Loreena McKennitt lulls me into a Celtic bliss. Her melodic seductive tones are engaging as she sings The Mummer’s Dance (Book of Secrets). Her sons transport me into a lush grove and circles of magic and repose. I am uplifted and connected to the sounds of the forest in the early morning light.
Actually, I have returned to my childhood residence (my mother’s house) for the weekend. I am here to reconnect with family. Last night I slept (soundly) in my old bedroom. Familiar visitors come to me during the night to heal the scars of sadness and disappointment. The crash and bang of the Universe has played out in my life and now it is time to surrender and gather my strength ready to move on.
I am reminded, as above – so below! I’m not denying that the treble eclipse season and the crash of the heavy weights (Saturn-v- Uranus) has not left me a little bewildered and somewhat punch drunk. However, as the New Moon peeped through the crack of my discontent I felt a rush of hope. The dark phase has given me a clean slate to write the next act of my script. This morning the seeds of optimism, health, well-being, love and joy are planted in the richness of this fertile meadow.
Throughout my life I’ve been a ware of the cycles of the Moon. From the intensity of the full moon to the opulence of the new moon I’ve honoured and integrated changes within me. The individual cycles have created seasonal shifts with planting, sowing and reaping. These phases have influenced my thoughts, emotions and ultimately my world.
This New Moon is a season for me to gather my individual skills and abilities and to forge ahead into a new territory. Saturn is supportive this shift – Chronos loves the project plan. Goals and outcomes have been considered and I am off to satisfy my hearts desire.
It’s day XIX of my detox and I’ve stared the day with a cup of warm water. The cleansing of my system is integrity to the purity of my mind. Negative thoughts and rancid conversations are rinsed from my aura and I am open to receive the positive and fresh experiences coming my way.
Hermes offers all of the tools necessary to carry out a magical future. Prometheus suggests going with the flow; whereas the Moon in all her splendour shines brightly in my spread offering messages of creativity, loyalty and peace.
The morning song of Ms McKennitt pacifies me and I am in a trans-like state. The journey of reflection is a powerful elixir for my soul. Decisions are made; plans are in place for the next episode of my alchemy.
Peace and Love,
Julia Ashton-Sayers
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