One realisation that has hit me this visit to Sydney is that we are all getting older. Not only that, I’ve had an epiphany that we all carry our values and beliefs in our demeanour like a coat of many colours.
Our lives are staged out in the playground of our aura and our subconscious mind is the reality shack of our fears.
The potency of what we think, feel and say is the ink in our fountain pens that scribe the script of our lives. The scrolls of our lives then become embossed with the seals of our experience. Sign here and press hard are the secret deals we’ve entered into and free-will is enmeshed in duty and responsibility. The conflict and uprising of another merges unceremoniously with our flotsam and jetsam – living our truth is an altered reality somewhere in the black hole of our disappointments.
It would be so much easier to have all the answers – to visit the Akashic records and fill our library card with the “must haves and the need to know” text books. Sitting in the corner of the chapel window fingering each chapter and ticking with our red pen the accomplishments and lessons learned.
Life would be much simpler and lesson painful don’t you think if we had a stunt double to take the crashes and broken bones? Conversely, how would we know if we’ve matriculated; if we were left in the corner of despondency and nowhere to go?
This life is a testament to resilience, determination and courage especially throughout this eclipse season. So just go with the flow and move beyond the need to know. Experience the jolt and crashes and be confident that you will end up in the perfect classroom for your next phase.
Peace and Love (and lots of band aids)
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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