“I am an irresistible magnet attracting the finest relationships. All relationships serve my highest, best interests, as I serve them!”
It is a 10/1 day – endings and beginnings which means a perfect time to release what is no longer working for you and head down the path toward a new direction/relationship.
In our modern society relationships are understood as relationships with others however I am more inclined to suggest they encompass the relationships with us too. In that view, I believe that we need to have a healthy relationship with me before we can dream of having a good relationship with us.
In most cases this is true. However, many couples have survived and even thrived with rescuer relationships or even power and control relationships. Quite often (I’ve found) we attract what we need. Our souls are like mirrors reflecting the image of what we desire and thus attracting the perfect relationship. If that works for you then that is great. We have come to this planet to learn and experience human-ness. But don’t forget we have come to have fun also.
So, if your relationships are not fun then consider the energy of the New Moon on Sunday 18/10/09 at 4:33pm to nourish your dream for the perfect partner for you!
The Sun shines magic and beams of golden hue into my spread this morning. Hierophant offers a healing ointment for the scars upon my soul – rub it in and they will disappear then trot out from your cave, oh fearless one! The Devil warns against the bonds of oppression – release the shackles of power and control and set yourself free from obscurity. The Hermit offers caution and discernment – don’t deliberate for too long on your path – it may disappear before you know it. Our subconscious is the purest form of motivation as we uncover images of the future destinations. Our intent is the compass and connection to the truth.
Each day a myriad of messages bombard our direction while our conscious minds hold firm on the wheel. Love is our guiding light and peace the beacon flashing in the distance which summons our heart and soul back home – to us.
Have an exquisite day.
I have faith in my ability to manifest my desires – dream the dream of your desire.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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