Today, see if you can stretch your heart and expand your love so that it touches not only those whom you can give it easily, but also to those who need it so much.
The intense Scorpion moon over shadows the gregarious Leo Sun - it’s an 11/2 day of public/private matters which highlight the highly emotional realm of the moon glistening with the golden beams of the sun. This week is our rest stop or breathing space before the eclipse next week hence time out in the cosmic padded cell.
As we wind down July 2009 it seems apparent that some of us are feeling a little battle-scared. Our armour has been dinted as we’ve forged through the rough and trouble cosmic influences of July’s eclipsed storm. Others have deliberately hung out beneath the radar as they’ve taken comfort in the cosy comfort of their trenches. Whatever, we’ve done to survive has been essential to our journey so be kind to yourself and keep your head held high.
The message of judgement is shedding the old and unnecessary habits and scaly skin. The High Priestess brings perception and wisdom to the scene. Strength represents courage and valour – facing the truth in the stark reality of circumstances. Our alarm is heralding the cosmic wake up calls – rise up and face the pristine glow a new day!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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