So, tell me why do they call it personality, “tests”? Does it mean we can fail? Oh! I’m sorry come back again later – you don’t have a personality – you are the one in one billion who has the personality of a rock. Or conversely, what was your address again we’ll send the guys in the white coats around.
This week I’ve been invited to take part in a couple of “personality tests”. Apparently some of my friends want to check out to see if I have scary traits or maybe they think that I have been faking it far too long and want to make sure that I am who I say I am? Now I am getting paranoid – I wonder if I should tick that box?
The day began with the Moon in enterprising Aries – look out you will get bowled over by the ram. There is a showing from Gaia in the morning spread – does that mean she is finally giving birth in the fertile landscape of my day? It is a No: 8 day – a day of accomplishment and balnce. The energy of the morning is humming along nicely with a constant thump thump beat. It’s Thursday already and just realising that fact gives me whiplash – where has this week gone?
As I said I’ve taken a couple of personality tests – just checking to see if I’ve still got one – a personality that is. The results were astounding – well no not really – the short (fee version) of the Myers Briggs (http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp) revealed that I am INFJ – counsellor, teacher and philosopher. See I told you that I was in the wrong vocation. Apparently, I am in good company with great mentors such as: Gandhi, Eleanor Roosevelt (no wonder she resonated with me and my perspective on life) Kant and Goethe. My ego was chuffed until I got down to Mel Gibson and I thought about recent media phopars – sorry Melvin L that is the J speaking out when I should be more introspective J
The other test was a Enneagram (http://www.enneagraminstitute.com/ ) which suggests that we fall into nine personality types. My result revealed that I am a Type: 2 Helper – go figure J
Have a happy day!
Peace and Love
Julia Ashton-Sayers – (aka: Helper-Counselor)
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