I’ve had this Joni Mitchell obsession going on recently. It seems as though I’ve connected with her on some unconscious level. Our playground exists in a different dimension (well it has to because I’ve not even met her in this one!). I’ve grown up with Joni and her music – her loves and her observations of life. Of course in reality she doesn’t even know I exist but in this land of far off dreams we can communicate.
Our relationship has evolved over the years. Now, we are both grandmothers experience life from a very different perspective to the wide-eyed teenagers a few short decades ago. As teenagers were idealistic – Joni of course followed her muse to all outposts of her creative verve. She nurtured her muse and in return her must responded – loud and clear Me, on the other hand, wore the social masks of other people’s expectations – slid into society, played the game – picked up a little academia along the way and ended up working for the Daily Planet.
During this journey into normalcy I enjoyed secret visitation rites with my muse keeping her locked in diaries and journals and stored beneath my bed. In turn, my muse became frustrated from the subjugation of her oppressive regime and only spoke up in quiet corners and or in special visitations. I’m not saying that I am as creative as Joni as she is an amazing artist on many levels. We are however, both Scorpion women on a mission. We are passionate deep and sometimes unrelenting Goddesses of Metamorphosis we are ruled by the most unyielding of all oppressors, Pluto and our journey is an alchemical experience of pleasure and pain. We’ve lived a life of polar opposites and at the opposite end of the planet while experiencing mirrored realities in love, joy and the pursuit of self expression.
Perhaps she is my twin sister – courageous and true battling the rite to express her inner-voice with words of integrity or a paintbox of truth. Me, on the other hand sit along in my room and wish upon the same stars enjoying the view – only dreaming of the day when I can be as brave and true as Joni. Our paths have never crossed in the real world (as I’ve mentioned before) although I would like to think that one some level our souls have passed in a corridor of hope while venturing out onto a mystical runway or skipped together on the moons of Jupiter while waiting to return to earth. Simultaneously, dreaming of a far, far better place to nurture our essential strands of peace and love.
One day when we will return home and it seem like the mystics dream. The battles will be over and the war won for those who remain devoted to their spiritual evolution and personal truth. Visit Joni Mitchell’s site: http://www.jonimitchell.com/ you won’t be disappointed – it’s a magical playground and a testament to one woman’s must placed high upon a pedestal.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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