The Moon enters Cancer and the Sun in Libra trine Jupiter portends for a lovely homey day. Home-based projects and nurturing yourself and significant relationships seems to be on the menu (very Cancerian term). For me, it is a garden day – weeding, tidying up the garden. We are off to shop (food) and then out to dinner tonight – luvely!
It is four days to go on my detox and I had a serious fall off the program yesterday. I had coffee and a slice of cake – then to follow it up with a couple of glasses of wine after work. Why? I don’t know – thoughtless, evil, wicked –not sure– perhaps human? I am disappointed in myself. I could make lots of excuses but prefer not to instead I would rather own it and move on.
I choose to forgive myself for all of frailties and misdemeanour. I can’t wallow in the guilt for too long as it will perpetuate the cycle of abuse on me. Instead, I’ll own it and pick up my self esteem and move on. And today is a great day for doing just that.
The plan remains the same and a count down to the end of the six week program. Today is it four days to go. It is also a number four day on the numerology cycle. Which means, a good day to lay foundations for the future or build a strong base under the plans we are making.
The Star offers a glow of optimism in an otherwise dull and drab existence. Athena creates the governance on a new regime. The Magician sprinkles fairy dust on our hopes and dream in an effort to overcome the frailties of being human.
Kick your guilt to the bottom of the bed – so how does your garden grow?
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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