I now let go all anxiety about my family and friends. I allow them to move along their own paths, at their own pace. I release each and every one to the natural order of their own journey. I trust the process that carries us all forward to a greater good.
Trust has been an intangible concept in my life. After many clashes with “untrustworthy people or situations”, I have filed “trust” away in the bottom draw in a file marked X. It’s not that my intuition has not given me the usual alarm bells or that my spirit guides have let me know it is just that I’ve chosen to ignore it/them and proceeded down the path of “truth with consequences.”
It’s a glorious Sagittarian moon today and Mercury and Jupiter are in a love fest. The Hanged Man sighs while lounging upside down on the tree of life – I am bound to go with the flow. The wheel of fortune heralds a phase of Jupiterian folly and I am open and ready to receive. The Chariot carries me down the road – hurtling along in two directions. The crossroads appear in the distance – which way will I go? Let’s sit on a rock and toss a coin?
Trust is the key that opens the door to our joy – allow the Universe to guide and protect you. This is a calm and Neptunian state of being. It’s not too hard or too easy – it’s just right.
The Sun is shinning through my bedroom window. And as it captures the essence of the energy in the room it kisses the crystals which hang from fine wires above my head. The light refracts and gently disperses tiny rainbows around my head. This exquisite moment is sublime.
The gentle tinkle of my fine glass wind chimes aligns perfectly with the ardour of the morn. I don’t have any pressure to perform or a dire need to abscond.
I am where I want to be – doing what I want to do for now. The shedding and fretting have slipped from my memory and given way to a perfect morn.
I’ve read that our emotions are the litmus test to the state of our soul. Well min is in a calm and tranquil state – a feeling to behold. It’s Wednesday – a number six day – a day to commit to ourselves and be responsible for our choices. My agenda however, sits nicely under the headings of “let it be” and “so be it” and even more appropriately, “let’s not fret - trust in the universal flow.
I am aware of my ego. My objective is not to get rid of the ego, simply to be aware of how it leads me and where.
So be it!
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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