“If you do not change direction you’ll end up wherever you’re heading.” Lao Tzu
The Sun shines brightly through my window on this cold and frosty morning. It is a day of reflection and I have the opportunity to do just that. The Moon is in practical Taurus and she is heading toward another eclipse. The Sun is in Cancer and we are making home the perfect retreat.
This may be my final entry in this journal book. That doesn’t mean of course, that the words won’t come and the pen refuse to follow. It just means another book is waiting to fill with thoughts, words, ideas, goals, wishes and dreams and yes of course those naughty tantrums too.
My faithful companion, Jazz lies near my bed. She is devoted to me and doesn’t waiver on her commitment. Perhaps I place her devotion as a benchmark for friends and family to aspire. Maybe this standard of loyalty is too high and that is why I become disappointed when close relations don’t measure up.
I’m not saying that I expect my friends and family to be at my beck and call or to lie serenely at my feet and look up in wonder when I call. I suppose qualities such as loyalty and trustworthy are the elements that stand the test of time.
Over the past two years I’ve had a visit from Father Chronos – Saturn in my friendship and association sector. During this time I’ve experienced frustration and in some cases betrayal of friends and close allegiances. I’ve learned (the hard way) that some people can’t be trusted and the others who are golden and loyal will always be true friends for my entire life.
The lessons learned have been magnificent – I’m very proud to say. I’ve come through this transit with a maturity and deeper understanding of what a true friend conveys. These golden few are precious to me like diamonds in the snow. Those chosen few are closer to me than words can ever say.
The Cancerian Sun phase is about home and family. There has been a deeper connection also. A strong bond with my mother, brother and sister has been formed. We are supportive of one another as we grieve the loss of our patriarch, father, friend and mate. His legacy has taught us to stand up and fight for what we think is right. Also, his act of personal demonstration throughout his life was not to let the bastards beat him and get off your butt there is a big world out there. His force is strong in our lives – like the glue that holds us together – an indestructible bond that stretches and contracts and protects us from the world and the entire nay Sayers and bullies.
We’ve developed a circle of friendship which is deepening and strengthening in every way. Our relationships are more evolved and enduring and we have begun to really like each other along the way.
The morning spread reveals the impetus for the day. The Empress poised and serene preparing for the birth of something wonderful. The sickness and pain is fading as I feel motivated to greet the day. Over the past few weeks I’ve been unwell – dragging myself through the daily obligations – now I feel a ray of sunshine beam into my frozen landscape.
The Hermit augurs a work and health evaluation. Am I on the right path? How do my career aspirations reflect in my health? Am I healthy or am I just holding it together with a flimsy string of loyalty glue and gripping with the fear of change? Tread carefully through the minefield of your fears, dear and be cautious about decision that will influence you for years. Take time to process ingesting the right formula expending the right amount of energy.
Death is a welcomed entrant in that he brings an ending of the past – poor choices, attitudes and behaviours are smashed into tiny pieces – obliterated into specks of dust. Allow the past to pass through the bowels of the discontented. It’s a new day, time to embrace a fresh start – forgotten about yesterday.
So what does it all mean? The old and new concepts are grand representations of the cycle of life. Time is of the essence to rest and contemplate a while. Time is all that matters as we take stock of our pile.
The dreamy aspects of a number seven day are perfect to reflect and consider the next phase. The eve of the New Moon eclipse is ripe for preparing and organising our thoughts, goals and wishes. What do we want for ourselves? Where do we want to go? Don’t be limited by our thoughts and fears – just release the burdens of yester-year.
The pragmatic Taurean moon grounds me in reality. It is important to take considered steps along the path to success and not race off ahead – before the die is cast. Keep your feet on the ground and your mind in the sky perched up in the eagles nest a perfect vantage to see the new horizon, don’t you think?
In the quietness of my room I contemplate my next step; careful thoughts and words exacting instructions to the navigator in my soul. The feast requires specificity when you’re ordering from the banquet of life. Ensure you have plenty of tasty morsels to satisfy your inner hedonist – insist on a main that is substantial but don’t forget about the side dishes, garnishes and dressings too.
We all want the best life – but what does it look like? How does it feel, smell, taste and would we know it if it was real? Be careful what you ask for – I’ve learned that time and time again. Now, I want to get it right and no more missing the menu or the magnificent cherry pie.
My intent is clear: when my intent is clear, my desires are fulfilled.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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