Emerson once wrote: “Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
The message from Emerson is appropriate for the lunar eclipse featured today at 11:54 am AEST. The key with eclipses is to first of all breathe. Secondly accept the changes that occur are for our highest good (eventually).
In your life a particular even or situation may be happening which may seem uncomfortable or unrealistic. Go with it as you will soon discover that you had strayed from your intended path and after the eclipses have passed realised that you are now back on track. Does that make sense?
Soon the struggle will be over and we will be following our true path, aligning my experiences to my perfect vocation or attracting my soul mate (any of these scenarios will become clear after this eclipse season has passed). In short, you will be learning a great deal about yourself and how you can adapt to change and or expanding your knowledge about how others react in highly emotional times of change.
This all sounds pretty sensible, doesn’t it? These words, thoughts – suggestions are rational and practical. While that may be true the impact of the eclipse can be unsettling, emotionally charged or even down right life changing. So when you sit there and the pieces of your life are scattered around you or your social mask is cracked or doesn’t fit anymore please remember – this is all happening as it should. Now I can calmly pick up the pieces and stroll over into the direction of my rightful path.
This week has been unsettling for me. Even though the intensity of the eclipse was uppermost in my mind I still felt the emotional impact of the inner changes and external repercussions (of course). It is one thing to be consciously aware and another to live in the moment and face your own demons. The good thing about eclipses is that they pass – as George Harrison reminds us, “all things must pass away”.
The benefit of eclipses is that we have the opportunity to shed the unwanted, outworn or superfluous baggage and or habits from our lives. These times are the change-bringers and those with a courageous heart can make huge leaps in the right direction. Others may choose to sit and ponder, “why me?” That is their choice of course – so be it.
Our part in this gigantic chess game is to pick up the pieces and move forward. We cannot go blindly into the future as our awareness has now been stimulated and most likely we will have a shift in consciousness or at the very least, a change of heart. Of course we are all affected in some way during this time. We are all playing different roles – our scripts are as unique as we are. Don’t be afraid to turn the page or jump to the next chapter – your courage will be rewarded.
Today is a number seven day of inner reflection. The Devil offers an exit strategy from the oppression and pain of the past few days. Strength suggests dig deep into your pool of wisdom or be resourceful and adaptable. Fear is a beast that dwells within us all – so straddle the beast and focus on your right to have a good life.
The wheel of fortune is encouraging – offering protection by the four guardians. The cherubs atop of the giant disc don’t make any promises of where the spinning will stop or give us insight into the prizes on offer. The great benefactor, Jupiter is mindful and generous with his gifts. He appeases our lost inner child with promises of bread crumbs to the glow of our inner temple.
Today promises changes – not necessarily bad or painful one – just different. The cotton wool of confusion will dissolve in time and clarity will once again reign in our befuddled minds. Don’t be afraid to walk a new path – practice your favourite steps from the academy of silly walks and gaze in awe at the fractured symbols of your past as they are flung across the crimson horizon of yester-world.
Now is a time to dig deep into your took box of tricks and pull a rabbit out of your hat – that trick never works, Bullwinkle! Seize the day and recognise that life has meaning – if only we could interpret the hieroglyphics on the toilet wall?
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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