The Moon in Aquarius and the Sun is in Gemini. It is a number three day of communication, short journeys and relationships

We ventured up the Congo line on Friday late after noon to reconnect with family. The mission has been successful so far. We have seen some of our children and their children and are making places for other family catch ups in the near future. After the trip is completed today we are back down the slithering snake highway like a conveyer belt toward home and prepare for another working week.
It seems as though I live my life in a constant state of alternate realities. In my day job I am a mild mannered reporter for the Daily Planet and then whoosh into a phone box transform into a super hero with tights and a red cape. In this representation I am off to rescue souls in distress and ease the pain of struggling spiritual pioneers.
It is a bit confusing while working at the Daily Planet as no one recognises me or is able to see what lurks beneath the business suits or dark glasses. Do you ever wonder about people who are absent in their demeanour. They are there but not – do you know what I mean? You see someone at work – they blend it – fit the profile but then you become curious about who they really are or what drives them or even excites them – do you know what I mean? You know that deep within that glazed over exterior pulses a real person. They can fool you alright as they sit alone, they eat alone at lunchtime, they walk the streets alone – they never speak up in meetings or argue with colleagues.
I often wonder if we overlook a potential super hero or passionate screen siren – we see right through the gems while being blustered by the braggarts and forceful few. Has anyone asked Ms. Quiet Socks in the corner for her point of view? Or don’t you think that her opinion counts? What if he/she was a brilliant psychic but you kept speaking over the top of her or cut her off – would you feel like a fool when she/he is talking to Oprah about the next great concept or vision. Do we constantly underestimate people? Or is out arrogance that prevents inclusivity? I don’t know however I am positive that most of us live in alternate realities – we do have a life outside the hallways of disillusionment.
I am content living between diverse realities. I oscillate between the dross of everyday life (boo hoo) and the unlimited frontiers of my imagination. If it were not for my incredible and magical imagination then my life at the Daily Planet would swallow up my enthusiasm to create a far, far better place – a place of dreams and magical possibilities.
Peace and Love,
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