“Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. Trust the physician within you for his hand is guided by the tender hand of the Unseen. “Kahlil Gibran
I’ve been lost; I’ve been found: I’ve walked all around. This morning I faced the scale which is something I avoided since the detox. And you’ve guessed it – I’ve put on weight. Actually I’ve piled on 1.5 kilos and now further away from my goal weight. I am so disappointed in myself. I have been insatiable since the detox finished and not followed my diet program. I’ve felt the desire to feast and be carefree with my eating regimen.
The Sun is moving into my natal sign of Scorpio today. The Moon is in the “let’s get real” sign of Capricorn. The first step to my recovery is to get back to appreciating the scales and the next step is to acknowledge that the feast is over and get back to honouring my commitment to myself. And that is what I am doing.
Now, I’m not making excuses although it is my birthday on Monday and we’ve planned some celebrations over the weekend – of course with a little food focus. So, it will be difficult to go cold turkey – yuck but I will temper my food choices and go back to healthy alternatives, drink more water and work everyday. I know the plan but life has got in the way over recent weeks. Unfortunately, I’ve been lost in the Venus conjunct Venus alignment and gulped down everything delectable and sinful. It is time to get back to me and refocus on the scales and the tape measure – continue down the path toward my perfect weight and size for me.
It is a number eight day – a day of balance and harmony (scales are obviously the theme for the day). We’ve moved from the Venusian influence of Libra into the intensity of Mars and Pluto wrangling for attention in Scorpio. Did deep and find your innermost powerful resource.
I have been blessed with a lot of amazing Scorpion friends (that means you, GilliBeans) and we have been battered and bruised by the Universe of late. We are tough and extremely resilient and have that inner strength to overcome our daily challenges until we reach our goals.
The Emperor demands focus and moving past excuses into enthusiasm. The Lovers chime “be kind to yourself – you are special and unique”. Strength is the glue that binds the heart so true. Love is the key to find my way back to me. My outlook on life is unlimited. When I refuse to limit my outlook on life I open the door to what can happen! So Be It!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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