Saturday, March 19, 2011

Healing heart

Monday 21 March 2011
Sun Aries
Moon Libra

You are a powerful healer. Keep up the great work.

Deep within your heart, you’re aware of your healing abilities. Perhaps you’ve received feedback from others about the way that your words or touch have helped them heal. By drawing this card, you’re urged to take your healing work to the next level. You’re also asked to purify your diet and thoughts so that higher frequencies of healing energy can flow through you.

By opening to the next level, you’ll notice a shift in the people or situations that come to you for help. You may find the number of healing opportunities increasing, or your clients may display a greater understanding of spirituality.

Heaven wishes to support your healing work completely. If you’d like to further your education, work in a healing centre, or increase your income, just ask… and then be open to receiving.

The Moon in Libra softens the energy of the Sun into Aries. Aries is a fire sign filled with raw motivation and determination. Libra (an air element) is contemplative and gentle. This is a favourable combination when you consider the fire of Aires relies on the air of Libra to be sustainable.

I’ve decided to take our numerological quest into the garden analogy. This weekend I spent considerable time in the garden and while I was pulling out weeds and spreading mulch the alignment to our Garden of Eden became obvious. Let me explain:

Yesterday the number nine day was a day of pulling weeds and spreading bags of mulch. Today is a 10/1 day. This is the end of that cycle and the one represents the rejuvenated and yet protected phase.

The number one is indicated by the state of newness – the fresh appearance. We will continue our gardening dialogue tomorrow.

Have a great, Monday; Monday!

Love, Peace and Happyness,

Julia Ashton-Sayers

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