Love and money are the key themes today or should I sing, “Money; money; money!” Venus, Chiron and Neptune are creating a financial illusion and we are buying into it. Ironically it is the last day of the 2008 -2009 financial year here in OZ. It is also Vincent D’Onofrio’s birthday – happy birthday Vincent – I hope it is a fantastic day and a great solar return.
The Wheel of Fortune roles in for the morning spread. The fair ground spiel is paradoxical to this dark, crisp gloomy Tuesday morning. There is a positive vibe though so perhaps something unexpected will dawn heralded and applauded with this Jupiter-ruled card.
The World is abundant in ripe fruit – a cycle has ended and a new one begins. The fruit is fresh and succulent all we have to do is reach up and grab.
Strength reminds me of the courage required to conquer the fears of my everyday existence. Am I good enough? Why do I constantly question my ability? Isn’t it time a little confidence came into my stride?
The Moon is in Libra today. She loves the Venusian charm coaxing the shimmering beams exuding from this silvery orb. Libra energy accentuates the coquettish femineity to her glow. She is becoming fuller and round ready to breach into her ripe phase. Meanwhile here on earth we mere mortals are grappling with cosmic fluctuations and the indigestion rising in our gullet.
It is an 11/2 day today which has a public/private feel. The collaborative energy of the day will work in nicely with the justice and fair mindedness of the Libran influence. I cast my thoughts a little further toward the influence of other fair minded Librans. I consider how they’ve brought their individual brand of justice and fairness into our lives.
People like John Lennon and how a staunch advocate for peace; with chants like, “Give peace a chance” and philosophical meanderings in the unforgettable “Imagine” lyrics. I cannot forget how he stood, laid, sat, prayed, begged, laboured and lobbied encouraging the world to, “give peace a chance”.
Another beautiful Libran comes to mind, Linda Eastman McCartney and her lobby for a less brutal life of the carnivore and opted for a gentle persuasion toward a vegan lifestyle.
They both walked-their-talk. They led by example and showed us what it is like to live your truth. If we could all leave the world with one clear message what would your message be? I know we are tiny pebbles in the pond of awareness and still we have the potential for the ripple effect. What message would you convey to the world if the world was paying attention? And more importantly how do you want to be remembered?
For me, I want to keep the messages of peace and love flowing though my writing and conduct. I am a strong advocate for love – loving you, love each other – just love; love; love – it’s easy. And peace – well why not? Why can’t we live in a world of peace – is it so difficult? If I encouraged peace in my world and my world merges with your world then guess where we would be? A peaceful world, no less – a world perfect for you and me!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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