“My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece.” Claude Monet
The Moon is in her natal sign of cancer and therefore lovely cosy feeling floats through the day. It is a day five which portends a positive vibe for changes.
During my weeding and feeding phase in the garden yesterday I reflected on how the weeds in our lives are embedded in our psyche and destroy the beauty of our garden/life. Not only are the weeds unsightly but they are tough little buggers. Weeds or negative thoughts and behaviours are the most resilient intruders into our glorious garden/life. Digging them out and tossing them into the garbage is the most positive action we can undertake for our garden/self esteem – don’t you think?
Yesterday was back breaking and hard work – although as I pulled back the blinds this morning to see the most brilliant masterpiece I felt that it was all worth it.
Its day 40 and there are three days to go on the detox. Yesterday I remained on the program – diligent and focused. Last night we went out to dinner to celebrate Moon Hawk’s birthday and there were slight deviations and a complete flip flop to finish. Never mind today looks much friendlier and the slate is clear for a fresh start; anyhow, happy birthday Moon Hawk – my favourite Libran Goddess.
The Moon is illustrious in her shimmering glory –loyalty and creativity emanate from her lunar glow. Athena calm and resolute offers respite in her determination to bring fairness and balance to my early morning reading. The great benefactor, Jupiter rolls in with the wheel of fortune – life is plentiful and there is no time to waste on second guessing yourself or pondering the lack lustre fear of failure – give it your best – time is a wasting and you’ve got a long way to go.
This morning’s spread of the major arcana reveals the unconscious script of my drive and determination for a better tomorrow. Each one of us has a story board floating around inside our heads and we are merely actors on the stage of life. I know that this is not an innovative concept however, over the past few months these words have been the subtext of my existence. Our future happiness is in our hands and minds and no one can dictate our destination. Sure they can derail our enthusiasm with their negative perception but they can’t take the controls – only if we allow them too – toot - toot – all aboard the train to happiness – have a great day.
I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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