I now dissolve the cause of illness of all illness in my mind and body. All obstruction to the natural flow of perfect health is now consumed. From this moment on I am free to enjoy vibrant health! So Be It!
The moon is in Capricorn and the Sun in Scorpio today promises to be another intense and passionate day. It’s a 10/1 day – endings and beginning so it is time to end the old order and herald a fresh approach – shed the skins of the past and step into a new phase.
The Death card supports this suggestion and the Fool heralds a new commitment. Centre stage sits Athena weighing up the commitment and tipping the scales toward a rite a passage.
I figure it is easy to proclaim that you are going on a diet when you have a belly full of food. And it’s easy to commit to a healing journey when you’ve been pampered and indulged in a spoiling sojourn. That being said, I am still inclined to commit to an end of self abuse (eating the wrong foods and digesting toxic thoughts and beliefs – essentially dishonouring my temple and its foundations). Instead my new mantra will be of a kind, loving and respectful agreement.
Over the past few days I’ve considered the vista of my life thus far, specifically focusing on the previous solar return. This revision is to accept the changes I’ve made, revere the accomplishments and acknowledge the less than positive attitudes and behaviours. At the end of this deliberation I will commit to a new and improved strategy.
Today I begin a new solar return for 2009-2010. The question is do I want to continue with the same cycle? Or, do I wish to make changes? In some respects I am very content with my world. I’ve created a loving and comfortable universe during my previous solar return. So, why do I need to change anything? However there are few bugs which clutter up on windscreen – splattered across my vision for the perfect life. So, with my “Bug off” and a rag I choose to cleanse my vision for the road ahead. Now I choose to modify certain behaviour and look at some situations from a different perspective. Why? Because I like me!
Our healing journey begins with self love. It is a moment when we make ourselves the priority for that moment in time. It is a moment when we say, the ironing can wait and the money is better spent on something beautiful and loving for me. I am not suggesting that you live in a world of over-indulgence for if you did then it wouldn’t be special, would it? No, I am proposing that you take time for you, spend some money (what you can afford) on you and celebrate that moment in time that is especially designed to please you. I did and believe me, it was spectacular!
Yesterday I had a spa treatment, body scrub, and vichy shower, facial and a little freshen. My beauty consultant gave me special consideration with the treatment plan – she respected and honoured me with her choices and dialogue, like, “I thought you would like this and the weather has been so harsh that I suggest this!” I felt incredibly blessed.
After an hour and a half I floated home, shared the experience with my wonderful loving and supportive husband Roger. We chatted a while and then I was off to the hairdressers.
For some reason throughout my life I’ve been wanted to express what I really, really want at the hairdressers. Now, I’ve found someone who not only listens she respects my ideas and then offers, “Reasonable and realistic alternatives/suggestions.” Mary is amazing! She is a Leo Goddess and she epitomises creativity and joy in her work and pride in every creation. I honour you, Goddess of Hair!
As I floated to my car I gave thanks for both of my healing practitioners. I thought about how fortunate I am and how I’ve evolved over the past year with their tender healing touches sprinkling warmth and magic in a reality storm. My life is a much grander stage because of women like Kim, Marjana they fill up centre stage with my family, friends and trusted confidantes. How blessed am I?
We are heading out for a day of artistic and culinary pleasure. Our day has been planned around enjoying an exhibition at the National Gallery followed up by a relaxing and civilised afternoon at high tea. What a weekend?
The Sun is in Scorpio – a time for a commitment to your passion. What is your passion? What makes you come alive? When you feel the volcano gurgle inside what lava spills out into the unsuspecting world? I trust that it love and beauty. Remember: familiar acts are beautiful through love. Perrry Bysshe Perrry.
Love and honour your creativity. When you express your creativity in the world, you honour your own needs and serve the needs of society.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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