A number nine day presents itself on the numerological calendar. This is a day of resolution and empowerment. My current detox quest is entering day 16 and I am part the way into my new phase. It feels as though the stripping away of comfort food and tasty slashing drinks is a memory (a sugary memory). Now, my days are poised over a cup of herbal tea and rice snacks. The good part of that is – its not a huge impost – does that mean I’ve turned my life around completely – maybe? Or perhaps a noticeable shift in the benefits of healthy eating – I sure hope so!
The Hierophant, elegant in his royal regalia reminds me of the wisdom of my current mission. “Evolve or die, Julia” is sound out from his wise deliberations.
The Hermit shines his light on my current path – cobble stones and sticks make way for gold and silver stones.
The High Priestess acknowledges my journey so far. The harsh reality of withdrawal and the darkness of sitting in a room of sugar scoffers and smiling sweetly – never mind – my sugar is the sweet smell of success and the vitality in my stride.
Temperance glides in and lifts my eyes to the horizon – it will be a brave new world – believe in yourself and you will be victorious in your challenge for transformation.
At this significant signpost I feel more alive, vibrant, healthy and alert. My energy is sustainable and I am less inclined to slouch in front of the TV and knit or surf the web looking for x, y, z. My mind is stimulated active, curious and questioning – my body feels invigorated healthy vibrant and high functioning. The benefits are there – the results I desired some months ago are creeping by stealth overtaking the sullen and toxic behaviours of yester-year. I am feeling healthy and that is the greatest reward – I feel good and am aspiring to be great! Buddha once said: “Health is the greatest gift, contentment the greatest wealth, faithfulness the best relationship.”
The tumultuous alignments in the skies are abating – Mercury is still in a backward motion however, I am power walking down the road toward my divine destination.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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