Friday, March 11, 2011

Act for the people’s benefit

Sunday 13 March 2011

Sun Pisces
Moon Gemini

I place fewer and fewer demands upon others, and especially myself. I am free to commune with nature, work, play, read and just do nothing.

When taxes are too high, people go hungry. When the government is too intrusive, people lose their spirit.

Act for the people’s benefit; trust them, leave them alone.

An 11/2 master number day encourages you to be the light of the world for the world. You can be greatly inspiring today, or you can inspire others. Chant out loud, “I follow my inner star!”

The Moon in Gemini creates an effervescent vibe with the Sun in Pisces. This is enchanting air sign is restless, curious and energetic. Where would we be without our Gemini Moon Beams?

The Sun in Pisces is the spiritual, intuitive source. This phase of the astrological calendar lights up our 12th house of unconscious desires fears and troubles. I see this position as our hard drive – sure we store all of our unconscious data in the memory. We have the chords prepared to shift the focus and defrag the clutter from useless pockets of information and refresh.

It’s Sunday and a restful alliance looms out on the horizon. There is potential for a peaceful interlude. This moment will realign our hyper drive and recharge the battery for another stage in our adventure.

Reach out to another star and join the constellation.

Peace be with you!

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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