The Moon is now firmly ensconced in Libra. An early morning wake up call has startled me out of a deep sleep. I feel as though I’ve only just fell asleep and now it is time to face a gloomy Monday morning. Last night I chose to stay up late and so I guess self-inflicted late Sunday nights are not conducive to a bright and early Monday morning greeting – now is it?
I have a good excuse for being up late though – and you will love it too!! Last night I went to see two comedy Goddesses French and Saunders and it was worth every belly laughing second.
The evening began at a little Asian restaurant in Civic and then we rolled into the theatre to be entertained by the gregarious Queens of comedy. Oh! My goodness it was absolutely fabulous (just to quote a familiar hippy boli drinking deity). French and Saunders are an amazing team – intuitive, funny, hilarious and professional.
I laughed until tears rolled down my face in two very distinct streams. I said to my hubby on the way home that I’ve not laughed so much since we arrived in Canberra. Then I propped and stopped and said, that is right we’ve not laughed so much since we arrived in the Nation’s Capital. Sure, we’ve laughed and yes we have had fun but we have not had so much sustained laughter since we arrived here. How sad is that?
On the other side of that through process (quick recovery here) we have had some seriously good times too. And that is the point, we have bee too serious – we have pursued career goals and established a home, toiled in our pursuit of a vision for the future. Unfortunately we forgot how important a night of belly aching laughter is. Thank you Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders for your constant joy and laughter in our lives and especially for the magic and wonder you bring to our world. Our Universe is enriched beyond belief because you’ve stumbled in and laughed at yourselves and brought your energy to our realm.
Peace, Love and Laughter,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
PS: Happy birthday Jennifer for July 6 - and many many more!
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