This morning I sauntered on to Yasmin Boland’s Facebook site and saw this quote – I liked it and wanted to share it with you immediately:
John Updike via Gabriel Gagner: "Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right or better."
Yasmin in an inspirational teacher and astrologer, I am devoted to her columns on Yahoo (at: http://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/horoscopes/) and of course in the Sunday Telegraph. I love the Cosmic Girl’s interpretation of the movement of the planets and how they influence our lives. You can catch up with Yasmin on her personal site: http://www.moonology.com/. Unbeknown to Yasmin she is a spiritual guide and a mentor of mine.
Today marks an important day in astrological and pagan celebrations. It is the ingress or movement of the Sun into Cancer. It is a moment where prophets can seek to predict the circumstances that will influence the next quarter of the year. The good news is that Venus the planet of love and wealth is in a prime position on the Ingress chat and she is in a cosy embrace with her fiery cohort, Mars and Mr. Grumble Bum, Saturn. My crystal ball says, a positive time financially where you will feel more bountiful and creative. And there will be more optimistic vibes surround all of us so the perfect time to review the Law of Attraction – absorb this philosophical mantra and design ways you can manifest this energy into your life.
I’ve woken early this morning to the melodic sound of the rain on the roof. It seems as though the grey moist clouds from yesterday have produced a cargo of watery magic. The early morning song of the currawong celebrating the rain is an enchanting reverie – giving a comforting feel and affirming that all is well in the world.
This morning I called upon Archangel Gabriel to guide me toward a healthy lifestyle. I faced the scales this morning after choosing to emerge from a state of ignorance is bliss. After my devoted effort of shedding many pounds of pain I’ve lapsed somewhat and broken all promises to myself straying off the track of vigilance to my goal of the perfect vision of me. Now it is time to get back to that foci and remind myself of the picture perfect Julia I’ve created in my mind. I’ve put some strategies in place to combat the battle fatigue (weight loss regime) and now with the implementation (and of course the Divine guidance and support). I’m aware that it will be a life long commitment and so I continue.
Yesterday was a wonderful blend of self care and domestic commitment. It started off with a facial and then coffee with my husband. We talked about our upcoming trip to Norfolk Island and that is was time that we booked our tickets. We got a great deal with http://www.oxleytravel.com.au/ – more on that adventure later.
Today the moon is in the communicative sign of the twins – Gemini. It is also the new lunar return phase for me. Yesterday I visited the site of Robert Ohotto at: http://astro.ohotto.com/ and cast a chart with brief interpretations. It was interesting to learn from another astrologer about some of the placements in my natal chart and how they’ve contributed to my personality and subsequent impact on my destiny. It’s a great site and I would recommend it to anyone especially if you are considering the self-discovery journey. I’ve signed up for some free Newsletters and daily Scorpio predictions – I hope you enjoy it too!
The rain is splashing down the walls of our home. It is very exciting and pleasing to hear. I’m delighted that I am awake to hear this sound while the warmth of my room tingles my body.
Enjoy this next fertile nurturing phase. It is the seeds of today that enhance the crop of the future. Today I am revising my Law of Attracion studies and will make sure that I plant the healthiest and most abundant seeds for the future. What about your seeds? How do you want your crop of the future to look/feel? Keep me posted.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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