The Fool bursts from the cave – enough reflection and hanging about – let’s move on! I’ve been through all of the challenges life has to offer and now my aim is to start afresh – integrate the lessons into my backpack of experience and toddle down the road of dreams. It is time to move on rather than contemplate your navel at the rock of indecision and regret.
The Emperor demands respect. His rule is ruthless, unyielding and unrelenting. He is a formidable part of my psyche but a part that enforces a self respect and sold protective boundaries.
The Lovers – a balanced perspective – communication flows and the gentleness grows. Within the hearts of the broken ones we find the saddest tales of love and loss. Don’t fret beautiful one – well’ supply the healing elixir – remain calm and be gentle with yourself. Take care of you and see the time out you deserve.
Light showers have brought a mist of hope to the Capital. The dry scorched earth is gulping at the tiny droplets of hope. The green shoots of future crops peak through the earth and stretch toward the spring. These tiny tips represent the new crop or phase burgeoning with hope and optimism – hope supplies the impetus to burst through the oppressive clay and push us into a new day.
The sage words of Eleanor Roosevelt echo in my mind, “No one can make you feel inferior without your permission.” So why do we allow ourselves to be trampled by the disrespect of others? How can we enforce a self imprisonment on our souls we all we strive toward are to be free and create Nirvana?
The disillusionment of another week of discontent infects my soul. My body is wracked with regret and yet I know the lessons are not new or the venom has not been dripped down my gullet of self before today. Why do we crave the approval of others if we have learned time after time that we will never achieve this ticket to ride? Why is it that the sensitive ones must be cut the deepest? Isn’t there any justice in the world? I don’t know why and I am too exhausted to care!
Caring equals engagement – so I must disengage and not care – is that the answer? Step the betrayal of a tormented heart and care for myself – or just move on – disappointed and bruised. The lessons learned the light bulb is switched on – not only intellectually but physically too! The encouraging whisper of Eleanor once again reminds me that, “change means the unknown”. The dulcet tone of her spiritual voice calling me takes me from the sadness of the moment and my eyes lift toward a new horizon. I’m travelling light and the only baggage is the weight of my experiences – the layering of respect is my fashionistic collectables – like the Fool I look forward to a new time and place – see you there in the land of my dreams.
Love and Peace,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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