It is a number four day – a day to lay foundations for the future. It’s also day 28 of my detox and the first day of a new phase. I am ready to launch into the third and final phase (well its not really the final phase as I plan to do a brain detox too – you know cleanse the mighty organ and get the highways and back alleys connected – more on that later).
The Moon is her, “let’s love one another Aquarian phase but I am heading under the boardwalk (at least in my imagination). I am part of the room, my physical presence is there and I will smile appropriately when required respond accordingly and respectfully. While all of these pleasing non-verbals are going on I am huggin’ and kissin’ with my baby under the boardwalk. The reason being is that I am in a conference for two days and with the great trickster going forward (Mercury ends his retrograde phase) then it is wise to keep a low profile – perhaps you would like to join me at the beach?
The Star sprinkles her magic in the morning spread – she reminds me of the dream of health, wealth and happiness. The Hierophant – always the wise tutor suggests the bullet proof armour would be appropriate today. The Emperor roars from atop of Mount Olympus – don’t succumb live your truth don’t take it anymore. It’s all well and good for the King of Gods but I am a mere mortal here on Earth. Even so, this is my life and I choose to be happy, empowered and seriously out for fun (told you about the Gemini bits were out of control sometimes!).
The day has started extra early as I am heading into work to do some pre-work before the conference. I could not miss my early morning conversation with you so I set the alarm extra early. Our sacred conversations not only keep me sane they are entertaining too!
The clock demands an entry into the real world – so here we go, “under the board walk – everyone sing – join me on a blanket with your baby – I’ll see you there.
My visions create my world: I recognise my ability to transform the invisible into the visible: the unmanifest into the manifest. So Be It.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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