this woman. We laughed and gasped at fashion trends and subsequent fashion boo boos. We lavished our skin with luxurious scents and oils tantalizing all of our senses in the process.
At the end of the extravaganza we jugged and promised to do it all again – how soon? I’m not sure that my bank account could tolerate it for a while. When my hubby picked me up I recounted the great adventure. I’m positive all he saw was the money evaporate from our bank accounts and ballooning balance on the credit card.
So, how does the reflection of this indulgent day fit into the promise of balance and commitment? Well we just have to find our balance – don’t we?
Happy Mother’s Day all the women of the World!
Peace and Love,
Today brings the official end to our holiday – sad but true. We’ve had a great time with lots of relaxation and a fine time of rejuvenation. Now it’s time to return home to the rituals of our daily life. The Virgo moon and sun in Taurus will definitely help with the determination and drive to accomplish this next phase.
I’ve enjoyed the vagabond existence over the past week. Yesterday was brilliant with a morning shopping flurry in Sydney then off to celebrate the Aries/Taurus birthdays in the family. We visited with my son and his family – what a treat? I got to play with my grandsons who are always fabulous fun.
The joy and bliss is in the moment with lots of laughter and spontaneous creativity; I always leave their home feeling sated emotionally and exhausted physically with a day of raucous laughter, innovative games and steely negotiation on the agenda. They are my living, breathing joy!
Now for the packing (again) and back to Canberra for the working week. I am slightly pleased to go back home and feel the energy of my own residence. Back to work tomorrow to re-establish my routines and get back into the corporate world.
The End of a great ride!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Saturn Day – May 2 – the Moon is in one of the most creative and vivacious signs of the zodiac – Leo. Today, our fifth house is illuminated and it’s time for some serious play!
Yesterday we spoilt ourselves with a fabulous conclusion to our day. It was like an intense opera with the bold crescendo at the finale.
The day started out pretty somber and our eyes scanned the skies looking for a glimmer of sunshine. Apollo, true to his word pushed through the fluffy barricades and produced a magnificent azure blue display of clear skies and sunny port holes.
The Ferry across to Tea Gardens was a marine escapade. Serveral pods of dolphins danced and swam, frolicked and chuckled for us even a rendition of their unique marine opera. In one pod – the nursery, there were baby dolphins swimming very closely to their Mums while sexy Sadie was offering herself up as the vixen of the pod.
Jurassic sized sea birds glided effortlessly on invisible highways. A flock had staked a sandy land claim not far from the shoreline. Beyond the water thoroughfare marshes and swamps laden with fish playing hiding-go-seek from hopeful anglers casting a line.
The Bay was overflowing with optimism; the small boats looking for a big one or at least the potential for a good fish story for the pub tonight. A solitary man in an ocean canoe paddles through the green hills and valleys of a sleep freeway.
The old ferry chugged, rattled and rolled with rigorous monotony. She may have been loud but she lulled us into a tantric phase of mystical reverie.
On the way over the chug-crash-roll was barely noticeable on the return voyage; however the naval concerto became a naval lullaby.
Tea Gardens were a sleepy and welcoming coastal village. Happy smiling faces tinted with sun kissed greetings. Everywhere we walked people would generously share their personal biographies and salacious stories of their arrival.
The jewel in the crown of the voyage was the presence of the two sea eagles perched high above the everglades. Their intensity and yet calm demeanor was intoxicating. I was enthralled by these magnificent birds as they appeared as feathery centurions for our passage.
On our return journey their gaze diverted from the timber watch tower for just a second and they became locked in each other’s gaze. I peered through the lens of my camera and witnessed their beaks touch demonstrating their eagle reputation. My heart lifted from its enclave and I gushed.
The passengers became my next fascination. I looked beyond their appearance and fixated on their aura. Who have they brought with them I considered as I quarried for a clearer resolution on the esoteric channel.
The man over there – unshaven with a mop of black hair – a smile that could facilitate the last cookie from Grandma’s jar - seems he brought his grandfather who is standing behind him looking so sad begging, “please don’t drink another wild turkey son, or you’ll end up just like me!”
A lady with her eyes glued to the camera lens – she clicks away at the scenery and diverts her eyes when her husband whispers in her ear. She has a former lover with her today. No, she is not betraying her husband as this grand love existed centuries past which she was male and he was female.
The passion of their romance ignited a fiery duel and even though he won the battle they could not be together. Eventually, they were both sentenced to death by the power hungry and evil Earl. It seems she has come back to retrace this wretched act. Ironically, she is now married to the Earl – I do hope they can sort it out for the sake of their beautiful daughter.
The sadness of the setting sun concludes our voyage. Now the trip back to reality, obligations – cant is avoided. Our holiday almost over – more packing and unpacking - making plans for another holiday – let’s not wait a whole year!
Peace and Love,