The dreamy Piscean moon is the perfect healing ointment for the aftermath of the lunar eclipse. There were intense energies yesterday that unsettled the status quo. Today a more go with the flow energy permeates the air – whew!
It is a number eight day of balance and harmony. The eight promises achievement as well as the constant flow of energy. It will be a lot easier to become grounded in reality with this harmonious eight day.
The Hierophant offers wisdom and prudence in the Neptunian influence of the day. A lovely link between Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune will be perfect medicine after the emotional roller coaster ride this week.
The wheel of fortune gives a fair ground feel where prizes are won and lost and the stage is set for getting real.
Death moves slowly into the consciousness – a period of letting go is an essential ingredient to the process.
The Star portends a period of vulnerability – naked in her splendour poised on the stage of life. She has nothing to hide.
This day reveals a welcome mat to the weekend. An easy flow of energy and doors are flying open. I’m relieved that the week has passed but exhausted by all of the lessons.
I will shower and dress adorning clothes and icons of energetic beams. I will lift these spirits up to the Sun and infuse my aura with brilliance.
This week I’ve learned a lot more about myself and my ability to be frail and forgiving. I’ve cried and sometimes wailed releasing the pain of my misgivings. I’ve grown in my vulnerability – shedding the façade of my composed demeanour. I am grateful for the support and realised the golden few standing in my circle of influence.
I feel battle scared from the challenges and step back and eek at the realisations of my behaviour. I need to forgive myself for being so susceptible to the sway of the cosmic shenanigans.
Question is: are we unstable when we act emotionally? Or are we just accessing the emotional gifts given in our human-ness? I am not really sure at this juncture but my heart feels sore and I need to embalm my pain with the cosmic elixir on offer today. What about you?
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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