The morning spread reveals creativity, inspiration and empowerment. It is a number five day – a day of changes. It’s Saturn-day – domestic duties and organising the home and projects therein. There have been some rumblings that a clearing out is high on the agenda – I’ve been deleting files/folders and removing duplicating from my hard drive – ridding my life of the unnecessary and clutter. I wonder – why is that we collect so much stuff and store it in on our hard drives – or even hold on to it in her hearts and souls – for that matter?
Over the past couple of days I’ve been undertaking a little study program. It is a workbook written by Lynn Grabhorn. The program is in, The Excuse me, your life is waiting playbook. The book suggests that there are 12 Tenets of Awakening. And I’ve decided to wake up! Currently I am up to Tenet Four: We giggle why we are here – basically Grabhorn believes that we have incarnated into, “the playground of the gods!” She goes on to suggest that we are here to further, “the soul’s growth.” This “playground” is a place to fulfil the diver programming requirements of multitudinous diverse souls. Actually, she suggests that our soul is like a, “computer chip, designed exclusively to bold data in the form of emotions and feelings. One aspect of this chapter I find interesting is that Grabhorn maintains that that we have this “gigantic memory bank of our being which retains all the happiness and paid that has been dealt with, and all that has not.” Hence, we set off on our life path with a vision to complete an, “almighty emotional treasure hunt”. I like that – don’t you – I am not having a bad day or year I’ve just pricked my emotional baggage with the pin from the ruby brooch. Sort of sheds a new light on things doesn’t it?
One of the key messages from yesterday was that Grabhorn states, “a small group of us, including you (that is me by the way), volunteered to be part of the ’somebody’s gotta-do-it’ group who are here to pave the way for all humankind to eventually become an individuated Self that shall be more – that’s right, more – than the Source from which it came. The human shall be a Self, a Creator, and a Source, all in one. It has never happened before. And, by the simple virtue of your involvement with this guidebook, you can be assured that you are one who volunteered to come and trail blaze a path for others to follow.
Wow! Can you imagine how exciting that feels? It is like I’ve always known this somewhere deep in my unconscious mind – why do I attract these lessons – why am I so curious – why do I constantly walk into walls and go – this is a lessons I’ve done before – what do I need to learn about this? So, here you are – reading the journal of a trail blazer! My lessons are your lessons – there are some big wallops coming your way – and the lessons are coming fast and furious – are you able to keep up?
At the moment I am facing, “issues”. “Issues” are negative energy. I’m on the owning and dumping run – getting rid of the low frequency energy. My goal (and yours too if you choose to accept it) is to arrive at a joyful state of being. I know I’m up for it – what about you?
I will keep you posted with my progress. I am sure that you will read about it my journal over the next few years. I will not reveal too much about the book as I suggest, if you are a trail blazer you will end up with a copy yourself. For now, I am reading, digesting, releasing and integrating the awareness created from studying these 12 Tenets. I have to admit though, that a lot of what Grabhorn has to say makes sense. And on that note, if you knew that an underlying strand of why you constantly struggle with regret or continually go around in momentous cycles would you want to unravel it and learn from it – weave it into a new pattern – I know I do!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Over the past couple of days I’ve been undertaking a little study program. It is a workbook written by Lynn Grabhorn. The program is in, The Excuse me, your life is waiting playbook. The book suggests that there are 12 Tenets of Awakening. And I’ve decided to wake up! Currently I am up to Tenet Four: We giggle why we are here – basically Grabhorn believes that we have incarnated into, “the playground of the gods!” She goes on to suggest that we are here to further, “the soul’s growth.” This “playground” is a place to fulfil the diver programming requirements of multitudinous diverse souls. Actually, she suggests that our soul is like a, “computer chip, designed exclusively to bold data in the form of emotions and feelings. One aspect of this chapter I find interesting is that Grabhorn maintains that that we have this “gigantic memory bank of our being which retains all the happiness and paid that has been dealt with, and all that has not.” Hence, we set off on our life path with a vision to complete an, “almighty emotional treasure hunt”. I like that – don’t you – I am not having a bad day or year I’ve just pricked my emotional baggage with the pin from the ruby brooch. Sort of sheds a new light on things doesn’t it?
One of the key messages from yesterday was that Grabhorn states, “a small group of us, including you (that is me by the way), volunteered to be part of the ’somebody’s gotta-do-it’ group who are here to pave the way for all humankind to eventually become an individuated Self that shall be more – that’s right, more – than the Source from which it came. The human shall be a Self, a Creator, and a Source, all in one. It has never happened before. And, by the simple virtue of your involvement with this guidebook, you can be assured that you are one who volunteered to come and trail blaze a path for others to follow.
Wow! Can you imagine how exciting that feels? It is like I’ve always known this somewhere deep in my unconscious mind – why do I attract these lessons – why am I so curious – why do I constantly walk into walls and go – this is a lessons I’ve done before – what do I need to learn about this? So, here you are – reading the journal of a trail blazer! My lessons are your lessons – there are some big wallops coming your way – and the lessons are coming fast and furious – are you able to keep up?
At the moment I am facing, “issues”. “Issues” are negative energy. I’m on the owning and dumping run – getting rid of the low frequency energy. My goal (and yours too if you choose to accept it) is to arrive at a joyful state of being. I know I’m up for it – what about you?
I will keep you posted with my progress. I am sure that you will read about it my journal over the next few years. I will not reveal too much about the book as I suggest, if you are a trail blazer you will end up with a copy yourself. For now, I am reading, digesting, releasing and integrating the awareness created from studying these 12 Tenets. I have to admit though, that a lot of what Grabhorn has to say makes sense. And on that note, if you knew that an underlying strand of why you constantly struggle with regret or continually go around in momentous cycles would you want to unravel it and learn from it – weave it into a new pattern – I know I do!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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