Every decision I have ever made that has contributed to the imperfection in my health is now released. Today, I choose vibrant health, joy and peace in every area of my life. I am not afraid to let go of what no longer serves my greatest good.
Mercury (communications) moves into Scorpio (detective) today. This is my natal placement and I feel very comfortable with this alignment. Why, you might ask? Well, even though Mercury is not that comfy in Scorpio I prefer the direct approach at times. I also like Mercury back home on the “natal range” as I am not one for verbal outpourings of my own importance.
You might say, well, why do you blog or write your Ezine and journals etc. My response would be, these written contributions are a cathartic expression as well as they caress my Moon and Jupiter in Gemini in the ninth house.
The downside of Mercury in Scorpio (there is always a positive and negative side to all planetary alignments) is that I can be rather blunt at times. I am considered in my choice of words and responses but there are times when the tail (Scorpion stinger) has been known to strike.
Even as a child I’ve had a reputation of landing a fatal blow with my words, thoughts and Scorponic non-verbals. Of course these brutal assaults are tempered with Venus in Libra who sits on my ascendant. Oups sorry, did I just slice through your ego and stab you in the heart – but I was just being honest. That being said, I’ve never knowingly set out to hurt someone- or even attacked them without reasonable provocation. And I guess that is the thing with Scorps – they are a water sign and it does take them a long time to bubble and get steamed up.
As I’ve matured I’ve realised the impact of words and how they can hurt. I’ve encountered people who have (without provocation) inflicted brutal blows on my self esteem. These beasts have been disguised in trappings of elegant attire however their intent was putrid. They have delivered their fatal blows while pillaging the remnants of my self-esteem and then rode off into the sunset while I’ve lain annihilated on the floor.
For the most part I don’t take kindly to this snatch and grab assault. And one other trait Mercury in Scorpio is renowned for is patience. Yes, I am patient, determined and resolute. After picking myself up and dusting myself off, counselling myself I wait for the most perfect moment to respond. In the meantime life idles past and I get on with the credo to heal thyself.
These encounters have left scars upon my soul. I refrain from judging others on a moral basis however. I am aware that moral self-righteousness stands in the way of creating a life of success.
Hurt or heal – every time we open our mouths we have that choice – what will be yours, today?
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
Mercury (communications) moves into Scorpio (detective) today. This is my natal placement and I feel very comfortable with this alignment. Why, you might ask? Well, even though Mercury is not that comfy in Scorpio I prefer the direct approach at times. I also like Mercury back home on the “natal range” as I am not one for verbal outpourings of my own importance.
You might say, well, why do you blog or write your Ezine and journals etc. My response would be, these written contributions are a cathartic expression as well as they caress my Moon and Jupiter in Gemini in the ninth house.
The downside of Mercury in Scorpio (there is always a positive and negative side to all planetary alignments) is that I can be rather blunt at times. I am considered in my choice of words and responses but there are times when the tail (Scorpion stinger) has been known to strike.
Even as a child I’ve had a reputation of landing a fatal blow with my words, thoughts and Scorponic non-verbals. Of course these brutal assaults are tempered with Venus in Libra who sits on my ascendant. Oups sorry, did I just slice through your ego and stab you in the heart – but I was just being honest. That being said, I’ve never knowingly set out to hurt someone- or even attacked them without reasonable provocation. And I guess that is the thing with Scorps – they are a water sign and it does take them a long time to bubble and get steamed up.
As I’ve matured I’ve realised the impact of words and how they can hurt. I’ve encountered people who have (without provocation) inflicted brutal blows on my self esteem. These beasts have been disguised in trappings of elegant attire however their intent was putrid. They have delivered their fatal blows while pillaging the remnants of my self-esteem and then rode off into the sunset while I’ve lain annihilated on the floor.
For the most part I don’t take kindly to this snatch and grab assault. And one other trait Mercury in Scorpio is renowned for is patience. Yes, I am patient, determined and resolute. After picking myself up and dusting myself off, counselling myself I wait for the most perfect moment to respond. In the meantime life idles past and I get on with the credo to heal thyself.
These encounters have left scars upon my soul. I refrain from judging others on a moral basis however. I am aware that moral self-righteousness stands in the way of creating a life of success.
Hurt or heal – every time we open our mouths we have that choice – what will be yours, today?
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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